expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

matter of fact anyone who looks into the carson project with a magnifying glass can see what I said from day one,that its a hoax,smoke and mirrors.Ifyou go drive by the site,take in a deep breath and you begin to choke the smell is so awful because its on a contaminated landfill.a fact the LAMESTREAM media always conveinetely leaves out in their reporting.:rolleyes:

these two LA Ram fans in LA below matter of fact put this to rest that what i said way back in february that Carson is indeed a hoax.a fantasy.

these are THEIR words,not mine. that pic of billy scott is not me.I dont live in california so those are obviously not my words below.lol

Lol just got done listing to the interview with my Inglewood Mayor and if it hasn't been clear to fans of all 3 teams in the battle of Los Angeles let me put it to rest. Rams are coming back home period. He made very good and educated points on the "CARSON PROJECT " and how the Inglewood stadium and entertainment project is ready to begin building. Meaning everything is ready even the digging is done. I live rite across the street from the site and i see whats going on every day...i also see all the building material and equipment. Big ass plumbing pipes,metal and steel i never seen before and the site developers are out the around the clock. I even seen Stan and Mayor butts talkin with the head developer and construction workers. No activities like this in Carson at all.:thup:

Like any section that has more then one nothing is ever what it seems. There was a favored team I have no idea which one, IMO
matter of fact anyone who looks into the carson project with a magnifying glass can see what I said from day one,that its a hoax,smoke and mirrors.Ifyou go drive by the site,take in a deep breath and you begin to choke the smell is so awful because its on a contaminated landfill.a fact the LAMESTREAM media always conveinetely leaves out in their reporting.:rolleyes:

these two LA Ram fans in LA below matter of fact put this to rest that what i said way back in february that Carson is indeed a hoax.a fantasy.

these are THEIR words,not mine. that pic of billy scott is not me.I dont live in california so those are obviously not my words below.lol

Lol just got done listing to the interview with my Inglewood Mayor and if it hasn't been clear to fans of all 3 teams in the battle of Los Angeles let me put it to rest. Rams are coming back home period. He made very good and educated points on the "CARSON PROJECT " and how the Inglewood stadium and entertainment project is ready to begin building. Meaning everything is ready even the digging is done. I live rite across the street from the site and i see whats going on every day...i also see all the building material and equipment. Big ass plumbing pipes,metal and steel i never seen before and the site developers are out the around the clock. I even seen Stan and Mayor butts talkin with the head developer and construction workers. No activities like this in Carson at all.:thup:

Like any section that has more then one nothing is ever what it seems. There was a favored team I have no idea which one, IMO

The Chargers were the favored TEAM by the majority of the NFL owners,but the SITE they all preferred was the Rams Inglewood site because it was obviously so much better than carson that was why i always knew Inglewood would win out in the end because of that.I knew i could trust fred roggin.the ONLY thing he ever got wrong on the LA relocation was he guaranteed it would be both the rams and chargers in LA this year.If spanos wasnt so pissed about losing to kroneke and not getting carson like he wanted,then he would have gone in with stan but he was so pissed off at kroneke that he apparently cant work with him.:biggrin:
matter of fact anyone who looks into the carson project with a magnifying glass can see what I said from day one,that its a hoax,smoke and mirrors.Ifyou go drive by the site,take in a deep breath and you begin to choke the smell is so awful because its on a contaminated landfill.a fact the LAMESTREAM media always conveinetely leaves out in their reporting.:rolleyes:

these two LA Ram fans in LA below matter of fact put this to rest that what i said way back in february that Carson is indeed a hoax.a fantasy.

these are THEIR words,not mine. that pic of billy scott is not me.I dont live in california so those are obviously not my words below.lol

Lol just got done listing to the interview with my Inglewood Mayor and if it hasn't been clear to fans of all 3 teams in the battle of Los Angeles let me put it to rest. Rams are coming back home period. He made very good and educated points on the "CARSON PROJECT " and how the Inglewood stadium and entertainment project is ready to begin building. Meaning everything is ready even the digging is done. I live rite across the street from the site and i see whats going on every day...i also see all the building material and equipment. Big ass plumbing pipes,metal and steel i never seen before and the site developers are out the around the clock. I even seen Stan and Mayor butts talkin with the head developer and construction workers. No activities like this in Carson at all.:thup:

