Ex-Obama Doctor Predicts Biden To Resign Or Face 25th Amend: ‘A National Security Issue At This Point’

His weight, diet and lack of exercise put him at risk
You don’t put someone who is in the “exceptional cardiac range.” on statins to protect against heart attacks

It is obvious Trump wrote that medical report
It has his fingerprints all over it
haha yea

yet you are the one that got caught red handed lying about it
haha yea

yet you are the one that got caught red handed lying about it
So called “Doctor”Ronny Jackson lied about Trumps health for political gain

That is why he is lying about Biden
haha yea

yet you are the one that got caught red handed lying about it

So called “Doctor”Ronny Jackson lied about Trumps health for political gain

That is why he is lying about Biden
no he’s a Doctor, and retirement admiral…he was obama’s doctor

and you have no proof he lied…about his opinion.

however we have proof you lied…
cool…he mocked the president for drinking water…odd that was a thing but ok
no he’s a Doctor, and retirement admiral…he was obama’s doctor

and you have no proof he lied…about his opinion.

however we have proof you lied…

There is proof he had problems with alcohol and pills and his behavior in hotels.
no he’s a Doctor, and retirement admiral…he was obama’s doctor

and you have no proof he lied…about his opinion.

however we have proof you lied…
A Doctor who sold out his Hypocratic Oath and deceived the American people for political gain
Oh no.. That didn't begin to cover his behavior.
that was what the IG found sorry.

I suppose you aren’t accepting the actual investigation conclusions…because it didn’t match the propagandist narrative

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson drank and took Ambien on the job, and made sexually inappropriate remarks to women on his team for years, according to a government watchdog report released Wednesday.

A scathing 37-page report from the Department of Defense inspector general revealed that multiple people described Jackson, who now serves in Congress, as a boss from hell who made life miserable for subordinates.

“Many of these witnesses described Jackson’s behavior with words and phrases such as ‘meltdowns,’ ‘yells for no reason,’ ‘rages,’ ‘tantrums,’ ‘lashes out,’ and ‘aggressive,’” the report said. “These witnesses also described Jackson’s leadership style with terms such as ‘tyrant,’ ‘dictator,’ ‘control freak.’”

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson drank and took Ambien on the job, and made sexually inappropriate remarks to women on his team for years, according to a government watchdog report released Wednesday.

A scathing 37-page report from the Department of Defense inspector general revealed that multiple people described Jackson, who now serves in Congress, as a boss from hell who made life miserable for subordinates.

“Many of these witnesses described Jackson’s behavior with words and phrases such as ‘meltdowns,’ ‘yells for no reason,’ ‘rages,’ ‘tantrums,’ ‘lashes out,’ and ‘aggressive,’” the report said. “These witnesses also described Jackson’s leadership style with terms such as ‘tyrant,’ ‘dictator,’ ‘control freak.’”
yeah some folks didn’t like working for him

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