Examining the traits of racism.


Silver Member
May 19, 2016
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?
The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity.

Because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.

Black men can wipe out white people.
Black men can wipe out Asian people.
Black men can wipe out Latino people.

I put my seed in any women. I get a black child.

White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

Whiteness is genetically recessive. Whites fear that integration and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race. So they established a global system of white supremacy to prevent this from happening.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor.

Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
"Racism" is an excuse for failure, aptly illustrated above.

Yet many of Paul's points are just facts ; and to some Whites no doubt sore facts. I am also of the view that Blacks were the first humans to begin procreation on earth , the resulting color lines just makes more sense in that order. The melotin ; the Mitrachondrinal DNA and so on ; even the science of it makes sense , and the geographics. And listen, when a race like Blacks have been stripped of so much in our lives and history, we just grab hold to the few things left that we learn we can have pride in; and I don't think that would be wrong for Whites to do as well.

This world has been full of misinformation enough to affect us all.

And I think we then become gullible to having too much pride and superiority in our conscious behaviors and thinking. You just get tired of people stepping on your race and culture , so a lot of those inflated feelings comes from the pain others inflict on us as they try to rape our ethnic reality.

But we are a gullible people, highly influenced by many things " Outside of us." In example, why do some people really look in their mirrors? Well really to prepare themselves " For others to look at them." And when they magnify what they are really seeing in their reflection of self, those feelings of being superior can really take on some shapes that may not really be there as much as they would like to think.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.

That is why a movie like Black Panther is so potentially powerful for blacks around the world. Showing blacks in that light can speak it into existence by getting young blacks to see and believe that can come true. Rather, what blacks generally see is imagery of black failure and incompetence.....which then becomes the expectation....as opposed to greatness. Keep in mind that many whites want to constantly highlight black failure.
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We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.
Like what you do on a daily basis? :D
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.
Like what you do on a daily basis? :D

Since you are well versed on what I do on a daily bases, provide an example. I don't understand why people just make a claim and don't support it.....when everything I have stated on this forum is here for anyone to quote for examples. If you are not quoting me then you are just full of sh!t.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.
Like what you do on a daily basis? :D

Since you are well versed on what I do on a daily bases, provide an example. I don't understand why people just make a claim and don't support it.....when everything I have stated on this forum is here for anyone to quote for examples. If you are not quoting me then you are just full of sh!t.
You dont even believe when you say that blacks are inferior that you said it. So whats the point?
I have pointed this out to you MANY times. Why ask for examples? Alzheimers or something?
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Whats more interesting is why you want to believe that they were not.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud
Also, dont they say that white skin is only 12K years old or something? I find that odd considering melanin evolves faster than just about anything in/on our bodies.
So for de-railing, OP. You said it and it made me think lol
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Whats more interesting is why you want to believe that they were not.
Dude, idc what color they were. I am asking why people think that. Do you not care for truth? Not everything is about racism, you insecure, paranoid racist.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.
Like what you do on a daily basis? :D

Since you are well versed on what I do on a daily bases, provide an example. I don't understand why people just make a claim and don't support it.....when everything I have stated on this forum is here for anyone to quote for examples. If you are not quoting me then you are just full of sh!t.
You dont even believe when you say that blacks are inferior that you said it. So whats the point?
I have pointed this out to you MANY times. Why ask for examples? Alzheimers or something?
Obviously you have a heightened sense of self importance. Why would I specifically remember a conversation with you? You are one of many detractors and I barely remember your avatar. So, please, indulge me again in what you have demonstrated previously.
We have all discussed racism as best we each could, and I value the opinions of all, ( well most people here who avoid all the useless name calling), and it is attractive in its own way, if you know what I mean; weirdly interesting and often stimulating. Which is just a fact. And it has a repulsive nature to it as well.

Why do we want to even feel superior to another race? For what really? Imagine just walking around feeling that your better than another person because of the color of their skin , or their nationality.

If we list the traits of racism, what of those would be of real personal value?

Is racism really a giant waste of our time?

Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.
Like what you do on a daily basis? :D

Since you are well versed on what I do on a daily bases, provide an example. I don't understand why people just make a claim and don't support it.....when everything I have stated on this forum is here for anyone to quote for examples. If you are not quoting me then you are just full of sh!t.
You dont even believe when you say that blacks are inferior that you said it. So whats the point?
I have pointed this out to you MANY times. Why ask for examples? Alzheimers or something?
Obviously you have a heightened sense of self importance. Why would I specifically remember a conversation with you? You are one of many detractors and I barely remember your avatar. So, please, indulge me again in what you have demonstrated previously.
Thats because i change it the other day.
Dude, i just pointed this shit earlier TODAY. :rolleyes:
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Whats more interesting is why you want to believe that they were not.
Dude, idc what color they were. I am asking why people think that. Do you not care for truth? Not everything is about racism, you insecure, paranoid racist.

How can you ever KNOW what color they were? What is your definition of PROOF to the degree that you can call it TRUTH? How do you confirm a TRUTH that you can never bear witness too? I bet I care less than you what color they were and the main reason is because I will never KNOW.
Humans would not do it if it had no benefit. I am a strong believer in the power of belief in shaping outcomes. I believe you can speak things into existence, assuming what you are speaking is an emotionally held belief. Hence, believing that you are superior has a powerful impact on how you perform. It can and does often work like a placebo for the race that sees itself as superior. (Do Jews do well because of their belief that they are Gods chosen people?)

