Exactly Why You Should Buy an EV

This is a Tesla truck, but every EV has the same wonderful selling points.

Honestly, I see the attraction of an EV, but really, they deserve to be people's secondary vehicles for when they don't need severe duty, and frankly, at this point since transportation is a necessity and their non-use the greatest danger mankind faces :)smoke: ), then the government ought to be supplying one free to every household.

And for those who think EVs will be vastly cheaper or charge much faster and have greatly farther range anytime in the future, I have some swampland to sell them, as they obviously do NOT understand the technological and economic barriers both EVs and society now stand at.
I don't care what improvements are made to it but my vision of the Tesla PU will always be when I saw it struggling up a steep hill going into town with 20 or so other cars behind it a few weeks back.

It looked to be going up that hill 30-35 in a 55mph zone.....Most folks are cooking along 60-65 at that spot.
Whoo! At first I thought it read Fiskars and was wondering why they did not stick to axes and game shears. ;)
EV car insurance costs way more than a gasoline powered car.
Because a fender bender with a gas car is usually repairable.
Whereas, the same fender bender in an EV costs soo much to repair because of all the expensive complex electronics, and requires a specially trained mechanic to repair the vehicle.
That many insurance companies will declare the EV a "total" and just write it off.
Honestly, I see the attraction of an EV, but really, they deserve to be people's secondary vehicles for when they don't need severe duty, and frankly, at this point since transportation is a necessity and their non-use the greatest danger mankind faces :)smoke: ), then the government ought to be supplying one free to every household.

And for those who think EVs will be vastly cheaper or charge much faster and have greatly farther range anytime in the future, I have some swampland to sell them, as they obviously do NOT understand the technological and economic barriers both EVs and society now stand at.
/——/ Hybrids make more sense. Best of both worlds.

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