Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Of course you have no idea what you’re talking about. Most of their articles are straight news items.
Imagine you calling anyone a liar when you support the biggest liar in the history of politics.

"Straight News" from whackjob hate sites like KOS, HuffingGlue, and ThinkHatred?

You really are fucking stupid. Trump was a fool getting involved with Manafort, he was warned that Manafort was a crook and ignored the advice of others. But the acts of Manafort have absolutely nothing to do with Trump or the Trump Campaign. The acts of this Papadopoulos were rebuked by everyone from Manafort on down the line.

This is just Kubuki theater to distract from the fact that the Obama White House, the Clinton Campaign, and the FBI colluded with the Russian government to corrupt a US Election by commissioning a fake "Dossier" to smear the opposition candidate with.

You corrupt scum are so used to getting away with your treason that your entire party, including Mueller are in a panic that some small portion of the truth has escaped. This action is meant to distract from the crimes of the Stalinist party. Your laughably corrupt press will do what they can, but no one with an IQ above 40 believes one fucking word from the Pravda press.


Fucking HuffingGlue, less integrity than even you...

What scummy little clods they, and you are.

Even the Bezos hate blog calls bullshit on these fucking lies from you Stalinists:

{Papadopoulos, a campaign volunteer with scant foreign policy experience, persisted. Between March and September, the self-described energy consultant sent at least a half-dozen requests for Trump, as he turned from primary candidate to party nominee, or for members of his team to meet with Russian officials. Among those to express concern about the effort was then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who rejected in May 2016 a proposal from Papadopoulos for Trump to do so…On March 24, [Sam] Clovis, the campaign co-chairman who also served on the foreign policy team, reacted to one proposed Russia meeting by writing, “We thought we probably should not go forward with any meeting with the Russians until we have had occasion to sit with our NATO allies.” In the same email chain, [Charles] Kubic, the retired admiral, reminded others about legal restrictions on meetings with certain Russian officials, adding, “Just want to make sure that no one on the team outruns their headlights and embarrasses the campaign.”}

Trump campaign emails show aide’s repeated efforts to set up Russia meetings
It’s a valid straight news item.
Ya know any news item on the wire anyoneccan pick up and report.
When you don’t likr the news shoot the messenger.

It's fucking lies that even the Washington Post rebukes. You fools don't even pretend to do anything but flat out lie anymore.

HuffingGlue is no different than you, complete and utter lies with no pretense of offering facts.

You like what they say because they confirm your seething hatred. But you lake the ability to think, to reason, You have been conditioned to hate, and that is all you are able to do.
Have you had the good fortune of sitting down to a meal with a Liberal?
Not a Democrat, a Liberal.

I am a liberal.


Fucking HuffingGlue, less integrity than even you...

What scummy little clods they, and you are.

Even the Bezos hate blog calls bullshit on these fucking lies from you Stalinists:

{Papadopoulos, a campaign volunteer with scant foreign policy experience, persisted. Between March and September, the self-described energy consultant sent at least a half-dozen requests for Trump, as he turned from primary candidate to party nominee, or for members of his team to meet with Russian officials. Among those to express concern about the effort was then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who rejected in May 2016 a proposal from Papadopoulos for Trump to do so…On March 24, [Sam] Clovis, the campaign co-chairman who also served on the foreign policy team, reacted to one proposed Russia meeting by writing, “We thought we probably should not go forward with any meeting with the Russians until we have had occasion to sit with our NATO allies.” In the same email chain, [Charles] Kubic, the retired admiral, reminded others about legal restrictions on meetings with certain Russian officials, adding, “Just want to make sure that no one on the team outruns their headlights and embarrasses the campaign.”}

Trump campaign emails show aide’s repeated efforts to set up Russia meetings
It’s a valid straight news item.
Ya know any news item on the wire anyoneccan pick up and report.
When you don’t likr the news shoot the messenger.

It's fucking lies that even the Washington Post rebukes. You fools don't even pretend to do anything but flat out lie anymore.

HuffingGlue is no different than you, complete and utter lies with no pretense of offering facts.

You like what they say because they confirm your seething hatred. But you lake the ability to think, to reason, You have been conditioned to hate, and that is all you are able to do.
Coming from someone who uses Faux news, Daily Caller and Breitbart that’s hilarious..

