Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Our democracy was almost overthrown by a few thousand people. It took shooting one of them mounting the last barricade, and the Secretary of Defense calling out the National Guard to stop it.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump sat jerking off in front of his TV for over three hours while his family, his staff, his lickspittles in Congress, and his media propagandists were all calling for him to DO SOMETHING.

Trump instead chose to stoke the mob by siccing them on his Vice President.
No it was not. How stupid are you people? The government was under no real threat. Unarmed people overthrow nothing.
And you have spoken to them all and know why they were there?
The facts are, 5 people have been charged with sedition. Thats all. Thats like .005% of the riot.
So, I dont reckon I need to speak to them. Because the charges do that for them.
Well, you deluded fools were clearly all being given instructions by your propagandists to deny what everyone else in America saw with their own eyes!

"Derpderpderp...they wuz just trespassin!"

"Derpderpderp...they wuz allowed in!"

Etc., etc., etc.
All of that is true. You are the one lying here.
Can you point out the definition of insurrection that requires guns to be a prerequisite to be considered as such?

Can you point out a mechanism J6 could have actually insurrected, not a made up story like has been posted here?

If you are going to only quote part of my comment it is very dishonest to change it to make it seem like a stand alone comment.

That you feel the need to be this dishonest shows the weakness of our position.
Oh, yes your ilk. Conservatives have called for civil war. What y'all *actually* mean is attack cops.

The actual civil war was lead by states. You have not a single state backing the right wing call for civil war. Its just a random assemblage of domestic terrorists that would start killing people, attacking cops, attacking federal buildings and state buildings. J6 is a *perfect* example of what it would look like. The cops did not rush to join.

Your delusion that LEO would join them makes as much sense as cops trying to join Tim McVeigh or Ricky Schiffer.

But don't take my word for it. Fuck around and find out.

No it would mean going after the leaders directing the cops. Most of them lean right in their politics.
Do people trash the Capitol and injure more than 100 police officers and smear their shit on the walls during a normal sightseeing visit?

Seriously. How did you get this deluded? Did you fall from a tall height? Hit yourself in the head with a hammer? Suffer an aneurysm? What?
Your self-delusion is profound.


140 Officers were Injured in Capitol Riot, Officials Say

“I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack who have sustained head injuries,” Gus Papathanasiou, Capitol Police union chairman, said in a statement Wednesday. “One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, to...

Blue Lives Matter, my ass!

‘I hope you suffer’: Ex-D.C. officer confronts Jan. 6 attacker in court

A member of the mob that launched a series of violent attacks on police — including D.C. officer Michael Fanone — in a tunnel under the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, apologized Tuesday as a judge sentenced him to seven years and two months in prison.

Kyle Young, 38, is the first rioter to be sentenced for the group attack on Fanone, who was dragged into the mob, beaten and electrocuted until he suffered a heart attack and lost consciousness.

“You were a one-man wrecking ball that day,” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said. “You were the violence.”


Young and his 16-year-old son joined the tunnel battle just before 3 p.m., and Young handed a stun gun to another rioter and showed him how to use it. When Fanone was pulled from the police line, Young and his son pushed through the crowd toward him.

Just after that, authorities said, another rioter repeatedly shocked Fanone with the stun gun, and Young helped restrain the officer as another rioter stole his badge and radio.

Young lost his grip on Fanone as the mob moved. He then pushed and hit a nearby Capitol Police officer, who had just been struck with bear spray, according to documents filed with his plea.

Young also pointed a strobe light at the officers, jabbed at them with a stick and threw an audio speaker toward the police line, hitting another rioter in the back of the head, prosecutors said.

Man Who Dragged Officer Into Jan. 6 Mob Is Sentenced to 90 Months

As part of his plea, Mr. Head, a 43-year-old construction worker, admitted that during the violence outside the Capitol, he grabbed Mr. Fanone around the neck and told the crowd around him, “I got one!” Mr. Head then forcibly hauled Mr. Fanone down the Capitol steps and into the mob, where he was beaten, kicked and attacked with a stun gun.

