Exclusive: Trump’s Team Setting Up Eastman to Take Blame for Jan. 6

Sure, and nobody would be prosecuted for a failed bank robery because the bank wasn't actually robbed.

Not if they were never there you moron!

I could plan about taring and feathering you........, oh my god I need to be arrested!

Conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime even if you aren't present when it is committed. The attempted insurrection was already started and active long before that one day.

Conspiracy to comit a crime alone doesn't mean squat until there are tools found that supports it which doesn't exist with the "coup" claims around Eastman who made worthless legal claims for it which they never carried out because they knew it was a bunch of nonsense.

You are scraping the barrel over this because you hate Trump so much to the point of insanity.
But all the AR-15s in the Capitol that day! Insurrection!! Coup!!! Coup-coup.

During the last French Civil War (insurrection) the peasants won without any firearms. The Kings Guards all had firearms and used them.
Conspiracy to comit a crime alone doesn't mean squat until there are tools found that supports it which doesn't exist with the "coup" claims around Eastman who made worthless legal claims for it which they never carried out because they knew it was a bunch of nonsense.

You are scraping the barrel over this because you hate Trump so much to the point of insanity.
You obviously haven't watched the hearings where they pointed out many of the steps taken to put the plan in motion. Forged doccuments naming fake electoral college members would be a good place for you to start finding the facts.
You obviously haven't watched the hearings where they pointed out many of the steps taken to put the plan in motion. Forged doccuments naming fake electoral college members would be a good place for you to start finding the facts.
None of which they can prove. And none of it illegal. it is symbolic.

Remember Nevada Republicans did it first and on video. Why weren't they arrested on the spot?
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The DOJ and the FBI have had plenty of time to build a case then to Indict and Prosecute Trump, but nothing so far. What is stopping them?

Patience, Grasshopper.
After all, the news over the weekend was about the discussions between the DOJ and the Committee's top investigator (a former DOJ prosecutor) that centered on the Committee turning over the transcripts of all their interviews. That could be the signal you are looking for that the gears of justice are indeed grinding along.

Now, as a personal aside ----- I'm pretty skeptical we will see Trump indicted. Such an announcement would be H-U-G-E!!
At so many many levels.
History being just one of them.

But, on the other hand, after only 3 hearings (with at least 3 more to go) there does seem to be some indications that the wave of skepticism towards Don T. appears to be growing. The hearings may be dismissed and unwatched by the Trump supporters; however, Trump to the rest of the nation ..and likely the world.... is NOT being portrayed (by his very own handpicked people, including his daughter) as a, ummm.......upright responsible citizen. And certainly not as a stable genius.

For example there is this:

"6 in 10 Americans say Trump should be charged for Jan. 6 riot: POLL
A majority of Americans also think the Jan. 6 committee has been fair.
Sunday, June 19, 2022 12:00PM"

( 6 in 10 Americans say Trump should be charged for Jan. 6 riot: POLL )

So there is that.
Sure. Just criminal behavior that involved overthrowing the election results and...oh... trying to hang the VP. :itsok:
The criminal behavior was:

for many “trespass,”

for some maybe a property type crime and

For fewer still, assault.

Nothing to do with any claimed seditious conspiracy.

And even the alleged conspiracy wasn’t to commit insurrection.

So the real question is, “WTF are you talkin’ about?” 🤣😂
Patience, Grasshopper.
After all, the news over the weekend was about the discussions between the DOJ and the Committee's top investigator (a former DOJ prosecutor) that centered on the Committee turning over the transcripts of all their interviews. That could be the signal you are looking for that the gears of justice are indeed grinding along.

Now, as a personal aside ----- I'm pretty skeptical we will see Trump indicted. Such an announcement would be H-U-G-E!!
At so many many levels.
History being just one of them.

But, on the other hand, after only 3 hearings (with at least 3 more to go) there does seem to be some indications that the wave of skepticism towards Don T. appears to be growing. The hearings may be dismissed and unwatched by the Trump supporters; however, Trump to the rest of the nation ..and likely the world.... is NOT being portrayed (by his very own handpicked people, including his daughter) as a, ummm.......upright responsible citizen. And certainly not as a stable genius.

