Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

What guns?

I'm not talking 3-4 guys caught with guns, I'm talking about organized armed people with weapons able to keep and hold the building AND the congresspeople in it long enough to get done what your delusions tell you was happening.
They had an arsenal of weapons staged inside and outside of Washington DC.

The proud boys alone had 3-4 chapters stage weapons in a hotel outside of Washington DC, including Rhodes who bought over $15,000 of weapons and ammo just for January 6th.
They had an arsenal of weapons staged inside and outside of Washington DC.

The proud boys alone had 3-4 chapters stage weapons in a hotel outside of Washington DC, including Rhodes who bought over $15,000 of weapons and ammo just for January 6th.


$15k of weapons could be 10 really good rifles.

And, of note.....the then President of the United States America, Don Trump....would have agreed with poster 'Meaner Gene's suggestion.
Here is what Trump proposed just a couple of weeks before the January 6th insurrection unfolded:

"Former President Donald Trump pressured acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to declare that the election was corrupt in an attempt to help Republican members of Congress try to overturn the election result, according to notes of a December 2020 call Trump held with Rosen and acting deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue.

During the December 27, 2020, call, Trump pressured Rosen and Donoghue to falsely declare the election “illegal” and “corrupt” even after the Justice Department had not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud.

“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen, Trump said on the call, according to Donoghue’s notes.

Donoghue’s contemporaneous notes were provided to the House Oversight Committee from call the Trump held with Rosen and Donoghue, who took over the top spots at DOJ in the final weeks of Trump’s presidency following the resignation of Attorney General William Barr.

The notes are the latest evidence of Trump’s efforts to pressure the Justice Department to support his false claims of election fraud as he tried to overturn his November loss to Joe Biden.


Look, son, if you are unable, unwilling, or simply do not.......act like an educated adult who was instructed by quality parents.....then why are you on an adult discussion venue?

You make your avatar look foolish.
You make your parents look unqualified and ineffective.
You look under-educated.
Why do you do that?

You should, by now, be able to conduct your responses ---and your queries ---with the demeanor and gravitas that befits an adult who has something to say in a venue such as this.

Strive to be better.

I give reasonable responses to reasonable people. Anyone who thinks Jan 6th was an insurrection, coup or actually had ANY CHANCE of changing anything about the election is so unreasonable they only deserve scorn.

So go play in fucking traffic, mouth breather.
Keep a guy in prison in isolation for a couple of years and he is liable to testify to anything.
To the best of our knowledge, the above is not applicable to this discussion.
Unless, of course, the earnest poster 'Whitehall' can vet that assertion.....and it's applicability to the Proud Boys' trial.

If he can do so, fine. That would help inform the forum.

However, if it is just an unsupported allegation with an attempt to skew the discussion then.....then the poster would appear to be too irresponsible and unprepared to participate in adult discussions of a political nature.

You are supposing a coup attempt, I'm telling you it's next to impossible because of the divided government authority given to us by the Constitution and federalism.
It was a coup by law. The coup was to stop congress from reaching 270 electoral votes for any one candidate.

That would trigger the Constitution that by the 12th amendment would hand the presidency to the one picked by the republican majority of states.
The same law your side keeps trying to demonize, defund and make their jobs impossible?

Nice try linking me to WP nutjobs, and pathetic at that.

Compared to your ilk, that try and attack them with bombs, blow up their kids, attack cops with nail guns, dox their families ......and would target law enforcement under the guise of 'civil war'?

You're deluded. LEO will side with the law. Y'all's call for civil war is just generic domestic terrorism. You imagine this as an ideological battle.

To local law enforcement, you'd just be another dipshit, trying to kill cops.
It was a coup by law. The coup was to stop congress from reaching 270 electoral votes for any one candidate.

That would trigger the Constitution that by the 12th amendment would hand the presidency to the one picked by the republican majority of states.

A coup by law doesn't exist. the two words are mutually exclusive. A coup is an extra-legal seizing of power held by an existing government.

They had no ability to do so, because the Constitution doesn't set a date for that vote to be held, and there was 2 weeks before inauguration. The 12th Amendment wouldn't come into play, because the body that would have to trigger it IS THE SAME BODY that would have to have been interrupted and held by the so called revolutionaries trying to stop the vote in question.

You don't even see the circular logic you are employing.
This whole thread is that, supposed mechanisms for probable coups resulting in theoretical outcomes.
Why do you believe more police support you. Especially after actual police were attacked and some died? POlice, like everyone, tend to frown on that.
What guns?

I'm not talking 3-4 guys caught with guns, I'm talking about organized armed people with weapons able to keep and hold the building AND the congresspeople in it long enough to get done what your delusions tell you was happening.
Can you point out the definition of insurrection that requires guns to be a prerequisite to be considered as such?
CALL: "So go play in fucking traffic, mouth breather."


"Look, son, if you are unable, unwilling, or simply do not.......act like an educated adult who was instructed by quality parents.....then why are you on an adult discussion venue?
You make your avatar look foolish.
You make your parents look unqualified and ineffective.
You look under-educated.
Why do you do that?"
Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.

"All out revolution" without guns? You cant possibly be serious.
Compared to your ilk, that try and attack them with bombs, blow up their kids, attack cops with nail guns, dox their families ......and would target law enforcement under the guise of 'civil war'?

You're deluded. LEO will side with the law. Y'all's call for civil war is just generic domestic terrorism. You imagine this as an ideological battle.

To local law enforcement, you'd just be another dipshit, trying to kill cops.

Not my ilk. I have no connection to any WP freaks, and your side does far more to validate their idiocy by pretending they are more powerful than they actually are.

Talk about being a delusional twat, you really believe this bullshit you just spewed?

It's not the mainstream right saying "All Cops are Bastards", It's not the right creating that CHAZ/CHOP zone, it wasn't some righty who got blasted by cops after shooting at them from a tent causing rioting in Atlanta.
Can you point out the definition of insurrection that requires guns to be a prerequisite to be considered as such?
THe US can be overthrown by a small number of unarmed people? Anyone who was going for "insurrection" wouldnt attempt it without a lot of guns.
You almost gotta laugh. If Jan 6 was an example of an "all out revolution" with unarmed mom and pop demonstrators, the "justice" dept. clearly has nothing to fear from the Proud Boys. BLM? That's a different revolution.
You almost gotta laugh. If Jan 6 was an example of an "all out revolution" with unarmed mom and pop demonstrators, the "justice" dept. clearly has nothing to fear from the Proud Boys. BLM? That's a different revolution.
An all out revolution with unarmed people.
Not my ilk. I have no connection to any WP freaks, and your side does far more to validate their idiocy by pretending they are more powerful than they actually are.

Talk about being a delusional twat, you really believe this bullshit you just spewed?

It's not the mainstream right saying "All Cops are Bastards", It's not the right creating that CHAZ/CHOP zone, it wasn't some righty who got blasted by cops after shooting at them from a tent causing rioting in Atlanta.

Oh, yes your ilk. Conservatives have called for civil war. What y'all *actually* mean is attack cops.

The actual civil war was lead by states. You have not a single state backing the right wing call for civil war. Its just a random assemblage of domestic terrorists that would start killing people, attacking cops, attacking federal buildings and state buildings. J6 is a *perfect* example of what it would look like. The cops did not rush to join.

Your delusion that LEO would join them makes as much sense as cops trying to join Tim McVeigh or Ricky Schiffer.

But don't take my word for it. Fuck around and find out.

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