Like any section that has more then one nothing is ever what it seems. There was a favored team I have no idea which one, IMO

The Chargers were the favored TEAM by the majority of the NFL owners,but the SITE they all preferred was the Rams Inglewood site because it was obviously so much better than carson that was why i always knew Inglewood would win out in the end because of that.I knew i could trust fred roggin.the ONLY thing he ever got wrong on the LA relocation was he guaranteed it would be both the rams and chargers in LA this year.If spanos wasnt so pissed about losing to kroneke and not getting carson like he wanted,then he would have gone in with stan but he was so pissed off at kroneke that he apparently cant work with him.:biggrin:
That emotion screwed things up for them.
matter of fact anyone who looks into the carson project with a magnifying glass can see what I said from day one,that its a hoax,smoke and mirrors.Ifyou go drive by the site,take in a deep breath and you begin to choke the smell is so awful because its on a contaminated landfill.a fact the LAMESTREAM media always conveinetely leaves out in their reporting.:rolleyes:

these two LA Ram fans in LA below matter of fact put this to rest that what i said way back in february that Carson is indeed a hoax.a fantasy.

these are THEIR words,not mine. that pic of billy scott is not me.I dont live in california so those are obviously not my words below.lol

Lol just got done listing to the interview with my Inglewood Mayor and if it hasn't been clear to fans of all 3 teams in the battle of Los Angeles let me put it to rest. Rams are coming back home period. He made very good and educated points on the "CARSON PROJECT " and how the Inglewood stadium and entertainment project is ready to begin building. Meaning everything is ready even the digging is done. I live rite across the street from the site and i see whats going on every day...i also see all the building material and equipment. Big ass plumbing pipes,metal and steel i never seen before and the site developers are out the around the clock. I even seen Stan and Mayor butts talkin with the head developer and construction workers. No activities like this in Carson at all.:thup:

Like any section that has more then one nothing is ever what it seems. There was a favored team I have no idea which one, IMO

The Chargers were the favored TEAM by the majority of the NFL owners,but the SITE they all preferred was the Rams Inglewood site because it was obviously so much better than carson that was why i always knew Inglewood would win out in the end because of that.I knew i could trust fred roggin.the ONLY thing he ever got wrong on the LA relocation was he guaranteed it would be both the rams and chargers in LA this year.If spanos wasnt so pissed about losing to kroneke and not getting carson like he wanted,then he would have gone in with stan but he was so pissed off at kroneke that he apparently cant work with him.:biggrin:
That emotion screwed things up for them.

yep otherwise Roggin WOULD have been right on that as well.Nobody could have predicted spanos would have been so pissed off at kroneke that he was going to refuse to work with him.Glad he was though since all the folks in san diego got to keep their team.:up: I would have felt really bad for the fans in SD if they had lost the chargers because unlike the fans in stank louis,the fans in san diego and the fans in oakland,they support their teams very well so unlike the people in stank louis,they dont deserve to lose an NFL franchise.
matter of fact anyone who looks into the carson project with a magnifying glass can see what I said from day one,that its a hoax,smoke and mirrors.Ifyou go drive by the site,take in a deep breath and you begin to choke the smell is so awful because its on a contaminated landfill.a fact the LAMESTREAM media always conveinetely leaves out in their reporting.:rolleyes:

these two LA Ram fans in LA below matter of fact put this to rest that what i said way back in february that Carson is indeed a hoax.a fantasy.

these are THEIR words,not mine. that pic of billy scott is not me.I dont live in california so those are obviously not my words below.lol

Lol just got done listing to the interview with my Inglewood Mayor and if it hasn't been clear to fans of all 3 teams in the battle of Los Angeles let me put it to rest. Rams are coming back home period. He made very good and educated points on the "CARSON PROJECT " and how the Inglewood stadium and entertainment project is ready to begin building. Meaning everything is ready even the digging is done. I live rite across the street from the site and i see whats going on every day...i also see all the building material and equipment. Big ass plumbing pipes,metal and steel i never seen before and the site developers are out the around the clock. I even seen Stan and Mayor butts talkin with the head developer and construction workers. No activities like this in Carson at all.:thup:

