Ex US Border Patrol Chief says Biden administration "tore the tools down" they had in place to deal with migrant surge.

While you blame other Americans peopel are dcoming in now who will not care about your past since they had no part in it and if you think Americans are bad just wiat till you get a dose of them.
Guess you never investigated 'LaRaza aka ;THE RACE, OR MenCha and what they say about black people? I have as did some of the other groups who were working to save America from the invasion, where is all the money and resources coming from to shelter, feed all these new invaders?

Here is one group who paid attention,

LaRaza isn't the one who has inflicted harm on black folks for over 400yrs in this country. What does LaRaza say about you? It is white republicans who are funding the invasion, they are the ones who are hiring them.
Where are all these black kids getting the guns in which many are killed with? Don't come with that lie about they are stolen either.

The biggest problem is we can't stop you from putting the guns and the drugs in the communities, if we can ever stop that the rest will take care of itself.

Maybe ask your hero Eric Holder where 1000s of the guns came from, mostly from what you would call Uncle Tom's. He practically hand delivered them to The Cartel along with lots of money. Thinking you were so dumb you'd thank him for it just because he is black and can do no wrong.
LaRaza isn't the one who has inflicted harm on black folks for over 400yrs in this country. What does LaRaza say about you? It is white republicans who are funding the invasion, they are the ones who are hiring them.

No since you live in the past lets go back even further. that would be 5000 years and it was the black leaders in Africa who did some horrible things to their own people had most in slavery long before the Europeans even visited the continent.
And you have children who you teach these half truths and lies to, you need to stop it.
The truth is the only thing that will set anyone free. And you don't seem to know or want to know it.
We have had many republican presidents, governors and members of Congress and what have they done? Not a damn thing, so you can go spew that boot licking garbage to someone else. It is republicans who cut programs that help the inner cities, it is republicans who vote against programs that help the inner cities.

I am willing to bet the farm your boot licking, scary ass never goes in the Hood, you wouldn't last a minute. They would peep your Uncle Tom ass out in a heartbeat and I know you damn sure wouldn't go in the Hood spewing that republican bullshit.

How is this taking jobs from black folks? How is this hurting black folks?
1) cutting programs? yes...they try to get people independant...not dependent....the GOP freed my people, they cut our taxes, they supported HBCs, they allowed for opportunity....you post highlights you are a plantation boy, wanting more Govt (demaklan) dependance, not freedom.
2/3) wow...well if your first post didn't expose your slave mentality....why should I continue this? Master Joey, gonna take care of you....
Maybe ask your hero Eric Holder where 1000s of the guns came from, mostly from what you would call Uncle Tom's. He practically hand delivered them to The Cartel along with lots of money. Thinking you were so dumb you'd thank him for it just because he is black and can do no wrong.
Sting operations sometimes go bad. I wouldn`t be surprised to learn that there were guns in Mexico before Eric Holder was born. You think? Ever?
Sting operations sometimes go bad. I wouldn`t be surprised to learn that there were guns in Mexico before Eric Holder was born. You think? Ever?

Now your grasping and making no sense. I just entertain myself or pamper my boredom with these debates because to tell the truth we're all screwed at this point no matter who gets blamed.Not sure I understand where your coming from though.
Sting operations sometimes go bad. I wouldn`t be surprised to learn that there were guns in Mexico before Eric Holder was born. You think? Ever?

Yea, maybe we should give bank robbers a million bucks to help them in their next robbery too.
Wonder how many Americans were killed with those guns or the Fentanyl bought with the cash?
I will believe this guy over Biden and his media ilk any fucking day!

Listen to this CNN lightweight reporter trying to sound like she knows more than someone who actually dealt with the situation!

CNN anchor presses ex-US Border Patrol chief about Biden claim

The turd of an Omnibus bill they are ramming thru has money for the border.


It can only be spent to expedite getting the illegals into the country.
You don't want it to get better. You keep supporting the democrat party. They have been making promises for 60 years and nothing.

There is something and its more violence crime and poverty for the suckers who voted for them. And it's just getting started.
You don't want it to get better. You keep supporting the democrat party. They have been making promises for 60 years and nothing.
the demklan party has been oppressing african americans since this country was founded.

the poster you are responding to is a selfish plantation boy waiting on the plantation. boss to support him
The fact that the Biden administration is doing everything they can to kill Title 42 proves they want this invasion.
LaRaza isn't the one who has inflicted harm on black folks for over 400yrs in this country. What does LaRaza say about you? It is white republicans who are funding the invasion, they are the ones who are hiring them.

I agree that " irs a club,and you ain't it [ minus the multi-curse words of course] George Carlon..
1) cutting programs? yes...they try to get people independant...not dependent....
Independent? Are you serious? How is creating opportunities for folks who have none making them dependent?
the GOP freed my people, they cut our taxes, they supported HBCs, they allowed for opportunity....you post highlights you are a plantation boy, wanting more Govt (demaklan) dependance, not freedom.
Talk about living in a fantasyworld, you love to talk about someone living on a plantation and that is all you are on. You are the biggest boot licking, Aunt Jemima on this forum you should never have the nerve to talk about any black person being on a plantation as much shinin and coonin as you do.
2/3) wow...well if your first post didn't expose your slave mentality....why should I continue this? Master Joey, gonna take care of you....
Master Joey? Slave mentality? Damn have you looked in the mirror lately or read any of your posts. You can't find any posts of me trying to defend Biden, but I can post your boot licking and coonin all day.
Tell me what has the GOP done in the last 60yrs, why in the hell would someone black vote republican.
The Democrats kept blacks fearful till they figured out they could control you. Lyndon Johnson said it himself, if we get nig@ers on welfare we will get their vote for the next 200 years. We'll what 60 years later he was telling the truth. Trump signed an indefinite billion dollars a year for scholarships for African Americans. The minority unemployment hit a record low under Trump. Also Republicans want school choice, so anyone could choose the best school for their kids. What are Democrats doing for you.

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