Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Breaking Update!

Rumor at Breitbart is that it's Democrat Tony Podesta, not Manafort.
Podesta, Waserman-Schultz, and two other prominent Democrats......?? Bill & Hillary?. LOL... this thing is about to really blow up in their faces...
It’s hysterical you believe that.
You’re another one that has no idea what the investigation is about. You’ve been watching too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour..
Carter Page was questioned for 5 hours Friday .. is it him?

By the Senate. That doesn't seem to be related to this but we won't know until Monday.

I'm still guessing Podesta
Podesta! Ha ha ha haha ha Thanks for admitting you have no clue what this investigation is about.
that just puts him/her on par with mueller and cnn
Your ignorance is stunning. I’m serious. Your posts show where you get your info.
Why is McFox ignoring this, conservatives?

Do you enjoy getting lied to by McFOX?

You are shaking your heads yes, aren't you?
They love being lied to. It keeps them from thinking about what’s really happening in the country..
Sep. 19, 2017

On Monday, CNN reported that US investigators obtained a warrant to wiretap Manafort before and after the election. Some information gleaned from the surveillance prompted concerns that Manafort had encouraged Russians to "help with the campaign," according to CNN.

News of the wiretap came on the heels of a New York Times report which found that after obtaining a "no-knock" warrant and conducting the July raid on Manafort's home, investigators told him they planned to indict him.

The unusual pace and aggression with which Mueller is pursuing Manafort is a classic sign that the special counsel wants to coerce Manafort's cooperation in the Russia probe, wrote former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti.

"The tactic that Mueller is using — telling Manafort that he will be charged — is generally used when prosecutors are trying to get a defendant to 'flip,'" said Mariotti. The best way to do that, he added, is to assemble enough evidence to make it likely that the individual, if charged, would be convicted and sentenced to jail time.

Mueller is drilling into Manafort's past — and it could spell trouble for Trump
Breaking Update!

Rumor at Breitbart is that it's Democrat Tony Podesta, not Manafort.
Podesta, Waserman-Schultz, and two other prominent Democrats......?? Bill & Hillary?. LOL... this thing is about to really blow up in their faces...
the entire liberal establishment is mired in criminal activity, and it is becoming more and more evident to Americans that news programs are just arms of their criminal activity
Breaking Update!

Rumor at Breitbart is that it's Democrat Tony Podesta, not Manafort.
Podesta, Waserman-Schultz, and two other prominent Democrats......?? Bill & Hillary?. LOL... this thing is about to really blow up in their faces...
It’s hysterical you believe that.
You’re another one that has no idea what the investigation is about. You’ve been watching too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour..
The Federal Elections Commission has requested that charges be brought for criminal conduct and payments for employing a foreign entity to interfere in US Elections.. Banking records were seized earlier today from Fusion GPS prior to warrants being issued..

LOL... this thing is about to burst wide open...
t's going to be Manafort to detract from Uranium One. Mueller had this in his pocket ready to go for awhile now. Uranium One got too "hot" in the media for them so this is their distraction.

Anyone want to bet I'm wrong? This was all about changing the news cycle and trying to turn the tables back on President Trump.

Yeah, that's it dope.
The Hillary, Obama and the DNC is the ones who are crumbling.

Not they're not. Just pretend to be sane...
You haven't been watching the news lately, have you?
No sane person watches the Faux news channel except for comic relief.
You got two problems with your argument. 1 A sitting president cannot be arrested so if arrests are coming Monday it's NOT him. 2. Procedure is you get the bag man FIRST and that would be McCain.
I don't know what they can arrest Manafort for that is related to the mission of the investigation, and Mewler has no authority to indict anyone for other reaons.
quite the opposite!

It is Mueller's duty and the duty of all special investigators to charge a person with any crime they have come across.....

Do you think if by chance they come across someone breaking the law they are suppose to close their eyes and pretend like it never happened?

NO, that is not how justice works....
Breaking Update!

Rumor at Breitbart is that it's Democrat Tony Podesta, not Manafort.
Podesta, Waserman-Schultz, and two other prominent Democrats......?? Bill & Hillary?. LOL... this thing is about to really blow up in their faces...
It’s hysterical you believe that.
You’re another one that has no idea what the investigation is about. You’ve been watching too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour..
The Federal Elections Commission has requested that charges be brought for criminal conduct and payments for employing a foreign entity to interfere in US Elections..

LOL... this thing is about to burst wide open...
Just send the forum a pic of you crying real tears when you find out the indictments will be for current and former members of T administration.
It’s amazing the alternate reality you live in.
Carter Page was questioned for 5 hours Friday .. is it him?

By the Senate. That doesn't seem to be related to this but we won't know until Monday.

I'm still guessing Podesta
Podesta! Ha ha ha haha ha Thanks for admitting you have no clue what this investigation is about.
that just puts him/her on par with mueller and cnn
Your ignorance is stunning. I’m serious. Your posts show where you get your info.
know how to keep the ignorant engaged?...I'll tell ya monday
Not they're not. Just pretend to be sane...
You haven't been watching the news lately, have you?
No sane person watches the Faux news channel except for comic relief.
You got two problems with your argument. 1 A sitting president cannot be arrested so if arrests are coming Monday it's NOT him. 2. Procedure is you get the bag man FIRST and that would be McCain.
I don't know what they can arrest Manafort for that is related to the mission of the investigation, and Mewler has no authority to indict anyone for other reaons.
quite the opposite!

It is Mueller's duty and the duty of all special investigators to charge a person with any crime they have come across.....

Do you think if by chance they come across someone breaking the law they are suppose to close their eyes and pretend like it never happened?

NO, that is not how justice works....
Good post. That’s why Mueller looked into Trump’s finances which I’m sure there is a boatload of nefarious crimes there..
Breaking Update!

Rumor at Breitbart is that it's Democrat Tony Podesta, not Manafort.
Podesta, Waserman-Schultz, and two other prominent Democrats......?? Bill & Hillary?. LOL... this thing is about to really blow up in their faces...
It’s hysterical you believe that.
You’re another one that has no idea what the investigation is about. You’ve been watching too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour..
The Federal Elections Commission has requested that charges be brought for criminal conduct and payments for employing a foreign entity to interfere in US Elections..

LOL... this thing is about to burst wide open...
Just send the forum a pic of you crying real tears when you find out the indictments will be for current and former members of T administration.
It’s amazing the alternate reality you live in.
I have over 30 years in law enforcement. A lot of friends in various places.. My sources have yet to be wrong on anything...
Breaking Update!

Name Redacted]‏ @InsertNewName 36m36 minutes ago More [Name Redacted] Retweeted Rose Carol LOL NO. it's not a Trump admin person. Tick tock, tick tock.

[Name Redacted]‏ @InsertNewName 50m50 minutes ago
LMAO it is NOT @GenFlynn
Listening to the bottom feeders it’s mind boggling that they think democrats will be indicted.
You’ve been believing your own fairy tales.

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