Like any section that has more then one nothing is ever what it seems. There was a favored team I have no idea which one, IMO

The Chargers were the favored TEAM by the majority of the NFL owners,but the SITE they all preferred was the Rams Inglewood site because it was obviously so much better than carson that was why i always knew Inglewood would win out in the end because of that.I knew i could trust fred roggin.the ONLY thing he ever got wrong on the LA relocation was he guaranteed it would be both the rams and chargers in LA this year.If spanos wasnt so pissed about losing to kroneke and not getting carson like he wanted,then he would have gone in with stan but he was so pissed off at kroneke that he apparently cant work with him.:biggrin:
That emotion screwed things up for them.

yep otherwise Roggin WOULD have been right on that as well.Nobody could have predicted spanos would have been so pissed off at kroneke that he was going to refuse to work with him.Glad he was though since all the folks in san diego got to keep their team.:up: I would have felt really bad for the fans in SD if they had lost the chargers because unlike the fans in stank louis,the fans in san diego and the fans in oakland,they support their teams very well so unlike the people in stank louis,they dont deserve to lose an NFL franchise.
The anger and self will run riot destroys deals and relationships. Brings out the control freaks and the back door bullshit. Never ends well.
Here is the proof in the pudding that san diego and oakland unlike stank louis,supports their team with these two pics taken of a chargers game in SD this year and a Raiders game in Oakland this year.:thup: both stadiums packed to the max.



and of course,you have seen the many pics i have posted here where the stadium in st louis was practically empty this year.:biggrin:
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Here is the proof in the pudding that san diego and oakland unlike stank louis,supports their team with these two pics taken of a chargers game in SD this year and a Raiders game in Oakland this year.:thup: both stadiums packed to the max.



and of course,you have seen the many pics i have posted here where the stadium in st louis was practically empty this year.:biggrin:
Yuck. Those fields look like crap. Hopefully they work out deals to get new stadiums.

Has the location issue been solved? While nobody wants to pay an extra four percent for their lodgings, wouldn't the profits from a shiny new stadium and convention center downtown allow them to pay it off faster? Those hotels are going to benefit immensely (aside from those with rooms within earshot of construction :)) so it's more of an investment. Maybe they have data that says otherwise.

Has the location issue been solved? While nobody wants to pay an extra four percent for their lodgings, wouldn't the profits from a shiny new stadium and convention center downtown allow them to pay it off faster? Those hotels are going to benefit immensely (aside from those with rooms within earshot of construction :)) so it's more of an investment. Maybe they have data that says otherwise.

No,they have till jan 15th to decide if they will stay in SD or join the Rams in LA.

Latest on it.

April 23 is the first day that signatures will be collected for the stadium convention center initiative.

Must be registered in the city of San Diego - more details soon.

here is the newest update on it.

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After reading up on the history involved with L A and the NFL I am inclined to believe that an NFL team in L A let alone a return of the Rams is unlikely.

History of the National Football League in Los Angeles - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I understand the desperation and dissappointment of 9/11 but I think he is grasping at straws.

There are certainly a small hard core element of fans that would like to see the Rams return to the L A area. There just doesn't seem to be enough of them to justify the relocation.

The NFL seems to be bent on new stadiums in new cities for expansion not just relocation.

Too much history of failed attempts to fill the seats in L A.
Only when it came to the chargers and raiders when they were in LA.Rams packed them in when they were there.If not for the evil bitch they would have never left.
First off: No one in L.A. wants an NFL Team. L.A. is over run with Illegal Aliens from Central and South America who watch Soccer (Futbol). They don't really care for the NFL.

So when the talking heads on ESPN or any other sports show say that there is fan support for team, they're full of sh*t.
liar. is that why there were over 56,000 Rams fans that applied for season tickets?:biggrin:
When Al Davis was threatening to move back to Oakland he demanded a new Stadium with Luxury Boxes and all the money making stuff they have these days. Forget the fact that his team sucks, you better build him a new stadium or he's outta' here! Someday, Americans might learn to tell the NFL to fvck off but that's another thread.

So I know they looked at two locations. Carson and Irwindale. I used to go to Irwindale Raceway as a kid so I as familiar with it's location, there was a rock quarry and a Miller Brewing facility right there. Would have been perfect. Plenty of space.

