Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea
- Started his own vicious dictatorial regime, and has been described as Africa’s worst dictator– even worse than Mugabe.

Agusto Pinochet, Chile
- 1,200–3,200 people were killed, up to 80,000 were interned, and up to 30,000 were tortured by his government including women and children.

Idriss Déby, Chad
- Horrific Human Rights record...typical dictator

Manuel Noriega. Panama
- Drug Lord, guilty of “extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, detention without trial and the torture and ill-treatment of demonstrators while he was de facto ruler of Panama from 1983 to 1989, etc...

Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan
- This guy BOILED people to death...and I am not talking 'slow boil / frog in the pot type either.

Ferdinand Marcos, The Phillipines
- As President, he was awfully fond of supporting some of the most horrific human rights abuses– so horrific, that Filipino victims of the Marco regime are now getting monetary compensation.

King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia
- "Under the rule of King Abdullah, human rights activists have been arbitrarily jailed, people are routinely executed without a fair trial (their methods? Beheading and crucifixion. No joke.), and people are sentenced to punishments like “paralysis.”

'Paralysis' - :wtf:Yeah, we're going to break your back...?!

Mobutu Sese Seko, Zaire
He is noted for a charming variety of human rights abuses taking place under his regime (like beating people with boards with nails attached to them!)

Fidel Castro, Cuba
- 'Nuff Said

Mommar Qadaffi, Libya

Mohamad Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood - took over Govt in Egypt....

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)
Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

Actually, during the Iran/Iraq war the US sent TOW and HAWK missiles to Iran via Israel. The US also sent sent Iraq faked spy satellite photos.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)

We helped Iraq get their chemical and biological weapons, and we turned a blind eye when Saddam used them against Iran,and even his own people, the Kurds, without so much as blinking an eye.
Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

Actually, during the Iran/Iraq war the US sent TOW and HAWK missiles to Iran via Israel. The US also sent sent Iraq faked spy satellite photos.
The US played one against the other, but Hussein somewhat kept Iran 'in check'.

We helped put Mubarak into power....then helped take him out.
We helped put Qadaffi into power...then helped take him out.
We helped put Noriega into power...then helped take him out.
...etc....as pointed out.

Maybe it's time we minded our own damn business...especially since 'every time' we put someone into power 'we' like they turn out to be just as bad, if not worse, than who was in there before....
Maybe it's time we minded our own damn business...especially since 'every time' we put someone into power 'we' like they turn out to be just as bad, if not worse, than who was in there before....

Every time we put somebody in power who didn't get the support of the people, they run amock with power, Since the people didn't vote them in, they don't think the people can vote then out,.
Whether the allegation is true or not the fact remains that the CIA has become a shadow government in itself. The dumbest thing Bush did was to keep Clinton appointees in the intelligence community and send Valerie Plame's husband on a freaking mission after the CIA incorrectly accused the Bush administration of outing the identity of his socialite wife. What the hell are we paying these people to do (in a secret budget) when they whine that they are unable to protect the U.S. from foreign hackers? Thanks to a series of traitors there are no secrets left. Isn't it time to reorganize the CIA?
Maybe it's time we minded our own damn business...especially since 'every time' we put someone into power 'we' like they turn out to be just as bad, if not worse, than who was in there before....

Every time we put somebody in power who didn't get the support of the people, they run amock with power, Since the people didn't vote them in, they don't think the people can vote then out,.
In all honesty I believe Trump thought he was doing the DESCENT / 'RIGHT' thing to do. JFK also believed that the US had an obligation to stand up for those who could not stand up for themselves in their pursuit of freedom.

It's easy to say you aren't going to lift a finger to intervene and help anyone who is being gassed, boiled, slaughtered, tortured....and another when you realize you have the power to do something about it rather than JUST the feeling of a moral obligation to do so.
Try again DANI------that Iraq bought the materials that are used in the production of
Islamo Nazi mustard gas IN THE WEST is not "THE WEST HELPED"------I if I buy an egg from a Shiite lump of shit------and use it to bake a cake----the fact that I bought
the egg from a Shiite does not make the cake a SHIIITE CAKE
saddam couldnt build chemical weapon by materials in 70..
they havnt technology

wrong------nitrogen mustard gas is VERY EASY-------it is just a chemical-----
all one needs is a college course in organic chemistry and the recipe and
the will to USE a substance that has been outlawed by international agreement
since the end of world war II. Sarin is similar to organophosphate pesticides---
chemistry class

wrong.nitrogen mustard gas is VERY EASY for human . but arabs are stupid:afro::biggrin:

saddam used Sulfur mustard and Organophosphate in iran
very difficult for make.....

they hired some Iranians to do it for them-----happy Iranians in white lab coats----
Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea
- Started his own vicious dictatorial regime, and has been described as Africa’s worst dictator– even worse than Mugabe.

