Ex-Soviet intelligence officer attended meeting with Kushner and Trump Jr

I like this link better. Just me.
Ex-Soviet Intelligence Officer, Now Lobbyist, Reportedly At Trump Jr. Meeting With Russian Lawyer

It's not unusual to "turn" a spy and they defect. This one is still lobbying to overturn the sanctions, though, it sounds like?
It's also not unusual for leftwingers, and especially the fake news, to lie.
Radio free Europe lies? Okay. The only people who don't lie, in your eyes, are outlets that support Trump, and no one is going to change your mind. I get that.
"It" refers to the potential information, and that's all, dumbass.

It's interesting how you snowflake douche bags misconstrue every single word in Trump's email. I wouldn't have imagined that a human being could be that stupid, but no matter how low my opinion of leftwingers, they always manage to go lower.

" is part of Russia and it's government's support for Mr. Trump"

He knew what this meeting was and loved the very idea of it.

Junior released these himself. You're providing a defense that junior himself isn't even asserting.
a guy like manafort doesn't attend a meeting like this unless he knows exactly what it is about and exactly who will be attending.
One of the first articles I read--from the NYT I think--said that Jr. forwarded the email chain to both Kushner and Manafort, obviously so they'd know about scheduling and what the meeting was about. So they knew exactly.
What is it you imagine they "knew?"
Just what the "kick off" email said. Don't get all excited.
So you approve of the White House meeting with Russian spies? Now thats patriotic.

You did when oshitscum, and shitbitch did it and released ONE QUARTER of our uranium mining reserves to PUTIN directly. But this was not "The White House" and it was BEFORE THE ELECTION so stick all of your ignorant whiney bullshit up your ass, THE INVESTIGATION is going nowhere, and it wont go anywhere. The dimshits met with hundreds of Russians during the election season, EVEN REAL KGB agents that built the "Dossier" and the same BEECH that TRUMP JR. did, we all know it if you don't it's because you don't want to. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you idiots are so lame and laughable you are such jokes. HAOIBJAHHA ahah Ah can't type for laughing sometimes!!!
Was this still a meeting about adoption???????????
Of course not. Only a most gullible idiot would believe that.

The Russian government was letting the Trumps know they had dirt on Clinton. Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to arrange some terms about the release of that dirt.

In his emails, Junior told the Russians it would be better if the dirt was released in "late summer" because that timing would have the greatest impact on voter sentiment toward Clinton.

That is exactly when Wikileaks started releasing their dirt. Just as Junior requested.

The Magnitsky Act is a gigantic financial thorn in the side of Putin and the oligarchs. They want it repealed. The meeting with junior and Manafort and Kushner was obviously a quid pro quo meeting. Russia would release the dirt in late summer and Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act. That was art of the deal.

Trump was totally in on it. Obviously.
"Akhmetshin has been described as an “English-speaking former Soviet Army counterintelligence officer,” although he repeatedly has denied current ties to Russian intelligence."

Read your own links.

Why does Jr. keep lying and lying and lying again about this meeting?

You seriously don't get that fishy smell? Come on.
Where's the lie, asshole? Did someone ask him "did you know the Russian spy who the Russian lawyer brought with her?"

You don't believe that in a meeting that purports to have sensitive information directly from the Russian govt that there would be representatives who are closely tied to said govt? Perhaps even intelligence folks who are managing such an operation?
You make all the assumptions you want about such a meeting. I just stick to the known facts. Trump wasn't told this guy was going to attend, and we don't in fact know that has any connection to the Russian government. We have no evidence of such. All you have is a bunch or brain damaged snowflake fantasies about what occurred.
The facts?
The entire premise of the meeting was to transfer information that came directly from the Russian govt in support of Trump.

The only defense against this is that junior was just far too dumb to understand what was happening.
That may be true but in no way absolves him or the Trump campaign.
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Why do you keep changing the subject? Post the lies, your opinion won't do.


No prob:

Don Jr. - March 2017
Did I meet with people that were Russian? I’m sure, I’m sure I did. ... But none that were set up. None that I can think of at the moment. And certainly none that I was representing the campaign in any way, shape or form.

Last sunday:

It was a short introductory meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up. ... I was asked to attend the meeting by an acquaintance, but was not told the name of the person I would be meeting with beforehand.

But, yes Don met with Russians and he did so as a representative of the compaign seeking dirt on Clinton. No he did not meet with one person, he met there 3 people, including Russian ex-intelligence officer, he somehow managed to mention in his supposed come-clean statements and interviews.

Why did he not clearly explain the meeting, how it was arranged and who was present? Why do his statements keep turning out false and misleading?
Not explaining it does not equate to a lie, you fucking moron.