Carson. I lived in Long Beach and for one summer I worked at an Oil Refinery right next door to Carson in Wilmington. The whole place smells like rotten sulfur eggs. Freeway access was good but parking would have been a nightmare and the smell...

Next. Stadium Negotiations.
thats why I always knew INGLEWOOD would be picked over the laughable carson project with the raiders and chargers.lol
Every year or two the owner of the San Diego Chargers puts fake stories in all the local LA newspapers and TV shows claiming that "The People, The Fans" want an NFL team in L.A.

The Chargers first season was played in L.A. so Alex Spanos some kind of connection there. Believe me, hardly anyone knows of that. Or cares. Or reads English good enough to find it out.

The other B.S. "moving to L.A." story concerns the Vikings. Every so often the Owner of the Vikes will put fake stories saying that there is interest in them moving to L.A. You know, the Lakers moved from there and what do you know, the Vikes have the same colors too! Woo hoo! So what?

Next post is about Stadium locations and deals.
that was WHY the chargers were not chosen,nobody in LA cares about the chargers.:biggrin:
Nowadays NFL owners have enough money to buy their own property and build their own stadiums without financing or taxes from the local cities.

They should do that.

The NFL makes about 9 Billion a year but a Stadium costs AT LEAST 1 Billion? Cowboy Stadium 1.2 Billion.

Let's see: 9 Billion dollars divided by 32 teams equals... much less than a Billion.
problem with your rant there is that would apply to the chargers and raiders yes but not the rams,they are set for sellouts.they ranked in the top five the majority of their time there in LA as far as attendance went.lol raiders and chargers bombed yes but not the rams charlie.lol
man when they left they should have changed their name to st least SAINT LOUIS "LAMBS" that at LEAST has a ring to it.saint luis rams is the most retarded name for a football team.arizona cardinals is right up there with them the facts they dont even migrate there.:cuckoo:

I will be constanty updating this thread with new information,this has been known since 2012 it was going to happen so for now,I'll just post a few videos form the past to get everyone started with for the weekend,football can FINALLY be fun for me again.I lost interest in the NFL when my team,the TREU rams,the LA RAMS,moved away.

I think you'll find all these videos interesting.

Is that the location the new stadium will be built on? Is it official? It does seem Mr. Kroenke was laying the ground work for a move at the time of this report. I do think St. Louis was given multiple opportunities to prevent the move and failed. The end of the segment mentions the escape clause; specific upgrades to the Edward Jones Dome that were never approved. Could the Rams organization have sabotaged efforts for approvals and upgrades based on the owner's desire to leave?

I didn't know the Rams owner was married to a Walton. I also never understood why some teams don't change their names when they move. St. Louis Rams is pretty silly but doesn't come close to the Cardinals...of Arizona.
man when they left they should have changed their name to st least SAINT LOUIS "LAMBS" that at LEAST has a ring to it.saint luis rams is the most retarded name for a football team.arizona cardinals is right up there with them the facts they dont even migrate there.:cuckoo:

I will be constanty updating this thread with new information,this has been known since 2012 it was going to happen so for now,I'll just post a few videos form the past to get everyone started with for the weekend,football can FINALLY be fun for me again.I lost interest in the NFL when my team,the TREU rams,the LA RAMS,moved away.

I think you'll find all these videos interesting.

Is that the location the new stadium will be built on? Is it official? It does seem Mr. Kroenke was laying the ground work for a move at the time of this report. I do think St. Louis was given multiple opportunities to prevent the move and failed. The end of the segment mentions the escape clause; specific upgrades to the Edward Jones Dome that were never approved. Could the Rams organization have sabotaged efforts for approvals and upgrades based on the owner's desire to leave?

I didn't know the Rams owner was married to a Walton. I also never understood why some teams don't change their names when they move. St. Louis Rams is pretty silly but doesn't come close to the Cardinals...of Arizona.

yeah you arent kidding.as much as the name st louis rams sounded so childish and stupid,arizona cardinals is even more stupid.Naw the Rams didnt sabotoge anything,they honored the terms of the lease agreement,the city did not.that is why when it went to arbitration,they ruled in favor of the Rams.:thup:

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