Ex Pharma Sales Rep: We are Trained to Misinform

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I do appreciate this woman's honesty in coming forward. She has also written a book about her experience as a former Pharmaceutical Sales Rep. Basically, what she is going to tell you is that her job was to misinform - to lie and to deceive - which led to American patients being put on very dangerous medications. Listen to this:

Oh that's absolutely true. I've worked around these people. They'll go to some medical convention, pull some high-profile docs aside, give 'em free lunch and a pen with the drug's name on it, do a powerpoint, and goad them with leading questions like "how could you see a drug like this working for your patients", which of course are cherrypicked later for PR. Meanwhile they're slipping them an envelope which they euphemistically call an "honorarium". Most of the world calls it a "bribe".

And the drug reps are usually visually hard to tell apart from another euphemism-- "exotic dancers"
I have a story to share with the board. I have a relative that was hooked on Zanax for over 5 years was losing his memory, unable to sleep without it, unable to work due to fatigue, depressed, exhausted and without any hope. He lives in a different state but I talked with him over the phone. His doctor visits were so costly with co - pay he had missed 3 months and was getting pills from other friends on the same prescription! As this was the closest he had come to being lowered in dosage - due to his inability to get a prescription without a doctors visit - he said he wanted to get off the Zanax forever. I told him I would do some research on what had worked for other people.

I found that the number one common denominator in all of the people able to get off of zanax was 1. Prayer. 2. An herbal tea called Passion Flower 3. GABA which replaces what the brain has lost due to taking Zanax 4. Vitamin B-12 which give energy to the person 5. another vitamin that is excellent for the memory. I forget the name of it. And there were also a couple of sleep aids available at various health stores such as GNC that I also learned about.

So my relative has been drinking an organic brand of the Passion Flower tea, taking the GABA daily - which is very important - taking the Vitamin B 12 and a couple of other supplements and guess what? He is now sleeping 3 hours a night. That's right. No Zanax - no more horrific withdrawls - which he told me about and I told him go to the emergency room and tell them what is wrong with you - they will give you a shot of atavin to calm you down.

He didn't go - instead he stayed with the herbal tea and vitamins - and is working at a job now getting exercise - feeling great - this is his first month and he is doing very well. The interesting thing is that I noted just days after his taking the GABA a marked improvement in his attitude - mental state - he is continuing to improve and I believe soon he'll be sleeping 5 - 6 hours a night and then 7 to 8 and once he is there? He will never ever take another prescription drug like Zanax again!

Note * The herbal tea - Passion Flower can be bought at any health food store - let it steep for 10 minutes before you drink it. If you have to reheat it - reheat it but leave that tea bag in there for ten minutes before drinking.
Oh that's absolutely true. I've worked around these people. They'll go to some medical convention, pull some high-profile docs aside, give 'em free lunch and a pen with the drug's name on it, do a powerpoint, and goad them with leading questions like "how could you see a drug like this working for your patients", which of course are cherrypicked later for PR. Meanwhile they're slipping them an envelope which they euphemistically call an "honorarium". Most of the world calls it a "bribe".

And the drug reps are usually visually hard to tell apart from another euphemism-- "exotic dancers"

Yes, well it is truly despicable that pharmaceutical cartels get away with creating these psychotropic drugs. There is great danger in taking Zanax because Zanax is a synthetic drug and synthetic drugs do not leave your system. They accumulate. Another example - when people are diagnosed with Cancer of the Liver and they are on an anti-depressant - SSRI like Paxil - this is accumulative and damages the liver. I know of people who have ended up with terminal cancer from it - and yet the pharmaceutical companies continue to deny the connection. How is that possible? Toxins go to the liver - if an SSRI is cumulative and does not leave the body - what do they expect would happen?

The horrific torture that people coming off of Zanax experience should be enough to tell any doctor with a brain cell in his head - that prescribing Zanax to his patients is going to create a bigger problem for them then they already have!

The trouble - as I see it - Pogo - is that the medical field does not want to admit that teas such as the organic herbal tea Passion Flower - is proven more effective with no harmful side effects - for people needing sleep - to calm their nerves - etc but the financial are not there for them so they do not do it therein negating the reason they became a doctor in the first place. (to help people get well) The Supplement GABA puts back into the brain the GABA that was depleted due to taking Zanax and is a very important part of recovery also.
Oh that's absolutely true. I've worked around these people. They'll go to some medical convention, pull some high-profile docs aside, give 'em free lunch and a pen with the drug's name on it, do a powerpoint, and goad them with leading questions like "how could you see a drug like this working for your patients", which of course are cherrypicked later for PR. Meanwhile they're slipping them an envelope which they euphemistically call an "honorarium". Most of the world calls it a "bribe".

And the drug reps are usually visually hard to tell apart from another euphemism-- "exotic dancers"

Yes, well it is truly despicable that pharmaceutical cartels get away with creating these psychotropic drugs. There is great danger in taking Zanax because Zanax is a synthetic drug and synthetic drugs do not leave your system. They accumulate. Another example - when people are diagnosed with Cancer of the Liver and they are on an anti-depressant - SSRI like Paxil - this is accumulative and damages the liver. I know of people who have ended up with terminal cancer from it - and yet the pharmaceutical companies continue to deny the connection. How is that possible? Toxins go to the liver - if an SSRI is cumulative and does not leave the body - what do they expect would happen?

The horrific torture that people coming off of Zanax experience should be enough to tell any doctor with a brain cell in his head - that prescribing Zanax to his patients is going to create a bigger problem for them then they already have!

The trouble - as I see it - Pogo - is that the medical field does not want to admit that teas such as the organic herbal tea Passion Flower - is proven more effective with no harmful side effects - for people needing sleep - to calm their nerves - etc but the financial are not there for them so they do not do it therein negating the reason they became a doctor in the first place. (to help people get well) The Supplement GABA puts back into the brain the GABA that was depleted due to taking Zanax and is a very important part of recovery also.

Well of course they don't want to admit that, and they'll do anything in their power, which is colossal, to prevent it, because you can't patent an herb and that would cost them the ability to profit off the afflicted, and that would never do.

Not to single out Zanax, you know more about it than I, but drugs in general suck. And then they start compounding them with little regard to interactions. My dad suffered from Parkinson's for ten years and grew steadily more and more out of touch, not from the disease but from the drug cocktails they gave him. I can't get out of my head going to visit him and listening to him ramble on and on about hallucinations only he could see that were obviously very real to him, and then when visiting time was up we'd get up to leave and he could never understand why he wasn't going with us. That tore my heart. The drugs did that. His only release was when he finally passed away while in a coma.

Western medicine wants to treat the immediate symptom and tends to ignore the context. It's a syndrome our culture is generally immersed in -- not just medicine but everything.

But insofar as medicine it's the drug companies that are the worst drivers of all this. It's all impersonal profit to them; nobody goes into the drug business because they want to help people. The doctors are pawns.
I agree, Guno. It's awful. My heart goes out to anyone who is struggling with trying to come off of prescription meds. Many of these people are going through sheer agony. I despise these pharmaceutical cartels.

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