Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

L_L clearly reveal his racist stance and can now be dismissed in this thread.
L_L clearly reveal his racist stance and can now be dismissed in this thread.

That's the typical liberal answer for everything. What you're really saying is you cannot debate this issue because a) history is not on your side and b) you know I'm right.

Your concession is duly noted.
The evidence clearly reveals that the southern strategy is the reason why the great majority of blacks will not vote GOP. Steele is to be believed, Lonestar is not to be believed. L_L merely gives his opinion, dismisses evidence that contradicts it, and refuses to see that his position is racist and demeaning to not only blacks but himself.
The evidence clearly reveals that the southern strategy is the reason why the great majority of blacks will not vote GOP. Steele is to be believed, Lonestar is not to be believed. L_L merely gives his opinion, dismisses evidence that contradicts it, and refuses to see that his position is racist and demeaning to not only blacks but himself.

You haven't shown any evidence.

Again your concession is duly noted.
Steele contradicts everything you have said. And you can't answer why blacks, rich and poor, overwhelmingly vote GOP. What is the GOP doing that turns blacks off, L_L? This is the question you must answer.
not at all. I fully acknowledge the legitimacy of black republicans.
Horseshit. :lol:
I DO know that, if there were a website that was run by the DNC and its purpose was to highlight some demographic group and show how many of them were democrats, and tell their story in such a way as to attempt to encourage others from their demographic group to consider joining the democratic party, I not only am sure that you would consider the content of such a focused website as "propaganda", but I would willingly call it that as well.

you seem to think that propaganda is a dirty word. It's not.


2.: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
Horseshit. You used it in a derogatory manner. You know you did, I know you did. Stop backpedaling. :lol:
and finally, you have mischaracterized my positions and mis-predicted my responses pretty much non-stop on this thread. I have NEVER said that I or any other white liberal knew what is best for the black community. I have ALWAYS suggested that the black community was fully capable of figuring that out for themselves. SOMETHING happened between the early 60's and today that caused the black community - ALL levels of the black community - to switch from being ardent republicans to being ardent democrats.
That's been explained to you, in the letter from King. Democrats started making promises.
And YOU refuse to acknowledge that the GOP's southern strategy might very well have played a major role in that exodus. Until you man up and explain why RICH blacks vote democratic as often as poor blacks do - a question I have been attempting to get you to address for several days now...
Holy shit, you're stupid. I already said I don't know why they do. You know why? It's because I don't claim to speak for any group to which I don't belong. You know, like white liberals do.
...then you will continue to appear very pussy-like from my perspective. Now...is today gonna be the day where you grow a set and address that question, or not?

I'm betting not.:razz:
it's funny that you think I should give a shit what you think. :lol: Go on, stamp your feet and insist I should again. It's funny! :lol:
Steele contradicts everything you have said. And you can't answer why blacks, rich and poor, overwhelmingly vote GOP. What is the GOP doing that turns blacks off, L_L? This is the question you must answer.

You sure put a lot of stock in what Steele says. Nor can you answer that question, I have given my opinion on the matter and you have given yours. I, along with many prominant black Americans believe it's due in part to the falsehoods generated about the Republicans being racist along with the rhetoric about Democrats looking out for the poor blacks, which is clearly not the case just look at their history on the subject. You on the other hand think it's simply that blacks bought into the notion that Republicans are racist. Seems your answer for everything is the opposition is racist forgetting it was the Republican party that passed the 13th, 14th and 15 amendments that granted blacks freedom, citizenship and the right to vote.
Very few prominent black Americans believe that, and many times that number undoubtedly would say you and they are full of doo doo. You are right, your opinion is what you have. That you don't accept Steele doesn't mean a thing: he is right and you are wrong.

And the blacks will continue to overwhelmingly vote for the Dems, so I would suggest the GOP consider how to change that.
not at all. I fully acknowledge the legitimacy of black republicans.
daveman said:
Horseshit. :lol:

You have no basis for that nonsensical response... one word profanity? that's it? I have no problem accepting black republicans. The great state of Massachusetts used to be represented in the Senate by a great one. I have absolutely ZERO problem with anyone whose personal philosophy fits with the republican party. My own brother is a staunch conservative.