The problem is the corollary. Everything being relative, an entity can only be superior if another entity is believed to be inferior. Thus, in manifesting the belief of your superiority ....you also manifest, from the belief, the inferiority of others. You will treat them as inferior and help self fulfill your belief.

As the Great Carthaginian general Hannibal is quoted as having said. "Its not that I must succeed....its that others must fail". Believing in the racial superiority of your race comes at the expense of promoting the failure of another race. You must keep the other race down in order to maintain your superiority. The other races must be made to fail or look as failures in order to keep alive the belief.

Its not a contradiction. People think that because a race dominates another race....that they could only do it if they are superior and the dominated inferior. However, think of it like this. There are two people both armed with handguns. They both have equal ability to take the other one out. However, if one sneaks up on the other and gets his gun out first, he has control and can keep control by ensuring that the other guy never gets a chance to recover from his current disadvantage.

Ergo, doing something first or having something first does not necessarily make you superior. It means that you simply have the advantage at a given moment in time and use that advantage to keep others down. Like having guns first...while others only had spears and arrows.

What has happened to blacks is that they have been conditioned to believe in their own inferiority, by those who believe in there races superiority over blacks. Once that happens, you will not likely ever break free from your inferior condition, because you will help fulfill it.
Like what you do on a daily basis? :D

Since you are well versed on what I do on a daily bases, provide an example. I don't understand why people just make a claim and don't support it.....when everything I have stated on this forum is here for anyone to quote for examples. If you are not quoting me then you are just full of sh!t.
You dont even believe when you say that blacks are inferior that you said it. So whats the point?
I have pointed this out to you MANY times. Why ask for examples? Alzheimers or something?
Obviously you have a heightened sense of self importance. Why would I specifically remember a conversation with you? You are one of many detractors and I barely remember your avatar. So, please, indulge me again in what you have demonstrated previously.
Thats because i change it the other day.
Dude, i just pointed this shit earlier TODAY. :rolleyes:

All the effort you are spending telling me what you already did.....you could have just did it again. Obviously you are being evasive.
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Whats more interesting is why you want to believe that they were not.
Dude, idc what color they were. I am asking why people think that. Do you not care for truth? Not everything is about racism, you insecure, paranoid racist.

How can you ever KNOW what color they were? What is your definition of PROOF to the degree that you can call it TRUTH? How do you confirm a TRUTH that you can never bear witness too?
So, you are saying i was right in questioning it to begin with, buuuuuuuuuuuuut RACISM :rofl:
Like what you do on a daily basis? :D

Since you are well versed on what I do on a daily bases, provide an example. I don't understand why people just make a claim and don't support it.....when everything I have stated on this forum is here for anyone to quote for examples. If you are not quoting me then you are just full of sh!t.
You dont even believe when you say that blacks are inferior that you said it. So whats the point?
I have pointed this out to you MANY times. Why ask for examples? Alzheimers or something?
Obviously you have a heightened sense of self importance. Why would I specifically remember a conversation with you? You are one of many detractors and I barely remember your avatar. So, please, indulge me again in what you have demonstrated previously.
Thats because i change it the other day.
Dude, i just pointed this shit earlier TODAY. :rolleyes:

All the effort you are spending telling me what you already did.....you could have just did it again. Obviously you are being evasive.
You are just dumb as fuck. Dumb in your own sort a way. You do have some smarts to ya. It just obviously doesnt involve memory.. lol
Why do people think the first humans were dark colored?
We share a common ancestor with apes and their skin is light. Light skinned people have more consistent color than dark skinned people. Like their palms and soles being light colored while their skin is dark(what is more exposed to the sun). IDK just thinking out loud

Well I first came across the view years ago, and there are many studies on the topic ;

Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution

It has some science to it. You just have to dig some to find it.
Since you are well versed on what I do on a daily bases, provide an example. I don't understand why people just make a claim and don't support it.....when everything I have stated on this forum is here for anyone to quote for examples. If you are not quoting me then you are just full of sh!t.
You dont even believe when you say that blacks are inferior that you said it. So whats the point?
I have pointed this out to you MANY times. Why ask for examples? Alzheimers or something?
Obviously you have a heightened sense of self importance. Why would I specifically remember a conversation with you? You are one of many detractors and I barely remember your avatar. So, please, indulge me again in what you have demonstrated previously.
Thats because i change it the other day.
Dude, i just pointed this shit earlier TODAY. :rolleyes:

All the effort you are spending telling me what you already did.....you could have just did it again. Obviously you are being evasive.
You are just dumb as fuck. Dumb in your own sort a way. You do have some smarts to ya. It just obviously doesnt involve memory.. lol

Maybe what you said is simply not as momentous as you think. Again.....why not just make your claim AGAIN and see if it is defensible? Obviously you don't think your claim is tenable....or you would be salivating to use it against me.

I don't remember you because all racist rhetoric looks alike to me.........now that's funny :)
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