Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

At least you didn't call her a house ****** -- at least not in your post. Leftists have been known to do that when confronted with a black Republican woman.

of course I didn't... and you wasted yet another post where you could have answered the question that I have been trying to get you to answer now for several days....

fucking pussy coward.
So, are you going to ignore my post explaining why you call anything from a conservative black "propaganda"?

I don't blame you. It's pretty damning. You really need to think about what your party is doing to the black community.

But you won't. You don't give a shit about blacks as long as they dutifully pull the D lever. You've proven that here in this thread.

When black republicans try to tell the white world why the overwhelming majority of blacks don't agree with them, and they create a website specifically to drive that message home to WHITE people... it IS propaganda. If they were serious about putting out the truth, they would tell their fellow blacks about it... and if their arguments were at all convincing, other blacks would believe them. I wonder why they don't?:razz:
totally false and insulting statement. I have never insisted any such thing.
Horseshit. I listen to what Democrats promise. I also pay attention to what they do.

And they've been purposely keeping the black community dependent on government for 50 years.

You should be ashamed of yourself. But you don't have the good sense to be.
how about we ask you and how about you use your little pea sized brain and string some words together on your own?:cuckoo:

so... in response to the facts from Pew Research Center that the percentage of rich blacks who vote democratic is nearly identical to that of poor blacks, rather than give me your explanation for that as asked, you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation"?

What the fuck? :razz:
Ahhh. If it's from conservative blacks, it's "propaganda". Do you know why you call it that?

Because they dared step foot off the Democratic plantation. They didn't act the way you insisted black people should act. You can't tolerate a minority not staying in the pigeonhole you've decided they should be in. When they don't conform to your stereotypes, you don't address what they say, you attack them personally.

Game, set, match. And you did it to yourself. Good job, asshead. :clap2:

I have never insisted that my black fellow democrats any way.
Horseshit. Stop lying. If you didn't insist on it, you wouldn't have called that letter by a black Republican "propaganda".

I'm not buying your shit, so stop selling it.
And you cannot answer the question that I have posed to you repeatedly over the past few days.... if ghetto blacks are so stupid to believe the purported lies told them by democrats, why do rich blacks continue to vote democratic as well. WHen you grow a set of balls bigger than two peas, maybe you'll step up to the plate and have a swing at that one... you fucking pussy.
I really don't know why they vote the way they do. But 50 years of brainwashing can't be easy to walk away from.
Horseshit. I listen to what Democrats promise. I also pay attention to what they do.

And they've been purposely keeping the black community dependent on government for 50 years.

You should be ashamed of yourself. But you don't have the good sense to be.

Ahhh. If it's from conservative blacks, it's "propaganda". Do you know why you call it that?

Because they dared step foot off the Democratic plantation. They didn't act the way you insisted black people should act. You can't tolerate a minority not staying in the pigeonhole you've decided they should be in. When they don't conform to your stereotypes, you don't address what they say, you attack them personally.

Game, set, match. And you did it to yourself. Good job, asshead. :clap2:

I have never insisted that my black fellow democrats any way.
Horseshit. Stop lying. If you didn't insist on it, you wouldn't have called that letter by a black Republican "propaganda".

I'm not buying your shit, so stop selling it.
And you cannot answer the question that I have posed to you repeatedly over the past few days.... if ghetto blacks are so stupid to believe the purported lies told them by democrats, why do rich blacks continue to vote democratic as well. WHen you grow a set of balls bigger than two peas, maybe you'll step up to the plate and have a swing at that one... you fucking pussy.
I really don't know why they vote the way they do. But 50 years of brainwashing can't be easy to walk away from.

smart intelligent WHITE republicans can see right through the purported democratic brainwashing, but smart intelligent successful rich blacks cannot.

got it. I think we're done here. You are clearly a negro hating racist who views all blacks as less than equal to yourself.

smart intelligent WHITE republicans can see right through the purported democratic brainwashing, but smart intelligent successful rich blacks cannot.

got it. I think we're done here. You are clearly a negro hating racist who views all blacks as less than equal to yourself.