Retard, what I cited is the Washington Post.


Fucking HuffingGlue, less integrity than even you...

What scummy little clods they, and you are.

Even the Bezos hate blog calls bullshit on these fucking lies from you Stalinists:

{Papadopoulos, a campaign volunteer with scant foreign policy experience, persisted. Between March and September, the self-described energy consultant sent at least a half-dozen requests for Trump, as he turned from primary candidate to party nominee, or for members of his team to meet with Russian officials. Among those to express concern about the effort was then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who rejected in May 2016 a proposal from Papadopoulos for Trump to do so…On March 24, [Sam] Clovis, the campaign co-chairman who also served on the foreign policy team, reacted to one proposed Russia meeting by writing, “We thought we probably should not go forward with any meeting with the Russians until we have had occasion to sit with our NATO allies.” In the same email chain, [Charles] Kubic, the retired admiral, reminded others about legal restrictions on meetings with certain Russian officials, adding, “Just want to make sure that no one on the team outruns their headlights and embarrasses the campaign.”}

Trump campaign emails show aide’s repeated efforts to set up Russia meetings
It’s a valid straight news item.
Ya know any news item on the wire anyoneccan pick up and report.
When you don’t likr the news shoot the messenger.

It's fucking lies that even the Washington Post rebukes. You fools don't even pretend to do anything but flat out lie anymore.

HuffingGlue is no different than you, complete and utter lies with no pretense of offering facts.

You like what they say because they confirm your seething hatred. But you lake the ability to think, to reason, You have been conditioned to hate, and that is all you are able to do.
Have you had the good fortune of sitting down to a meal with a Liberal?
Not a Democrat, a Liberal.

I am a liberal.
So am I.
Thomas Payne Liberal.
Before the Democrats corrupted it.
Of course you have no idea what you’re talking about. Most of their articles are straight news items.
Imagine you calling anyone a liar when you support the biggest liar in the history of politics.

"Straight News" from whackjob hate sites like KOS, HuffingGlue, and ThinkHatred?

You really are fucking stupid. Trump was a fool getting involved with Manafort, he was warned that Manafort was a crook and ignored the advice of others. But the acts of Manafort have absolutely nothing to do with Trump or the Trump Campaign. The acts of this Papadopoulos were rebuked by everyone from Manafort on down the line.

This is just Kubuki theater to distract from the fact that the Obama White House, the Clinton Campaign, and the FBI colluded with the Russian government to corrupt a US Election by commissioning a fake "Dossier" to smear the opposition candidate with.

You corrupt scum are so used to getting away with your treason that your entire party, including Mueller are in a panic that some small portion of the truth has escaped. This action is meant to distract from the crimes of the Stalinist party. Your laughably corrupt press will do what they can, but no one with an IQ above 40 believes one fucking word from the Pravda press.
more Hillary obsession and craziness..
There isn’t even one republican with the status and credibility as Bob Mueller. John McCain comes close.
View attachment 157579

When your own SOS calls you that.., that’s quite a statement.
Guess who's the boss?
Guess who the moron is.. besides you of course.

The moron is you, but you're far too stupid to grasp it.

How many times in the last two years have your masters convinced you and your flock mates that "Trump IZ DUN"

Oh but this time your hate will be rewarded Twinky, fer sure....
Of course you have no idea what you’re talking about. Most of their articles are straight news items.
Imagine you calling anyone a liar when you support the biggest liar in the history of politics.

"Straight News" from whackjob hate sites like KOS, HuffingGlue, and ThinkHatred?

You really are fucking stupid. Trump was a fool getting involved with Manafort, he was warned that Manafort was a crook and ignored the advice of others. But the acts of Manafort have absolutely nothing to do with Trump or the Trump Campaign. The acts of this Papadopoulos were rebuked by everyone from Manafort on down the line.

This is just Kubuki theater to distract from the fact that the Obama White House, the Clinton Campaign, and the FBI colluded with the Russian government to corrupt a US Election by commissioning a fake "Dossier" to smear the opposition candidate with.

You corrupt scum are so used to getting away with your treason that your entire party, including Mueller are in a panic that some small portion of the truth has escaped. This action is meant to distract from the crimes of the Stalinist party. Your laughably corrupt press will do what they can, but no one with an IQ above 40 believes one fucking word from the Pravda press.

