Exiles plan for a post putin Russia

Indian soldiers thrash advancing Chinese troops at LAC; Undated video surfaces after Tawang clash​


any comment on this ?
- According to the new law, phones and computers of citizens will be monitored "remotely and without their knowledge.
Russia is becoming an increasingly authoritarian country with widespread surveillance of the population!
- That's in France.
Really? Good law, it will help the French effectively fight terrorism!
As usual, the representative of the freest and most democratic country hopes for enmity between other nations. Obviously seeing profit in it.
The German government will not tolerate any "freezing of the conflict" in Ukraine, as this will only legitimize the Russian "aggression raid", - Scholz


With vlad on the slide they are discussing a way forward for a bankrupt Russia..

I must admit my hopes arent high. Russia doesnt do democracy but good luck to them. They deserve better than this.

Russia doesn't "do democracy" because they had a bad leader at a bad time, then Putin came along and destroyed it all.

Democracy is fragile, and when it's in its infancy, it's even more so.
"If the Germans wants the war for annihilation, they'll get it."
View attachment 795677
SURE IVAN you can find and ussr stalin´s 90 years old propaganda ,

the reality of your Moscow ulus :
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

У сына Ротенберга гражданство Финляндии и живут они там, дочь Лаврова в Нью Йорке , дочь Пёскова в Париже— Лиза живёт и учится во Франции, сын Николай был судим в Великобритании и более года провёл в английской тюрьме, супруга владеет квартирой в США площадью 126 м 2. Внук золотова в англии ,У соловья (телепропагандист) — вилла на озере Комо (недалеко от Милана), Италия, и вид на жительство там же... у Малышевой в США. Владимир Жириновский имеет гражданство Испании, Игорь Лебедев (сын Жириновского) имеет грин-карту США, гражданство Испании и ПМЖ Швейцарии , Михаил Берулава имеет ВНЖ Чехии , Ирина Роднина имеет гражданство США . Геннадий Тимченко друг Путина, (один из «королей госзаказа» и крупнейший экспортёр российской нефти) — гражданин Финляндии, жена и дочь — тоже. С 2014 года под санкциями, вынужден проживать в РФ. Этот список можно продолжать до бесконечности... Не поленитесь посмoтрите в интернете список чиновников с иностранным гражданством. Волосы дыбом встают!! все патриоты Московской орды ? Или иностранные агенты?

With vlad on the slide they are discussing a way forward for a bankrupt Russia..

I must admit my hopes arent high. Russia doesnt do democracy but good luck to them. They deserve better than this.

Putin is a part of western war against Russia and its people, it will be no exit
The only realistic way for a regime change is if the elites in Russia can pressure Putin to name a successor.

Russian 'elites' ( like Ukrainian of course ) are almost completely Jewish ( like Putin and Zelensky ), it's silly to believe it gonna be a regime change

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