Ex-Obama Doctor Predicts Biden To Resign Or Face 25th Amend: ‘A National Security Issue At This Point’

Excellent may have been the word of the day for Jackson.

Trump’s “overall health” is excellent, Jackson said, as is his “cardiac health.”
“Based on his cardiac assessment, hands down, there is no question he is in the excellent range,” he added.
Though there were things Trump could do better, he said – on the whole – the President is in “very, very good health.”

How can you tell if a Doctors report is fake?
Just count the number of times “excellent” is used
I have been to the doctors many times and rarely see them describe things as “excellent”

Who is known to use the term excellent whenever he describes himself?
Why Trump that’s who

The medical report is obviously written by Trump
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Exactly....this is the guy who was pushed out for his alcohol abuse and abuse of his co-workers. A Perfect Republican.

Jackson has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and running around hotel hallways in his underpants in the middle of the night. Some moderator thinks that's off topic.
I have a hard time deciding which is worse. Mentally incapable or massive ego's like the last two presidents.
Ronny Jackson. LOL.
Doctor under Obama. Are you saying Barry Obama is somehow too stupid or negligent
to appoint a competent physician?

You LOL guys are the joke. Biden is riddled with medical problems due to his age and

You jerk offs should have picked a better candidate when you fixed the election.
Your incompetency is amazing.
Ronny Jackson declared Trump as fit and trim

All we need to know about his credibility
Seriously---you have to be really stupid to think that Trump wasn't there mentally enough to be president. To try to attack Trump to cover for Bidens obvious mental issues is sick Right.
Seriously---you have to be really stupid to think that Trump wasn't there mentally enough to be president. To try to attack Trump to cover for Bidens obvious mental issues is sick Right.
Person....er....man...er....woman............long pause.......camera.....TV!
Seriously---you have to be really stupid to think that Trump wasn't there mentally enough to be president. To try to attack Trump to cover for Bidens obvious mental issues is sick Right.
Trump was unable to maintain his train of thought and went off on wild tirades. He demonstrated extreme paranoia and had a lengthy list of “enemies”
He had limited physical stamina and a notably short attention span
VERY fit....EXCELLENT health. BIGLY healthy. :heehee:

We could all see how true that was on the West Point ramp.....:heehee:
We can see that after Trump recommended Dr Ronny Jackson to be head of the VA after he received his medical report
I think most finally understand biden has serious mental issues.....even dimi-critters---the problem being no one wants Kamala....totally unfit for the presidency.

We had to suffer under Trump now we can suffer under Biden and maybe, just maybe these old fucks will not get elected again, I wouldn't bet on it though.
Somehow, they can't get it through their heads that, as clearly flawed as Biden is, he was/is still preferable to the alternative.
I hate to break the news to you but the alternative is kamala harris and nancy pelosi

so the 25th only makes sense if those two take the next rocket to outer space and never return

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