Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

No, it's not from the "horse's mouth", moron. It is from a very small minority of blacks, about 3%. It is not reflective of black Americans as a whole, you horse's ass. So ask yourself this: why do they overwhelmingly vote against the racist GOP? Hint: the answer is embedded in the question.

The pew research is operated by a large majority of blacks?

Who said this,"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

It was .... Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according Ronald Kessler's Book, "Inside The White House"

Here's some more quotes from democrats:

(Affect(ing) a black accent to recount San Francisco mayor Willie Brown asking) "Who is this "Emily List? She's supportin' all these people. She's supportin' Sen. Dianne Feinstein. She's supported Sen. Barbara Boxer....She supported everybody. Why won't she support me?" -- Hillary Clinton. Source: John Broder of the LA Times

"Some junior high n*gger kicked Steve's ass while he was trying to help his brothers out; junior high or sophomore in high school. Whatever it was, Steve had the n*gger down. However it was, it was Steve's fault. He had the n*gger down, he let him up. The n*gger blindsided him." -- Roger Clinton, the President's brother on audiotape

"You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva." -- Fritz Hollings (D, S.C.)

"Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza? Or the way you wash and park the whitey's cars?" -- Song from the show of left-wing radio host Neil Rogers

Blacks and Hispanics are "too busy eating watermelons and tacos" to learn how to read and write." -- Mike Wallace, CBS News. Source: Newsmax

"In the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and [there] were those slaves that lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master ... exactly the way the master intended to have you serve him. Colin Powell's committed to come into the house of the master. When Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture." -- Harry Belafonte

"Republicans bring out Colin Powell and J.C. Watts because they have no program, no policy. They have no love and no joy. They'd rather take pictures with black children than feed them." -- Donna Brazile, Al Gore's Campaign Manager for the 2000 election

(On Clarence Thomas) "A handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom." -- Spike Lee

"He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black." -- California State Senator Diane Watson's on Ward Connerly's interracial marriage

"Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." -- Former Klansman and current US Senator Robert Byrd, a man who is referred to by many Democrats as the "conscience of the Senate", in a letter written in 1944, after he quit the KKK.

"I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state .... The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia .... It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va .... I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities." -- Former Klansman and current US Senator Robert Byrd, a man who is referred to by many Democrats as the "conscience of the Senate", in a letter written in 1946, after he quit the KKK.

"These laws [segregation] are still constitutional and I promise you that until they are removed from the ordinance books of Birmingham and the statute books of Alabama, they will be enforced in Birmingham to the utmost of my ability and by all lawful means." -- Democrat Bull Connor (1957), Commissioner of Public Safety for Birmingham, Alabama

(On New York) "Kiketown." -- Harry Truman in a personal letter

"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n*gger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a ****** from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America." Harry Truman (1911) in a letter to his future wife Bess

"There’s some people who’ve gone over the state and said, ‘Well, George Wallace has talked too strong about segregation.’ Now let me ask you this: how in the name of common sense can you be too strong about it? You’re either for it or you’re against it. There’s not any middle ground as I know of." -- Democratic Alabama Governor George Wallace (1959)

"You fucking Jew bastard." -- Hillary Clinton to political operative Paul Fray. This was revealed in "State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton" and has been verified by Paul Fray and three witnesses.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes." -- Louis Farrakhan (1984) who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002

"Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under his holy and righteous name." -- Louis Farrakhan who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002, 1984

'Hymies.' 'Hymietown.' -- Jesse Jackson's description of New York City while on the 1984 presidential campaign trail.