Fake dossier”
No one has proven it fake.
Don’t keep up with the news I see. Must be your choices and sources.

RATFLMAO! The Moonie rag and Fox News! Must be true!!!

I see Comrade, if it ain't on KOS, you don't believe it.

The jig is up moron, you got caught. You Maoists are corrupt to the core, you always have been. Without Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch to corrupt investigations, your sleazy corruption was bound to be exposed.

You know Comrade, Hillary will never go to jail for this shit. She should, but she is above the law. Lynch though, she may well be headed for a 8' X 8' cell...

:badgrin:--Hillary Clinton's investigations are OVER. Here is the biggest take down on your Uranium One conspiracy theory of last week. Watch it.

Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

Furthermore your Loretta Lynch & Clinton conspiracy actually came from a Russian documented FAKE memo that Comey used to attack Hillary Clinton with. This set off the arm chair legal Ass's on FOX NEWS.
James Comey used possibly fake Russian document to justify Clinton press conference: Report
Comey influenced by bogus Russian document, report says


So you're but--but---but Hillary Clinton days are long OVER.

And so it begins.

What the Trump campaign was to dumb to ever realise is that they were being MONITORED & WATCHED since 2015, by several FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which his why Trump jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.

Then Trump being the total dumbass he is, actually went on a national televised NBC interview with Lestor Holt of NBC and admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Now we know clearly that none of this is FAKE news. The best place to go on this tonight will be your Nemisis, MSNBC Rachel Maddow who has been covering every single detail coming out of these investigations since they began months ago. She knows more than any of them, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN over the last several months.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast


Trump & company are going to start falling like domino's over this.

For older news on the Russian investigation and whom else will be coming down in this go to this USMB link--(ignore the error message.)
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


{It turns out that Obama’s campaign organization pumped almost a million dollars into Perkins Coie, the law firm where Elias is a partner, since April of 2016. The same law firm that got Fusion GPS to work for Clinton and the Democrats regarding getting the goods on Donald Trump using a former MI6 operative.}

Wait––There’s An Obama White House Connection To Trump Dossier Research Firm?

The corrupt Goebbels of the leftist propaganda rags won't save you this time.
View attachment 157579

When your own SOS calls you that.., that’s quite a statement.
Guess who's the boss?
Guess who the moron is.. besides you of course.

The moron is you, but you're far too stupid to grasp it.

How many times in the last two years have your masters convinced you and your flock mates that "Trump IZ DUN"

Oh but this time your hate will be rewarded Twinky, fer sure....
No one has to convince anyone Trump is dumb. Just listen to his 4 th grade vocabulary and his brilliant lines like” I have the best words”
There is something seriously wrong with you if you’re still a T supporter.
9 months of insanity still hasn’t made an dent in your sanity..

RATFLMAO! The Moonie rag and Fox News! Must be true!!!

I see Comrade, if it ain't on KOS, you don't believe it.

The jig is up moron, you got caught. You Maoists are corrupt to the core, you always have been. Without Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch to corrupt investigations, your sleazy corruption was bound to be exposed.

You know Comrade, Hillary will never go to jail for this shit. She should, but she is above the law. Lynch though, she may well be headed for a 8' X 8' cell...

:badgrin:--Hillary Clinton's investigations are OVER. Here is the biggest take down on your Uranium One conspiracy theory of last week. Watch it.

Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

Furthermore your Loretta Lynch & Clinton conspiracy actually came from a Russian documented FAKE memo that Comey used to attack Hillary Clinton with. This set off the arm chair legal Ass's on FOX NEWS.
James Comey used possibly fake Russian document to justify Clinton press conference: Report
Comey influenced by bogus Russian document, report says


So you're but--but---but Hillary Clinton days are long OVER.

And so it begins.

What the Trump campaign was to dumb to ever realise is that they were being MONITORED & WATCHED since 2015, by several FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which his why Trump jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.

Then Trump being the total dumbass he is, actually went on a national televised NBC interview with Lestor Holt of NBC and admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Now we know clearly that none of this is FAKE news. The best place to go on this tonight will be your Nemisis, MSNBC Rachel Maddow who has been covering every single detail coming out of these investigations since they began months ago. She knows more than any of them, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN over the last several months.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast


Trump & company are going to start falling like domino's over this.

