Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

sorry dude, but the corruption around the uranium deal is real. the Clintons sold out the country for 140 million dollars. At least now we know their price.

I'm sorry. Which Clinton had approval authority over that deal?

It could not have happened without Hillary's signature. (after the Russian 145M was securely in the Clinton foundation bank)

"The timing of most of the donations does not match"

actually it does. Your media handlers are lying to you.
Giustrasold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

so the 145M was given because those Russian oligarths are humanitarians? Are you that dumb?
whoever committed a crime against the USA should pay the price.

IF you have charges to bring against ms hillary, then TRY to bring it... ((again)) :uhoh3:

Redfish - is your Hillary deflection excusing trump campaign's criminal activity or are you still in denial?
whoever committed a crime against the USA should pay the price.

IF you have charges to bring against ms hillary, then bring it... ((again)) :uhoh3:

Redfish are you excusing trump campaign's criminal activity or are you still in denial?
Val that's their game Deny Deny Deny and then put the blame on a Dem .....Old Republican game
whoever committed a crime against the USA should pay the price.

IF you have charges to bring against ms hillary, then TRY to bring it... ((again)) :uhoh3:

Redfish - is your Hillary deflection excusing trump campaign's criminal activity or are you still in denial?

there is zero evidence of any criminal activity in the Trump campaign.. However, there is a lot of evidence of criminal activity in the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and collusion with the media to lie to the public.

Lets just sit back and let this play out. Trump will be fine, but the Clintons are very likely to be found guilty of several federal statutes.

But they will never be convicted of anything because the political elites in this country are not subject to the same laws that you and I are subject to. Are you OK with that?
whoever committed a crime against the USA should pay the price.

IF you have charges to bring against ms hillary, then bring it... ((again)) :uhoh3:

Redfish are you excusing trump campaign's criminal activity or are you still in denial?
Val that's their game Deny Deny Deny and then put the blame on a Dem .....Old Republican game

Show proof of criminal activity and I will gladly acknowledge it. Will you say the same about the Clintons? Didn't think so.
When lefties are "so sure" of something, they're usually clueless or just lying.
We said there would be indictments. Your kind said there wouldn’t be.
So who was right?

Nope, you said there will be Trump's indictments. My kind said they got nothing on him.

You see, you gotta stop feeling, and start reasoning. Calling yourself "reasonable" seems to be just wishful thinking.
Wrong I got my info from a member of the House intelligence Committee who said “there will be people going to prison.”
You called it a fake scandal.
And it remains if any or how many indictments Trump himself will get.
You think he’s innocent of not breaking any laws once Mueller goes thru his tax returns? Ha ha
Also expect obstruction of justice charges against the dope since he admitted it on live TV.

You're too stupid to realize that you're admitting this is just a witch hunt. You don't even care if any of the charges have anything to do with "colluding": with the Russians. You just want Mewler to get Trump anyway he can.

You're a pathetic despicable douche bag snowflake.

It all ties together, but a good movie for you to watch about right now is "All of the Presidents Men."

And then of course watch this video. Trump actually admitting he fired Comey over the Russian investigation on an NBC interview, is a lot more than they ever had on Richard Nixon. This one won't erased--:badgrin:

For those of you interested in this Russian investigation and the result of 3 criminal indictments today, click on the below USMB link and scroll down to post # 1239.
Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

What name will be used for 'Deep Throat' in "All of the Douches Men"?

Watetsport or Sadist?
there is zero evidence of any criminal activity in the Trump campaign..

:laugh: so you ARE in denial............. seek help.

THE BIG IDEA: The ghost of Paul Manafort haunts the White House this Halloween.

Since President Trump likes alliterative nicknames, maybe the special counsel’s should be Methodical Mueller.

Unveiling the first batch of criminal allegations to come from probes into possible Russian influence in the American political system, Robert S. Mueller III proved Monday that he is not messing around. The former FBI director has played his cards carefully since his appointment in May. He’s clearly turning over every rock to see what crawls out from underneath. Unafraid to play hardball, he’s being strategic in showing his hand.

You surely know the news by now: Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman, and his longtime business partner, Rick Gates, were charged in a 12-count indictment with conspiracy to launder money, making false statements and other charges in connection with their work advising a Russia-friendly political party in Ukraine.

