Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

Wrong people. We will see the reality of this after the commission is finished.
A commission operated by a politically charged apparatus ?? ROTFLMBO. The same result will come just like it did in the Mueller bullcrap.
Sounds like you made up an imaginary boogeyman there. So great, you beat your imaginary boogeyman.
Seriously? It is the left who made up imaginary boogeymen insurrections and even the left can't support that claim with evidence, hence not one person being charged with insurrection.
Reinforcements came, and the mob was halted at one point by the shooting of Babbit. When the angry mob first assaulted the police and broke through their lines, they were still unorganized and had no real plan or strategy. I thought this was all public knowledge.
OH. So you are saying that they really weren't overwhelmed at all.
Charges will come flowing

As the Worms Turn

They'll be scooped up by the can just lie on any successful fishing trip.
You haven't been paying attention. Investigations have found that there was no planned insurrection. You can't charge anyone with insurrection when your own investigations have determined that there was no insurrection.
This evidence does not seem scant:
That has been my position on the event from the start, an unorganized bunch of people swept away in the heat of the moment who should be charged with trespassing and perhaps vandalism where provable and sent home with a permanent mark on their records. Whether they wear that mark with pride or shame is up to them.
And assault. And criminal conspiracy. Are you seeing what they are being convicted of? You seem to have watched the g rated edited version or something.
i say he didnt tell people to attack the capital ...you are claiming he did ! post the video !
I dont care what you said. If you want to see the video go google it. I already saw it so its not worth the effort to post it. You can also ask the guys that got arrested about who told them to attack the capitol. Again thats all on google as well.

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