Expain to me why I should support Obamacae

As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.
Like the income tax, you don't have to support it. You just have to obey the law.

Being forced to buy a product that is impossible to ever use is theft.

Progressives call theft obeying the law.

What a country huh?
Then you explain why all these different coverages should be mandatory even if they do not apply to certain people.
For example, why the hell should I have to be covered for maternity even though I have no intention of having more children?
Why should I be covered for substance abuse even though I have no intention of ever taking illegal drugs?

Because the same prochoice people who argued that "prolife" politicians shouldn't be involving govt in "reproductive" health care decisions
suddenly believe in regulating "ALL" health care through govt.

So they can argue "Oh, that's different. The govt isn't regulating any of it. All the health care remains private."
How come I don't have to pay for coverage for things I'll never need?

I keep reading you guys saying you're forced to pay for stuff you don't need. How come my ins coverage fits me and my family and that's what we pay for?

It must be a special deal, just for rw's.

How come I don't have to pay for coverage for things I'll never need?

I keep reading you guys saying you're forced to pay for stuff you don't need. How come my ins coverage fits me and my family and that's what we pay for?

It must be a special deal, just for rw's.


Link to a male ever giving birth please
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.
Had a company meeting today and one of the topics was that our insurance because of Obama Care will change.

The short version...

The company will pay more.
The employees will pay more

Thanks Obama for fucking this whole thing up.

What they didn't tell you and what everyone seems to keep missing is the fact that all preventative care is now covered 100%. I already have this coverage on my policy. I had an upper endoscopy and a colonscopy that was billed out at almost $2400 for the anesthesiologist and the doctor. Of course, what they charge is never what the insurance pays, but the bottom line is that I paid zilch. It was all covered 100%, even though I had not yet met my deductible. Under previous plans, I would have paid the discounted price toward my deductible.

Here is a partial preventative care list of what is covered. There are three pages so look at all of them as it does cover a number of things. There are other things that can be considered preventative care if your doctor codes them correctly.

As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.

You do realize your insurance went up $208.33 a month, don't you? The statement that, "I never hit my deductible," is a non-sequitur. The reason you have insurance is to cover a major health expense. It does not take a very big medical problem to hit $2500. That's less than an MRI.

The $2500 dollar increase in your deductible means your annualized cost for healthcare goes up $208.33 a month. Your overall insurance cost under the first year of Obamacare went up 64.5%.

I assume you understand basic math. If you want to stick with "I never hit my deductible," than pay the $95 penalty and go without insurance. After all, you'll never get sick or have an accident, right?
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.

You do realize your insurance went up $208.33 a month, don't you? The statement that, "I never hit my deductible," is a non-sequitur. The reason you have insurance is to cover a major health expense. It does not take a very big medical problem to hit $2500. That's less than an MRI.

The $2500 dollar increase in your deductible means your annualized cost for healthcare goes up $208.33 a month. Your overall insurance cost under the first year of Obamacare went up 64.5%.

I assume you understand basic math. If you want to stick with "I never hit my deductible," than pay the $95 penalty and go without insurance. After all, you'll never get sick or have an accident, right?

No, my insurance did not go up unless I actually pay a substantial amount into that deductible. Fuzzy math doesn't work here. It's like saying an MRI costs $2500; no it doesn't. That is what the hospital charges, but then the insurance company only pays them $900, so the MRI costs $900 not $2500.

I don't have to pay the deductible if I don't use enough services to reach that point. During my entire life, I would have only hit that deductible twice. In the past six years, I have not spent more than $1500 out of pocket, and it is highly unlikely that I will spend more than that in the near future.

Tell me something; you say my insurance went up $208 per month. If so, who is going to get the extra $208 per month? Who am I paying that $208 per month to?
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

Because you want the major insurance corporations to operate as middlemen in every single health care transaction, right?
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.

My policy increased 31%. I am well over 60 and I fully expect my policy to increase by that much next year. My wife is a Nurse (MSN) and she is looking at her policy being discontinued next year when the employer mandate kicks in. You know, we like our insurance, and our Doctors, so we can keep them (lie). her policy is far better than the crap policies that your guy is forcing everyone, so the idea that hers is a "junk" policy is ridiculous.

We currently pay $10. per Doctor visit and $10 per prescription. $100 per hospitalization.

