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Examples of why you can't tust Liberals with "reasonable" gun control

Some nut shoots 6 people and the lefties want a law banning magazines with more than 5 bullets. Some nut shoots 7 people and they want a ban on magazines with more than 6 bullets. Shoot 10 and the left responds with a ban of 10 bullet magazines. Always chasing the irrelevant circumstances of gun violence instead of addressing the real causes.

Would you rather see a ban on gun sales altogether?

The far left wants that, the side you support and voted for twice..

The rampant possession of firearms in this country has taken, and continues to take a terrible toll in lives. Now, unless you can come up with a viable solution that addresses that toll, I will continue to hold that we need to get rid of them altogether. But hey, that's just me.

It continues to take a toll primarily of black and Mexican gangster lives. When has Obama ever seriously addressed the problem in Chicago, his old riding? He doesn't give a damn about black gangsters killing one another, nor do the democrats. They take the same attitude as the Mexican government regarding the cartel war along our southern border that's claimed at least 70,000 lives in six years: "Let them kill each, they're drug cartel criminals. They don't matter."

Oh, you mean where Chicago has cut its gun violence death rate by more than half since 1994?


As for Mexico, are you suggesting that we invade Mexico to rid it of its cartels? Good luck with that.

Actually, I already know the criticisms. But I want to know if you actually know, or if you're just repeating the common misconceptions.

Does IQ Test Really Measure Intelligence

Dec. 20, 2012 -- Single tests that measure intelligence quotient, or IQ, may become a thing of the past.

A new study of more than 100,000 participants suggests that there may be at least three distinct components of intelligence. So you could not give a single, unified score for all of them.

Researchers' understanding of the complexities of the human brain has evolved, and so too has the notion of IQ, what it really means, and how it is most accurately captured.

“There are multiple types of intelligence,” says researcher Adam Hampshire, PhD. He is a psychologist at the Brain and Mind Institute Natural Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. “It is time to move on to using a more comprehensive set of tests that can measure separate scores for each type of intelligence.”


As I suspected. You're just parroting what you heard from someone else, and don't have any actual understanding of your own.

At least I am presenting information from a reliable medical source. What information have you presented other than your own damned uninformed opinion?
Because there is no arguing with NRA radicals.

There is no arguing with Libtard anti gun nuts.

Like the example in the article they are always unreasonable.

They are so unreasonable that they think a grassroots organization like the NRA that was created to assure a Constitutional right is bad. You can't reason with that kind of stupidity.

Yes, I do believe that the NRA is a terrible organization. And I am not alone in this assessment.

Yea, you and your fellow anti gun nut Moon Bats hates the idea of an organization that was created to defend the Bill of Rights.
Because there is no arguing with NRA radicals.

There is no arguing with Libtard anti gun nuts.

Like the example in the article they are always unreasonable.

They are so unreasonable that they think a grassroots organization like the NRA that was created to assure a Constitutional right is bad. You can't reason with that kind of stupidity.

Yes, I do believe that the NRA is a terrible organization. And I am not alone in this assessment.

Yea, you and your fellow anti gun nut Moon Bats hates the idea of an organization that was created to defend the Bill of Rights.

Actually, there are plenty of gun owners who also believe that the NRA doesn't have the best interest of the American people at heart. The NRA doesn't defend the constitution much. That's pure smoke screen. The NRA protects the gun manufacturers.
They didn't envision gay marriage, or anchor babies, yet libs can find the justification for those things in the Constitution.

Now how many deaths have been caused by those terrible gay marriages and anchor babies. Try and be specific as to the number of deaths.

Ah, yes. Because Constitutional rights are only in force when it involves direct loss of life.

How about we adhere to the Bill of Rights?

Hey it's circular logic. Where in the bill of rights does it promise you a weapon with the killing capability of today's modern weapons. I missed that part. Post it up.

No, chuckles. The question is, where in the Bill of Rights does it limit you to only 18th century technology?

You understand as little about how laws work as you do about . . . everything.
The Supreme Court has upheld the traditional understanding of the 2nd Amendment.

The Supreme Court gave in to the bullshit from the NRA. Just like so many others have given in to the assholes with the guns. No news there.

Today's Supreme Court justices have no more knowledge than you or I about what the Founders were thinking when they wrote that poorly worded passage that has caused nothing but tragedy and mis understanding and conflict.

Guarantee the founding fathers would change the passage if they had the chance for a re write. If you NRA types didn't shoot them first.

The courts have ALWAYS upheld that interpretation of the Second Amendment. It's not some new thing they just now invented to suck up to gun groups, as if you could even prove that was a concern. I know your leaders would love you to believe that your bullshit was the prevailing "wisdom" at some point in time, but it just ain't so.

You don't have the law, you don't have the courts, and you don't have history on your side. Deal with it.
Some nut shoots 6 people and the lefties want a law banning magazines with more than 5 bullets. Some nut shoots 7 people and they want a ban on magazines with more than 6 bullets. Shoot 10 and the left responds with a ban of 10 bullet magazines. Always chasing the irrelevant circumstances of gun violence instead of addressing the real causes.

Would you rather see a ban on gun sales altogether?
No, I'd rather see us abide by the Constitution.

How about the entire constitution? "A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state,"...

How much aloe did you actually have to buy for your butt-chapping when the Supreme Court declared your wild-assed lack of English comprehension to be bullshit?
Does your rise in firearms deaths exceed the increase in US population?

Probably not. Does it matter when so many are dying?

It does when you try to compare it to another statistic in a vain attempt at making a "point", and imply an increase when there really isn't one on a per-capita basis

The points, Marty, are:

1) Cars are not designed as weapons:

2) Automakers have actually improved their products to make them safer. And it shows in the statistics.

