Expain to me why I should support Obamacae

As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.
Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.
That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you.
I then dismiss you as a serious reponse.
Forcing people to pay for medical coverage they don't need is like forcing people who don't own cars to pay gasoline taxes.

Can I assume no one is for that?
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.
Like the income tax, you don't have to support it. You just have to obey the law.
In other words... you know you cannot answer the question.
Because it's the law and if you don't agree with it work to change it or repeal it. The merits and shortcomings of the law have been discussed over and over on USMB and there is no reason to travel that same road again.
Like the income tax, you don't have to support it. You just have to obey the law.
In other words... you know you cannot answer the question.
Because it's the law and if you don't agree with it work to change it or repeal it. The merits and shortcomings of the law have been discussed over and over on USMB and there is no reason to travel that same road again.

A corollary question, why should anyone bother paying the penalty? Supposedly the law has language preventing prosecution or garnishment for non-payment. Seems a simple enough matter to just arrange any withholding to avoid a refund and then refuse to pay.
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.

Ok...Let me get this straight. You are happy with paying more ( higher deductible)...Or...You are happy with LESS coverage( higher deductible?
Well care is included in most employer policies. So it's a wash.
Ours has 100% well care. Big deal. Our old policy through work was a $25 co-pay for regular doctor visits. So it's a virtual wash
Here's the amusing part. You are ecstatic with less coverage and being able to go to the doctor when you are not sick are injured. But when illness or injury occurs, you have no insurance up to $5k.....
Please show me the logic.
And this is....wait for it......because OBAMA gave you a new insurance policy.
Oh, Barack....You're my hero!
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Expain to me why I should support Obamacae
There’s really nothing to ‘explain,’ because there’s actually no such thing as ‘Obamacare,’ it’s not ‘government healthcare,’ it’s not a type of ‘plan’ or ‘medical provider,’ there are no ‘Obamacare’ doctors, hospitals, or clinics.

The ACA creates a marketplace where individuals can purchase private health insurance policies, and if eligible receive a subsidy to help pay for the premiums. Low-income individuals who can’t afford insurance are likely eligible for their state’s Medicaid, but only in states that opted to expand their Medicaid programs.

So there’s really no one ‘thing’ to support or oppose.

And of course you ask the wrong question.

Your question should be “I’m opposed to the ACA. What other proposals and plans are there that will give all Americans access to affordable healthcare”?

The issue isn’t the merits of the ACA, or whether one supports it or not – the issue is the right’s refusal to acknowledge the problem and work to find a solution.
True bit not accurate.
Insurance companies may be underwriting policies, but the federal government has taken over the rules regarding coverage.
ACA is a shell corporation. That's all. The government is behind the scenes manipulating the puppet strings.
Like the income tax, you don't have to support it. You just have to obey the law.
In other words... you know you cannot answer the question.
Because it's the law and if you don't agree with it work to change it or repeal it. The merits and shortcomings of the law have been discussed over and over on USMB and there is no reason to travel that same road again.
I should support it because its the law?
Do you know how stupid that sounds?
Forcing people to pay for medical coverage they don't need is like forcing people who don't own cars to pay gasoline taxes.

Can I assume no one is for that?

I think its a great idea!
Using the liberal argument of roads and infrastructure being forms of socialism, hell why not make them pay taxes for those things. And for that matter, on a local level, I think renters should pay property taxes.
I say, let everyone have skin in the game.
There are far too many people riding in the boat and too few rowing the boat.
As of October 1, I must spend an additional $682/mo for the same coverage I had prior.

Explain to me why I should support Obamacare.

You should be proud and happy, knowing that your increased contribution will allow the government to provide the same coverage you have (or better) to some poor soul who has been unable to cover themselves. You should support obamacare because it forces you to do what you should have been doing all along, paying for some else to have "free" stuff. You should be pleased that your selfish, greedy ways have been corrected.
Because our Pub health care system is a ridiculously over priced, often a scam, economy ruining, BAD system that needs to be gotten under control.