Jr. is lying, lying, lying. If you are too stupid to see that doesn't mean everyone else is.
What a childish tactic. Post the goddamn lies instead of spouting off like a three year old.

WTF is your malfunction? I just did that!

You have a vivid imagination.
Was this still a meeting about adoption???????????
Of course not. Only a most gullible idiot would believe that.

The Russian government was letting the Trumps know they had dirt on Clinton. Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to arrange some terms about the release of that dirt.

In his emails, Junior told the Russians it would be better if the dirt was released in "late summer" because that timing would have the greatest impact on voter sentiment toward Clinton.

That is exactly when Wikileaks started releasing their dirt. Just as Junior requested.

The Magnitsky Act is a gigantic financial thorn in the side of Putin and the oligarchs. They want it repealed. The meeting with junior and Manafort and Kushner was obviously a quid pro quo meeting. Russia would release the dirt in late summer and Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act. That was art of the deal.

Trump was totally in on it. Obviously.
Stick to the known facts. I won't was time debating your fantasies.
I like this link better. Just me.
Ex-Soviet Intelligence Officer, Now Lobbyist, Reportedly At Trump Jr. Meeting With Russian Lawyer

It's not unusual to "turn" a spy and they defect. This one is still lobbying to overturn the sanctions, though, it sounds like?
It's also not unusual for leftwingers, and especially the fake news, to lie.
Radio free Europe lies? Okay. The only people who don't lie, in your eyes, are outlets that support Trump, and no one is going to change your mind. I get that.
No, they just regurgitate lies, as you do.
"It" refers to the potential information, and that's all, dumbass.

It's interesting how you snowflake douche bags misconstrue every single word in Trump's email. I wouldn't have imagined that a human being could be that stupid, but no matter how low my opinion of leftwingers, they always manage to go lower.

" is part of Russia and it's government's support for Mr. Trump"

He knew what this meeting was and loved the very idea of it.

Junior released these himself. You're providing a defense that junior himself isn't even asserting.
a guy like manafort doesn't attend a meeting like this unless he knows exactly what it is about and exactly who will be attending.
One of the first articles I read--from the NYT I think--said that Jr. forwarded the email chain to both Kushner and Manafort, obviously so they'd know about scheduling and what the meeting was about. So they knew exactly.
What is it you imagine they "knew?"
Just what the "kick off" email said. Don't get all excited.
What do you imagine it says? I'm sure that bears no resemblance to what it actually says.
Why does Jr. keep lying and lying and lying again about this meeting?

You seriously don't get that fishy smell? Come on.
Where's the lie, asshole? Did someone ask him "did you know the Russian spy who the Russian lawyer brought with her?"

You don't believe that in a meeting that purports to have sensitive information directly from the Russian govt that there would be representatives who are closely tied to said govt? Perhaps even intelligence folks who are managing such an operation?
You make all the assumptions you want about such a meeting. I just stick to the known facts. Trump wasn't told this guy was going to attend, and we don't in fact know that has any connection to the Russian government. We have no evidence of such. All you have is a bunch or brain damaged snowflake fantasies about what occurred.
The facts?
The entire premise of the meeting was to transfer information that came directly from the Russian govt in support of Trump.

The only defense against this is that junior was just far too dumb to understand what was happening.
That may be true but in no way absolves him or the Trump campaign.
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

Was this still a meeting about adoption???????????
Of course not. Only a most gullible idiot would believe that.

The Russian government was letting the Trumps know they had dirt on Clinton. Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to arrange some terms about the release of that dirt.

In his emails, Junior told the Russians it would be better if the dirt was released in "late summer" because that timing would have the greatest impact on voter sentiment toward Clinton.

That is exactly when Wikileaks started releasing their dirt. Just as Junior requested.

The Magnitsky Act is a gigantic financial thorn in the side of Putin and the oligarchs. They want it repealed. The meeting with junior and Manafort and Kushner was obviously a quid pro quo meeting. Russia would release the dirt in late summer and Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act. That was art of the deal.

Trump was totally in on it. Obviously.
Stick to the known facts. I won't was time debating your fantasies.
Stick around. All these facts will eventually come to light.
Where's the lie, asshole? Did someone ask him "did you know the Russian spy who the Russian lawyer brought with her?"

You don't believe that in a meeting that purports to have sensitive information directly from the Russian govt that there would be representatives who are closely tied to said govt? Perhaps even intelligence folks who are managing such an operation?
You make all the assumptions you want about such a meeting. I just stick to the known facts. Trump wasn't told this guy was going to attend, and we don't in fact know that has any connection to the Russian government. We have no evidence of such. All you have is a bunch or brain damaged snowflake fantasies about what occurred.
The facts?
The entire premise of the meeting was to transfer information that came directly from the Russian govt in support of Trump.

