'Excessive'? Armed Texas SWAT Team in Body Armor / Armored Vehicles Raids Daddy Zane’s Bar in West Odessa After Breaking State Orders and Reopening

A very repressive Texican Republican governor and law enforcement, yet we hear no insult from the Trump crazies over the incident.
This sheriff just committed political suicide.

This is over reach by the sheriff and commisioners on the governors order. This is an attempt to discredit the governor by left wing activists.
A very repressive Texican Republican governor and law enforcement, yet we hear no insult from the Trump crazies over the incident.
This sheriff just committed political suicide.

This is over reach by the sheriff and commisioners on the governors order. This is an attempt to discredit the governor by left wing activists.
Yep. He is a fucking Democrat.

It never fails. When I try to give Democrats the benefit of the doubt, but they burn me every fucking time.

Democrats hate freedom - Mike Griffis is one of them

Mike Griffis - Democrat

Now it all makes sense. The bait and switch was real.

How did the media / camera crews know to be at the bar when the SWAT Team showed up geared-up in their armored vehicles to raid the pre-coordinated peaceful pub protest?

Kinda reminds me how CNN just happened to have a camera crew near Michael Cohen's home when Mueller sent an armed/armored team to raid Cowen's home...


Easy, think about it. Why would anyone hold a protest against a lockdown in someone's private backyard with no audience? How would their message get through to the people they were protesting against? THE BAR OWNER called the media, no doubt, to cover the protest. Or one of the protest organizers did. Otherwise, it was just a bunch of drunks hanging out in a back yard.
Apparently whoever she spoke to at the Sheriff's Department when she called did not have the same opinion of the protest that the Sheriff did. He's the boss.
The cops over reacted. They must get off on showing up in an armored car in full body armor with automatic weapons to enforce a safe distancing order that was dropped prior to their arrival. This is not a good sign of things to come Excessive, out of control yes by all means the cops should be reprimanded

The most irritating part is that you don't see any of the police wearing masks or social distancing.
Someone should arrest the police.
They are the least "essential" of all.

Texas death rate grand total of 3 COVID deaths per 100,000 people, if they are real. NY 126 per 100k. They are locking down states where there is no problem the same as New York. This is a total deliberate collapse of the entire economy by the big bankers. They printed too much money over the decades so they need a currency reset. Your dollar will be soon worth 1/20 of what it was. On top of that, in two years if you are still alive after the depopulation program, you will be biochipped - ostensibly to keep your vaccination records- and under total control via the 5G surveillance platform towers. No one is crying out for faster Internet. It will be needed to handle the biochips. U.S. COVID-19 death rate by state | Statista

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TX death rate grand total of 3 COVID deaths per 100,000 people, if they are real. NY 126 per 100k. They are locking down states where there is no problem the same as New York. This is a total deliberate collapse of the entire economy by the big bankers. They printed too much money over the decades so they need a currency reset. Your dollar will be soon worth 1/20 of what it was. U.S. COVID-19 death rate by state | Statista
There's already two threads boiling over on this one. "
'Excessive'? Armed Texas SWAT Team in Body Armor / Armored Vehicles Raids Daddy Zane’s Bar in West Odessa After Breaking State Orders and Reopening
Another Black Robed, Narcissistic Idiot

TX death rate grand total of 3 COVID deaths per 100,000 people, if they are real. NY 126 per 100k. They are locking down states where there is no problem the same as New York. This is a total deliberate collapse of the entire economy by the big bankers. They printed too much money over the decades so they need a currency reset. Your dollar will be soon worth 1/20 of what it was. U.S. COVID-19 death rate by state | Statista
They? Who is They? You mean Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott? Last I heard he was taking steps to open back up and quoted as saying a lot of people were going to die, but it has to be done, or something to that effect.
Dude, this is TEXAS, where law-abiding Americans exercise their Constitutional rights.

Yeah, you guys keep saying that and yet, these incidents keep popping up in Texas.

Blue lives matter, right?
We got a serious problem with corruption in LE in Texas; always have.
Check out Waco, Llano, Olmos Park, Leon Valley, Houston (Gerald Goines, specifically), etc.

It's even worse if you're a biker. Texas LE has been hunting bikers and killing them every chance they get since I was a child.
What’s the matter? Were the poor wittle Texans intimidated by the powice because they were cawying guns?
Would you be intimidated with somebody pointing a gun in your face?

And, no, we Texans are not intimidated by the police. They are less than 1 million and we have 10 million guns, minimum.

Now, go fuck yourself.


If Texans aren’t intimidated by the police, why are they whining and moaning that the police show up armed?
There were 4 to 6 guys with rifles guarding the bar..... cops saw that and came back with an MRAP and a lot of help.
Dude, this is TEXAS, where law-abiding Americans exercise their Constitutional rights.
Yeah, you guys keep saying that and yet, these incidents keep popping up in Texas. Blue lives matter, right?

'Incidents like this keep popping up in Texas' -- You mean situations like this where heavily armed/armored SWAT Teams in armored vehicles show up to arrest 8 peaceful bar patrons and a female bar owner who informed the police of what they were going to do before hand?

Actually yeah..... something very similar happened a couple years ago in Olmos Park to a guy named CJ Grisham. You can watch it on youtube.

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