Ex-Ron Paul Aide Disputes Paul on Newsletters


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Says Dondero of the newsletter (full text below*), Ron Paul "did read them, every line of them, off his fax machine at his Clute office before they were published. He would typically sign them at the bottom of the last page giving his okay, and refax them to Jean to go to the printer." There is not a word of this inthe Texas Monthly article that Paul uses to deflect Hannity.

On another occasion, Paul slips and slides through a 2008interviewwith Wolf Blitzer on the same subject. Paul repudiates what was written, but very carefully limits himself to saying he never wrote these things.
Here's the problem.

Ron Paul doesn't seem like a racist. He has in fact spoken out saying -- correctly -- that racism is in fact collectivism. He says this is simply not part of his character --and his supporters insist this is so. Yet the newsletter content,publicizedseveral years back by the New Republic, seriously opened the issue in documented fashion.

But the issue seems to be sliding, in light of former Paul aide Dondero's assertions that Dondero appears to have witnessed. The issue is moving slightly but critically from race -- to truth telling.

Simply put: did Ron Paul "read them, every line of them" and then sign off on them? Or not?

If Dondero is telling the truth, then Ron Paul looked Sean Hannity straight in the eye the other night -- and deliberately evaded the truth.

Four years ago he appears to have done the same thing to Wolf Blitzer.
For a candidate whose supporters routinely accuse George W. Bush of having lied about the Iraq War, the idea that Paul himself is repeatedly less than truthful -- with a specific accusation from a former aide -- is big trouble.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Ex-Ron Paul Aide Disputes Paul on Newsletters

Now this doesn't surprise me, because Ron Paul has been lying about those newsletters for years.

I have another thread which documents he's lying about his newsletters.
A tea party zealot accusing Ron Paul of racism.

Almost as priceless as a mormon gambling $10K with an evangelical over who's the bigger liar.

Somehow, I doubt it's racism allegations that sour you on Paul so much as his fervent anti-hegemony advocacy.

Tea partiers love small government. Unless it has to do with the biggest part of government - the military. That can't be big enough.

President Paul!!

Get used to it big government corporate liberals. Your theft of taxpayer dollars is coming to an end. There is no stopping him now. Daily he garnishes more support because all Americans have had it with NEOCON/FASCIST policy. Damn right Ron Paul aims to unwind 30 years of destructive policy. Damn right he intends to shut off the flow of money going to our biggest corporations. Damn right the federal reserve is going to get some competition, and shortly after will be removed from our monetary system. Damn right the power of the veto is coming down. No more using the government to shield corporate power from competition. No more crony capitalism. Its time rich assholes lived by free market principals the same as the poor do. Its time they exist in capitalism the same as the poor do!

Get used to it people. The media is turning to Paul because continuing down the course of discredit and slander looks more silly by the day.

Ron Paul Hate From Establishment Republicans - YouTube

Cafferty : People In Iowa Are Rallying Around Someone Who Represents real change, REAL CHANGE! - YouTube

Why Ron Paul Shouldn't be Dismissed - Neil Cavuto Defends Ron Paul Against media Establishment - YouTube

To bad corporate liberals. Dependents of the military industrial complex. Profiteers of government sponsored wealth transfer. All will be disappointed.

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