Don't project your racism on me.

I believe I've mentioned in this thread a friend of mine...retired E-8, now defense contractor, small business owner, degree in management, conservative. Oh, and he's black.

I know, you hate him already.

Anyway, I once asked him why blacks vote Democrat. He told me, "It's because they don't think for themselves. The believe the lies."

Now, predictably, you will either claim I made that up, or call me a racist for relating the story.

Dumbfuck. :lol:
so... democrats keep blacks imprisoned in urban ghettos and those blacks have all been brainwashed that their imprisonment is NOT the fault of the democrats.... gosh... you must think they're all really dumb to be duped like that! And again... why do rich blacks vote for democrats?

1. Actually, the majority of rich black Americans vote Republican.
Black Republican History | National Black Republican Association

2. One out of every four African American live below the poverty line. This means that at least 70% of African Americans are not "imprisoned in urban ghettos"
Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe the first logical step, in discussing this issue, should start with all of you stop throwing every African American into the same bowl and mixing them up as if they're all the same. Food for thought.

Pew Research disagrees with your first point...and I trust them more than the self serving link of yours.

I agree wholeheartedly with your second point. I have repeatedly asked republicans on here to explain why blacks across the socioeconomic spectrum vote democrat... and they have no answer other than democrats have lied to them and somehow, an entire race of people has fallen for the same lie... a lie that THEY (white republicans) are somehow ALL smart enough to figure out.

A research agency has a tendency to pick and chose the subjects they wish to poll or research; this opens up the argument of contamination of data. Excuse me, but if I recall, my "self serving" link is from the National Black Republican Association. That's from the "horse's mouth", sort of speak. Food for thought.
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No, it's not from the "horse's mouth", moron. It is from a very small minority of blacks, about 3%. It is not reflective of black Americans as a whole, you horse's ass. So ask yourself this: why do they overwhelmingly vote against the racist GOP? Hint: the answer is embedded in the question.

1. Actually, the majority of rich black Americans vote Republican.
Black Republican History | National Black Republican Association

2. One out of every four African American live below the poverty line. This means that at least 70% of African Americans are not "imprisoned in urban ghettos"
Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe the first logical step, in discussing this issue, should start with all of you stop throwing every African American into the same bowl and mixing them up as if they're all the same. Food for thought.

Pew Research disagrees with your first point...and I trust them more than the self serving link of yours.

I agree wholeheartedly with your second point. I have repeatedly asked republicans on here to explain why blacks across the socioeconomic spectrum vote democrat... and they have no answer other than democrats have lied to them and somehow, an entire race of people has fallen for the same lie... a lie that THEY (white republicans) are somehow ALL smart enough to figure out.

A research agency has a tendency to pick and chose the subjects they wish to poll or research; this opens up the argument of contamination of data. Excuse me, but if I recall, my "self serving" link is from the National Black Republican Association. That's from the "horse's mouth", sort of speak. Food for thought.

the national black republicans have a vested interest, do they not, in promoting the idea that rich blacks all believe like them? The Pew Research Institute has no such vested interest. Pew.... which has no dog in this fight, found that black affiliation to the democratic party remains constant across the socioecomonic spectrum. And the only answer any republican can give as to why that is the case is that the democrats have brainwashed ALL of them. Pretty dismissive and racist if you ask me.
smart intelligent WHITE republicans can see right through the purported democratic brainwashing, but smart intelligent successful rich blacks cannot.

got it. I think we're done here. You are clearly a negro hating racist who views all blacks as less than equal to yourself.

Don't project your racism on me.

I believe I've mentioned in this thread a friend of mine...retired E-8, now defense contractor, small business owner, degree in management, conservative. Oh, and he's black.

I know, you hate him already.

Anyway, I once asked him why blacks vote Democrat. He told me, "It's because they don't think for themselves. The believe the lies."

Now, predictably, you will either claim I made that up, or call me a racist for relating the story.