"Jews — that's J-E-W-S." -- Democratic state representative Bill McKinney on why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

On Whites

"I want to go up to the closest white person and say: 'You can't understand this, it's a black thing' and then slap him, just for my mental health." -- Charles Barron, a New York city councilman at a reparations rally, 2002

"Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them." -- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

(I) "will not let the white boys win in this election." -- Donna Brazile, Al Gore's Campaign Manager on the 2000 election

"The old white boys got taken fair and square." -- San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown after winning an election

"There are white *******. I've seen a lot of white ******* in my time." -- Former Klansman and Current US Senator Robert Byrd, a man who is referred to by many Democrats as the "conscience of the Senate" in March of 2001

"The Medicaid system must have been developed by a white male slave owner. It pays for you to be pregnant and have a baby, but it won't pay for much family planning." -- Jocelyn Elders

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years." -- Louis Farrakhan who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002, City College audience in New York

"There's no great, white bigot; there's just about 200 million little white bigots out there." -- USA Today columnist Julienne Malveaux

"We have lost to the white racist press and to the racist reactionary Jewish misleaders." -- Former Rep. Gus Savage (D-Illinois) after his defeat 1992

"White folks was in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." -- Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ, cited in "Democrats Do the Dumbest Things

"The white race is the cancer of human history." -- Susan Sontag

"Reparations are a really good way for white people to admit they're wrong." -- Zack Webb, University Of Kentucky NAACP

And you call Republicans racist.:cuckoo:
You stated: "you instead post some propoganda from some NON-democratic black guys as "your" "explanation""

The "propoganda" as you call it was written by Alveda King. You didn't make a distinction between the author of what you called "propoganda" and the website from which it came.

Pull your head out of your ass and be more precise.

So tell me, does the website make Alveda's article any less valid?

valid? I never said it was invalid. I merely stated that it did not answer the question.

Yes valid. It was a question not an accusation, so lighten up nancy!

her point of view is certainly "valid". It is what she believes. I am not about to accuse her of LYING. She spoke her truth and voiced her opinion.... a totally valid expression. When you posted it, however, it did not address the question.

I say AGAIN that NOBODY on here from the right seems willing to answer the basic question: WHY do RICH BLACKS support and vote for democrats at the same frequency that POOR BLACKS do? What IS it about the GOP that would cause rich blacks, who one would think would vote similarly to the rest of their socio-economic group, to vote for democrats instead?
I was precise. the propoganda was from errvideo. which is black guys. I suppose if I had said black guy singular, you might have some point. But either way, your nitpicking about this is merely a diversion. daveywoman cannot explain the Pew Research Center's data... and he tried to avoid his inability to do so by posting errvideo propoganda - specifically a piece written by a black republican woman. Why DO rich blacks vote democratic in nearly identical percentages to poor blacks? Nobody's got an answer for that... and nobody's got an answer to why your own party chairman admitted to the long running existence of a GOP southern strategy designed to exclude and marginalize blacks.

The article was written by Alveda King and it just so happened to wind up on Errvideo's website, therefore you're caling King's article propoganda.

I am calling errvideo's use of the article an act of propaganda. go read the definition of the word:


2.: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect.

by placing King's article on their website, ERRVIDEO was spreading ideas for the purpose of helping recruit black republicans. Do you honestly disagree with that statement?

I know the definition and the definition is subjective. So did you intend to say the article was a) the spreading of information for the purpose of helping or b) the spreading of information for the purpose of injuring? I'm guessing b). Which I'm sure you would agree. Therefore you are calling Alveda King's article propoganda, information used for the purpose of damaging an opposing cause. And I assure you that wasn't her intent and all one needs to do is research Alveda King.
valid? I never said it was invalid. I merely stated that it did not answer the question.

Yes valid. It was a question not an accusation, so lighten up nancy!

her point of view is certainly "valid". It is what she believes. I am not about to accuse her of LYING. She spoke her truth and voiced her opinion.... a totally valid expression. When you posted it, however, it did not address the question.

I say AGAIN that NOBODY on here from the right seems willing to answer the basic question: WHY do RICH BLACKS support and vote for democrats at the same frequency that POOR BLACKS do? What IS it about the GOP that would cause rich blacks, who one would think would vote similarly to the rest of their socio-economic group, to vote for democrats instead?

I didn't post it. I defended it when you implied it was propoganda which I took to mean an article with the intent on doing damage to an opposing cause, which is far from the truth.

None of us here are "rich black" Democrats (to my knowledge) so how can we answer for them? Why don't you tell us why rich blacks vote for Democrats. And then tell us what authority do you possess that grants you the right to speak for them.

