Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruptio

Yet, Trump wants other people(christians) to be able to abuse LGBT peoples human rights freely. What a hypocrite.

Trump doesn't have the standing.
When and where do these horrible human rights abuses happen in the US ? Are the gays being tossed off building, perhaps they are being stoned to death or beheaded ? No, they aren't getting a fucking cake baked ? Oh, the humanity.

The only reason why the human rights abuses are not happening in the United States any more is because the Supreme Court stopped them.

Remember until the Supreme Court stopped it, it was legal to arrest gay people for having private consensual sex in America. P

When Christians now claim they are being victimized by being asked to bake a cake- I always point out that Christians were cool with real oppression against gays- not the 'oppression' which consists of telling Christians that they have to follow the same law that says that Jews have to serve Christians.

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