Exercise/diet motivation...

I recently treated myself to an ipod touch 5th gen (had Target gift cards, they had a $30 gift card with the pod, I used my daughters employee discount, so I got the pod and two cases for $155. Not too shabby!).

Anyway, there are lots and lots of apps out there. I downloaded a few ... Waterlogged keeps track of how much water you've had for the day; Lose It! is like FitDay or any number of apps that allow you to keep track of food and cals eaten for the day and there's also a place to enter exercise in; Daily Yoga gives different yoga routines and includes a good amount of beginner exercises; Blogilates has a boatload of various exercise routines covers nearly everything. I've done some of her stuff previously; Zombies Run I accidentally bought this (which is one of the reasons I decided to get the ipod touch so I could use the app) and am going to try this in a bit. Anyone else use it?; Interval Timer is just that, an interval timer you can set to do hiit intervals or walk/run intervals, etc; some exercise and weight loss hypnosis apps. All these apps are the free version (I like to try stuff out before spending any money).

I used the water app and food app yesterday. Drank 64oz and stayed under the cals. Baby steps, one day at a time.

The past two days I've felt better (physically, mentally, emotionally) than I have the past 10 months. It is helping tremendously that the weather is finally, FINALLY improving. Longest freaking winter of my life.

One day at a time.

Some of those apps are really good. I don't know what it is about water but when I start drinking a lot, I feel so much better.

I notice that mah wrinkles are uh, less noticeable. :lol:
I used the water app and food app yesterday. Drank 64oz and stayed under the cals. Baby steps, one day at a time.

The past two days I've felt better (physically, mentally, emotionally) than I have the past 10 months. It is helping tremendously that the weather is finally, FINALLY improving. Longest freaking winter of my life.

One day at a time.

Me to, I went for long walk and it felt great, I also worked out two times since this thread started.

I drink a lot of water everyday.

If I put my music on the next thing you know I want to get moving :lol:

Also it's been really helpful to read what you have to say because we both have felt such deep grief. Me, You and Pacer all lost a loved one in June, pretty weird.

I'm working to heal a groin pull injury. Resting it for a month didn't help at all, so I decided to go the other way and exercise it. It was painful and kind of crippling at first, but I kept at it. And it's working. I ran 8 miles the other day, at a decent 9:30/mile pace. Decent for me, at least. I'll make it a goal to hit a 9:00 pace. I can still feel the injury, but it's fading.

I am also losing some weight. That helps. And I'm dropping some upper body muscle by lifting much less. Less wear on the legs and back that way. We have to make these tradeoffs as we get older.
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I used the water app and food app yesterday. Drank 64oz and stayed under the cals. Baby steps, one day at a time.

The past two days I've felt better (physically, mentally, emotionally) than I have the past 10 months. It is helping tremendously that the weather is finally, FINALLY improving. Longest freaking winter of my life.

One day at a time.

Me to, I went for long walk and it felt great, I also worked out two times since this thread started.

I drink a lot of water everyday.

If I put my music on the next thing you know I want to get moving :lol:

Also it's been really helpful to read what you have to say because we both have felt such deep grief. Me, You and Pacer all lost a loved one in June, pretty weird.


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So I"ve done the Zombies Run! twice so far. Still figuring it out but it seems like a fun way to keep one motivated while running/walking. I haven't gotten chased by any zombies yet. :(

I like the waterlogged and food app I added. Except the food app deducts exercise cals from food cals (in effect, it lets you eat your exercise calories back) which I don't like to do. Think I'll stick to tracking my workouts separately. The apps are simple, easy to use, lets you see at a glance how much you've had. Works for me.
I used the water app and food app yesterday. Drank 64oz and stayed under the cals. Baby steps, one day at a time.

The past two days I've felt better (physically, mentally, emotionally) than I have the past 10 months. It is helping tremendously that the weather is finally, FINALLY improving. Longest freaking winter of my life.

One day at a time.

Me to, I went for long walk and it felt great, I also worked out two times since this thread started.

I drink a lot of water everyday.