Dumbfuck. :lol:

not at all, you lame ass pussy. I have never suggested that 100% of blacks vote democratic. I have no doubt that you know a black republican, or two, ot twenty, even... just like I happen to know a born again pro-life christian democrat. That does not change the fact that, demographically, blacks vote for democrats and your black republican pal does not answer the question as to why the overwhelming majority of his black peers do not agree with him.

grow a set or shove a tampon up your ass.
"shove a tampon up your ass"

now, daveman, that is very, very funny. Do grow a set and admit you are wrong, or stand revealed as a pussy.
Pew Research disagrees with your first point...and I trust them more than the self serving link of yours.

I agree wholeheartedly with your second point. I have repeatedly asked republicans on here to explain why blacks across the socioeconomic spectrum vote democrat... and they have no answer other than democrats have lied to them and somehow, an entire race of people has fallen for the same lie... a lie that THEY (white republicans) are somehow ALL smart enough to figure out.

A research agency has a tendency to pick and chose the subjects they wish to poll or research; this opens up the argument of contamination of data. Excuse me, but if I recall, my "self serving" link is from the National Black Republican Association. That's from the "horse's mouth", sort of speak. Food for thought.

the national black republicans have a vested interest, do they not, in promoting the idea that rich blacks all believe like them? The Pew Research Institute has no such vested interest. Pew.... which has no dog in this fight, found that black affiliation to the democratic party remains constant across the socioecomonic spectrum. And the only answer any republican can give as to why that is the case is that the democrats have brainwashed ALL of them. Pretty dismissive and racist if you ask me.

Rich blacks? kind of kicks your arguement in the head. How can there be rich blacks when there isn't any equality between whites and blacks?
smart intelligent WHITE republicans can see right through the purported democratic brainwashing, but smart intelligent successful rich blacks cannot.

got it. I think we're done here. You are clearly a negro hating racist who views all blacks as less than equal to yourself.

Don't project your racism on me.

I believe I've mentioned in this thread a friend of mine...retired E-8, now defense contractor, small business owner, degree in management, conservative. Oh, and he's black.

I know, you hate him already.

Anyway, I once asked him why blacks vote Democrat. He told me, "It's because they don't think for themselves. The believe the lies."

Now, predictably, you will either claim I made that up, or call me a racist for relating the story.

Dumbfuck. :lol:

not at all, you lame ass pussy. I have never suggested that 100% of blacks vote democratic. I have no doubt that you know a black republican, or two, ot twenty, even... just like I happen to know a born again pro-life christian democrat. That does not change the fact that, demographically, blacks vote for democrats and your black republican pal does not answer the question as to why the overwhelming majority of his black peers do not agree with him.

grow a set or shove a tampon up your ass.
...says the guy who can't accept conservative blacks without calling their opinions "propaganda". :lol:

The science is settled. White liberals know what's best for the black community.
Don't project your racism on me.

I believe I've mentioned in this thread a friend of mine...retired E-8, now defense contractor, small business owner, degree in management, conservative. Oh, and he's black.

I know, you hate him already.

Anyway, I once asked him why blacks vote Democrat. He told me, "It's because they don't think for themselves. The believe the lies."

Now, predictably, you will either claim I made that up, or call me a racist for relating the story.

Dumbfuck. :lol:

not at all, you lame ass pussy. I have never suggested that 100% of blacks vote democratic. I have no doubt that you know a black republican, or two, ot twenty, even... just like I happen to know a born again pro-life christian democrat. That does not change the fact that, demographically, blacks vote for democrats and your black republican pal does not answer the question as to why the overwhelming majority of his black peers do not agree with him.

grow a set or shove a tampon up your ass.
...says the guy who can't accept conservative blacks without calling their opinions "propaganda". :lol:

The science is settled. White liberals know what's best for the black community.

not at all. I fully acknowledge the legitimacy of black republicans. I DO know that, if there were a website that was run by the DNC and its purpose was to highlight some demographic group and show how many of them were democrats, and tell their story in such a way as to attempt to encourage others from their demographic group to consider joining the democratic party, I not only am sure that you would consider the content of such a focused website as "propaganda", but I would willingly call it that as well.

you seem to think that propaganda is a dirty word. It's not.