For example there is this:

"6 in 10 Americans say Trump should be charged for Jan. 6 riot: POLL
A majority of Americans also think the Jan. 6 committee has been fair.
Sunday, June 19, 2022 12:00PM"

( 6 in 10 Americans say Trump should be charged for Jan. 6 riot: POLL )

So there is that.
Sure. Just criminal behavior that involved overthrowing the election results and...oh... trying to hang the VP. :itsok:
And if you saw that silly stage-prop “gallows,” unless you are a compulsive liar, even you’d have to admit that nobody was seeking to actually attack VP Pence.
The criminal behavior was:

for many “trespass,”

for some maybe a property type crime and

For fewer still, assault.

Nothing to do with any claimed seditious conspiracy.

And even the alleged conspiracy wasn’t to commit insurrection.

So the real question is, “WTF are you talkin’ about?” 🤣😂
Sure. They were there as tourists, right? Yeah, we've heard that one before.

We also heard the one where Rump was going to come back to power in August with JFK jr's blessings. How did that go down? 🤣😆😂
And if you saw that silly stage-prop “gallows,” unless you are a compulsive liar, even you’d have to admit that nobody was seeking to actually attack VP Pence.
Tell that to the Pence. The poor guy and his family are still avoiding the orange douche bag. :itsok:
The criminal behavior was:

for many “trespass,”

for some maybe a property type crime and

For fewer still, assault.

Nothing to do with any claimed seditious conspiracy.

And even the alleged conspiracy wasn’t to commit insurrection.

So the real question is, “WTF are you talkin’ about?” 🤣😂
youre refering only to the foot soldiers, but 11 oath keepers have been charged with sedition. And separately the proud boys also sedition.
Patience, Grasshopper.
After all, the news over the weekend was about the discussions between the DOJ and the Committee's top investigator (a former DOJ prosecutor) that centered on the Committee turning over the transcripts of all their interviews. That could be the signal you are looking for that the gears of justice are indeed grinding along.

Now, as a personal aside ----- I'm pretty skeptical we will see Trump indicted. Such an announcement would be H-U-G-E!!
At so many many levels.
History being just one of them.

But, on the other hand, after only 3 hearings (with at least 3 more to go) there does seem to be some indications that the wave of skepticism towards Don T. appears to be growing. The hearings may be dismissed and unwatched by the Trump supporters; however, Trump to the rest of the nation ..and likely the world.... is NOT being portrayed (by his very own handpicked people, including his daughter) as a, ummm.......upright responsible citizen. And certainly not as a stable genius.

For example there is this:

"6 in 10 Americans say Trump should be charged for Jan. 6 riot: POLL
A majority of Americans also think the Jan. 6 committee has been fair.
Sunday, June 19, 2022 12:00PM"

( 6 in 10 Americans say Trump should be charged for Jan. 6 riot: POLL )

So there is that.

Your excuses are silly since the longer they don't do it the less likely they will do it since they already have all they need since two years is one year more than needed since this isn't a complicated investigation.

They could have gone after him LAST YEAR easily but they didn't.

I don't think they will because there has been nothing but piss and wind in all that time.
Sure. They were there as tourists, right? Yeah, we've heard that one before.

We also heard the one where Rump was going to come back to power in August with JFK jr's blessings. How did that go down? 🤣😆😂
You’re very slow. Slow people point at you and snicker. Imbeciles hoping to become moron console themselves by being thankful that they aren’t as done as you.

There was a massive protest. (Are YIU following along, Minimis? There was a much smaller group who ventured into the Capitol building. Don’t conflate the two sets, ya hapless jerkoff.

As for the Trump/August/JFK,Jr thing? Maybe put down the crack pipe for a while.
Tell that to the Pence. The poor guy and his family are still avoiding the orange douche bag. :itsok:
You’re truly tragically retarded.

“Avoiding” Trump (even if that was true) has no relationship to anybody “seeking to capture Pence on 1/6.”

With the Justice Department and Jan. 6 committee taking a close look at Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, he and his cronies could certainly use a fall guy, and it looks like they’ve found their patsy: right-wing lawyer John Eastman.

Eastman worked for Trump as the attorney devised legal strategies to overturn the election to keep the outgoing president in power. But, in recent weeks, Trump has confided to those close to him that he sees no reason to publicly defend Eastman, two people familiar with the matter tell Rolling Stone. The ex-president is also deeply annoyed with Eastman and all the negative “attention” and media coverage that the lawyer’s work has brought Trump and his inner sanctum, including during the ongoing Jan. 6 hearings on Capitol Hill.