If I put my music on the next thing you know I want to get moving :lol:

Also it's been really helpful to read what you have to say because we both have felt such deep grief. Me, You and Pacer all lost a loved one in June, pretty weird.


That is a start. Making it a habit is the key. Good luck. Anything you can do will help. If you can't find the time to work out or do some type of cardio on a given day, at least do 100 to 200 pushups and 100 situps. Break them down into sets that you can handle. If you can only do 10 pushups, then do 10 sets of pushups of ten reps per set. You can do them throughout the day. Just do them. As for the pushups, if you have a day when you do 100 to 200, do not do them two days in a row. Take a break the next day and use that day as a weight training day. Do cardio the next couple of days.
Another thing I'm trying to do is go to bed earlier. During the week I'm up at 5:30am and getting to sleep by 10:30pm, rather than 11:30pm, seems to be making a big difference in how I feel/function the next day.
Another thing I'm trying to do is go to bed earlier. During the week I'm up at 5:30am and getting to sleep by 10:30pm, rather than 11:30pm, seems to be making a big difference in how I feel/function the next day.

One of the most important things you can do.
I used the water app and food app yesterday. Drank 64oz and stayed under the cals. Baby steps, one day at a time.

The past two days I've felt better (physically, mentally, emotionally) than I have the past 10 months. It is helping tremendously that the weather is finally, FINALLY improving. Longest freaking winter of my life.

One day at a time.

Me to, I went for long walk and it felt great, I also worked out two times since this thread started.

I drink a lot of water everyday.

If I put my music on the next thing you know I want to get moving :lol:

Also it's been really helpful to read what you have to say because we both have felt such deep grief. Me, You and Pacer all lost a loved one in June, pretty weird.


That is a start. Making it a habit is the key. Good luck. Anything you can do will help. If you can't find the time to work out or do some type of cardio on a given day, at least do 100 to 200 pushups and 100 situps. Break them down into sets that you can handle. If you can only do 10 pushups, then do 10 sets of pushups of ten reps per set. You can do them throughout the day. Just do them. As for the pushups, if you have a day when you do 100 to 200, do not do them two days in a row. Take a break the next day and use that day as a weight training day. Do cardio the next couple of days.

Thanks, I am just happy if I get out and do some cardio.

Like Zoom said, just being able to get out has been a miracle.

I don't know how people recover so fast after death but I am grateful for everyone's encouragement to get going,

It has helped and this actually surprised me I am so glad thanks.
I didn't know this, p. I am so sorry for your loss. :smiliehug: It is never easy even if death is a release from physical pain and even if it is, ultimately, a blessing.

Me too! I know a big part of my problem is this vortexofsuckcalledtheinternet. :eek: I'm trying to find routine again. Other than getting the two youngest out the door by 7am I have no discernible routine. It doesn't help that my oldest kid and husband's schedule changes every stinking week either!

I have found (in the past) that with exercise getting in, getting done, then moving on with my day is thee best schedule for me. If I put if off ... I'll just keep putting it off.
I too am very sorry for your loss, Zoom. Huggies to you. :smiliehug: It is never easy, as you say. I tried preparing myself emotionally for my mother's passing during the months I spent caring for her but when the evitable day came, I was emotionally overwhelmed. Since her passing, I seem to have lost my zest for life. But, I am determined to break the internet habit and get out and do things come the warmer weather. I only need to take the first step and not get on this computer in the morning with my coffee. :)

It has been helpful to read what you and zoom are going through in your grief.

I felt so alone in my grief with all the deaths in my family.

Since we all want to get through it and get back on track it has been such a good support for me, and I hope for both of you too. :smiliehug:
I disagree with this. If you want to lose weight, you need to do cardio every day. You are correct that a person should start out slow and build up, but I would recommend cardio at minimum four days per week. For those who are severely overweight, the treadmill is probably not the best way to get your cardio workout in, nor is running. Use an elliptical or ARC Trainer. The problem with running when you are very overweight is that you are risking doing damage to your knees. The Elliptical and ARC Trainer do not put much pressure on the knees and you can burn as many calories as you can running.

