Ex-Trump doctor says Trump dictated letter praising health

The orange POS strikes again.....Charlatans will do nutty stuff like that...
Not surprising, considering how unprofessional it was.


President Trump's former doctor, Dr. Harold Bornstein, told CNN on Tuesday that Trump dictated the letter released during the presidential campaign which said Trump would be "the healthiest individual ever elected."

The bottom line: Bornstein said during the campaign that he wrote the letter himself, per CNN, but on Tuesday he recanted his earlier claim by explaining Trump "dictated the whole letter. I didn't write that latter. I just made it up as I went along."

It is done more often than you realize and just because Trump had a Doctor lie is not surprising.

Bigger things to worry about than this for me!

It just proves what mentally deranged man you have in the WH.
Not surprising, considering how unprofessional it was.


President Trump's former doctor, Dr. Harold Bornstein, told CNN on Tuesday that Trump dictated the letter released during the presidential campaign which said Trump would be "the healthiest individual ever elected."

The bottom line: Bornstein said during the campaign that he wrote the letter himself, per CNN, but on Tuesday he recanted his earlier claim by explaining Trump "dictated the whole letter. I didn't write that latter. I just made it up as I went along."
It's on video. So we know it for a fact.
Now the question is, did Trump's current doctor, binge drinker Dr. Jackson actually write his report. Who misspells their own name in a report? Either he was drunk, or someone else wrote it.
Which doctor got up in front of the press and gave a press conference.

And Ronny Jackson did not misspell his name.
Oh but WAIT there's MOAR - With Trump ... There is ALWAYS MOAR!!

In a Totalitarian State Tactic, former Body Man and full time goon Keith Schiller and an attorney RAIDED BORNSTEIN'S OFFICE at 7 AM without notice taking pictures off the wall and walking out with ALL original documents likely because Donald didn't want people to know he took a hair growth drug. I guess this rules Bornstein out as the new VA Secretary. :D

President Trump can't have it both ways on the subject of Harold Bornstein, the New York doctor who says the President's goons barged into his office and took all of Trump's medical records.

Is Bornstein the quack who blabbed about the President's Propecia prescription, or is he the medical genius who wrote that Trump would be the healthiest President in U.S. history?

Bornstein, 70, had been Trump's personal doctor for more than 35 years until a falling out in the weeks after Trump took office.

According to Bornstein, two days after he told a newspaper that he had for years prescribed a hair growth medicine for Trump, the President's henchmen stormed his office and took off with all of his X-rays and patient charts.​

Are you listening Michael Cohen? Donald demands loyalty but will never EVER return the favor!

Invading Trump's doctor's home to seize medical records is a totalitarian state tactic
Oh but WAIT there's MOAR - With Trump ... There is ALWAYS MOAR!!

In a Totalitarian State Tactic, former Body Man and full time goon Keith Schiller and an attorney RAIDED BORNSTEIN'S OFFICE at 7 AM without notice taking pictures off the wall and walking out with ALL original documents likely because Donald didn't want people to know he took a hair growth drug. I guess this rules Bornstein out as the new VA Secretary. :D

President Trump can't have it both ways on the subject of Harold Bornstein, the New York doctor who says the President's goons barged into his office and took all of Trump's medical records.

Is Bornstein the quack who blabbed about the President's Propecia prescription, or is he the medical genius who wrote that Trump would be the healthiest President in U.S. history?

Bornstein, 70, had been Trump's personal doctor for more than 35 years until a falling out in the weeks after Trump took office.

According to Bornstein, two days after he told a newspaper that he had for years prescribed a hair growth medicine for Trump, the President's henchmen stormed his office and took off with all of his X-rays and patient charts.​

Are you listening Michael Cohen? Donald demands loyalty but will never EVER return the favor!

Invading Trump's doctor's home to seize medical records is a totalitarian state tactic
Can the Blackshirts be far away?
So another lie to add to the over of 3,000 that the Washington Post has documented/proved, which none have ever been debunked by Trump allies, aids or supporters.
Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far
That lie was the most telling regarding the level of Trumps character and honesty. Anybody that accepts this crap from the President of the United States, has to be the most weak-minded, no-character human being ever.
So after MORE than a year you caught a lying doctor! Big fuckin deal.
OMG! You actually BELIEVED that doc when he came out with that juvenile piece of (ahem) a medical report? Guffaw!
You got a lying doctor fuck tard, It's not the fuckin lotto okay asshole.
Trump wrote his lies.
The doctor signed it and owned it. AMA should toss him out. So you got a doctor and that is ALL you got.
Don't matter who wrote it.
So after MORE than a year you caught a lying doctor! Big fuckin deal.

We all already knew that was Rump's writing. The whole "astonishingly excellent" song and dance, the pathetic "healthiest president ever", it just REEKS of the same Rumpoid Narcissism that droned on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the "greatest jobs president that god ever created" etc to the mindless zombies who bought that shit. It was always obvious.

But the Dr deserves a boot in the ass for putting his name on that shit back in the moment. All he had to do was read the fucking thing and tear it up. But apparently the limo he was going to meet had money in it. I'm guessing about $130,000.

What an asshole. Which one? Both of them.
He's the greatest President ever and we love him bigly.
This regime is one that u might find in a third world dictatorship. What a snake pit....
Too funny.

But I think we were already pretty much assuming this, weren't we?

It was one of the more cartoonish moments of the campaign, which is saying something.

His "doctor" has always reminded me of the goofy scientist from "Independence Day".

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Too funny.

But I think we were already pretty much assuming this, weren't we?

It was one of the more cartoonish moments of the campaign, which is saying something.

His "doctor" has always reminded me of the goofy scientist from "Independence Day".


Are these people a flipping clown show....or what?

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