expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

"If Davis was ever serious about moving the club to San Antonio (possible but not likley), Jones will undoubtedly use his influence to block a move to Texas since he’s already on record as saying he opposes moving a third team who will dip into his personal piggy bank. Think Jones can’t round up eight other votes to block the move? Think again. He mustered up 30 to get his preferred outcome in the LA Sweepstakes."
Because the raiders were taken out of the carson deal a week before the vote. The NFL & ownership does not want the raiders in LA. They want to keep the Oak market. I do not see that changing no matter what the Chargers do

They gave the Raiders the option next year if the Chargers decline, but I'm sure the league doesn't want Mark Davis anywhere near LA.

The option for the Raiders was a booby prize IMHO. At 1st glance, it would appear to be a gesture by the league to be fair to the Raiders. Raiders don't possess anywhere near the capital to satisy Kroenke or the NFL.

Idea of SD Raiders is galling, but beats no NFL

Rams owner reportedly leery of Raiders fans in shopping areas around new stadium
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Spanos doesn't have $550 million to relocate to LA. Everyone will see the transparent lie called Carson and that he and Fabiani masterfully used it as leverage to either block Stan Kroenke from LA or, in the likelihood of that failure for use as leverage to get money from ESK and the NFL to help him build a SD stadium. #LARams2016 #DeanSpanosYouJerk
  • In the past the Chargers had little help from the city. The city was in a VERY bad financial status. The very last thing on the minds of the city was putting money towards a stadium. And even if they wanted to, they could not sell bonds because nobody would buy them because the city was close to defaulting on the bonds.
    Now the city has recovered and is doing well. They also have ALL NEW politicians now. They want to invest in the city and make it grow. That includes helping the Chargers and a stadium. The problem is they are now way late in the game.
    The city of SD did pay for bonds to do minor renovations on the current stadium about 5 years ago. The bonds end in 2020. If the Charges leave before that, they have to pay the bonds. Depending on when they leave I think it is around $75 million. It would be stupid to leave before that time. Yes he has the money to pay it, but that is a complete waste of $75 million.

  • So my prediction. Rams move to LA next year and play in the Coliseum until Inglewood is finished. Chargers stay in SD for at least another year, more like 2 years and try and work out a deal in SD. If he does not like the deal, he moves in with the Rams. And moves in when Inglewood is done.
till a few days ago i thought for sure the chargers would join the rams that was until sean sanchez spoke this informative piece i copied down because it makes total complete sense.after he mentioned this,i became extremely confidant the chargers are staying in SD and raiders are staying in oakland,this is why.

he wrote this-that is why the NFL offered 100 million if they stay in their cities.thats a big chunk of change to just walk away from.they will put it together.the NFL is no dummies.

they gained LA at the expense of losing STL.they dont want to lose 2 markets and split another.they gained LA at the expense of losing STL,They dont want to lose SD or oak also and then split LA up.thats one step forward and one step backward.

thay have said all along they want to increase the NFL profitability to over 20 billion by 2020.Bringing SD or oakland to LA would not fit in to those plans.tv contracts and corporate sponsorships is the NFL's biggest revenue.Having butts in the seats only means something for the teams.no more home market blackout rules means tv contracts area bigger priority than they used to be.

makes perfect sense to me.I pm'd sean and told him he should post that so others here would calm down on the raiders coming to LA if the chargers stay put.if people knew these facts,they would not be so much in panic mode over the raiders coming there when the chargers bow out.

I've always said the raiders wont be back in LA again since the age of time,here is another reason why I dont see the chargers going either.wish i could take credit for these posts since they are so good but they are from others around here.​

In the past the Chargers had little help from the city. The city was in a VERY bad financial status. The very last thing on the minds of the city was putting money towards a stadium. And even if they wanted to, they could not sell bonds because nobody would buy them because the city was close to defaulting on the bonds.
Now the city has recovered and is doing well. They also have ALL NEW politicians now. They want to invest in the city and make it grow. That includes helping the Chargers and a stadium. The problem is they are now way late in the game.
The city of SD did pay for bonds to do minor renovations on the current stadium about 5 years ago. The bonds end in 2020. If the Charges leave before that, they have to pay the bonds. Depending on when they leave I think it is around $75 million. It would be stupid to leave before that time. Yes he has the money to pay it, but that is a complete waste of $75 million.m

So my prediction. Rams move to LA next year and play in the Coliseum until Inglewood is finished. Chargers stay in SD for at least another year, more like 2 years and try and work out a deal in SD. If he does not like the deal, he moves in with the Rams. And moves in when Inglewood is done.

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