Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

hey... it's an internet chat board... we're all relatively irrelevant. The fact remains that you toss out bullshit without any basis, get your ass handed to you, and then, oddly enough claim that the discussion was irrelevant all along.
Not the discussion...you. :lol:
and throughout it all... 90% of black americans continue to vote democratic and you flip around like a fish out of water whining that it's all those evil democrat's fault.

when you and your racist party wants to confront their southern strategy... when you and your party wants to actually try to figure out how to bring blacks into the GOP with some methodology other than accusing them of being stupid and dupes of the evil democrats... then maybe you stand a ghost of a chance of changing that percentage... until then.... good luck.
Maybe we could promise them goodies and special treatment. How much would you Democrats charge for a franchise?

epic fail.

give it up daveywoman.... tell black americans that they have been duped, nonstop, for sixty years by the democrats and they should, instead, vote for a party that wants tax cuts for the rich and see how that works for ya.

admit it. you cannot explain why black americans vote for democrats without exposing yiour belief that they are stupid.
epic fail.

give it up daveywoman.... tell black americans that they have been duped, nonstop, for sixty years by the democrats and they should, instead, vote for a party that wants tax cuts for the rich and see how that works for ya.

admit it. you cannot explain why black americans vote for democrats without exposing yiour belief that they are stupid.
No, they're not stupid. They're just willing to believe that Democrats have their best interests at heart, when in reality Democrats just want them to pull the D lever. It's actually Democrats who think they're stupid.
you fucking racist.
I'm sure it comforts your narrow little mind to thi...errr, feel that way, but no. My side wants to make sure everyone has the same opportunities. Your side wants to give people special treatment based on skin color.

If you support that, and you do, that makes you, in fact, a racist.
I am going to bed to sleep the sleep of the righteous. g'night
Yes, you dream of the satisfaction you get helping poor Mister Black Man succeed, because Gaea knows he's not good enough or smart enough to get by without help from white liberals. :clap2:
epic fail.

give it up daveywoman.... tell black americans that they have been duped, nonstop, for sixty years by the democrats and they should, instead, vote for a party that wants tax cuts for the rich and see how that works for ya.

admit it. you cannot explain why black americans vote for democrats without exposing yiour belief that they are stupid.
No, they're not stupid. They're just willing to believe that Democrats have their best interests at heart, when in reality Democrats just want them to pull the D lever. It's actually Democrats who think they're stupid.

so...they're not stupid, they're just unbelievably gullible. I understand.

You talk about blacks as if they wer some commodity separate and distinct from the political process.... they don't think things ABOUT democrats, they chose to BE democrats. I think that's great. I think it's great that so many blacks in America share the vision and the priorities and the aspirations of the democratic party.
you fucking racist.
I'm sure it comforts your narrow little mind to thi...errr, feel that way, but no. My side wants to make sure everyone has the same opportunities. Your side wants to give people special treatment based on skin color.

If you support that, and you do, that makes you, in fact, a racist.
I am going to bed to sleep the sleep of the righteous. g'night
Yes, you dream of the satisfaction you get helping poor Mister Black Man succeed, because Gaea knows he's not good enough or smart enough to get by without help from white liberals. :clap2:

keep repeating that crap... it won't make it true. I want nothing more for blacks in America than I want for myself... and I am quite confident that we'll get them....working together to accomplish the goals of the democratic party.
All the white crap here from the reactionary right is nothing more than they are afraid of dark folks taking their stuff. Bunch of moronic racists.
"Your society"? America is "our" society, WJ. You can belong if you want.
so...they're not stupid, they're just unbelievably gullible. I understand.

You talk about blacks as if they wer some commodity separate and distinct from the political process.... they don't think things ABOUT democrats, they chose to BE democrats. I think that's great. I think it's great that so many blacks in America share the vision and the priorities and the aspirations of the democratic party.
:lol: The Democratic Party sees blacks as a commodity. They know they have the black vote sewn up.

I see blacks as people. Democrats see them as votes.
keep repeating that crap... it won't make it true. I want nothing more for blacks in America than I want for myself... and I am quite confident that we'll get them....working together to accomplish the goals of the democratic party.
If I never say it again, its truth is undeniable. Democrats promise special treatment and handouts in exchange for black votes.
hey... it's an internet chat board... we're all relatively irrelevant. The fact remains that you toss out bullshit without any basis, get your ass handed to you, and then, oddly enough claim that the discussion was irrelevant all along.
Not the discussion...you. :lol:
and throughout it all... 90% of black americans continue to vote democratic and you flip around like a fish out of water whining that it's all those evil democrat's fault.

when you and your racist party wants to confront their southern strategy... when you and your party wants to actually try to figure out how to bring blacks into the GOP with some methodology other than accusing them of being stupid and dupes of the evil democrats... then maybe you stand a ghost of a chance of changing that percentage... until then.... good luck.
Maybe we could promise them goodies and special treatment. How much would you Democrats charge for a franchise?

epic fail.

give it up daveywoman.... tell black americans that they have been duped, nonstop, for sixty years by the democrats and they should, instead, vote for a party that wants tax cuts for the rich and see how that works for ya.

admit it. you cannot explain why black americans vote for democrats without exposing yiour belief that they are stupid.