I DO know that, if there were a website that was run by the DNC and its purpose was to highlight some demographic group and show how many of them were democrats, and tell their story in such a way as to attempt to encourage others from their demographic group to consider joining the democratic party, I not only am sure that you would consider the content of such a focused website as "propaganda", but I would willingly call it that as well.

you seem to think that propaganda is a dirty word. It's not.


2.: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
daveman said:
Horseshit. You used it in a derogatory manner. You know you did, I know you did. Stop backpedaling. :lol:

derogatory? absolutely not. Propaganda is what it is...it is unabashed spin for the purpose of influencing opinion. It is not necessarily false or even bad... it just is. The DNC has plenty of propaganda operations. I am perfectly fine with it. The point being: I asked someone to explain why rich blacks voted democratic and, in response, I got a propaganda piece from a black republican site that explained why blacks SHOULD vote for republicans. pretty lame... and clearly just another attempt to avoid facing the truth.
daveman said:
That's been explained to you, in the letter from King. Democrats started making promises.

and after sixty years of these supposed "promises" being unkept, and the poor black man being held down in the urban ghetto by the racist democrats, and STILL they continue to vote for the democrats. Amazing! They must be REALLY dumb negroes to keep doing that, eh?

And YOU refuse to acknowledge that the GOP's southern strategy might very well have played a major role in that exodus. Until you man up and explain why RICH blacks vote democratic as often as poor blacks do - a question I have been attempting to get you to address for several days now...
daveman said:
Holy shit, you're stupid. I already said I don't know why they do. You know why? It's because I don't claim to speak for any group to which I don't belong. You know, like white liberals do.

odd.... you don't claim to be able to speak for RICH blacks, but you certainly weighed in on why you felt that POOR blacks voted for democrats. Are you a poor black man? Is that why you felt you could speak for them because you are one of them? If not, then why the selective ability to speak for one socioeconomic segment of black americans but not another?

...then you will continue to appear very pussy-like from my perspective. Now...is today gonna be the day where you grow a set and address that question, or not?

I'm betting not.:razz:
daveman said:
it's funny that you think I should give a shit what you think. :lol: Go on, stamp your feet and insist I should again. It's funny! :lol:

I don't think that you should give a shit what I think... not in the least. I just think it's funny how you try to tapdance around the fact that your only real explanation as to why blacks vote for democrats shows how inherently racist your party really is! You remind me of br'er rabbit trying to get away from the tarbaby!:razz:
No thinking individual believes what daveman thinks. Shoot, if daveman doesn't believe what he thinks. If he doesn't, then I am not going to believe him either.
not at all. I fully acknowledge the legitimacy of black republicans.
daveman said:
Horseshit. :lol:

You have no basis for that nonsensical response... one word profanity? that's it? I have no problem accepting black republicans. The great state of Massachusetts used to be represented in the Senate by a great one. I have absolutely ZERO problem with anyone whose personal philosophy fits with the republican party. My own brother is a staunch conservative.

derogatory? absolutely not. Propaganda is what it is...it is unabashed spin for the purpose of influencing opinion. It is not necessarily false or even bad... it just is. The DNC has plenty of propaganda operations. I am perfectly fine with it. The point being: I asked someone to explain why rich blacks voted democratic and, in response, I got a propaganda piece from a black republican site that explained why blacks SHOULD vote for republicans. pretty lame... and clearly just another attempt to avoid facing the truth.

and after sixty years of these supposed "promises" being unkept, and the poor black man being held down in the urban ghetto by the racist democrats, and STILL they continue to vote for the democrats. Amazing! They must be REALLY dumb negroes to keep doing that, eh?

odd.... you don't claim to be able to speak for RICH blacks, but you certainly weighed in on why you felt that POOR blacks voted for democrats. Are you a poor black man? Is that why you felt you could speak for them because you are one of them? If not, then why the selective ability to speak for one socioeconomic segment of black americans but not another?

...then you will continue to appear very pussy-like from my perspective. Now...is today gonna be the day where you grow a set and address that question, or not?