For older news on the Russian investigation and whom else will be coming down in this go to this USMB link--(ignore the error message.)
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


{It turns out that Obama’s campaign organization pumped almost a million dollars into Perkins Coie, the law firm where Elias is a partner, since April of 2016. The same law firm that got Fusion GPS to work for Clinton and the Democrats regarding getting the goods on Donald Trump using a former MI6 operative.}

Wait––There’s An Obama White House Connection To Trump Dossier Research Firm?

The corrupt Goebbels of the leftist propaganda rags won't save you this time.

The far right Town Hall. Why doesn’t that surprise me!
What "crimes against the United States?"
The ones Gates and Manafort are charged with.

Why do you charge someone with two crimes for the same thing? And when did failing to fill out forms become a "crime against the United States?"
Crimes against the United States is a catch all. It often appears in indictments for income tax evasion, laundering money, sedition, etc..
In other words, it's a bullshit charge they use for piling on. Wire fraud and mail fraud are similar in nature.
The actually charge is Conspiracy Against the United States which covers a multitude of sins. It is Count 1 of the indictment.

Oh my Allah!

That will definitely cover up the FACT that the Obama White House, Clinton Campaign, and The FBI colluded with Russia to corrupt the presidential election.

Oh and Comrade, perhaps you missed this:

{Washington D.C. lobbyist Tony Podesta, the brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, resigned from his firm Monday. The move comes after it was revealed last week Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating him as part of the larger probe into the 2016 presidential election. His departure also comes on the same day former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort surrendered to the FBI on 12-felony charges surrounding his personal business dealings. From POLITICO: }

BREAKING: After Manafort Surrender, Someone in Clinton's Inner Circle Has Resigned as a Lobbyist

Now if Mueller has any integrity, the Posesta brothers will be indicted tomorrow.

If he does indict them, I will publicly apologize to Mueller for calling him a worthless partisan hack.

If he doesn't, well them fuck the corrupt hack.
Frantic how? The MSM barely mentioned it.
Uranium One has been all over Trump's propaganda networks (fox / breitbart / etc).

The Trump dossier hasn't. I believe out of all the networks, they gave it 20 seconds combined reporting.

Because it's nonsense.

sorry dude, but the corruption around the uranium deal is real. the Clintons sold out the country for 140 million dollars. At least now we know their price.

I'm sorry. Which Clinton had approval authority over that deal?


Do you honestly think you can lie this into the cornfield?
Dread hangs over Washington as Mueller probe moves ahead — CNN

October 30, 2017
It took barely an hour for President Donald Trump's first, and best, defense to crumble after special counsel Robert Mueller's charging spree.
And in a cascade of developments, it quickly became clear that the Russia cloud engulfing the White House is only thickening — and may not be disbursed until deep into the President's term, if ever.
The ones Gates and Manafort are charged with.

Why do you charge someone with two crimes for the same thing? And when did failing to fill out forms become a "crime against the United States?"
Crimes against the United States is a catch all. It often appears in indictments for income tax evasion, laundering money, sedition, etc..
In other words, it's a bullshit charge they use for piling on. Wire fraud and mail fraud are similar in nature.
The actually charge is Conspiracy Against the United States which covers a multitude of sins. It is Count 1 of the indictment.

Oh my Allah!

That will definitely cover up the FACT that the Obama White House, Clinton Campaign, and The FBI colluded with Russia to corrupt the presidential election.

Oh and Comrade, perhaps you missed this:

{Washington D.C. lobbyist Tony Podesta, the brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, resigned from his firm Monday. The move comes after it was revealed last week Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating him as part of the larger probe into the 2016 presidential election. His departure also comes on the same day former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort surrendered to the FBI on 12-felony charges surrounding his personal business dealings. From POLITICO: }

BREAKING: After Manafort Surrender, Someone in Clinton's Inner Circle Has Resigned as a Lobbyist

Now if Mueller has any integrity, the Posesta brothers will be indicted tomorrow.

If he does indict them, I will publicly apologize to Mueller for calling him a worthless partisan hack.

If he doesn't, well them fuck the corrupt hack.
more Townhall tomfoolery.

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