But the biggest bombshell of Monday — the real October Surprise — is that former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos agreed to a plea deal and admitted to making a false statement to FBI investigators about his contacts with foreigners claiming to have high-level Russian connections.

“The charges are striking for their breadth, touching all levels of the Trump campaign and exploring the possible personal, financial wrongdoing of those involved, as well as what appeared to be a concerted effort by one campaign official to arrange a meeting with Russian officials,” Matt Zapotosky, Rosalind S. Helderman, Carol D. Leonnig and Spencer S. Hsu write in our lead story.

“[Mueller’s] opening bid is a remarkable show of strength,” Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes explain on their Lawfare blog. “He has a cooperating witness from inside the campaign’s interactions with the Russians. And he is alleging not mere technical infractions of law but astonishing criminality on the part of Trump’s campaign manager, a man who also attended the Trump Tower meeting. Any hope the White House may have had that the Mueller investigation might be fading away vanished . . . Things are only going to get worse from here.”

Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit
there is zero evidence of any criminal activity in the Trump campaign..

:laugh: so you ARE in denial............. seek help.

THE BIG IDEA: The ghost of Paul Manafort haunts the White House this Halloween.

Since President Trump likes alliterative nicknames, maybe the special counsel’s should be Methodical Mueller.

Unveiling the first batch of criminal allegations to come from probes into possible Russian influence in the American political system, Robert S. Mueller III proved Monday that he is not messing around. The former FBI director has played his cards carefully since his appointment in May. He’s clearly turning over every rock to see what crawls out from underneath. Unafraid to play hardball, he’s being strategic in showing his hand.

You surely know the news by now: Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman, and his longtime business partner, Rick Gates, were charged in a 12-count indictment with conspiracy to launder money, making false statements and other charges in connection with their work advising a Russia-friendly political party in Ukraine.

But the biggest bombshell of Monday — the real October Surprise — is that former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos agreed to a plea deal and admitted to making a false statement to FBI investigators about his contacts with foreigners claiming to have high-level Russian connections.

“The charges are striking for their breadth, touching all levels of the Trump campaign and exploring the possible personal, financial wrongdoing of those involved, as well as what appeared to be a concerted effort by one campaign official to arrange a meeting with Russian officials,” Matt Zapotosky, Rosalind S. Helderman, Carol D. Leonnig and Spencer S. Hsu write in our lead story.

“[Mueller’s] opening bid is a remarkable show of strength,” Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes explain on their Lawfare blog. “He has a cooperating witness from inside the campaign’s interactions with the Russians. And he is alleging not mere technical infractions of law but astonishing criminality on the part of Trump’s campaign manager, a man who also attended the Trump Tower meeting. Any hope the White House may have had that the Mueller investigation might be fading away vanished . . . Things are only going to get worse from here.”

Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

dream on. All of this happened before Trump had any relationship with Manafort or had even decided to run for president. However, there is connection to Hillary via the Podestra lobbying firm.

Careful what you wish for. Idiot.
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what crime has Hillary ever been officially indicted for??

Nothing yet. Comey and Lynch gave her a pass in exchange for whatever Bubba promised Lynch in their tarmac meeting. Comey laid out her guilt in his testimony. Then said she would not be indicted because she did not "intend" to violate the law and was too stupid to know that she did.

but fear not, the Clintons will not be brought to justice. They are above the laws that apply to you and me.

Great, it outlines payments but never answers my question. Which Clinton had approval authority?

That isn't required for a bribery charge, moron.

It is, dope. You don't bribe someone who isn't in a position to help you.
Bribery requires a quid pro quo. Neither Clinton had the authority over this deal to ensure it's approval.

If you want to make that case, you need to show that the deal wouldn't have happened without their efforts.

Wrong, dumbass. She was in a position to help the Russians. You don't need total control over a decision to be guilty of bribery. She gave a quid. She gave her vote in favor of selling the position to Russia. She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise. Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise.


Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.

It was a Russian company buying an interest in a Canadian company. The deal required vetting for any potential national security concerns. It then needed approval from The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) of which the State Dept was one of many approving depts.

It required permission of the federal government for any sale to go through, period. There was no justification for allowing this sale, especially when you consider national security. None.
Great, it outlines payments but never answers my question. Which Clinton had approval authority?

That isn't required for a bribery charge, moron.