Fact is Daveman and I gave you our opinions why we believe blacks vote the way they do, Alveda King and other prominant blacks support that opinion, neither you nor Jokesfartly has shown that opinion to be wrong.

Your only argument, albeit a lame one, is to say that blacks overwhelmingly vote Democratic and you refuse to accept our explanation yet fail to provide your own.

Jokesfartly's opinion is that blacks vote for Democrats because the Republicans are racist. Yet I have shown time and time again which is the real racist party and it's not the party of Abraham Lincoln. So a better explanation is desired.

So instead of asking us the same question and getting the same answer, provide an answer of your own.
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And you call Republicans racist.:cuckoo:

is posting tired old quotes all you can do? Answer the fucking question or shut the fuck up. I cannot BELIEVE how you guys continue to tapdance away from it.

Those quotes prove a point. He calls Republicans racist while dismissing the blatant racism within his own party. Your question has been answered many times over, you refuse to accept it.
Yes valid. It was a question not an accusation, so lighten up nancy!

her point of view is certainly "valid". It is what she believes. I am not about to accuse her of LYING. She spoke her truth and voiced her opinion.... a totally valid expression. When you posted it, however, it did not address the question.

I say AGAIN that NOBODY on here from the right seems willing to answer the basic question: WHY do RICH BLACKS support and vote for democrats at the same frequency that POOR BLACKS do? What IS it about the GOP that would cause rich blacks, who one would think would vote similarly to the rest of their socio-economic group, to vote for democrats instead?

I didn't post it. I defended it when you implied it was propoganda which I took to mean an article with the intent on doing damage to an opposing cause, which is far from the truth.

None of us here are "rich black" Democrats (to my knowledge) so how can we answer for them? Why don't you tell us why rich blacks vote for Democrats. And then tell us what authority do you possess that grants you the right to speak for them.

Fact is Daveman and I gave you our opinions why we believe blacks vote the way they do, Alveda King and other prominant blacks support that opinion, neither you nor Jokesfartly has shown that opinion to be wrong.

Your only argument, albeit a lame one, is to say that blacks overwhelmingly vote Democratic and you refuse to accept our explanation yet fail to provide your own.

Jokesfartly's opinion is that blacks vote for Democrats because the Republicans are racist. Yet I have shown time and time again which is the real racist party and it's not the party of Abraham Lincoln. So a better explanation is desired.

So instead of asking us the same question and getting the same answer, provide an answer of your own.

your answer consists of saying that blacks vote for democrats because democrats GIVE them things like welfare and food stamps. That answer only makes sense when you are talking about people who benefit from those programs. Why do YOU think that RICH blacks vote democratic?

As far as MY answer... I think they vote for democrats because they believe that they are the better party. I know that's why I vote that way.
And you call Republicans racist.:cuckoo:

is posting tired old quotes all you can do? Answer the fucking question or shut the fuck up. I cannot BELIEVE how you guys continue to tapdance away from it.

Those quotes prove a point. He calls Republicans racist while dismissing the blatant racism within his own party. Your question has been answered many times over, you refuse to accept it.
those quotes prove that there are bigoted racially insensitive people in the democratic party...just like there are in all parties and in all walks of life.

Something happened between the early 60's and now. Blacks used to be solidly republican and now, across the spectrum, they are solidly democratic.

And you somehow want to ignore the idea that your "southern strategy" may have played an integral role in that.

Blacks seem to prefer my party's platform and my party's slate of candidates. So do I. It seems to me that until you can provide a platform and a slate of candidates that is more preferrable to blacks than my party's platform and slate.... you will be destined to get a small percentage of the black vote. And make no mistake about it...that really IS ok with your party's leaders. The southern strategy has never been abandoned and it works pretty well most of the time. THe south is fairly solid in the republican camp and it took the democrats running a black man to break your party's stranglehold on the solid south.
No, it's not from the "horse's mouth", moron. It is from a very small minority of blacks, about 3%. It is not reflective of black Americans as a whole, you horse's ass. So ask yourself this: why do they overwhelmingly vote against the racist GOP? Hint: the answer is embedded in the question.
,<snip because none of it answers why blacks overwhelmingly vote for the dems today>


Nope, Lonestar, you don't get to deflect a la Rush's Rules for GOP Fools.