I need to tone up. I quit working out when my sister died in June.

All winter I ate shitty and slept all the time.

I have been eating better now and since this thread started I went to the gym one time.

My problem seems to be lethargy.

Sorry to hear about your sister. I lost my wife going on twelve years now, so I know how it is to lose someone close to you. It does take a toll and some time, but your outlook on life should improve over time. As for motivation to work out, that really is something you must find within. Nobody can force you to go to the gym or park to workout or run. It really is up to you. When I stopped smoking and started working out and running, my first immediate goal was to run and finish the local Thanksgiving Day 5K. I had just over three months to prepare. It took me one month to get to the point where I could actually run three miles without stopping, and I was fighting some bad knee pain. I really only could run two days per week, but I would work out on the ARC Trainer at the gym the other days while my knees recovered. Anyway, when it came to race day, I said I wanted to finish my first 5K in under 27 minutes. I knew I was pushing it because I had only been training for three months and my lungs were only partially on their way to recovery. I hit my first mile in 8:05 but it got tougher after that. When I hit the two mile marker, I was at 17:10 and I was struggling. I kept it up though, and crossed the finish line in 26:59, beating my goal by one whole second.

Now, I will tell you that I am quite competitive, whether it be against others or just myself. I trained the rest of the winter at the gym, and once Spring broke, I started running outside again. My knee pain was still there, but it just disappeared about two weeks after I started running outside in the Spring. I never had any swelling with the pain, so I think it was just a matter of getting my joints used to it and building the muscle around those joints. I have had no knee problems since then. As summer hit, I ran my second 5K. I wasn't certain how fast I would be, but my goal was to break 24 minutes. I did not make it. I finished in 24:45 and was very disappointed and upset. The thing was that my first mile was great. I passed the first mile marker in 7:12 or so, but then I just died the rest of the way. I still didn't have the stamina to keep up such a steady pace. In August, I ran another 5K, and that time, I did much better as my time dropped all the way down to 23:30. Now I was making some real progress. By Thanksgiving, I was ready to see how much I had improved over one full year. I finished my second Thanksgiving Day 5K in 22:11. That was nearly a 5 minute improvement over the prior year.

Since then, I have been stuck around 22 minutes. I had plantar fasciitis that lasted four months last year, so that really held me back. Anyway, I'm hoping to change my workout routine this year by doing more interval training and also doing a long run every week where I run at least ten miles. My goal now is to break 21 minutes, although I'm not sure I will ever hit that. If I do not, it won't be the end of the world. I'm enjoying running and I've made many a new friend because of it. And my health could not be better.

In the beginning, you really need to force yourself to workout or run, or whatever it is you are doing to exercise. As you begin to see positive results, it will give you more motivation to continue. Eventually it just becomes an addiction, but at least it's a good addiction.

Thanks for sharing your experience with me.

I am sorry for your loss, but it helps to know over time it gets better.
I just imagine that I have a date with Zuzka (see below) , and I have to take my shirt off......:eusa_angel:

Another thing I'm trying to do is go to bed earlier. During the week I'm up at 5:30am and getting to sleep by 10:30pm, rather than 11:30pm, seems to be making a big difference in how I feel/function the next day.

One of the most important things you can do.

I was asleep by 10:30 every night this week and absolutely it is helping tremendously. Just an extra hour ... it even made getting up in the morning easier.

Something that I never knew or thought about ... grieving is very exhausting. I didn't think I was tired, really, last year. I was wrong.
Sunday plan.

1- walk/run to the gym- 2.5 miles
2- strength train - about 1 hour
3- Run home - hill sprints (2.5 miles)
4- eat a humungous salad with wild caught Salmon and watermelon. Wash down with a bottle of Brother Thelonius....

#1,2, and 3 are hard.

#4 keeps me motivated!!

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One week and I managed to exercise four days of it. Pretty good! Zombies run is kinda fun, there's a story inbetween your songs so it makes the time go by faster.