Furthermore, to those who’ve spoken Trump about Eastman in recent months, the ex-president has repeated an excuse he often uses when backed into a corner, as investigators confront him with an associates’ misdeeds: He has privately insisted he “hardly” or “barely” knows Eastman, despite the fact that he counseled Trump on taking a string of extra-legal measures in a bid to stay in power and wrote the so-called “coup memo,” which laid out the facsimile of a legal argument for reversing Trump’s election defeat.

Exhibits posted by the committee last week included excerpts of a deposition by Trump White House attorney Eric Herschmann in which he described a heated confrontation with Eastman the day after the insurrection where he told Eastman to “get a great fucking criminal defense lawyer” because “you’re going to need it.”

Shortly afterward, Eastman emailed fellow Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani to say: “I’ve decided that I should be on the pardon list, if that is still in the works.”

“Any time you give legal advice and then feel compelled to ask for a pardon, it probably wasn’t good legal advice,” says Steven Groves, formerly a lawyer and then a spokesman in Trump’s White House.

“How many lawyers did Trump have? He had several…And John Eastman has turned into the fall guy,” Mark Levin, a Fox News and radio host, said on-air last week.

On Trump’s social media forum, Truth Social, the former president has remained silent about Eastman — even as he’s come to the defense of other aides and supporters now under scrutiny for their efforts to wage a coup against Joe Biden.

Trump aides have remained similarly quiet on the subject of Eastman. His spokeswoman Liz Harrington has not mentioned the campaign lawyer since a tweet on January 6, when she hailed his speech at the rally on the mall “explain the rigged voting machine system that corrupt politicians kept in place for the GA runoffs.”
I mean, how many times has trump stabbed his loyalist in the back? He demands total loyalty, but is quick to screw over those those have been loyal to him.

Look at Pence. For four years the man was trump's lap dog. But when Pence's life was in danger and trump's mob was threatening to hang him, trump was nowhere to be found. As a matter of fact, he encouraged the crowd. The mob was within 40 feet of him and his family. trump did not care.

Loyalty goes one way with trump....he is a living, crawling, slug.
With the Justice Department and Jan. 6 committee taking a close look at Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, he and his cronies could certainly use a fall guy, and it looks like they’ve found their patsy: right-wing lawyer John Eastman.

Eastman worked for Trump as the attorney devised legal strategies to overturn the election to keep the outgoing president in power. But, in recent weeks, Trump has confided to those close to him that he sees no reason to publicly defend Eastman, two people familiar with the matter tell Rolling Stone. The ex-president is also deeply annoyed with Eastman and all the negative “attention” and media coverage that the lawyer’s work has brought Trump and his inner sanctum, including during the ongoing Jan. 6 hearings on Capitol Hill.

Furthermore, to those who’ve spoken Trump about Eastman in recent months, the ex-president has repeated an excuse he often uses when backed into a corner, as investigators confront him with an associates’ misdeeds: He has privately insisted he “hardly” or “barely” knows Eastman, despite the fact that he counseled Trump on taking a string of extra-legal measures in a bid to stay in power and wrote the so-called “coup memo,” which laid out the facsimile of a legal argument for reversing Trump’s election defeat.

Exhibits posted by the committee last week included excerpts of a deposition by Trump White House attorney Eric Herschmann in which he described a heated confrontation with Eastman the day after the insurrection where he told Eastman to “get a great fucking criminal defense lawyer” because “you’re going to need it.”

Shortly afterward, Eastman emailed fellow Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani to say: “I’ve decided that I should be on the pardon list, if that is still in the works.”

“Any time you give legal advice and then feel compelled to ask for a pardon, it probably wasn’t good legal advice,” says Steven Groves, formerly a lawyer and then a spokesman in Trump’s White House.

“How many lawyers did Trump have? He had several…And John Eastman has turned into the fall guy,” Mark Levin, a Fox News and radio host, said on-air last week.

On Trump’s social media forum, Truth Social, the former president has remained silent about Eastman — even as he’s come to the defense of other aides and supporters now under scrutiny for their efforts to wage a coup against Joe Biden.

Trump aides have remained similarly quiet on the subject of Eastman. His spokeswoman Liz Harrington has not mentioned the campaign lawyer since a tweet on January 6, when she hailed his speech at the rally on the mall “explain the rigged voting machine system that corrupt politicians kept in place for the GA runoffs.”
Yeah trump needs a fall guy.

Trump never takes the fall his closest people do.
Just look at that history of trump in politics.

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