Tell us why blacks vote overwhelmingly for the Dems.
The article was written by Alveda King and it just so happened to wind up on Errvideo's website, therefore you're caling King's article propoganda.

I am calling errvideo's use of the article an act of propaganda. go read the definition of the word:


2.: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect.

by placing King's article on their website, ERRVIDEO was spreading ideas for the purpose of helping recruit black republicans. Do you honestly disagree with that statement?

I know the definition and the definition is subjective. So did you intend to say the article was a) the spreading of information for the purpose of helping or b) the spreading of information for the purpose of injuring? I'm guessing b). Which I'm sure you would agree. Therefore you are calling Alveda King's article propoganda, information used for the purpose of damaging an opposing cause. And I assure you that wasn't her intent and all one needs to do is research Alveda King.

two sides of the same coin.... and again... the folks who are spreading the article on their website are the ones who have turned her article into propaganda. They are using it to promote THEIR agenda. Good for them. The point being... you posted that article as an answer to my question concerning why rich blacks overwhelmingly vote democratic. Your answer was nothing more than... "well see here... SOME rich blacks vote republican, so that must mean you are wrong!" The demographic research has been done. And there certainly ARE rich black republicans. There certainly ARE middle class black republicans. I would not be too surprised if there were even some poor black republicans. The FACT remains: blacks from all walks of life predominately support democrats and sixty years ago, they were predominately republicans.
her point of view is certainly "valid". It is what she believes. I am not about to accuse her of LYING. She spoke her truth and voiced her opinion.... a totally valid expression. When you posted it, however, it did not address the question.

I say AGAIN that NOBODY on here from the right seems willing to answer the basic question: WHY do RICH BLACKS support and vote for democrats at the same frequency that POOR BLACKS do? What IS it about the GOP that would cause rich blacks, who one would think would vote similarly to the rest of their socio-economic group, to vote for democrats instead?

I didn't post it. I defended it when you implied it was propoganda which I took to mean an article with the intent on doing damage to an opposing cause, which is far from the truth.

None of us here are "rich black" Democrats (to my knowledge) so how can we answer for them? Why don't you tell us why rich blacks vote for Democrats. And then tell us what authority do you possess that grants you the right to speak for them.

Fact is Daveman and I gave you our opinions why we believe blacks vote the way they do, Alveda King and other prominant blacks support that opinion, neither you nor Jokesfartly has shown that opinion to be wrong.

Your only argument, albeit a lame one, is to say that blacks overwhelmingly vote Democratic and you refuse to accept our explanation yet fail to provide your own.

Jokesfartly's opinion is that blacks vote for Democrats because the Republicans are racist. Yet I have shown time and time again which is the real racist party and it's not the party of Abraham Lincoln. So a better explanation is desired.

So instead of asking us the same question and getting the same answer, provide an answer of your own.

your answer consists of saying that blacks vote for democrats because democrats GIVE them things like welfare and food stamps. That answer only makes sense when you are talking about people who benefit from those programs. Why do YOU think that RICH blacks vote democratic?

As far as MY answer... I think they vote for democrats because they believe that they are the better party. I know that's why I vote that way.

Wow talk about a lame answer, I'm sure everyone votes for a particular party because they believe it's the best party. But it doesn't explain why.

You should read the book "They Think You're Stupid" by Herman Cain, he talks about how the democratic party takes the black vote for granted and how they falsely accuse republicans of being racist. The level of hypocrisy in the democratic party is overwhelming, for instance the democrats brought up increasing the minimum wage as a wedge issue in the 2006 election only to vote against it after the election. Obama and Hillary both voted against it.