I found two more free apps on iTunes. One is called 'Human' and it tracks your movement throughout the day. It has a '30 minute goal', meaning you need to move 30 min/day but also other goals. Today I got the 60 min and 65 min goal because I was on the treadmill for 40 mins. It's ok and works well with some things like walking, running, biking. Yesterday I spent about 3 hours in the kitchen baking, cooking, cleaning it all up and it didn't really track that 'movement'. I was active but it didn't pick it up. But if you're doing yard work or cleaning it would track that.

The other app is called 'Spring' and it's a rhythm based music service. It was free but I think it only gives you 600 minutes or something then you have to subscribe. It has a 20K song library and you put in your running or walking pace and it plays songs that keep the beat. I find it easier to run/walk to the beat. Haven't tried it yet but will soon.

Another site I found awhile ago is from Spark People called Recipe Calculator. I made whoopie pies last night (yes, they are soo good) but had no idea how many cals were in one. You input the entire recipe and serving size and it gives you all the nutritional info on the item, including cals. The pies had 330 cals each. Here's the link: Recipe Calculator | SparkRecipes
One week and I managed to exercise four days of it. Pretty good! Zombies run is kinda fun, there's a story inbetween your songs so it makes the time go by faster.

I found two more free apps on iTunes. One is called 'Human' and it tracks your movement throughout the day. It has a '30 minute goal', meaning you need to move 30 min/day but also other goals. Today I got the 60 min and 65 min goal because I was on the treadmill for 40 mins. It's ok and works well with some things like walking, running, biking. Yesterday I spent about 3 hours in the kitchen baking, cooking, cleaning it all up and it didn't really track that 'movement'. I was active but it didn't pick it up. But if you're doing yard work or cleaning it would track that.

The other app is called 'Spring' and it's a rhythm based music service. It was free but I think it only gives you 600 minutes or something then you have to subscribe. It has a 20K song library and you put in your running or walking pace and it plays songs that keep the beat. I find it easier to run/walk to the beat. Haven't tried it yet but will soon.

Another site I found awhile ago is from Spark People called Recipe Calculator. I made whoopie pies last night (yes, they are soo good) but had no idea how many cals were in one. You input the entire recipe and serving size and it gives you all the nutritional info on the item, including cals. The pies had 330 cals each. Here's the link: Recipe Calculator | SparkRecipes

Same here, I've stepped it up a bit but no where close to how I was before. Just glad on days when I am doing it.
Found a really nice yoga challenge from DoYouYoga.com. It isn't anything that has headstands or twisting up like a pretzel with your leg over your head, but it is a challenge and nice change of pace. I"m just starting to really get interested in yoga and this challenge fits my pace atm. She also offers modifications. Each vid is 15 mins or so.

Here's a link to the entire 30 videos of the challenge, via youtube.

I bought one of these last week.


[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Xvest-X8484-Firemen-84-Pound-Weight/dp/B000NZTX5U"]It's called an XVEST. [/ame]It's an 84 lb weighted vest. You can adjust the weight from 1lb all the way to 84lbs. It is made of super heavy duty ballistic nylon with the extra strong Velcro to adjust and fasten around the waist and shoulders. It positions the weight perfectly - seriously - you can run in these things - though they do recommend no more than 10% of body weight be added if running. It is real;y snug and tight around your chest and back - fully supporting your spine.

I loaded 20 lbs into the thing the day I bought it (on Craigslist for a huge discount!!) and went for a 3 mile walk around the neighborhood. 48 mins later - I felt like I ran a 10k! I was amazed at how tough it was!.

I have been walking with it for the same 3 mile track (which has a very nice hill!) everyday this week. I now feel very comfortable with the 20 lbs and am going to add another 10 lbs - bringing it up to aprrox. 15% of bodyweight. My goal is to eventually be able to walk 3-5 miles with the full 84lbs on!!

Stay motivated bitches!!! Stop making excuses and MOVE!!!

PS- one added benefit of this thing - my wife says I look like a Fire Fighter when I am wearing it......that damn redhead knows exactly how to play me! :lol:
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