Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

Since 1968 the blacks know in which parties their enemies live. A very, very few blacks (some influential like those above after 1968 - the ones before don't count) are in the GOP for various reasons, and I imagine they believe they are helping their race. Now, if you were being honest, you would post the pictures of the hundreds and thousands of black Americans who are Democrats.

Ah, you did not think to look on the other side of the coin, did you, silly boy?

You can't win an argument here with those who are smarter, better read, more informed, and think critically. Bu keep trying because it amuses us.
Since 1968 the blacks know in which parties their enemies live. A very, very few blacks (some influential like those above after 1968 - the ones before don't count) are in the GOP for various reasons, and I imagine they believe they are helping their race. Now, if you were being honest, you would post the pictures of the hundreds and thousands of black Americans who are Democrats.

Ah, you did not think to look on the other side of the coin, did you, silly boy?

You can't win an argument here with those who are smarter, better read, more informed, and think critically. Bu keep trying because it amuses us.

You haven't provided a sufficient reason as to why most blacks vote democrat. I offered my opinion yet you nor maineshitforbrains has offered an opinion. You both claim that most blacks vote democratic and you don't even know why. My guess is that Daveman and I are correct and you and shitforbrains won't admit it, 'cause you sure as hell can't prove our opinions wrong.

I'm not trying to win an argument dumbass, I'm simply expressing my opinions. I could care less if you stay ignorant your entire life or not. If lying makes you a critical thinker, then I guess you are a critical thinker.
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The Pew Research center is credible. Blacks in overwhelming numbers right through the socio-economic levels vote Democratic. To suggest they are p'wnd is racist because almost all blacks in all socio-economic levels vote against the GOP.


Because they know that is where their enemies went.
Yes, it's just absolutely horrible to want people to take care of themselves and their families, isn't it?

For a "moderate", you sure are a stupid leftist dumbass. :lol:
The answers have been provided. You simply don't want to admit that (1) you are wrong and (2) you are a racist.

The ignorance remains yours.
and yet you claim to know that poor blacks are somehow "brainwashed from birth"?:lol:
Okay, then you explain why inner city blacks don't make it out, and immigrants who come here with nothing retire wealthy.
You seem perfectly willing to explain why poor blacks vote the way THEY do.... why are you so reticent to offer an explanation for rich blacks?

You seem to take it as given that rich blacks automatically vote Democrat. Have you posted any proof of this, or are you just insisting they do because that's the pigeonhole you've put them in?

there are certainly inner city blacks who DO make it out, and there are certainly immigrants who come here and struggle to make ends meet. You seem to be the one pigeonholing folks, not me.
Do you vote Democrat? If so, you're insisting blacks can't take care of themselves without white liberal help.
And yes, I have provided proof of rich black voting behavior in this very thread... if you missed it, tough shit. The Pew Research Center studied black voting behavior and found that support for the democratic party remained nearly constant throughout the socioeconomic spectrum. Got an explanation for that?

How about we ask some black folks?
Today, Democrats, in pursuit of their socialist agenda, are fighting to keep blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats. Examples of how egregiously Democrats act to keep blacks in poverty are numerous.

After wrongly convincing black Americans that a minimum wage increase was a good thing, the Democrats on August 3rd kept their promise and killed the minimum wage bill passed by House Republicans on July 29th. The blockage of the minimum wage bill was the second time in as many years that Democrats stuck a legislative finger in the eye of black Americans. Senate Democrats on April 1, 2004 blocked passage of a bill to renew the 1996 welfare reform law that was pushed by Republicans and vetoed twice by President Bill Clinton before he finally signed it. Since the welfare reform law expired in September 2002, Congress had passed six extensions, and the latest expired on June 30, 2004. Opposed by the Democrats are school choice opportunity scholarships that would help black children get out of failing schools and Social Security reform, even though blacks on average lose $10,000 in the current system because of a shorter life expectancy than whites (72.2 years for blacks vs. 77.5 years for whites).

Democrats have been running our inner-cities for the past 30-40 years, and blacks are still complaining about the same problems. Over $7 trillion dollars have been spent on poverty programs since President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty with little, if any, impact on poverty. Diabolically, every election cycle, Democrats blame Republicans for the deplorable conditions in the inner-cities, then incite blacks to cast a protest vote against Republicans.

