Excelent Breaking News: Senate Passes Bill Approving Keystone Pipeline (Obama Pissed)

Democrats settled on "NO" as their motto since they could not agree whether "yes" was one or two syllables.
Keystone is just like any other Republican backed legislation.

Pepole don't need Keystone, Oil Business wants Keystone = Republicans want Keystone, kiss oil business-ass, Oil business gets Keystone. Republican legislation does nothing for the country. The End !

no big drop in unemployment, no big drop in gas prices ... typical RW legislation, nothing, nada, zilch for the country....
Who do you think supply's the people with oil products? Your car run on air?
Personally, i'm not too excited about Keystone. It's a foreign Canadian company being allowed to steal American Citizens' land by way of Eminent Domain. I think my Republican friends need to take a closer look at this one. No one should be supporting foreign companies being allowed to force American Citizens off their land. Eminent Domain = an egregious attack on fellow Americans.

I think most Republicans have gotten a little too excited about sticking it to the President on this one. They haven't looked into it and scrutinized it enough.
Obstructing Pubcrappe, greed, and pollution, which is a bit different from obstructing reform, recovery, intelligence like greedy idiot Pubs. I see the Kochs stand to make a killing on this...

Nice try at spin, but it didn't work.
The Senate should vote and and send those 300+ bills that the asshole Harry Reid sat on for years....let Obama start vetoing them by the batch load.

Obama is not protected by Reid/Pelosi anymore.

The obstruction in the Senate was orchestrated by Harry Reid.
Obstructing Pubcrappe, greed, and pollution, which is a bit different from obstructing reform, recovery, intelligence like greedy idiot Pubs. I see the Kochs stand to make a killing on this...

Not as much as old big Democrat donor Warren Buffet is making. By the White House and Dems blocking the Keystone extension Buffet has been making a fortune with his rail company delivering crude to refineries.
Personally, i'm not too excited about Keystone. It's a foreign Canadian company being allowed to steal American Citizens' land by way of Eminent Domain. I think my Republican friends need to take a closer look at this one. No one should be supporting foreign companies being allowed to force American Citizens off their land. Eminent Domain = an egregious attack on fellow Americans.

I think most Republicans have gotten a little too excited about sticking it to the President on this one. They haven't looked into it and scrutinized it enough.

First off you should be aware that Keystone XL is the last leg of the pipeline. Keystone I, II, III are in operation and US crude is travelling along the pipeline to various refineries in the mid west and in the Gulf.

American producers benefit from the Keystone. The offers made by Trans Canada to US citizens have been very generous and the majority of property used by the pipeline company has had little or no litigation. Most landowners have worked very positively with the company.

No one is being forced off their land. I don't know where you are getting information that anyone has been forced off their land.

Eminent domain is used every day across America for many different types of infrastructure.

Why is this one worse than any other when US oil producers and US oil refineries benefit from the Keystone pipeline?
Just FYI for those who are interested Trans Canada from all I have researched is seriously dedicated to the environment otherwise I never would have backed this pipeline to begin with. The bullshit spewed from anti pipeline enviro whackos is just that.

Bullshit. Here's the truth.

A personal story from a Keystone landowner on land reclamation

"The ground doesn’t look any different than it did beforehand,” he remarks.

Barber’s farm was located along the route of the first phase of the Keystone pipeline. In the planning stages, he worked with TransCanada officials, who recognized the importance of making sure that his land was returned to its original state.

The ballad of Charles Barber and his family’s farm is just one example of TransCanada’s process towards reclamation. Before the first shovel goes in the ground, plans have already begun for the cleanup process. Once the construction is complete, TransCanada’s team and contractors work tirelessly to ensure the equivalent land capability and biological diversity is maintained.

“The specifics of how long we have to continue to monitor an area are set by the regulator,” said Justin Packer with TransCanada’s Environmental team. “

But our commitment runs much deeper than that. When we come into an area, we do so with the trust of the landowners and community. We stay until our partners are satisfied, whether that means five, 10 or 20 years.”

Check out the before and after.


More at the link on how they preserve the exact same soil levels.

A personal story from a Keystone landowner on land reclamation Keystone XL Pipeline
Solar and Wind energy require increased consumption of oil, every one benefits, even though personally we have all suffered with negative growth of energy.

Too bad about Anwar, the coast of California as well as the gulf of mexico.

Too bad electric rates are dependent on expensive green energy.

Solar and wind will dominate increasing electrical rates.
Francoflop just lied again. What a non surprise. Newsflash you dishonest propagandist hack:

It is your Obamessiah, Presidunce Obumbler, who is likely to veto the measure. It would help regular people, but Obumbler is ideologically opposed to it, so fuck the "regular" people.

Obumbler is a complete disgrace. And yet twerps like you long to toss his salad. Disgusting of you, really.

"would help regular people"?

Multinational oil corporations are "regular people"?


No you imbecile. But the petroleum products used are for 'regular folks.'