They (democrats) pretend to be for diversity but demean any black professional that doesn't toe the democratic party line, Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice are just two examples. They overlook Byrd using the N-word on television and then falsely accuse Tea party members of using it to try and paint the movement as racist. Why blacks toe the democratic party line is beyond me and you obviously have no answer for it either.
Why blacks toe the democratic party line is beyond me and you obviously have no answer for it either.

explain to me, please, why you think that I would NEED an answer? If blacks overwhelmingly supported the republican party, as they once did, it would be my party's task to figure out WHY and see if we could change our platform and our slate of candidates in order to attract more blacks. Funny thing is...we DID that very thing, starting in 1948. And when the racists in our party saw what we were doing, they realized they really had only two options. one was to abandon their racism and embrace the fact that a big tent is a big tent... and the other was to fight against those changes.... like Strom Thurmond did. Answering the question of why blacks vote democratic, it would seem to me anyway, is something that the GOP should want to do, if they really DO care about getting anything more than 10% of the black vote... and THAT is something I am skeptical of... I honestly think that they don't really care too much about the black vote and think they can win without it.
No, it's not from the "horse's mouth", moron. It is from a very small minority of blacks, about 3%. It is not reflective of black Americans as a whole, you horse's ass. So ask yourself this: why do they overwhelmingly vote against the racist GOP? Hint: the answer is embedded in the question.
,<snip because none of it answers why blacks overwhelmingly vote for the dems today>


Nope, Lonestar, you don't get to deflect a la Rush's Rules for GOP Fools.

Tell us why blacks vote overwhelmingly for the Dems.

Hey stupid, stop listening to Rush! I have never listened to Rush in my entire life, I have read a few transcripts in order to understand the context on some things he had reportedly said. Because you fucks lie and misrepresent conservatives at will. Prime example is the lie you told about me saying I was wanting to strip constitutional rights from people. You're a pathetic liar and you fit into the democratic party very well.

And another thing dumbass, I've already given you my opinion on why I feel that blacks vote for democrats. Not my fault you're too stupid to comprehend my answer. You have offered nothing but that blacks vote for democrats because republicans are racist, without any iota of proof. I've shown you many quotes from prominant democrats that shows them to be racist. Hell your party has had a KKK member in it's ranks for decades. You can't say the same about the republicans. Now go play with your toys and let us adult have a discussion.
Why blacks toe the democratic party line is beyond me and you obviously have no answer for it either.

explain to me, please, why you think that I would NEED an answer? If blacks overwhelmingly supported the republican party, as they once did, it would be my party's task to figure out WHY and see if we could change our platform and our slate of candidates in order to attract more blacks. Funny thing is...we DID that very thing, starting in 1948. And when the racists in our party saw what we were doing, they realized they really had only two options. one was to abandon their racism and embrace the fact that a big tent is a big tent... and the other was to fight against those changes.... like Strom Thurmond did. Answering the question of why blacks vote democratic, it would seem to me anyway, is something that the GOP should want to do, if they really DO care about getting anything more than 10% of the black vote... and THAT is something I am skeptical of... I honestly think that they don't really care too much about the black vote and think they can win without it.

If you don't need an answer then why do you keep asking the question?
Lonestar's answer why blacks vote for the Dems is demeaning and racist.

His drivel can be dismissed.
Why blacks toe the democratic party line is beyond me and you obviously have no answer for it either.

explain to me, please, why you think that I would NEED an answer? If blacks overwhelmingly supported the republican party, as they once did, it would be my party's task to figure out WHY and see if we could change our platform and our slate of candidates in order to attract more blacks. Funny thing is...we DID that very thing, starting in 1948. And when the racists in our party saw what we were doing, they realized they really had only two options. one was to abandon their racism and embrace the fact that a big tent is a big tent... and the other was to fight against those changes.... like Strom Thurmond did. Answering the question of why blacks vote democratic, it would seem to me anyway, is something that the GOP should want to do, if they really DO care about getting anything more than 10% of the black vote... and THAT is something I am skeptical of... I honestly think that they don't really care too much about the black vote and think they can win without it.

If you don't need an answer then why do you keep asking the question?

I wanted to find out why you thought that blacks from all walks of life abandoned your party... I wanted to find out what you thought about the idea that maybe the southern strategy might have had something to do with it... and I wanted to find out what you thought your party could do to reverse the trend.