It is, dope. You don't bribe someone who isn't in a position to help you.
Bribery requires a quid pro quo. Neither Clinton had the authority over this deal to ensure it's approval.

If you want to make that case, you need to show that the deal wouldn't have happened without their efforts.

Wrong, dumbass. She was in a position to help the Russians. You don't need total control over a decision to be guilty of bribery. She gave a quid. She gave her vote in favor of selling the position to Russia. She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise. Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise.


Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.

It was a Russian company buying an interest in a Canadian company. The deal required vetting for any potential national security concerns. It then needed approval from The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) of which the State Dept was one of many approving depts.
and weren't there 8 or 9 others on that committee?

Look here! Look at the shiny object!
That isn't required for a bribery charge, moron.

It is, dope. You don't bribe someone who isn't in a position to help you.
Bribery requires a quid pro quo. Neither Clinton had the authority over this deal to ensure it's approval.

If you want to make that case, you need to show that the deal wouldn't have happened without their efforts.

Wrong, dumbass. She was in a position to help the Russians. You don't need total control over a decision to be guilty of bribery. She gave a quid. She gave her vote in favor of selling the position to Russia. She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise. Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise.


Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.

It was a Russian company buying an interest in a Canadian company. The deal required vetting for any potential national security concerns. It then needed approval from The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) of which the State Dept was one of many approving depts.
and weren't there 8 or 9 others on that committee?

There's actually up to fourteen that could be involved. The State Dept. Only had a vote and no authority over the process.

Composition of CFIUS

The Secretary of the Treasury is the Chairperson of CFIUS, and notices to CFIUS are received, processed, and coordinated at the staff level by the Staff Chairperson of CFIUS, who is the Director of the Office of Investment Security in the Department of the Treasury.

The members of CFIUS include the heads of the following departments and offices:

  1. Department of the Treasury (chair)
  2. Department of Justice
  3. Department of Homeland Security
  4. Department of Commerce
  5. Department of Defense
  6. Department of State
  7. Department of Energy
  8. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
  9. Office of Science & Technology Policy
The following offices also observe and, as appropriate, participate in CFIUS’s activities:

  1. Office of Management & Budget
  2. Council of Economic Advisors
  3. National Security Council
  4. National Economic Council
  5. Homeland Security Council
The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting, ex-officio members of CFIUS with roles as defined by statute and regulation.

Explain why the Russians gave Hillary $145 million then, dumbass.
SO trump's official defense is going to be " Bbbbut Hillary! :cry: "


The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



Fact Check sites are fake news.
It is, dope. You don't bribe someone who isn't in a position to help you.
Bribery requires a quid pro quo. Neither Clinton had the authority over this deal to ensure it's approval.

If you want to make that case, you need to show that the deal wouldn't have happened without their efforts.

Wrong, dumbass. She was in a position to help the Russians. You don't need total control over a decision to be guilty of bribery. She gave a quid. She gave her vote in favor of selling the position to Russia. She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise. Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise.


Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.

It was a Russian company buying an interest in a Canadian company. The deal required vetting for any potential national security concerns. It then needed approval from The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) of which the State Dept was one of many approving depts.
and weren't there 8 or 9 others on that committee?

There's actually up to fourteen that could be involved. The State Dept. Only had a vote and no authority over the process.

Composition of CFIUS

The Secretary of the Treasury is the Chairperson of CFIUS, and notices to CFIUS are received, processed, and coordinated at the staff level by the Staff Chairperson of CFIUS, who is the Director of the Office of Investment Security in the Department of the Treasury.

The members of CFIUS include the heads of the following departments and offices:

  1. Department of the Treasury (chair)
  2. Department of Justice
  3. Department of Homeland Security
  4. Department of Commerce
  5. Department of Defense
  6. Department of State
  7. Department of Energy
  8. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
  9. Office of Science & Technology Policy
The following offices also observe and, as appropriate, participate in CFIUS’s activities:

  1. Office of Management & Budget
  2. Council of Economic Advisors
  3. National Security Council
  4. National Economic Council
  5. Homeland Security Council
The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting, ex-officio members of CFIUS with roles as defined by statute and regulation.

and all of those people owed Obama for their jobs. Obama and Clinton wanted the uranium deal. Clinton got 145M for it. What did Obama get? Help for his muslim brothers who want nuclear weapons?????