EVERYONE is covered for everything- the men have to pay for maternal care argument, etc, is STUPID. That's what is called a comprehensive system. SORRY ABOUT YOUR SCAM POLICY THAT WOULD HAVE LEFT YOU BANKRUPT AND DESTITUTE IF YOU'D HAD A BIG PROBLEM. I assume you live in a Pub state or area, with Pubs and insurers that are not cooperating for propaganda purposes. Are you eligible for help paying...
I'm not at all sure how you think this explains why I should be happy about that $682/mo I no0 longer have, and support Obamacare because of it.

Has your deductible and/or co-pay changed?
Expain to me why I should support Obamacae
There’s really nothing to ‘explain,’ because there’s actually no such thing as ‘Obamacare,’ it’s not ‘government healthcare,’ it’s not a type of ‘plan’ or ‘medical provider,’ there are no ‘Obamacare’ doctors, hospitals, or clinics.

The ACA creates a marketplace where individuals can purchase private health insurance policies, and if eligible receive a subsidy to help pay for the premiums. Low-income individuals who can’t afford insurance are likely eligible for their state’s Medicaid, but only in states that opted to expand their Medicaid programs.

So there’s really no one ‘thing’ to support or oppose.

And of course you ask the wrong question.

Your question should be “I’m opposed to the ACA. What other proposals and plans are there that will give all Americans access to affordable healthcare”?

The issue isn’t the merits of the ACA, or whether one supports it or not – the issue is the right’s refusal to acknowledge the problem and work to find a solution.

Then maybe you can explain why apparently every other insurance plan MUST comply with the same standards as your "marketplace" plans? Why are other options being eliminated as "non-compliant"? If I like my plan, just why can I not keep it?
That is the largest increase I have heard anyone claim to date. I really would like to see all the numbers, because I honestly don't believe you. I have seen where some people, especially those above the age of 60, are getting hit pretty hard with big increases, but nothing close to $682 per month for a single person.

Personally, my rate is staying almost exactly the same, at just over $300 per month, but my deductible is doubling from $2500 to $5000. This doesn't bother me any because I never hit my deductible of $2500. Also, now all preventative care will be covered 100% saving me quite a bit of money.

One thing you need to do before choosing a plan is to look at all our medical bills so you can determine what coverage works the best for you. For many people, having a high deductible is not a bad thing if they are basically healthy and do not need constant ongoing care.

My policy increased 31%. I am well over 60 and I fully expect my policy to increase by that much next year. My wife is a Nurse (MSN) and she is looking at her policy being discontinued next year when the employer mandate kicks in. You know, we like our insurance, and our Doctors, so we can keep them (lie). her policy is far better than the crap policies that your guy is forcing everyone, so the idea that hers is a "junk" policy is ridiculous.

We currently pay $10. per Doctor visit and $10 per prescription. $100 per hospitalization.

Take your bronze, silver and gold policy and shove them.

So if your policy increased by $682 and that is a 31% increase, that means your current premium is $2200 per month. See why it is so difficult to have discussions here? You guys throw out numbers that make zero sense and call them truth. I realize that for those over 60, there are some bad deals, and I think this is something that should be addressed. It would have been great if Republicans in the House had addressed this issue rather than continually trying to repeal the whole damn thing knowing that was going nowhere. They could have actually done something positive to help improve this situation.

As for your wife, why do you assume she will lose her insurance when the employer mandate kicks in? You know what drives me nuts about that? They said the same thing in Massachusetts when they put Romneycare in place and it never happened. Secondly, why would a company get rid of insurance for their employees just because it is mandated when they provided it for all of these years when it wasn't mandated? Are they just assholes? Costs have been going up for healthcare for the past fifteen plus years at record percentages, and very few employers dropped coverage, but now they are going to? Is it just because they don't like Obama?

You're talking to two different people here. Randallflag and M14.

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