I'm betting not.:razz:
daveman said:
it's funny that you think I should give a shit what you think. :lol: Go on, stamp your feet and insist I should again. It's funny! :lol:

I don't think that you should give a shit what I think... not in the least. I just think it's funny how you try to tapdance around the fact that your only real explanation as to why blacks vote for democrats shows how inherently racist your party really is! You remind me of br'er rabbit trying to get away from the tarbaby!:razz:
Says the guy who votes for the party that says blacks can't succeed without help from white liberals.

So, yeah, "horseshit" is about all you deserve. :lol:
daveman is now lying to himself.

Says the guy who votes for the party that says blacks can't succeed without help from white liberals.

So, yeah, "horseshit" is about all you deserve. :lol:

no...if you could find a post or a white paper or ANYTHING from the democratic party that even HINTED that we thought that blacks coud not succeed without help from white liberals, that woud be fantastic... but, as we both know, you cannot back that bullshit claim up with ANYTHING other than your ingrained white republican, southern strategy, racist, we could give a fuck about those lazy stupid ******* attitude which lost you the black vote to begin with. You disgust me... your political party disgusts me, and it obviously disgusts 90% of the blacks in America... perhaps you should go back to the huddle and figure out a better play. good luch with that.
Says the guy who votes for the party that says blacks can't succeed without help from white liberals.

So, yeah, "horseshit" is about all you deserve. :lol:

no...if you could find a post or a white paper or ANYTHING from the democratic party that even HINTED that we thought that blacks coud not succeed without help from white liberals, that woud be fantastic... but, as we both know, you cannot back that bullshit claim up with ANYTHING other than your ingrained white republican, southern strategy, racist, we could give a fuck about those lazy stupid ******* attitude which lost you the black vote to begin with. You disgust me... your political party disgusts me, and it obviously disgusts 90% of the blacks in America... perhaps you should go back to the huddle and figure out a better play. good luch with that.
Whew! Darn good thing you're irrelevant! :lol:
daveman is a loser. Boasts then he toasts as we roasts him over the fire of scrutiny.

What a scrub he is.
Says the guy who votes for the party that says blacks can't succeed without help from white liberals.

So, yeah, "horseshit" is about all you deserve. :lol:

no...if you could find a post or a white paper or ANYTHING from the democratic party that even HINTED that we thought that blacks coud not succeed without help from white liberals, that woud be fantastic... but, as we both know, you cannot back that bullshit claim up with ANYTHING other than your ingrained white republican, southern strategy, racist, we could give a fuck about those lazy stupid ******* attitude which lost you the black vote to begin with. You disgust me... your political party disgusts me, and it obviously disgusts 90% of the blacks in America... perhaps you should go back to the huddle and figure out a better play. good luch with that.
Whew! Darn good thing you're irrelevant! :lol:

hey... it's an internet chat board... we're all relatively irrelevant. The fact remains that you toss out bullshit without any basis, get your ass handed to you, and then, oddly enough claim that the discussion was irrelevant all along.

and throughout it all... 90% of black americans continue to vote democratic and you flip around like a fish out of water whining that it's all those evil democrat's fault.

when you and your racist party wants to confront their southern strategy... when you and your party wants to actually try to figure out how to bring blacks into the GOP with some methodology other than accusing them of being stupid and dupes of the evil democrats... then maybe you stand a ghost of a chance of changing that percentage... until then.... good luck.
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hey... it's an internet chat board... we're all relatively irrelevant. The fact remains that you toss out bullshit without any basis, get your ass handed to you, and then, oddly enough claim that the discussion was irrelevant all along.
Not the discussion...you. :lol:
and throughout it all... 90% of black americans continue to vote democratic and you flip around like a fish out of water whining that it's all those evil democrat's fault.

when you and your racist party wants to confront their southern strategy... when you and your party wants to actually try to figure out how to bring blacks into the GOP with some methodology other than accusing them of being stupid and dupes of the evil democrats... then maybe you stand a ghost of a chance of changing that percentage... until then.... good luck.
Maybe we could promise them goodies and special treatment. How much would you Democrats charge for a franchise?

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