Approving policies that increase supplies is approving policies that should lower prices. Opposing such policies, as Obumbler does, therefore is hardly something that benefits the "regular folks.'

Obumbler is an ideologically-blinded drone piece of shit.

Apparently you have no clue how the oil market works -- yet that knowledge gap somehow makes somebody else an "imbecile".

Which apparently means it's my job to edumacate you.
What a fucking freeloader.

You are a fraud.

Learn about free markets, supply and demand. Then factor in collusion (shit like OPEC) and idiotic moronic liberal Obumbler type polices.

Then go fuck off.

I don't have the time or patience to get by your impervious wall of dumb.

Nor to learn how the oil bidness works apparently. :talktothehand:

Look dood, I put my time in already. Break a sweat.

"free markets, supply and demand"... in the oil bidness. what a maroon.

You put your time in at a school for mental midgets. And you failed out.

Assholes like you always pretend that the basic rules of economics don't apply to whatever field of alleged expertise you feign having. There's nothing an idiot such as you can say that holds any persuasive power, because you are an idiot and you are a known quantity: A poseur hack.

Reality is unfazed by your plodding bullshit, and reality is that an increased supply fuels a demand in a way that even a bombastic hack simpleton such as you SHOULD be able to grasp: price goes down.
"would help regular people"?

Multinational oil corporations are "regular people"?


No you imbecile. But the petroleum products used are for 'regular folks.'

Approving policies that increase supplies is approving policies that should lower prices. Opposing such policies, as Obumbler does, therefore is hardly something that benefits the "regular folks.'

Obumbler is an ideologically-blinded drone piece of shit.

Apparently you have no clue how the oil market works -- yet that knowledge gap somehow makes somebody else an "imbecile".

Which apparently means it's my job to edumacate you.
What a fucking freeloader.

You are a fraud.

Learn about free markets, supply and demand. Then factor in collusion (shit like OPEC) and idiotic moronic liberal Obumbler type polices.

Then go fuck off.

I don't have the time or patience to get by your impervious wall of dumb.

Nor to learn how the oil bidness works apparently. :talktothehand:

Look dood, I put my time in already. Break a sweat.

"free markets, supply and demand"... in the oil bidness. what a maroon.

You put your time in at a school for mental midgets. And you failed out.

Assholes like you always pretend that the basic rules of economics don't apply to whatever field of alleged expertise you feign having. There's nothing an idiot such as you can say that holds any persuasive power, because you are an idiot and you are a known quantity: A poseur hack.

Reality is unfazed by your plodding bullshit, and reality is that an increased supply fuels a demand in a way that even a bombastic hack simpleton such as you SHOULD be able to grasp: price goes down.

Oil doesn't work that way. Widgets work that way. Oil, not so much.
I might have essplained it to you if you didn't start out being an asshole. So you're on your own. Go ahead and temper-tantrum like a six-year-old all you like; it only digs you deeper. :eusa_hand:
No you imbecile. But the petroleum products used are for 'regular folks.'

Approving policies that increase supplies is approving policies that should lower prices. Opposing such policies, as Obumbler does, therefore is hardly something that benefits the "regular folks.'

Obumbler is an ideologically-blinded drone piece of shit.

Apparently you have no clue how the oil market works -- yet that knowledge gap somehow makes somebody else an "imbecile".

Which apparently means it's my job to edumacate you.
What a fucking freeloader.

You are a fraud.

Learn about free markets, supply and demand. Then factor in collusion (shit like OPEC) and idiotic moronic liberal Obumbler type polices.

Then go fuck off.

I don't have the time or patience to get by your impervious wall of dumb.

Nor to learn how the oil bidness works apparently. :talktothehand:

Look dood, I put my time in already. Break a sweat.

"free markets, supply and demand"... in the oil bidness. what a maroon.

You put your time in at a school for mental midgets. And you failed out.

Assholes like you always pretend that the basic rules of economics don't apply to whatever field of alleged expertise you feign having. There's nothing an idiot such as you can say that holds any persuasive power, because you are an idiot and you are a known quantity: A poseur hack.

Reality is unfazed by your plodding bullshit, and reality is that an increased supply fuels a demand in a way that even a bombastic hack simpleton such as you SHOULD be able to grasp: price goes down.

Oil doesn't work that way. Widgets work that way. Oil, not so much.
I might have essplained it to you if you didn't start out being an asshole. So you're on your own. Go ahead and temper-tantrum like a six-year-old all you like; it only digs you deeper. :eusa_hand:

I might have been interested in your faux explanation had I not realized a long time ago that you are just a typical hack bitch fraud piece of shit; you are worth nothing.

You are unpersuasive still and you always will be.

And as I noted: 'the standard rules don't apply to your feigned field of expertise.' Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Gawd you are a crashing bore. And then you RUN away from "esplaining" even though nobody asked for your bullshit lie: because because because -- well, just because you say so, you hack laughable fraud punkass bitch.

Fuck off you twerp.