In order to break the Democrats' stranglehold on the black vote and free black Americans from the Democrat Party's economic plantation, we must shed the light of truth on the Democrats. We must demonstrate that the Democrat Party policies of socialism and dependency on government handouts offer the pathway to poverty, while Republican Party principles of hard work, personal responsibility, getting a good education and ownership of homes and small businesses offer the pathway to prosperity.​
Since 1968 the blacks know in which parties their enemies live. A very, very few blacks (some influential like those above after 1968 - the ones before don't count) are in the GOP for various reasons, and I imagine they believe they are helping their race. Now, if you were being honest, you would post the pictures of the hundreds and thousands of black Americans who are Democrats.

Ah, you did not think to look on the other side of the coin, did you, silly boy?

You can't win an argument here with those who are smarter, better read, more informed, and think critically. Bu keep trying because it amuses us.
Do you vote Democrat? If so, you're insisting blacks can't take care of themselves without white liberal help.

totally false and insulting statement. I have never insisted any such thing.

And yes, I have provided proof of rich black voting behavior in this very thread... if you missed it, tough shit. The Pew Research Center studied black voting behavior and found that support for the democratic party remained nearly constant throughout the socioeconomic spectrum. Got an explanation for that?

daveman said:

how about we ask you and how about you use your little pea sized brain and string some words together on your own?:cuckoo:

so... in response to the facts from Pew Research Center that the percentage of rich blacks who vote democratic is nearly identical to that of poor blacks, rather than give me your explanation for that as asked, you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation"?

What the fuck? :razz:
Do you vote Democrat? If so, you're insisting blacks can't take care of themselves without white liberal help.

totally false and insulting statement. I have never insisted any such thing.

And yes, I have provided proof of rich black voting behavior in this very thread... if you missed it, tough shit. The Pew Research Center studied black voting behavior and found that support for the democratic party remained nearly constant throughout the socioeconomic spectrum. Got an explanation for that?

daveman said:

how about we ask you and how about you use your little pea sized brain and string some words together on your own?:cuckoo:

so... in response to the facts from Pew Research Center that the percentage of rich blacks who vote democratic is nearly identical to that of poor blacks, rather than give me your explanation for that as asked, you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation"?

What the fuck? :razz:

Yes, Alveda King is non-democratic but I doubt she's a black guy. :cuckoo:
totally false and insulting statement. I have never insisted any such thing.

how about we ask you and how about you use your little pea sized brain and string some words together on your own?:cuckoo:

so... in response to the facts from Pew Research Center that the percentage of rich blacks who vote democratic is nearly identical to that of poor blacks, rather than give me your explanation for that as asked, you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation"?

What the fuck? :razz:

Yes, Alveda King is non-democratic but I doubt she's a black guy.

I realize that english is tough for you... but you see, I never said that Alveda King was a black GUY....I suggested that ERRVIDEO.COM is a propoganda site run by non-democratic black guys. Pull your foot out of your mouth before you bite it with your tooth.

You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

So tell me, does the website make Alveda's article any less valid?
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Yes, Alveda King is non-democratic but I doubt she's a black guy.

I realize that english is tough for you... but you see, I never said that Alveda King was a black GUY....I suggested that ERRVIDEO.COM is a propoganda site run by non-democratic black guys. Pull your foot out of your mouth before you bite it with your tooth.

You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

I was precise. the propoganda was from errvideo. which is black guys. I suppose if I had said black guy singular, you might have some point. But either way, your nitpicking about this is merely a diversion. daveywoman cannot explain the Pew Research Center's data... and he tried to avoid his inability to do so by posting errvideo propoganda - specifically a piece written by a black republican woman. Why DO rich blacks vote democratic in nearly identical percentages to poor blacks? Nobody's got an answer for that... and nobody's got an answer to why your own party chairman admitted to the long running existence of a GOP southern strategy designed to exclude and marginalize blacks.
Yes, Alveda King is non-democratic but I doubt she's a black guy.

I realize that english is tough for you... but you see, I never said that Alveda King was a black GUY....I suggested that ERRVIDEO.COM is a propoganda site run by non-democratic black guys. Pull your foot out of your mouth before you bite it with your tooth.

You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

So tell me, does the website make Alveda's article any less valid?

valid? I never said it was invalid. I merely stated that it did not answer the question.
Lonestar_Logic is engaged in classic propaganda of covert racism to degrade and inhibit black voting.

The facts are clear that:

1. Blacks overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party.

2. Black voting patterns of Democratic preference are not negatively impacted by socio-economic levels.
Do you vote Democrat? If so, you're insisting blacks can't take care of themselves without white liberal help.

totally false and insulting statement. I have never insisted any such thing.
Horseshit. I listen to what Democrats promise. I also pay attention to what they do.