The only defense against this is that junior was just far too dumb to understand what was happening.
That may be true but in no way absolves him or the Trump campaign.
It was to "TRANSFER" information? Why do you snowflakes take ordinary activities and make them sound like some kind of CIA jargon? Talking is "transferring" information. It's a perfectly normal and legal activity that occurs every day billions of times.

If someone had a copy of Hillary's emails where she lied about Benghazi and they told me about it, would I be guilty of participating in the "transferring" of information directly from the US government? Basically what you're saying is that telling people what you know is a crime. Of course, those are the logical contortions that snowflakes have to inflict on us to support their Russian hack idiocies.

No defense is required for the "crime" of listening to someone else talk. It's a perfectly normal activity protected by the First Amendment.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
Look, moron. You cannot spin this. It is what it is. It is straight up collusion. It could not be any clearer. It's as if the Russians wanted these emails to spell it out clearly. The funny part is that junior released them himself.

View attachment 138747
By "the Russians" you mean two people. I'm not "spinning" anything. I'm simply pointing out the known facts as opposed to the wild snowflake fantasies that you're spewing. Nothing in the email indicates a crime of any kind. It doesn't even indicate "collusion," which isn't a crime.

Jr released them because they are utterly innocuous. They are a great big nothing burger.
Was this still a meeting about adoption???????????
Of course not. Only a most gullible idiot would believe that.

The Russian government was letting the Trumps know they had dirt on Clinton. Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to arrange some terms about the release of that dirt.

In his emails, Junior told the Russians it would be better if the dirt was released in "late summer" because that timing would have the greatest impact on voter sentiment toward Clinton.

That is exactly when Wikileaks started releasing their dirt. Just as Junior requested.

The Magnitsky Act is a gigantic financial thorn in the side of Putin and the oligarchs. They want it repealed. The meeting with junior and Manafort and Kushner was obviously a quid pro quo meeting. Russia would release the dirt in late summer and Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act. That was art of the deal.

Trump was totally in on it. Obviously.
Stick to the known facts. I won't was time debating your fantasies.
Stick around. All these facts will eventually come to light.
In other words, you have no facts. How many times are you snowflakes going to admit that?
There are a lot of Trump voters where I am who have been talking a lot this morning about what a fuckup their former hero is. They are shell shocked.
Was this still a meeting about adoption???????????
Of course not. Only a most gullible idiot would believe that.

The Russian government was letting the Trumps know they had dirt on Clinton. Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to arrange some terms about the release of that dirt.

In his emails, Junior told the Russians it would be better if the dirt was released in "late summer" because that timing would have the greatest impact on voter sentiment toward Clinton.

That is exactly when Wikileaks started releasing their dirt. Just as Junior requested.

The Magnitsky Act is a gigantic financial thorn in the side of Putin and the oligarchs. They want it repealed. The meeting with junior and Manafort and Kushner was obviously a quid pro quo meeting. Russia would release the dirt in late summer and Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act. That was art of the deal.

Trump was totally in on it. Obviously.
Stick to the known facts. I won't was time debating your fantasies.
Stick around. All these facts will eventually come to light.
In other words, you have no facts. How many times are you snowflakes going to admit that?
No fantasies here. You are a fool. It is a fact that Junior went to the meeting to get dirt on Clinton that he knew was coming from the Russian government.

"I love it".

It is a fact he asked the dirt be released in late summer.
Was this still a meeting about adoption???????????
Of course not. Only a most gullible idiot would believe that.

The Russian government was letting the Trumps know they had dirt on Clinton. Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to arrange some terms about the release of that dirt.

In his emails, Junior told the Russians it would be better if the dirt was released in "late summer" because that timing would have the greatest impact on voter sentiment toward Clinton.

That is exactly when Wikileaks started releasing their dirt. Just as Junior requested.

The Magnitsky Act is a gigantic financial thorn in the side of Putin and the oligarchs. They want it repealed. The meeting with junior and Manafort and Kushner was obviously a quid pro quo meeting. Russia would release the dirt in late summer and Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act. That was art of the deal.

Trump was totally in on it. Obviously.
Stick to the known facts. I won't was time debating your fantasies.
Stick around. All these facts will eventually come to light.
In other words, you have no facts. How many times are you snowflakes going to admit that?
It is a fact that Junior went to the meeting to get dirt on Clinton that he knew was coming from the Russian government.

"I love it".

I love the way you douche bags spin what happened. He didn't know anything. He was simply told something. No one ever said the Russian government wanted him to have the information. Hillary's emails came from "The US government," but that doesn't mean Hillary wanted them to become public. Getting dirt on Clinton is not a crime. Reporters do that all the time. It's protected by the First Amendment.

In short, you're just another sleazy lying douche bag.
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