Poor [Ilar]

No no. Poor pathetic pitaible you. Worthless, unpersuasive and called out as the fraud you are. You may be a liar and a gutless twerp, but -- that's it. That's all you are and all you will ever be.

The Senate should vote and and send those 300+ bills that the asshole Harry Reid sat on for years....let Obama start vetoing them by the batch load.

Obama is not protected by Reid/Pelosi anymore.

The obstruction in the Senate was orchestrated by Harry Reid.

The 'Party of No.' It'll be exposed soon. The People will see the obstructionism.
Personally, i'm not too excited about Keystone. It's a foreign Canadian company being allowed to steal American Citizens' land by way of Eminent Domain. I think my Republican friends need to take a closer look at this one. No one should be supporting foreign companies being allowed to force American Citizens off their land. Eminent Domain = an egregious attack on fellow Americans.

I think most Republicans have gotten a little too excited about sticking it to the President on this one. They haven't looked into it and scrutinized it enough.

First off you should be aware that Keystone XL is the last leg of the pipeline. Keystone I, II, III are in operation and US crude is travelling along the pipeline to various refineries in the mid west and in the Gulf.

American producers benefit from the Keystone. The offers made by Trans Canada to US citizens have been very generous and the majority of property used by the pipeline company has had little or no litigation. Most landowners have worked very positively with the company.

No one is being forced off their land. I don't know where you are getting information that anyone has been forced off their land.

Eminent domain is used every day across America for many different types of infrastructure.

Why is this one worse than any other when US oil producers and US oil refineries benefit from the Keystone pipeline?

Well, some Citizens have come forward and stated they were intimidated and basically told they would be removed from their land one way or another. Most took the 'deals' they were offered. But did they really have a choice?

I understand sticking it to this President. I can't stand the asshole either. But this Keystone deal isn't what it's cracked up to be. It's a foreign corporation moving in and forcing American Citizens off their lands. It's that foreign corporation that will benefit the most from this deal. I'm just saying Republicans need to look into this more closely.
Unfortunately, still a brainwashed hater dupe (80% chance racist), but at least you can escape the Pub propaganda Machine to get the facts once in a while. There is hope lol.
Personally, i'm not too excited about Keystone. It's a foreign Canadian company being allowed to steal American Citizens' land by way of Eminent Domain. I think my Republican friends need to take a closer look at this one. No one should be supporting foreign companies being allowed to force American Citizens off their land. Eminent Domain = an egregious attack on fellow Americans.

I think most Republicans have gotten a little too excited about sticking it to the President on this one. They haven't looked into it and scrutinized it enough.

First off you should be aware that Keystone XL is the last leg of the pipeline. Keystone I, II, III are in operation and US crude is travelling along the pipeline to various refineries in the mid west and in the Gulf.

American producers benefit from the Keystone. The offers made by Trans Canada to US citizens have been very generous and the majority of property used by the pipeline company has had little or no litigation. Most landowners have worked very positively with the company.

No one is being forced off their land. I don't know where you are getting information that anyone has been forced off their land.

Eminent domain is used every day across America for many different types of infrastructure.

Why is this one worse than any other when US oil producers and US oil refineries benefit from the Keystone pipeline?

Well, some Citizens have come forward and stated they were intimidated and basically told they would be removed from their land one way or another. Most took the 'deals' they were offered. But did they really have a choice?

I understand sticking it to this President. I can't stand the asshole either. But this Keystone deal isn't what it's cracked up to be. It's a foreign corporation moving in and forcing American Citizens off their lands. It's that foreign corporation that will benefit the most from this deal. I'm just saying Republicans need to look into this more closely.

I've not heard nor read of one American being forced off their land. Nor any Canadian.

And Trans Canada has rerouted many times to accommodate as many as possible.

Just how do you expect oil to get to refineries? Canada is your largest supplier of crude.

Keystone IS all it's cracked up to be. It's an excellent pipeline. And you need the crude. The XL would be picking up crude from your producers in Montana and North Dakota.

How is it going to reach your refineries? You have three options. Pipeline of which Keystone is one of many. Rail and transport truck.

Would you have blocked the original Keystone? It not only ships crude from Canada but transports your domestic crude as well.

Your oil producers benefit by the Keystone. Your oil refineries benefit by the Keystone. Please note where the refineries are located in the midwest and on the Gulf and provide thousands of jobs.


How about the Alberta Clipper? Or Southern Lights?

Should Canada ban Warren Buffett's rail cars from entering Canada to ship crude?

Should you get rid of the Canadian rail line that takes crude to your refineries?

Should Canada now throw out Kinder Morgan's (US company) that has a mega pipeline from Alberta to British Columbia?

How far do you want to take this? We've been trading partners for years.

Do you want this to end? To have all pipelines and rail lines from Canada to the US and visa versa torn up?

Our trade is a win win for both countries. But if you are going to block all infrastructure based on being against eminent domain we're going to have a real problem. Both sides of the border.

Bottom line is even without the XL there are miles and miles of new pipelines being built by US and Canadian companies.

This is all bullshit about the XL.


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