EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi Arabia,

Yup, tanks and fighter jets are exactly the same as bathrooms and bedrooms.

BREAKING: Hilton Hotels made money off the Saudi's.

(Where is that Paris chick?)
Are you saying that you are spewing hate and misinformation about Trump just to cover up for the dumbass decision to support that asshole Crooked Hillary for President?

Are you saying that Crooked Hillary did not lie to the families of the Benghazi victims?

He has not repeatedly used a position in government to sell influence.

He has not jeopardized the security of the country to cover up his corruption.

[Your] disliking Trump because he wants to ... lower taxes ... is a piss poor excuse to vote for ... Hillary Clinton

I have responded to the quoted remarks above in the attached document.

He has not lied to the American people about everything.

No. He's only told the truth about almost nothing.



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Things said by Flash:

Are you saying that Crooked Hillary did not lie to the families of the Benghazi victims?
First of all, how can anyone take you seriously when you resort to ignorant "I'm rubber and you're glue" name calling?
What did Hillary lie about?

He has not repeatedly used a position in government to sell influence.
We know he paid tens of thousands to the Florida Attorney General. Both have admitted it.
How many times do ignorant twits have to listen to:
“I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them, and they are there for me.”
before they believe it?

He has not jeopardized the security of the country to cover up his corruption.
How do you know? He invited Russia to hack this country. He owes a half billion to the bank of China. He's made a terrible enemy of the President of Mexico, the first world leader he's talked to.

[Your] disliking Trump because he wants to ... lower taxes ... is a piss poor excuse to vote for ... Hillary Clinton
I have responded to the quoted remarks above in the attached document.
Trump only wants to low taxes on rich people like himself. Look at the Bush tax cuts. Billionaires got billions, everyone else got pennies.

He has not lied to the American people about everything.
What hasn't he lied about? He's lying now about the Attorney General of Florida. He lied to all his wives. That's why he's been married so many times.
He lied to people he's stiffed.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
He lied about Trump U, which is why he will be in court 20 days after the election, win or lose.
His speeches are all debunked lies.

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