2.: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect

and finally, you have mischaracterized my positions and mis-predicted my responses pretty much non-stop on this thread. I have NEVER said that I or any other white liberal knew what is best for the black community. I have ALWAYS suggested that the black community was fully capable of figuring that out for themselves. SOMETHING happened between the early 60's and today that caused the black community - ALL levels of the black community - to switch from being ardent republicans to being ardent democrats. And YOU refuse to acknowledge that the GOP's southern strategy might very well have played a major role in that exodus. Until you man up and explain why RICH blacks vote democratic as often as poor blacks do - a question I have been attempting to get you to address for several days now - then you will continue to appear very pussy-like from my perspective. Now...is today gonna be the day where you grow a set and address that question, or not?

I'm betting not.:razz:
A research agency has a tendency to pick and chose the subjects they wish to poll or research; this opens up the argument of contamination of data. Excuse me, but if I recall, my "self serving" link is from the National Black Republican Association. That's from the "horse's mouth", sort of speak. Food for thought.

the national black republicans have a vested interest, do they not, in promoting the idea that rich blacks all believe like them? The Pew Research Institute has no such vested interest. Pew.... which has no dog in this fight, found that black affiliation to the democratic party remains constant across the socioecomonic spectrum. And the only answer any republican can give as to why that is the case is that the democrats have brainwashed ALL of them. Pretty dismissive and racist if you ask me.

Rich blacks? kind of kicks your arguement in the head. How can there be rich blacks when there isn't any equality between whites and blacks?


the question at hand is why blacks are steadfastly loyal to the democratic party REGARDLESS of their socioeconomic status. A question which you and the rest of your band of racist GOP foot soldiers cannot and will not address... because you know that your only answers are, themselves, proof of your ingrained racism.
I realize that english is tough for you... but you see, I never said that Alveda King was a black GUY....I suggested that ERRVIDEO.COM is a propoganda site run by non-democratic black guys. Pull your foot out of your mouth before you bite it with your tooth.

You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

I was precise. the propoganda was from errvideo. which is black guys. I suppose if I had said black guy singular, you might have some point. But either way, your nitpicking about this is merely a diversion. daveywoman cannot explain the Pew Research Center's data... and he tried to avoid his inability to do so by posting errvideo propoganda - specifically a piece written by a black republican woman. Why DO rich blacks vote democratic in nearly identical percentages to poor blacks? Nobody's got an answer for that... and nobody's got an answer to why your own party chairman admitted to the long running existence of a GOP southern strategy designed to exclude and marginalize blacks.

The article was written by Alveda King and it just so happened to wind up on Errvideo's website, therefore you're caling King's article propoganda.
I realize that english is tough for you... but you see, I never said that Alveda King was a black GUY....I suggested that ERRVIDEO.COM is a propoganda site run by non-democratic black guys. Pull your foot out of your mouth before you bite it with your tooth.

You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

So tell me, does the website make Alveda's article any less valid?

valid? I never said it was invalid. I merely stated that it did not answer the question.

Yes valid. It was a question not an accusation, so lighten up nancy!
You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

I was precise. the propoganda was from errvideo. which is black guys. I suppose if I had said black guy singular, you might have some point. But either way, your nitpicking about this is merely a diversion. daveywoman cannot explain the Pew Research Center's data... and he tried to avoid his inability to do so by posting errvideo propoganda - specifically a piece written by a black republican woman. Why DO rich blacks vote democratic in nearly identical percentages to poor blacks? Nobody's got an answer for that... and nobody's got an answer to why your own party chairman admitted to the long running existence of a GOP southern strategy designed to exclude and marginalize blacks.

The article was written by Alveda King and it just so happened to wind up on Errvideo's website, therefore you're caling King's article propoganda.

I am calling errvideo's use of the article an act of propaganda. go read the definition of the word:


2.: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect.

by placing King's article on their website, ERRVIDEO was spreading ideas for the purpose of helping recruit black republicans. Do you honestly disagree with that statement?

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