Ex-Trump doctor says Trump dictated letter praising health

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Not surprising, considering how unprofessional it was.


President Trump's former doctor, Dr. Harold Bornstein, told CNN on Tuesday that Trump dictated the letter released during the presidential campaign which said Trump would be "the healthiest individual ever elected."

The bottom line: Bornstein said during the campaign that he wrote the letter himself, per CNN, but on Tuesday he recanted his earlier claim by explaining Trump "dictated the whole letter. I didn't write that latter. I just made it up as I went along."
Not surprising, considering how unprofessional it was.


President Trump's former doctor, Dr. Harold Bornstein, told CNN on Tuesday that Trump dictated the letter released during the presidential campaign which said Trump would be "the healthiest individual ever elected."

The bottom line: Bornstein said during the campaign that he wrote the letter himself, per CNN, but on Tuesday he recanted his earlier claim by explaining Trump "dictated the whole letter. I didn't write that latter. I just made it up as I went along."

It is done more often than you realize and just because Trump had a Doctor lie is not surprising.

Bigger things to worry about than this for me!
Doctor should be brought up on a ethics charge. No Dr. of merit allows a patient to dictate what is written in a record.
Trump lied? Fake news....add the doctor to all the assholes that are jealous of King Trump....you know...the media, most Americans, 99% of the world, NFL, hollywood, the pope, POWs, stormy, refugees, brown kids, etc....
So after MORE than a year you caught a lying doctor! Big fuckin deal.
Doctor should be brought up on a ethics charge. No Dr. of merit allows a patient to dictate what is written in a record.

uh HUH. So first you dismiss the story on the basis that it's got CNN's name on it --- and in the very next post -- literally five minutes later -- you want to bring the Dr up on charges based on what CNN said.

Must be a war zone in your head.
So after MORE than a year you caught a lying doctor! Big fuckin deal.
Yeah, no biggie, it's what we want all doctors to do...Makes us respect them more..I bet he got a hefty sum to sign his name..But that's what America wants...Yeah, that's the ticket..
Kudos to rightwinger who called this from the start....

All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (haroldbornsteinmd.com), it takes you to cdn.freefarcy.com, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,freefarcy.com, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor

All of you LWNJ's need to worry about Hillary's health. She takes Coumadine, a blood thinner, that is usually prescribed for those who have had a stroke. Her family has a history of stroke problems, and strokes are often disabling or fatal.
Why did Trump fake the letter?
So after MORE than a year you caught a lying doctor! Big fuckin deal.

We all already knew that was Rump's writing. The whole "astonishingly excellent" song and dance, the pathetic "healthiest president ever", it just REEKS of the same Rumpoid Narcissism that droned on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the "greatest jobs president that god ever created" etc to the mindless zombies who bought that shit. It was always obvious.

But the Dr deserves a boot in the ass for putting his name on that shit back in the moment. All he had to do was read the fucking thing and tear it up. But apparently the limo he was going to meet had money in it. I'm guessing about $130,000.

What an asshole. Which one? Both of them.
So after MORE than a year you caught a lying doctor! Big fuckin deal.
Yeah, no biggie, it's what we want all doctors to do...Makes us respect them more..I bet he got a hefty sum to sign his name..But that's what America wants...Yeah, that's the ticket..

Hate to tell you a lot of Doctors are known to lie and sign for Lawyers daily, so let not pretend it does not happen.

Anyone can tell Trump Doctor was lying!

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