Also, the most important of all, HIllary was expected to win the election, which meant she would become their boss.
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It is, dope. You don't bribe someone who isn't in a position to help you.
Bribery requires a quid pro quo. Neither Clinton had the authority over this deal to ensure it's approval.

If you want to make that case, you need to show that the deal wouldn't have happened without their efforts.

Wrong, dumbass. She was in a position to help the Russians. You don't need total control over a decision to be guilty of bribery. She gave a quid. She gave her vote in favor of selling the position to Russia. She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise. Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise.


Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.

It was a Russian company buying an interest in a Canadian company. The deal required vetting for any potential national security concerns. It then needed approval from The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) of which the State Dept was one of many approving depts.
and weren't there 8 or 9 others on that committee?

There's actually up to fourteen that could be involved. The State Dept. Only had a vote and no authority over the process.

Composition of CFIUS

The Secretary of the Treasury is the Chairperson of CFIUS, and notices to CFIUS are received, processed, and coordinated at the staff level by the Staff Chairperson of CFIUS, who is the Director of the Office of Investment Security in the Department of the Treasury.

The members of CFIUS include the heads of the following departments and offices:

  1. Department of the Treasury (chair)
  2. Department of Justice
  3. Department of Homeland Security
  4. Department of Commerce
  5. Department of Defense
  6. Department of State
  7. Department of Energy
  8. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
  9. Office of Science & Technology Policy
The following offices also observe and, as appropriate, participate in CFIUS’s activities:

  1. Office of Management & Budget
  2. Council of Economic Advisors
  3. National Security Council
  4. National Economic Council
  5. Homeland Security Council
The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting, ex-officio members of CFIUS with roles as defined by statute and regulation.

Explain why the Russians gave Hillary $145 million then, dumbass.

Notice that there's no response to this.
That isn't required for a bribery charge, moron.

It is, dope. You don't bribe someone who isn't in a position to help you.
Bribery requires a quid pro quo. Neither Clinton had the authority over this deal to ensure it's approval.

If you want to make that case, you need to show that the deal wouldn't have happened without their efforts.

Wrong, dumbass. She was in a position to help the Russians. You don't need total control over a decision to be guilty of bribery. She gave a quid. She gave her vote in favor of selling the position to Russia. She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise. Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
She also put pressure on other committee members to do likewise.


Why else would anyone do something as stupid as selling 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.

It was a Russian company buying an interest in a Canadian company. The deal required vetting for any potential national security concerns. It then needed approval from The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) of which the State Dept was one of many approving depts.
and weren't there 8 or 9 others on that committee?

How many of those committees got money from the Russians?

Good question. Maybe you should find that out before claiming there's a bribery scandal.

Exacty what it says.

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph is telling. It could certainly pertain to collusion with a foreign govt in an effort to influence an election.It looks like a count they could all be charged with.

Great, but it has no connection to Trump or his campaign. All that happened before Trump even decided to run for president.

Manafort may be a slime ball criminal, Trump fired him. You dem/libs are so desperate that you are looking like complete fools. And, the funny thing is that this investigation will ultimately reveal the corruption of the Clintons and may put their sorry asses in jail.

Of course you conveniently leave out the guilty plea from Papadopoulos. You know, the guy who lied to the FBI about his attempts to obtain Clinton emails from a Russian operative and did so with the approval of high level campaign officials. In other words, campaign approved collusion.
Uranium One has been all over Trump's propaganda networks (fox / breitbart / etc).

The Trump dossier hasn't. I believe out of all the networks, they gave it 20 seconds combined reporting.

Because it's nonsense.

sorry dude, but the corruption around the uranium deal is real. the Clintons sold out the country for 140 million dollars. At least now we know their price.

I'm sorry. Which Clinton had approval authority over that deal?

It could not have happened without Hillary's signature. (after the Russian 145M was securely in the Clinton foundation bank)
The 145 million came during her run in 08. Well before she was in any position to influence anything.
Because it's nonsense.

sorry dude, but the corruption around the uranium deal is real. the Clintons sold out the country for 140 million dollars. At least now we know their price.

I'm sorry. Which Clinton had approval authority over that deal?


Do you honestly think you can lie this into the cornfield?

She approved the entire deal? How would bribing her ensure that happened?

are you really that dumb?

Apparently you are unable to outline how Clinton made the deal happen all by herself.

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