Expain to me why I should support Obamacae

Because you love forcing 80 year old women to buy insurance coverage for birth control? Because you support forcing 85 year old men to have coverage for substance abuse? Because the lazy get subsidized by the hard working? Because your private information is not secure?

There are SO many reasons to love this shit!!!!


so typical insurance then...I have to pay for fat people,and smokers etc..so your examples are rather poor. Now had you said the government is forcing you via a mandate and charging you in the form of taxes is bullshit. Id agree.

Funny.. you don't have to buy insurance.. and you can choose a doctor who charges a flat rate or has a membership plan or so many other CHOICES..

If I wish to purchase a plan that does not include birth control, or substance abuse coverage, or whatever else.. I SHOULD HAVE THAT FREEDOM.. not the bullshit standards that Obamalamacare has set forward

Its like why bother at all.....You people dont read.
so typical insurance then...I have to pay for fat people,and smokers etc..so your examples are rather poor. Now had you said the government is forcing you via a mandate and charging you in the form of taxes is bullshit. Id agree.

Funny.. you don't have to buy insurance.. and you can choose a doctor who charges a flat rate or has a membership plan or so many other CHOICES..

If I wish to purchase a plan that does not include birth control, or substance abuse coverage, or whatever else.. I SHOULD HAVE THAT FREEDOM.. not the bullshit standards that Obamalamacare has set forward

Its like why bother at all.....You people dont read.

There are MULTIPLE reasons to be against this... the tax ASPECT, and the FORCE ASPECT, as stated, where many people are FORCED to be covered on things they will never use and never need...

This should NEVER have been in the hands of government to begin with...
Funny.. you don't have to buy insurance.. and you can choose a doctor who charges a flat rate or has a membership plan or so many other CHOICES..

If I wish to purchase a plan that does not include birth control, or substance abuse coverage, or whatever else.. I SHOULD HAVE THAT FREEDOM.. not the bullshit standards that Obamalamacare has set forward

Its like why bother at all.....You people dont read.

There are MULTIPLE reasons to be against this... the tax ASPECT, and the FORCE ASPECT, as stated, where many people are FORCED to be covered on things they will never use and never need...

This should NEVER have been in the hands of government to begin with...

neat....i didnt need the mini-rant
Look....stop complaining.

This is all about "spreading the wealth around." Or, as Josef Stalin said, "Sometimes you need to crack some eggs to make a collective work."

If your insurance got cancelled, or you're having to pay a lot more for insurance next year (as I am, and most Americans will be) just consider yourself a cracked egg. Your helping to spread your wealth around...like manure...to people you've never met, and who have nothing to do with your life.

Congratulations, you're a dupe. :) We're all dupes.

I have to be honest here. Never, in all my 69 years, have I seen a time when a sitting president can lie, repeatedly, over and over, and be completely forgiven by the lemmings he represents.

Obama lied constantly about this BS law and continues to lie about it today and these feeble-minded, brain dead, deaf and dumb followers of this incompetent slob make excuses for him on a daily basis.

Richard Nixon was forced to resign from office for telling us that he "didn't know" about a break in at the Watergate. Barry lies more than that on a daily basis, hell, on an hourly basis.

You white folks really take this "white guilt" thing seriously, don't you?
No lie- just Pub states and insurers fighting for scams and big profits in their states and areas- it's not his fault they refuse to cooperate and fix their plans...
Richard Nixon was a felon, fool- the country still hasn't recovered from the disrespect for government and the presidency he produced, out side the bigoted Pub alternate universe...
Had a company meeting today and one of the topics was that our insurance because of Obama Care will change.

The short version...

The company will pay more.
The employees will pay more

Thanks Obama for fucking this whole thing up.

Did your company tell you why they will pay more?

Chances are because the plan they currently offer you does not meet certain standards.

I don't think having standards in health care is a bad thing.

Thats been debunked a million times. Try again.
Because our Pub health care system is a ridiculously over priced, often a scam, economy ruining, BAD system that needs to be gotten under control.

EVERYONE is covered for everything- the men have to pay for maternal care argument, etc, is STUPID. That's what is called a comprehensive system. SORRY ABOUT YOUR SCAM POLICY THAT WOULD HAVE LEFT YOU BANKRUPT AND DESTITUTE IF YOU'D HAD A BIG PROBLEM. I assume you live in a Pub state or area, with Pubs and insurers that are not cooperating for propaganda purposes. Are you eligible for help paying...

Do you have to work hard to be this stupid? Or does it come naturally?
Because our Pub health care system is a ridiculously over priced, often a scam, economy ruining, BAD system that needs to be gotten under control.

EVERYONE is covered for everything- the men have to pay for maternal care argument, etc, is STUPID. That's what is called a comprehensive system. SORRY ABOUT YOUR SCAM POLICY THAT WOULD HAVE LEFT YOU BANKRUPT AND DESTITUTE IF YOU'D HAD A BIG PROBLEM. I assume you live in a Pub state or area, with Pubs and insurers that are not cooperating for propaganda purposes. Are you eligible for help paying...
I'm not at all sure how you think this explains why I should be happy about that $682/mo I no0 longer have, and support Obamacare because of it.
Had a company meeting today and one of the topics was that our insurance because of Obama Care will change.