Democrats want to raise taxes on everyone....they just don't want us to know it. They closet it in this fake class-warfare nonsense. If the Dems allow the Bush tax-cuts to expire taxes will go up for everyone....not just the rich:

Tax bracket comparison

The tax cuts enacted by this legislation were retroactive to January 1, 2003 and first applied to taxes filed for the 2003 tax year. These individual rate reductions are scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2011 along with the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 unless further legislation is enacted to make its changes permanent.[2] This comparison shows how the ordinary taxable income brackets for each filing status were changed.

Tax Year 2002[3] Tax Year 2003[4]
Income level Tax rate Income level Tax rate
up to $6,000 10% up to $7,000 10%
$6,000 - $27,950 15% $7,000 - $28,400 15%
$27,950 - $67,700 27% $28,400 - $68,800 25%
$67,700 - $141,250 30% $68,800 - $143,500 28%
$141,250 - $307,050 35% $143,500 - $311,950 33%
over $307,050 38.6% over $311,950 35%

Married filing jointly or Qualifying widow(er)
Tax Year 2002[3] Tax Year 2003[4]
Income level Tax rate Income level Tax rate
up to $12,000 10% up to $14,000 10%
$12,000 - $46,700 15% $14,000 - $56,800 15%
$46,700 - $112,850 27% $56,800 - $114,650 25%
$112,850 - $171,950 30% $114,650 - $174,700 28%
$171,950 - $307,050 35% $174,700 - $311,950 33%
over $307,050 38.6% over $311,950 35%

Married filing separately
Tax Year 2002[3] Tax Year 2003[4]
Income level Tax rate Income level Tax rate
up to $6,000 10% up to $7,000 10%
$6,000 - $23,350 15% $7,000 - $28,400 15%
$23,350 - $56,425 27% $28,400 - $57,325 25%
$56,425 - $85,975 30% $57,325 - $87,350 28%
$85,975 - $153,525 35% $87,350 - $155,975 33%
over $153,525 38.6% over $155,975 35%

Head of household
Tax Year 2002[3] Tax Year 2003[4]
Income level Tax rate Income level Tax rate
up to $10,000 10% up to $10,000 10%
$10,000 - $37,450 15% $10,000 - $38,050 15%
$37,450 - $96,700 27% $38,050 - $98,250 25%
$96,700 - $156,600 30% $98,250 - $159,100 28%
$156,600 - $307,050 35% $159,100 - $311,950 33%
over $307,050 38.6% over $311,950 35%

To see a better version see here: Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Mudwhistle, that is a lie and the Dems will have no problem showing it on the campaign trail.

It is folks like you that is preventing the GOP from reforming and becoming the servant of the American people.
Mudwhistle, that is a lie and the Dems will have no problem showing it on the campaign trail.

It is folks like you that is preventing the GOP from reforming and becoming the servant of the American people.

"During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Tuskegee Study began by offering lower class African Americans, who often could not afford health care, the chance to join "Miss Rivers' Lodge". Patients were to receive free physical examinations at Tuskegee University, free rides to and from the clinic, hot meals on examination days, and free treatment for minor ailments."

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And it was free too! Just like today!
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Mudwhistle, that is a lie and the Dems will have no problem showing it on the campaign trail.

It is folks like you that is preventing the GOP from reforming and becoming the servant of the American people.
All you have to do is read the tax code.

The Dems will have to continue lying their asses off to present the image they aren't screwing everyone except those who make $10,000 or less.

People aren't buying their lies anymore.

The Dems are discussing allowing the rates to go up only for those above $250k. That means they have to pass a bill that stops the rates going up for the rest of us.

Obama said he's open to instituting a VAT of 1% across the board which raises taxes on everyone and everything. They've already instituted a Sin Tax on cigs and booze. This hit everyone over a year ago.

Wake the fuck up.
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You are asleep at the switch, Mud, and you flatly are not telling the truth. I wish you would get out and do your own research and study instead of relying on talking point bulletins from the weirdo reactionary wing nuts of the far right.

All of the info is out there, and all you have to do is your own due diligence.

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