exclusive USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll: s Americans by a huge margin, by 22%, now express more trust in Black Lives Matter than in President Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
its over for Trump, my friends

SO They trust the military the most eh...…...gee wally get em on the streets....rrriiggghhhhttt…...and since Trump recommended it by extension they trust him the most
Are thread titles now solely reserved for made up fake shit?
I though the title was to ask a question rather than offering an imbecile editorial?
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its over for Trump, my friends

They also express more confidence in BLM than JOE BIDEN! It's all over for Biden! Next president: Any Black person, take your pick. Does not matter, throw a dart, we did it before.
I wonder if those shitheads that responded to the poll remember when BLM killed five policemen?

Of course we all know they are very bright, don't we? Useful Idiots.
NONE of these polls are indicative of who they'll vote for. Who says these people who were polled give a rats ass if Trump is good with racial issues? It is way too early to start thinking about who will win the election.

Polls should be banned.
you mean to tell me that Trump tweeting "LAW AND ORDER" in all caps didnt solve the problem?
its over for Trump, my friends

A rag of USA Today, who barely has any readership, is just as partisan as the Richest man in the world's newspaper Jeff Bezos owns, the Washington Compost. I trust either one like i did in 2016. But keep it up, the more lies that come out the more that makes Sleepy, Creepy, Joe the groper, Biden less likely to win..
you mean to tell me that Trump tweeting "LAW AND ORDER" in all caps didnt solve the problem?

Don't tell me that doing away with the police or demonizing the police will solve any problem. It will just create the opportunity for lawlessness, which a great number of Blacks would love to exploit.

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