The short version...

The company will pay more.
The employees will pay more

Thanks Obama for fucking this whole thing up.

Did your company tell you why they will pay more?

Chances are because the plan they currently offer you does not meet certain standards.

I don't think having standards in health care is a bad thing.
Not when those standards are illogical.
The ONLY reason these coverage rules are in ACA is to redistribute wealth.
These mandatory coverage rules will be the undoing of Obamacare.
Obama and his minions bit off far more than they could chew on this.
This law is illogical to its core.
Because our Pub health care system is a ridiculously over priced, often a scam, economy ruining, BAD system that needs to be gotten under control.

EVERYONE is covered for everything- the men have to pay for maternal care argument, etc, is STUPID. That's what is called a comprehensive system. SORRY ABOUT YOUR SCAM POLICY THAT WOULD HAVE LEFT YOU BANKRUPT AND DESTITUTE IF YOU'D HAD A BIG PROBLEM. I assume you live in a Pub state or area, with Pubs and insurers that are not cooperating for propaganda purposes. Are you eligible for help paying...
I'm not at all sure how you think this explains why I should be happy about that $682/mo I no0 longer have, and support Obamacare because of it.

Do not bother trying to reason with the OP.....he's a hateful partisan hack that would rather walk across a freeway while traffic was bearing down on him at 70 mph than debate an issue on a rational level.
FRanco would eat his own shit before he sat and talked about the issues with a conservative. He hates us THAT much.
So fuck 'em. I read his spew, but I refuse to respond.
Its like why bother at all.....You people dont read.

There are MULTIPLE reasons to be against this... the tax ASPECT, and the FORCE ASPECT, as stated, where many people are FORCED to be covered on things they will never use and never need...

This should NEVER have been in the hands of government to begin with...

neat....i didnt need the mini-rant
Then you explain why all these different coverages should be mandatory even if they do not apply to certain people.
For example, why the hell should I have to be covered for maternity even though I have no intention of having more children?
Why should I be covered for substance abuse even though I have no intention of ever taking illegal drugs?
Because our Pub health care system is a ridiculously over priced, often a scam, economy ruining, BAD system that needs to be gotten under control.

EVERYONE is covered for everything- the men have to pay for maternal care argument, etc, is STUPID. That's what is called a comprehensive system. SORRY ABOUT YOUR SCAM POLICY THAT WOULD HAVE LEFT YOU BANKRUPT AND DESTITUTE IF YOU'D HAD A BIG PROBLEM. I assume you live in a Pub state or area, with Pubs and insurers that are not cooperating for propaganda purposes. Are you eligible for help paying...

Buying something you might never use is kind of stupid

Buying something that is impossible to ever use is moronic

Being forced to buy something that is impossible to ever use is theft.

Supporting theft is...........


Good luck with that
Expain to me why I should support Obamacae
There’s really nothing to ‘explain,’ because there’s actually no such thing as ‘Obamacare,’ it’s not ‘government healthcare,’ it’s not a type of ‘plan’ or ‘medical provider,’ there are no ‘Obamacare’ doctors, hospitals, or clinics.

The ACA creates a marketplace where individuals can purchase private health insurance policies, and if eligible receive a subsidy to help pay for the premiums. Low-income individuals who can’t afford insurance are likely eligible for their state’s Medicaid, but only in states that opted to expand their Medicaid programs.

So there’s really no one ‘thing’ to support or oppose.

And of course you ask the wrong question.

Your question should be “I’m opposed to the ACA. What other proposals and plans are there that will give all Americans access to affordable healthcare”?

The issue isn’t the merits of the ACA, or whether one supports it or not – the issue is the right’s refusal to acknowledge the problem and work to find a solution.
Had a company meeting today and one of the topics was that our insurance because of Obama Care will change.

The short version...

The company will pay more.
The employees will pay more

Thanks Obama for fucking this whole thing up.

Did your company tell you why they will pay more?

Chances are because the plan they currently offer you does not meet certain standards.

I don't think having standards in health care is a bad thing.

Dear Barbara:
I just read two quotes from citizens in two different articles over the past week
who were HAPPY with the coverage they were getting for the money.
They didn't NEED that much more regulation from govt managing their business choices.

So if this works for you, fine, but don't assume it works for others!

What if we made everyone pay to ride private trains, even if some people wanted to walk or bike to work. Why not just have the people using the train pay for the use of it.

This could have worked fine by just having people pay for it who want to use it.

Why this mad rush to make everyone else pay for it?
And PENALIZE them with fines if they'd rather choose to walk, ride a bike or some other way to get to work besides the train?

Only if it covered everyone equally (like paying for military covers defense for the whole country) I could see charging everyone the same.

But once you start "exempting" some people from paying in, and "excluding" some people from coverage, then politically letting unions and big corporate interests off the hook,
it's no longer a public program treating everyone equally.

so that's another reason it is unconstitutional.

It's legislating private programs and benefits/exemptions where the govt regulations discriminate on the basis of religious conditions and political favors.

Whatever "regulations" you are talking about, it isn't being done fairly but politically.
That's in violation of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service.
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