Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

So does this first indictment mean we'll see 10 times the number of Hillary threads on USMB as we have recently?
Expect me to ramp up the attacks on Hillary exposing her treachery and collusion with Russia. As an American Patriot, it is my duty to do it.
So what does a prosecutor need to show the judge to obtain a tax return? The statute requires the prosecutor to show three things.

First, the prosecutor has to show "there is reasonable cause to believe" that a specific criminal act has been committed. That's where the recent news of the Manafort search warrant comes in. We know that Mueller had enough evidence to establish "reasonable cause" that a crime was committed because he got a search warrant.

Mueller would also have to establish that he could not "reasonably" obtain the tax return from another source, like the person's accountant. Generally speaking, that is an easy thing for a prosecutor to prove. If they can't prove that, it means they will just get the tax return elsewhere.

Finally, Mueller would have to establish that "there is reasonable cause to believe" the return "may be relevant" to his investigation. That is a very low bar, much lower than what Mueller had to establish to obtain a search warrant for Manafort's home. To obtain the search warrant, Mueller had to establish that there was probable cause to believe there was specific evidence of a crime at a specific location — Manafort's home.

All that he has to show is that the tax return might help him in his investigation. That means that even the tax return of someone other than Manafort would be helpful to Mueller as he conduct his investigation. At this point, we don't know what other evidence Mueller has and exactly whom he is focusing his investigation upon. But given that all he has to show is that the tax return "may be relevant" to his investigation, which has a very broad mandate, he could have tax return information for many individuals.

That brings us to the obvious question — does Mueller have the president's tax returns? There is not enough public information for us to know. Public reports of subpoenas relating to Trump Organization financial records could suggest that Mueller may have sought tax return information of those business entities, if not the president himself.

The problem with your theory is that there is absolultely no reason to believe Trump committed any kind of crime. None.
No reason? After living a life defrauding the little guy? He has a whole career of straddling and crossing over into criminal activity. Crawl back into Trump’s colon where you feel safe and warm.
Yet, he has never been arrested. Something seems to be suspect about your claims.

A "reason" doesn't mean because a bunch of resentful snowflakes hate his guts.
Do you even know why he’s never been arrested? No you probably don’t. Everytime he scammed small businessmen by not paying them he would outlast them in court because he had the money to do it and they didnt. Then he’d move on to his next victims. Then of course there is the abominable Trump U where he defrauded hundreds out of their life savings and paid $25 million to settle to avoid prosecution.
It's probably Manafort, but I'm having a good laugh over this. Obviously the libs are still believing that President Trump will be somehow miraculously taken down by guilt of association, and that the Hildebeast be immediately sworn in. That's just nutty.
Name one person who said Hillary will take his place. You liars are hysterical.
I’m sure Mueller has a bundle on the serial sex offender. Plus....The underlings that will be indicted will spill the truth on Trump to stay out of prison.
hillary had a nervous breakdown on election night, was screaming and blaming everyone for the loss, had to be sedated, could not make her concession speech because "THE DONALD" denied her what she believed was her birthright.
Cool story.
Who do you think it is?
Flynn , Manafort? Kushner?

Flynn for sure, Manafort for sure, and very likely Kushner and Junior. Others will take note and when placed in jeopardy by the FBI that they may lose their bar card and face imprisonment for perjury, they will fess up. Then we will begin to worry that Trump will send our troops into harms way to deflect from his fear of being convicted of high crimes.

Pence isn't a fool, and saw what happened to Ford when he gave Nixon a pass; thus Trump hasn't a chance to be given the same free pass.

We live in interesting times, and denial of what is obvious will do nothing but prove that hacks are hacks and are challenged by reality.
I think IF Trump were impeached for high crimes, Pence would pardon him, to heal the country SUPPOSEDLY, just like Ford, but what's different is Pence would garner the loyal 38% that are Trumpettes with the pardon, plus the rest of the R's in the 2020 election...Democrats would have to really come out and vote in numbers, and not be complacent... we've got a lot going against us, all the R governors and their secretary of States who run the election process determining how many days early voting polls are opened and how many voting machines the R districts get vs the D districts, the broad felon removal lists they produce, the strong voter id laws that disenfranchise the D's, and the gerrymandering ALL in the R's favors.... :(
You snowflakes crack me up whenever you start blathering about impeachment.
Worried, eh?

The problem with your theory is that there is absolultely no reason to believe Trump committed any kind of crime. None.

Obtaining tax returns can lead to evidence of tax offenses. If an individual receives money that is not reported in the tax return or is misrepresented, that can be charged as a separate federal crime. Hiding financial transactions also can be used as evidence that the subject knew that the underlying source of the money was illegal.

Here's why Mueller might already have Trump’s tax returns


A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump
It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN

No.....mueller is now implicated in the Uranium One Scandal so he has to jump the gun and distract everyone......so he files these charges.....
The RW'er obsession now with attacking Hillary reminds me of something.

Long ago, when Cortez was defeating the Aztecs, the Aztecs. who fervently believed human sacrifice could solve all their problems,
began sacrificing humans at a frantic rate, believing that somehow that could help them defeat Cortez.

That is what the frantic rate of Hillary bashing in the media, not to mention a million Hillary threads on USMB, looks like to me.
It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN

No.....mueller is now implicated in the Uranium One Scandal so he has to jump the gun and distract everyone......so he files these charges.....
Yeah sure he is.. in your alternative universe.
It’s amazing how you idiots believe your own propaganda you read.
There are already calls for Mueller to fold up his tent and take his circus down the road...you libs must be dreaming...
Believing his own petrified media. Yeah now that the investigation is winding down he’s going to step down.,
You fuckers are crazy.
Uh oh Crooked Hillary bot engage!

Right on cue. The shit is hitting the fan with your criminals and you run right to Hilary.
you know she lost the election right?...hehehehe
No! Really? The way that trumpanzees around here are so obsessed and afraid of her, I never would have guessed.

You're the one who's obsessed LOL
Obsessed to hate Trump every day!
It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN

No.....mueller is now implicated in the Uranium One Scandal so he has to jump the gun and distract everyone......so he files these charges.....
Yeah sure he is.. in your alternative universe.
It’s amazing how you idiots believe your own propaganda you read.

mueller was in charge of the FBI when they buried the facts about the Uranium One bribes to just about everyone involved with obama, and in particular the bribes that went to the clinton foundation....

He knows he is now implicated in a scandal bigger than Watergate...so he pushed this through to get the heat off of him....

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