Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Breaking Update!

Name Redacted]‏ @InsertNewName 36m36 minutes ago More [Name Redacted] Retweeted Rose Carol LOL NO. it's not a Trump admin person. Tick tock, tick tock.

[Name Redacted]‏ @InsertNewName 50m50 minutes ago
LMAO it is NOT @GenFlynn
Why do I waste my time with this head case. He just makes up shit.
Breaking Update!

Name Redacted]‏ @InsertNewName 36m36 minutes ago More [Name Redacted] Retweeted Rose Carol LOL NO. it's not a Trump admin person. Tick tock, tick tock.

[Name Redacted]‏ @InsertNewName 50m50 minutes ago
LMAO it is NOT @GenFlynn
The whole democrat world is about to be turned upside down.... And they did it to themselves...
My only question was why did somebody leak this to CNN?
Why not? It’s going to be the biggest news story in the world by next week.
They didn't leak to CNN. Anderson Cooper beat the crap outta one of the Grand Jurists
Isn’t it interesting that all the trump supporters call CNN fake news when they broke this story that everyone is talking about..
CNN has been shown wrong how many times in recent history? In-fact they were caught lieing multiple times... Pardon me for not buying the crap you be spreading...
People think posts from Steve McRacists with all the names redacted is some kind of proof of anything? :rofl:
Sep. 19, 2017

Revelations that special counsel Robert Mueller is looking for evidence of possible crimes committed as far back as January 2006 as part of his investigation into former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort shed new light on Mueller's objectives.

CNN reported on Tuesday that when FBI agents conducted a predawn raid of Manafort's home in July, their warrant said the investigation was focusing on criminal conduct that could have happened more than a decade ago.

Mueller's investigation into Manafort focuses primarily on his business dealings and his work for Ukraine's pro-Russia Party of Regions. Manafort is connected to the party through his time serving as a top consultant for Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, whom he started working for in 2004.

Manafort is widely credited with helping Yanukovych win the presidency in 2010. After being ousted in 2014 following widespread protests against his Russia-friendly positions, Yanukovych fled Ukraine and is now living under the protection of the Kremlin.

Last August, it emerged that the Party of Regions reportedly designated Manafort $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments. Manafort's firm belatedly disclosed in a June filing that it had received about $17 million from the group between 2012 and 2014. Manafort's ties to the Party of Regions are what first prompted the FBI's interest in him.

The special counsel's particular inquiry into Manafort not only confirms that he is a key focus in the Russia investigation, but also highlights the likelihood that Mueller is digging for criminal conduct in an effort to "flip" Manafort as a witness against Trump and other campaign associates.

It's hard to tell what Mueller has on Manafort, "but they absolutely have something because they got a search warrant," said Joseph Pelcher, a former FBI counterintelligence agent who was stationed in Russia and specialized in organized crime. "You need probable cause to get a search warrant, so there is something there, without question."

"If I were investigating the case, the first thing I would do is sit Manafort down and get him to cooperate, because he's not the big fish here,"

Mueller is drilling into Manafort's past — and it could spell trouble for Trump
Flynn or Manafort being squeezed is Trump’s worst nightmare. They know where the bodies are buried..
My only question was why did somebody leak this to CNN?
Why not? It’s going to be the biggest news story in the world by next week.
They didn't leak to CNN. Anderson Cooper beat the crap outta one of the Grand Jurists
Isn’t it interesting that all the trump supporters call CNN fake news when they broke this story that everyone is talking about..
Being called fake news by a con is a badge of honor
People think posts from Steve McRacists with all the names redacted is some kind of proof of anything? :rofl:

Agreed. He has the forum record of breaking news threads posted where nothing comes of it..
Listening to the bottom feeders it’s mind boggling that they think democrats will be indicted.
You’ve been believing your own fairy tales.
It's fake news, no one really believes the fairy tale, most of us just wanted something to do and there you were.
My only question was why did somebody leak this to CNN?
Why not? It’s going to be the biggest news story in the world by next week.
They didn't leak to CNN. Anderson Cooper beat the crap outta one of the Grand Jurists
Isn’t it interesting that all the trump supporters call CNN fake news when they broke this story that everyone is talking about..
Being called fake news by a con is a badge of honor
Yesindeedy. Being against the 1st amendment is also mandatory in getting into their cult..
Whenever Trump does something stupid( daily) they think they can make it evaporate by screaming fake news..
These idiots will only believe this bad news for them when they read it at Breitbart..
Crooked H hard at work with her corrupt money.
Looks like you’re taking these indictments really hard constantly mumbling about Hillary.
Many in Trump’s crooked administration will be indicted..
Just promise to show us a video when you shoot yourself in the head..

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