It would seem that you don't care to enlighten me on those issues, so...good day.;)
explain to me, please, why you think that I would NEED an answer? If blacks overwhelmingly supported the republican party, as they once did, it would be my party's task to figure out WHY and see if we could change our platform and our slate of candidates in order to attract more blacks. Funny thing is...we DID that very thing, starting in 1948. And when the racists in our party saw what we were doing, they realized they really had only two options. one was to abandon their racism and embrace the fact that a big tent is a big tent... and the other was to fight against those changes.... like Strom Thurmond did. Answering the question of why blacks vote democratic, it would seem to me anyway, is something that the GOP should want to do, if they really DO care about getting anything more than 10% of the black vote... and THAT is something I am skeptical of... I honestly think that they don't really care too much about the black vote and think they can win without it.

If you don't need an answer then why do you keep asking the question?

I wanted to find out why you thought that blacks from all walks of life abandoned your party... I wanted to find out what you thought about the idea that maybe the southern strategy might have had something to do with it... and I wanted to find out what you thought your party could do to reverse the trend.

It would seem that you don't care to enlighten me on those issues, so...good day.;)

That was asked and answered 50 posts ago.

No I don't think the southern strategy had anything at all to do with it regardless of what Steel said.

I don't have a party, I vote for the ones I feel best reflect conservative principles. I don't think the republicans need to do anything to reverse the trend, I think in this information age and with the technology we possess, it will only be a matter of time when black Americans realize that the dems are not and never have been out for their best interest they only want their vote.
The evidence clearly reveals that the southern strategy is the reason why the great majority of blacks will not vote GOP. Steele is to be believed, Lonestar is not to be believed. L_L merely gives his opinion, dismisses evidence that contradicts it, and refuses to see that his position is racist and demeaning to not only blacks but himself.
The evidence clearly reveals that the southern strategy is the reason why the great majority of blacks will not vote GOP. Steele is to be believed, Lonestar is not to be believed. L_L merely gives his opinion, dismisses evidence that contradicts it, and refuses to see that his position is racist and demeaning to not only blacks but himself.

What evidence? It's racist to want black Americans to stand on their own two feet and not be held back by the Democrats? It's racist to house two black families that were displaced by Hurricane Katrina? It's racist to have a black American managing one of my companies? It's racist to point out the history of racism within the Democratic party? Is it racist to want school vouchers that would help black children get into better schools?

In Stephen Thernstrom's book, "No Excuses: Closing the Racial Gap in Learning," he reports that the average black high school graduate performs a little worse than white eighth-graders in both reading and U.S. history, and a lot worse in math and geography. Black education is the worst in cities where Democrats, both black and white, have held the reigns of political power for decades and in cities spending the largest amount of money on education. Washington, D.C., ranking third in the nation in terms of per-pupil expenditures, is a classic example. At 12 of its 19 high schools, more than 50 percent of the students test below basic in reading, and at some of those schools the percentage approaches 80 percent. At 15 of these schools, over 50 percent test below basic in math, and in 12 of them 70 to 99 percent do so. The National Assessment of Educational Progress, which conducts periodic testing, defines "below basic" as not having any of the knowledge and skills to master a subject.

Frances Rice (Chairperson of the NBRA) states that there are two main reasons for black support of the Democrat Party, despite the fact that most blacks are generally conservative. First is the Democrats’ false branding of the Republican Party as being racist. And second, is the deeply-rooted belief that “the government must do something for blacks”. Whereas the Republican Party promotes self-sufficiency among the black community, the Democrat Party insists on blacks’ dependence on the government.

The fact of the matter is, it was the Democratic party that passed the black codes and Jim Crow laws and it was the Democratic party that started the Ku Klux Klan. It was the Republicans who fought to free blacks from slavery and amended the Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Yet the Democratic party insist that the Republican Party is racist and not looking out for the best interest of black Americans.

As author Michael Scheurer so succinctly stated, history shows that the Democratic Party is the party of the four S's: Slavery, Secession, Segregation, and now Socialism. The Democratic Party has hijacked the civil rights record of the Republican Party and taken blacks down the path of Socialism that has turned our black communities run by Democrats for the past 40 years into economic and social wastelands.

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