3) Whereas, gun makers are continuously trying, by design, to make their products more lethal.

More "points" that are just standard gun grabber buzz words, nothing more. I pointed out your false comparison, and all you have is mush to post back.

And considering gun development is pretty much at an apex, what are manufacturer's doing? poisoning their bullets now?

Oh really? There are no innovations are occurring in the gun industry? Says who?

How do you further innovate a technology that has been established for centuries?? The military still uses the browning 50 cal and that has been around for almost a century.

They tweak, they make it more efficient, but until they come up with handheld railguns or lasers, guns are where they are at now.
They didn't envision gay marriage, or anchor babies, yet libs can find the justification for those things in the Constitution.
And no doubt, you think you can find a justification in the constitution for allowing the sales, purchase, and use of just about any weapon. Good luck with that.
Reductio ad absurdum fallacy!
Rabbi Rules!

Does the second amendment allow an individual to purchase a fully functional and armed M1 Abrams tank? Or a Mark IV nuclear weapon? No? So you admit that there are limitations to the second amendment.

OK, why can NYC prevent me from carrying a simple revolver unless I get their approval and blessing? How is that allowed under the 2nd amendment?

We are not talking tanks or bazookas. Why can NYC tell me I can't walk around the streets with a concealed revolver unless they "let" me?

Why can't they?

Because the 2nd amendment you fucking dullard.
Actually, there are plenty of gun owners who also believe that the NRA doesn't have the best interest of the American people at heart. The NRA doesn't defend the constitution much. That's pure smoke screen. The NRA protects the gun manufacturers.

I think I know a lot more gun owners than you do. There are many gun owners that are disillusioned with the NRA but is not because they are Libtard anti gun nuts like you. It is because they don't think the NRA is aggressive enough.

For instance, many members are pissed that the NRA did not aggressively oppose the universal background check referendum in Washington State.

To be fair there is a constituency within the NRA that are against anything but a one shot hunting rifles. We refer to them as "Fudds" (like in Elmer Fudd). They are the old school and are being replaced with the younger assault weapon kids, mostly veterans.
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And no doubt, you think you can find a justification in the constitution for allowing the sales, purchase, and use of just about any weapon. Good luck with that.
Reductio ad absurdum fallacy!
Rabbi Rules!

Does the second amendment allow an individual to purchase a fully functional and armed M1 Abrams tank? Or a Mark IV nuclear weapon? No? So you admit that there are limitations to the second amendment.

OK, why can NYC prevent me from carrying a simple revolver unless I get their approval and blessing? How is that allowed under the 2nd amendment?

We are not talking tanks or bazookas. Why can NYC tell me I can't walk around the streets with a concealed revolver unless they "let" me?

Why can't they?

Because the 2nd amendment you fucking dullard.

Actually, there are plenty of gun owners who also believe that the NRA doesn't have the best interest of the American people at heart. The NRA doesn't defend the constitution much. That's pure smoke screen. The NRA protects the gun manufacturers.

I think I know a lot more gun owners than you do. There are many gun owners that are disillusioned with the NRA but is not because they are Libtard anti gun nuts like you. It is because they don't think the NRA is aggressive enough.

For instance, many members are pissed that the NRA did not aggressively oppose the universal background check referendum in Washington State.

To be fair there is a constituency within the NRA that are against anything but a one shot hunting rifles. We refer to them as "Fudds" (like in Elmer Fudd). They are the old school and are being replaced with the younger assault weapon kids, mostly veterans.

I think you know nothing about me.
Because there is no arguing with NRA radicals.

There is no arguing with Libtard anti gun nuts.

Like the example in the article they are always unreasonable.

They are so unreasonable that they think a grassroots organization like the NRA that was created to assure a Constitutional right is bad. You can't reason with that kind of stupidity.

Yes, I do believe that the NRA is a terrible organization. And I am not alone in this assessment.

Yea, you and your fellow anti gun nut Moon Bats hates the idea of an organization that was created to defend the Bill of Rights.

Actually, there are plenty of gun owners who also believe that the NRA doesn't have the best interest of the American people at heart. The NRA doesn't defend the constitution much. That's pure smoke screen. The NRA protects the gun manufacturers.
Defending gun manufacturers is defending my rights. You on the Statist Left have worked hard to attack gun manufacturers in an effort to keep me from buying a gun. On behalf of America, fuck you for that.

Actually, I already know the criticisms. But I want to know if you actually know, or if you're just repeating the common misconceptions.

Does IQ Test Really Measure Intelligence

Dec. 20, 2012 -- Single tests that measure intelligence quotient, or IQ, may become a thing of the past.

A new study of more than 100,000 participants suggests that there may be at least three distinct components of intelligence. So you could not give a single, unified score for all of them.

Researchers' understanding of the complexities of the human brain has evolved, and so too has the notion of IQ, what it really means, and how it is most accurately captured.

“There are multiple types of intelligence,” says researcher Adam Hampshire, PhD. He is a psychologist at the Brain and Mind Institute Natural Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. “It is time to move on to using a more comprehensive set of tests that can measure separate scores for each type of intelligence.”

IQ updates are nothing new.

3 scores tests are also good. Like MCAT or GRE or SAT or etc.
Notjing false there. You claimed you were scared of armed citizens. I didnt claim that.

I said that I fear the U.S. could fall victim to lawless gun-toting anarchists. If you are equating lawless gun-toting anarchists with armed citizens, that's on you.
OK thats a red herring fallacy. No one here is proposing to be a lawless gun toting anarchist.

And yet some here apparently are.
Name them. Provide evidence.

Oh please, USMB is full of such people. Surely you have read their posts.
You're lying now. If there were so many, you would have no problem citing a few examples.

Stop lying, Leftists!

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