Agusto Pinochet, Chile
- 1,200–3,200 people were killed, up to 80,000 were interned, and up to 30,000 were tortured by his government including women and children.

Idriss Déby, Chad
- Horrific Human Rights record...typical dictator

Manuel Noriega. Panama
- Drug Lord, guilty of “extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, detention without trial and the torture and ill-treatment of demonstrators while he was de facto ruler of Panama from 1983 to 1989, etc...

Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan
- This guy BOILED people to death...and I am not talking 'slow boil / frog in the pot type either.

Ferdinand Marcos, The Phillipines
- As President, he was awfully fond of supporting some of the most horrific human rights abuses– so horrific, that Filipino victims of the Marco regime are now getting monetary compensation.

King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia
- "Under the rule of King Abdullah, human rights activists have been arbitrarily jailed, people are routinely executed without a fair trial (their methods? Beheading and crucifixion. No joke.), and people are sentenced to punishments like “paralysis.”

'Paralysis' - :wtf:Yeah, we're going to break your back...?!

Mobutu Sese Seko, Zaire
He is noted for a charming variety of human rights abuses taking place under his regime (like beating people with boards with nails attached to them!)

Fidel Castro, Cuba
- 'Nuff Said

Mommar Qadaffi, Libya

Mohamad Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood - took over Govt in Egypt....

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)

the US made a mistake with Hussein long before Hussein did his coup-----the USA should have put a bullet in his head in circa 1960
The dumbest thing Bush did was to keep Clinton appointees in the intelligence community and send Valerie Plame's husband on a freaking mission after the CIA incorrectly accused the Bush administration of outing the identity of his socialite wife.

You got that backwards. The CIA sent Wilson on the mission, where he discovered the Italian yellowcake documents were forgeries, and bad ones at that. It was when Wilson made that clear, that various folks at various times outed Valerie Plane.



And? Did you not know that Rumsfeld helped Saddam?
And? Did you not know that Rumsfeld helped Saddam?

Helped? Rumsfeld met with Saddam and sold him the stuff to make WMD's out of. See the Church commission report on everything we sold to Iraq, from chemical to biological. A virtual shopping list of everything he needed.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)

We helped Iraq get their chemical and biological weapons, and we turned a blind eye when Saddam used them against Iran,and even his own people, the Kurds, without so much as blinking an eye.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)

We helped Iraq get their chemical and biological weapons, and we turned a blind eye when Saddam used them against Iran,and even his own people, the Kurds, without so much as blinking an eye.
easyt65 meaner gene

Where the fuck did you guys come up such complete bullshit?
Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)

We helped Iraq get their chemical and biological weapons, and we turned a blind eye when Saddam used them against Iran,and even his own people, the Kurds, without so much as blinking an eye.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)

We helped Iraq get their chemical and biological weapons, and we turned a blind eye when Saddam used them against Iran,and even his own people, the Kurds, without so much as blinking an eye.
easyt65 meaner gene

Where the fuck did you guys come up such complete bullshit?

Did you actually READ the links and look into all of the world's dictators and oppressive regimes the United States has put into power, helped put into power, and supported?

Let me know when you do. It's rather 'eye-opening'.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was placed into power with help from the United States.

So if you are really surprised the US backed Hussein in their war against Iran you haven't been paying attention for DECADES! (Or you weren't alive then and public schools taught you very little...)

We helped Iraq get their chemical and biological weapons, and we turned a blind eye when Saddam used them against Iran,and even his own people, the Kurds, without so much as blinking an eye.
most chemical victim people were iranian kurds and arabs
Try again DANI------that Iraq bought the materials that are used in the production of
Islamo Nazi mustard gas IN THE WEST is not "THE WEST HELPED"------I if I buy an egg from a Shiite lump of shit------and use it to bake a cake----the fact that I bought
the egg from a Shiite does not make the cake a SHIIITE CAKE
saddam couldnt build chemical weapon by materials in 70..
they havnt technology

wrong------nitrogen mustard gas is VERY EASY-------it is just a chemical-----
all one needs is a college course in organic chemistry and the recipe and
the will to USE a substance that has been outlawed by international agreement
since the end of world war II. Sarin is similar to organophosphate pesticides---
chemistry class

wrong.nitrogen mustard gas is VERY EASY for human . but arabs are stupid:afro::biggrin:

saddam used Sulfur mustard and Organophosphate in iran
very difficult for make.....

they hired some Iranians to do it for them-----happy Iranians in white lab coats----
are you sure they didnt hire jew zionist ?
the riegle report has been out for years. I suggest Americans read it.

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