Some in the crowd tried to strip Mr. Fanone of his service weapon as one rioter threatened to kill him with his own gun.
You do realize almost everything in that article has been debunked? You do now.
Look at it rationally. It's likely that FBI informants encouraged misdemeanor trespass. No matter what a former member of the Proud Boys said, it's laughable and impossible to believe that the Jan 6 incident with unarmed mom and pop demonstrators ever approached the level of "an all out revolution" except in the minds of democrats who would rather deal with a fantasy revolution than the real problems in the real world of a doddering old fool who has his thumb on the nuclear button.
All they needed to do, by any of, or a combination of the 3 mechanisms put in place to prevent congress from counting to 270 for any single candidate.

Insurrectionists interrupting the vote.
Pence invalidating disputed votes
Congress invalidating disputed votes
Double sets of electors invalidating the votes

By all or any combination throwing the election into congress via the 12th.

Which is a fantasy chain of events like the History of Westeros.
Look at it rationally. It's likely that FBI informants encouraged misdemeanor trespass. No matter what a former member of the Proud Boys said, it's laughable and impossible to believe that the Jan 6 incident with unarmed mom and pop demonstrators ever approached the level of "an all out revolution" except in the minds of democrats who would rather deal with a fantasy revolution than the real problems in the real world of a doddering old fool who has his thumb on the nuclear button.
rationally & democrats
One of the great oxymorons of all time.
No it would mean going after the leaders directing the cops. Most of them lean right in their politics.

Laughing.....like you guys went after the Capitol police officers? Like law enforcement JOINED Ricky Schiffer as he attacked an FBI building? Like law enforcement JOINED with the seditionists who attacked the capitol to overturn a lawful election? Like law enforcment JOINED Tim McVeigh when he blew up a federal building?

How'd that work out for your ilk?

The 'civil war' y'all keep calling for may be this grand ideological battle between 'patriots' and the 'left' in the wasteland of your imagination.

But to local LEO, you're just another dipshit trying to kill cops and hurt people.
All of America watched the insurrection live on TV. We saw the cult smash their way into the Capitol, live. We saw them attacking the Capitol police, live.

We saw them trash the Capitol, live.

And now we have the personal testimony of the participants saying they intended to overthrow the government by preventing Joe Biden's election certification.

We have the private conversations of everyone at Fox News from top to bottom admitting there was no fraud and that Biden won fair and square, but they needed to keep lying to their viewers so they would not defect to another propagandist network.

And yet to this very day, none of this penetrates the retarded skulls of the tard herd. They have been so profoundly gaslighted they are living in an alternate mentally ill universe.

A great many psychological theses will be written about this unparalleled bizarre phenomenon.
Laughing.....like you guys went after the Capitol police officers? Like law enforcement JOINED Ricky Schiffer as he attacked an FBI building? Like law enforcement JOINED with the seditionists who attacked the capitol to overturn a lawful election? Like law enforcment JOINED Tim McVeigh when he blew up a federal building?

How'd that work out for your ilk?

The 'civil war' y'all keep calling for may be this grand ideological battle between 'patriots' and the 'left' in the wasteland of your imagination.

But to local LEO, you're just another dipshit trying to kill cops and hurt people.
We have no idea if the election was legal. Congress never investigated. And they were given the chance. There are your traitors.
We have no idea if the election was legal. Congress never investigated. And they were given the chance. There are your traitors.

Tell that to the sniveling, pleading defendants who are begging for lighter sentences and apologizing to the cops they attacked in front of a judge.

So much for LEO 'joining' your revolution, eh Last?
You people bleev the more times you repeat a lie, the truer it becomes.

Absolutely. That's CORE to their ideology: that recitation creates reality. They can make up anything they like, pulled sideways out of their ass, and if they repeat it enough, it must be true.

Look at what they did to poor Ray Epps. These gullible little conspiracy lickers tried to destroy this man's life over an imaginary, made up story they invented. They literally picked some guy out of a crowd.......and imagined an elaborate, fantastical story based on nothing.

And repeated over and over and over again until its right wing dogma.

Deplorables are pretty goddamn deplorable.
Starting to think the CIA created the Proud Boys to use as divisive fodder in the media.
Tell that to the sniveling, pleading defendants who are begging for lighter sentences and apologizing to the cops they attacked in front of a judge.

So much for LEO 'joining' your revolution, eh Last?
You tell them that it was their only choice or every threat made against will be carried out. They all have families and threatening family members goes a long way. Fascism, you assholes love it.

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