Exiles plan for a post putin Russia

If everything you know about this war comes from the US Government, you would be better off not even discussing it.
Well there is no organized opposition to Putin in Russia, Putin has already seen to that.

The only realistic way for a regime change is if the elites in Russia can pressure Putin to name a successor. I don't doubt they would like to see that, but I doubt Putin is keen on the idea...
Post war russia will be a big problem. It cant be allowed to sink. There needs to be a plan. Unlik in iraq and the Stan..
Post war russia will be a big problem. It cant be allowed to sink. There needs to be a plan. Unlik in iraq and the Stan..
It's not up to the west. Western planners no doubt have plans for how to deal with various scenarios, but it's not like they can impose any particular outcome.

Iraq and Afghanistan are not Russia, and gratuitous conflations are irrelevant.

What matters:

Putin has a firm grip on power in Russia.

1. He's not going to lose the "election" next year.

2. A military coup is not in the cards- Shoigu is fiercely loyal to Putin, and the Moscow Rosgvardia are hand picked by Putin, and basically function as his praetorian guard. They are the only elements of Rosgvardia that have not been sent to Ukraine.

That leaves two ways to have regime change-

3. He could (in theory) be assassinated, which would result in a power struggle and chaos in Russia.

4. He could step aside voluntarily, and name a successor (under pressure from the Russian elites, obviously). This would provide for an orderly transition of power, but the replacement might be worse than Putin...

The first 3 are basically non-starters. The last option is the only realistic possibility for regime change.

I did not say it was LIKELY- It's not likely, as far as I can tell.

So if Russia "can't be allowed to sink", I'm not sure what that means- other than the west should appease Putin's imperial ambitions, in order to preserve his grip on power.

If you give him an out now, he'll be back for another bite at the apple in a few years...
It's not up to the west. Western planners no doubt have plans for how to deal with various scenarios, but it's not like they can impose any particular outcome.

Iraq and Afghanistan are not Russia, and gratuitous conflations are irrelevant.

What matters:

Putin has a firm grip on power in Russia.

1. He's not going to lose the "election" next year.

2. A military coup is not in the cards- Shoigu is fiercely loyal to Putin, and the Moscow Rosgvardia are hand picked by Putin, and basically function as his praetorian guard. They are the only elements of Rosgvardia that have not been sent to Ukraine.

That leaves two ways to have regime change-

3. He could (in theory) be assassinated, which would result in a power struggle and chaos in Russia.

4. He could step aside voluntarily, and name a successor (under pressure from the Russian elites, obviously). This would provide for an orderly transition of power, but the replacement might be worse than Putin...

The first 3 are basically non-starters. The last option is the only realistic possibility for regime change.

I did not say it was LIKELY- It's not likely, as far as I can tell.

So if Russia "can't be allowed to sink", I'm not sure what that means- other than the west should appease Putin's imperial ambitions, in order to preserve his grip on power.

If you give him an out now, he'll be back for another bite at the apple in a few years.
..I was referencing the versailles treaty that led to the rise of hitler.Post war they will need us to rebuild their economy. That needs to be managed.
NATO forces will sit on Ukraines borders after the war to keep russia in russia.Probably in all countries on the border apart from belarus.
The next russian leader will have to play nice.
Originally posted by Tommy Tainnant
NATO forces will sit on Ukraines borders after the war to keep russia in russia.

NATO forces will guard Ukraine's borders from inside soviet bunkers to escape the russian bombs raining down on their heads.
Putin murders his own people. Those discussing this issue have been driven out of Russia to save themselves. The west would just like to get along with their lives in peace.
My forbears died to end all wars.
Ameerica has been a shit stirrer for decades and we can agree on that. But this is on putin.

Well there is no organized opposition to Putin in Russia, Putin has already seen to that.

The only realistic way for a regime change is if the elites in Russia can pressure Putin to name a successor. I don't doubt they would like to see that, but I doubt Putin is keen on the idea...
how many of you still want to preserve Moscow empire ?


With vlad on the slide they are discussing a way forward for a bankrupt Russia..

I must admit my hopes arent high. Russia doesnt do democracy but good luck to them. They deserve better than this.

I heard that 80,000 Russians volunteered to join the Army
When the Soviet Union fell apart, we missed a miraculous opportunity. Seeing as the same kind of thinking is still in place, there is little hope for a better outcome if a similar situation presents itself.

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