Take your bronze, silver and gold policy and shove them.
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.

My policy increased 31%. I am well over 60 and I fully expect my policy to increase by that much next year. My wife is a Nurse (MSN) and she is looking at her policy being discontinued next year when the employer mandate kicks in. You know, we like our insurance, and our Doctors, so we can keep them (lie). her policy is far better than the crap policies that your guy is forcing everyone, so the idea that hers is a "junk" policy is ridiculous.

We currently pay $10. per Doctor visit and $10 per prescription. $100 per hospitalization.

Take your bronze, silver and gold policy and shove them.

So if your policy increased by $682 and that is a 31% increase, that means your current premium is $2200 per month. See why it is so difficult to have discussions here? You guys throw out numbers that make zero sense and call them truth. I realize that for those over 60, there are some bad deals, and I think this is something that should be addressed. It would have been great if Republicans in the House had addressed this issue rather than continually trying to repeal the whole damn thing knowing that was going nowhere. They could have actually done something positive to help improve this situation.

As for your wife, why do you assume she will lose her insurance when the employer mandate kicks in? You know what drives me nuts about that? They said the same thing in Massachusetts when they put Romneycare in place and it never happened. Secondly, why would a company get rid of insurance for their employees just because it is mandated when they provided it for all of these years when it wasn't mandated? Are they just assholes? Costs have been going up for healthcare for the past fifteen plus years at record percentages, and very few employers dropped coverage, but now they are going to? Is it just because they don't like Obama?
That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.

My policy increased 31%. I am well over 60 and I fully expect my policy to increase by that much next year. My wife is a Nurse (MSN) and she is looking at her policy being discontinued next year when the employer mandate kicks in. You know, we like our insurance, and our Doctors, so we can keep them (lie). her policy is far better than the crap policies that your guy is forcing everyone, so the idea that hers is a "junk" policy is ridiculous.

We currently pay $10. per Doctor visit and $10 per prescription. $100 per hospitalization.

Take your bronze, silver and gold policy and shove them.

So if your policy increased by $682 and that is a 31% increase, that means your current premium is $2200 per month. See why it is so difficult to have discussions here? You guys throw out numbers that make zero sense and call them truth. I realize that for those over 60, there are some bad deals, and I think this is something that should be addressed. It would have been great if Republicans in the House had addressed this issue rather than continually trying to repeal the whole damn thing knowing that was going nowhere. They could have actually done something positive to help improve this situation.

As for your wife, why do you assume she will lose her insurance when the employer mandate kicks in? You know what drives me nuts about that? They said the same thing in Massachusetts when they put Romneycare in place and it never happened. Secondly, why would a company get rid of insurance for their employees just because it is mandated when they provided it for all of these years when it wasn't mandated? Are they just assholes? Costs have been going up for healthcare for the past fifteen plus years at record percentages, and very few employers dropped coverage, but now they are going to? Is it just because they don't like Obama?

Where did you ever get the idea that my premium is $682? That is the other gentleman. My premium is nowhere near that amount and is not relevant. My premium went up by 31% for 2013 and will, most likely rise by that amount, if not more, for 2014. Why? Because they can.

as for my Wife, the insurance company and the employer are obviously exploring all options. If I owned a company, I would do the same. There is no law that REQUIRES any employer to provide healthcare. Healthcare became a "perk" years ago to attract qualified candidates. Again, there is nothing that REQUIRES an employer to offer healthcare.

With this BS crap that the American public is being sold, employers will dump tens of thousands into these "plans". Why? Because it isn't worth the hassle of maintaining coverage. They will choose the "tax" over the coverage.
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.
Like the income tax, you don't have to support it. You just have to obey the law.

Exactly. They shutdown government and risked their careers trying to force the president to get rid of his signature legislation. After he fought so hard and continues to fight for millions of uninsured Americans and also to wrestle insured Americans from the greedy hands of big insurance.

These people whining about getting letters of cancellation from their junk healthcare companies should thank their lucky stars Obama is standing his ground.
Had a company meeting today and one of the topics was that our insurance because of Obama Care will change.

The short version...

The company will pay more.
The employees will pay more

Thanks Obama for fucking this whole thing up.

More information for you that might shed light on your situation:


I realize you probably won't like the source, but if you google around, I'm sure you can find the same info from other sources (well, except from sources that are anti affordable health care!)

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