And they've been purposely keeping the black community dependent on government for 50 years.

You should be ashamed of yourself. But you don't have the good sense to be.

Ahhh. If it's from conservative blacks, it's "propaganda". Do you know why you call it that?

Because they dared step foot off the Democratic plantation. They didn't act the way you insisted black people should act. You can't tolerate a minority not staying in the pigeonhole you've decided they should be in. When they don't conform to your stereotypes, you don't address what they say, you attack them personally.

Game, set, match. And you did it to yourself. Good job, asshead. :clap2:
You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

So tell me, does the website make Alveda's article any less valid?
What makes it invalid for him is it's a black person who isn't kissing Democrat ass.
I was precise. the propoganda was from errvideo. which is black guys. I suppose if I had said black guy singular, you might have some point. But either way, your nitpicking about this is merely a diversion. daveywoman cannot explain the Pew Research Center's data... and he tried to avoid his inability to do so by posting errvideo propoganda - specifically a piece written by a black republican woman. Why DO rich blacks vote democratic in nearly identical percentages to poor blacks? Nobody's got an answer for that... and nobody's got an answer to why your own party chairman admitted to the long running existence of a GOP southern strategy designed to exclude and marginalize blacks.
At least you didn't call her a house ****** -- at least not in your post. Leftists have been known to do that when confronted with a black Republican woman.
I was precise. the propoganda was from errvideo. which is black guys. I suppose if I had said black guy singular, you might have some point. But either way, your nitpicking about this is merely a diversion. daveywoman cannot explain the Pew Research Center's data... and he tried to avoid his inability to do so by posting errvideo propoganda - specifically a piece written by a black republican woman. Why DO rich blacks vote democratic in nearly identical percentages to poor blacks? Nobody's got an answer for that... and nobody's got an answer to why your own party chairman admitted to the long running existence of a GOP southern strategy designed to exclude and marginalize blacks.
At least you didn't call her a house ****** -- at least not in your post. Leftists have been known to do that when confronted with a black Republican woman.

of course I didn't... and you wasted yet another post where you could have answered the question that I have been trying to get you to answer now for several days....

fucking pussy coward.
I was precise. the propoganda was from errvideo. which is black guys. I suppose if I had said black guy singular, you might have some point. But either way, your nitpicking about this is merely a diversion. daveywoman cannot explain the Pew Research Center's data... and he tried to avoid his inability to do so by posting errvideo propoganda - specifically a piece written by a black republican woman. Why DO rich blacks vote democratic in nearly identical percentages to poor blacks? Nobody's got an answer for that... and nobody's got an answer to why your own party chairman admitted to the long running existence of a GOP southern strategy designed to exclude and marginalize blacks.
At least you didn't call her a house ****** -- at least not in your post. Leftists have been known to do that when confronted with a black Republican woman.

of course I didn't... and you wasted yet another post where you could have answered the question that I have been trying to get you to answer now for several days....

fucking pussy coward.
So, are you going to ignore my post explaining why you call anything from a conservative black "propaganda"?

I don't blame you. It's pretty damning. You really need to think about what your party is doing to the black community.

But you won't. You don't give a shit about blacks as long as they dutifully pull the D lever. You've proven that here in this thread.
Do you vote Democrat? If so, you're insisting blacks can't take care of themselves without white liberal help.

totally false and insulting statement. I have never insisted any such thing.
Horseshit. I listen to what Democrats promise. I also pay attention to what they do.

And they've been purposely keeping the black community dependent on government for 50 years.

You should be ashamed of yourself. But you don't have the good sense to be.

Ahhh. If it's from conservative blacks, it's "propaganda". Do you know why you call it that?

Because they dared step foot off the Democratic plantation. They didn't act the way you insisted black people should act. You can't tolerate a minority not staying in the pigeonhole you've decided they should be in. When they don't conform to your stereotypes, you don't address what they say, you attack them personally.

Game, set, match. And you did it to yourself. Good job, asshead. :clap2:

I have never insisted that my black fellow democrats any way. And you cannot answer the question that I have posed to you repeatedly over the past few days.... if ghetto blacks are so stupid to believe the purported lies told them by democrats, why do rich blacks continue to vote democratic as well. WHen you grow a set of balls bigger than two peas, maybe you'll step up to the plate and have a swing at that one... you fucking pussy.

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