Exactly what law did the IRS break by scrutinizing Tea Party wackos?


Active Member
May 5, 2013
From reading news accounts, I can find no mention of any laws the IRS violated when they put Tea Party wackos under extra scrutiny.

Anybody know?
From reading news accounts, I can find no mention of any laws the IRS violated when they put Tea Party wackos under extra scrutiny.

Anybody know?

The 14th Amendment would be a start.

how does it violate the 14th amendment?

It violates the Equal Protection Clause.

[ame=http://youtu.be/s8dM0ATHHzA]Judge Napolitano: IRS Targeting Tea Party Groups Violates Equal Protection Clause Of Constitution - YouTube[/ame]
It looks like profiling to me

Used to be very popular with conservatives until it is applied to them
Under no circumstances will the Internal Revenue Service tolerate discrimination by its employees, grantees, contractors, and/or subcontractors. NO ONE shall be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination because of: race, color, sex, national origin, disability, reprisal, or age in programs or activities funded by the Department of Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

They singled out certain groups that's against the law.
Also they violated the IRS 501 (c)
Protection of non public personal information.
Sec. 6801
(3) to protect against unauthorized access to or use of such records or information which could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer.

They were asking for all their members personal communications of their e-mails and Facebook conversations.
That's against the law for IRS to have any of that information.
how does it violate the 14th amendment?

It violates the Equal Protection Clause.

[ame=http://youtu.be/s8dM0ATHHzA]Judge Napolitano: IRS Targeting Tea Party Groups Violates Equal Protection Clause Of Constitution - YouTube[/ame]

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona's Racial Profiling Law

And how do illegal immigrants deserve 14th Amendment protection?
how does it violate the 14th amendment?

It violates the Equal Protection Clause.

[ame=http://youtu.be/s8dM0ATHHzA]Judge Napolitano: IRS Targeting Tea Party Groups Violates Equal Protection Clause Of Constitution - YouTube[/ame]

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona's Racial Profiling Law

If the Supreme Court upheld it, that means it wasn't racial profiling.
They said that law enforcement can ask for their immigration status papers.
Can't believe someone would need to ask what laws the IRS were broken. Several Constitutional protections were violated.

What worries me is we have people that don't their rights and are ready to let the government over run them because of partisan politics.

Very sad statement on this country.
how does it violate the 14th amendment?

It violates the Equal Protection Clause.

[ame=http://youtu.be/s8dM0ATHHzA]Judge Napolitano: IRS Targeting Tea Party Groups Violates Equal Protection Clause Of Constitution - YouTube[/ame]

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona's Racial Profiling Law

What is sad is that you actually believe this.
From reading news accounts, I can find no mention of any laws the IRS violated when they put Tea Party wackos under extra scrutiny.

Anybody know?

I'm not sure they violated any law, but if the law is TRULY meant to be meted out fairly and without prejudice, then they violated the SPIRIT of EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL UNDER THE LAW.

Of course we all know that the IRS has been used as a tool of harassment in the past, and perhaps we will discover that it was used for that purpose again.

I'm still waiting for evidence to support the theory that OBAMA ordered this (if it actually happened, that it)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIienBa3zis]Don't Be Sad ?? - YouTube[/ame]
From reading news accounts, I can find no mention of any laws the IRS violated when they put Tea Party wackos under extra scrutiny.

Anybody know?

Smil, if I were you, I would thank posters for their responses and refrain from name calling in the future. You'll be much further ahead and respected on the board.
From reading news accounts, I can find no mention of any laws the IRS violated when they put Tea Party wackos under extra scrutiny.

Anybody know?

I'm not sure they violated any law, but if the law is TRULY meant to be meted out fairly and without prejudice, then they violated the SPIRIT of EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL UNDER THE LAW.

Of course we all know that the IRS has been used as a tool of harassment in the past, and perhaps we will discover that it was used for that purpose again.

I'm still waiting for evidence to support the theory that OBAMA ordered this (if it actually happened, that it)

I really hope it doesn't go this high. My guess is that it doesn't, but he should be fully engaged in resolving this issue as quickly as possible,

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