expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

"if there are three things the people of LA love its a winner,a comeback,and a hollywod ending.The rams could fir the bill on all three."

so much for the nutcases who came on here and have fallen for the myth that LA is not football town.:biggrin::bsflag:

The blame for most team relocations lies with the owner and the facility it plays in, not with the city and the fans who supported them. That was certainly the case in Los Angeles.

The late Georgia Frontiere moved the Rams to her hometown of St. Louis in 1995 when she received a sweetheart stadium deal.

yep,thats what the bitch did alright.may she burn in hell.

The late Georgia Frontiere moved the Rams to her hometown of St. Louis in 1995 when she received a sweetheart stadium deal.

“The Kroenke-L.A. rumors have been swirling since he purchased the 60-acres at Hollywood Park, something we’ll cover in the next question. I honestly don’t know if he’s “seeking” a return to Los Angeles, but it seems like the NFL is focused on bringing a team to L.A. simply because the revenue lost from not being in Los Angeles is too steep.

The Rams are a logical choice as a relocation candidate and I’m sure Kroenke has had conversations with Mayor Eric Garcetti and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell about a possible move.

If I were taking a stab at it, I would guess that Kroenke is open to a move to Los Angeles simply based on franchise value alone, but he would stay in St. Louis if there was a state-of-the-art facility being built with city money. I don’t think Kroenke is interested in privately financing a stadium himself in St. Louis

On the other hand, a move would not only return the Rams to their former home and the second-biggest market in the country but would raise the value of a franchise that is currently worth $875 million, according to Forbes, putting it in the bottom four of the NFL.

A move to Los Angeles and into a new stadium could push that value past $1 billion and make it one of the most valuable franchises in the league

I think that two NFL teams will be in Los Angeles within the next decade. It makes too much sense for the league and for the owners not to do it.

If one team comes to L.A. that would mean a new NFL ready stadium will have been built. In reality, that is the only thing stopping teams from relocating to Los Angeles. I don’t know if it would be the Chargers, Raiders, Bills, Jaguars, Montreal Argonauts (kidding!), or any other team. I just know there would be two tenants in a new stadium at some point if it was ever built.

So to answer your question: it is 100% likely another team would end up in Los Angeles with the Rams. Which franchise it would be is up for debate.”

The league could charge upwards of $1.5 billion for an expansion franchise, and would likely be able to sell two franchises to interested buyers in the Los Angeles market. That $3 billion in expansion fees divided up among the current 32 NFL owners would result in a tidy $93.75 million per team.

However, there are a number of NFL franchises that could be looking to relocate in the next year or two, making expansion unlikely.

NFL Relocation 5 questions regarding a Los Angeles Rams return
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  • Do this math, Clippers were sold for 2 billion and Rams in Stl. Rams are at the bottom of the Forbes list. Kroenke's a smart business man, I'd bet he chooses the 2 largest market for the tv rights alone. #LARAMS201
  • yep.
  • he nailed it below.
    • Here's your math... 16k of the 18k from that FB page are fake (bought or traded) account likes. 38K from BBTLAR are all real, unsolicited likes.

      Yes, originally the Rams are from Cleveland, first 8 years. Rams were in LA/Ana for 49 years. Super Bowl was awesome, GSOT was great, but only lasted several years. LA Rams had many great offensive teams.
      • Try this math on for size: The Rams were 31 of 32 teams in attendance last season; 30th in 2012; 31st in 2011; 30th in 2010; 29th in 2009 and 30th in 2008 (ESPN doesn't have attendance records for all teams in 2007 or earlier).

        Face it, you're one of the few Rams fans left in St.L..:biggrin:
        • So you're openly admitting that your city is a fair weather city. You only support your team when they're winning.
        • Also consider that the Rams are talking about changing their uniforms to the blue and yellow with the LA blue and white scheme as throwbacks for 2015. That would be the inaugural/welcome-home season if they do indeed move back to LA.


          Now why would they want to do that if nobody in St.L. is nostalgic about the Fearsome Four era color scheme?

          3 You must sign in to down-vote this post.

        • Hold on, all, ALL, California MLB teams are currently on the top of their divisions, in the AL it's Oakland in first and the Angels in second and then in the NL It goes LA, SF and than SD, 1, 2, 3. We're doing just fine in that department.

          With that out of the way, let's talk about that fantasy of seeing a packed dome. Once again, that was a very typical turn out for the Rams. And that's been the case for years and years. In fact, not only are ticket prices down but memorabilia sales are also down. So much so that the Rams are only worth $875 million, $34 million of which comes from merchandise. That's 29th in the league.

          The claims were that if the Rams moved back home they'd instantly gain $1 - $1.5 billion dollars in value. But then the Clippers, the dirty, misbehaving red-head step child of LA sports, sold for $2 billion. If an NBA team in LA is worth that much then an NFL team in LA is worth at least that much, probably even more. Imagine that, an instant $2 billion!

          Now think about this, Stan Kroenke has been tight lipped about his plans. If he comes out and says that he's staying in St. Louis, then he loses nothing and gains endearment and support from the city. If he says he's moving to another city, particularly LA, then the ticket sales that are already diminutive, plummet even further. But, if he says nothing while planning to move to LA then he gets a stronger, more financially diverse fan base, all the fame and notoriety that comes with being in a world class city and an instant cool $2 billion while also selling tickets for his last season in St.L.. Essentially, he get's to have his cake and eat it too.

          he sure took him to school.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:.

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sportswriter Albert Breer-"If I had to pick one team where the conditions,would be right,I think it would be the Rams,not the Raiders."
The presence of large numbers of national corporations and the entertainment business would sell out high-priced luxury boxes and premium seating. 17 million people live within a few hours driving time from a stadium. Marketing, memorabilia, social media, and local television programming would generate massive revenue.

Earlier this week, Michael Ozanian and Forbes did a superb reporting on the franchise values of NFL teams. Dallas sat at the peak with a valuation of $ 3.2 billion. It reminded me of a conversation I had years ago with Jerry Jones when he commented “the two most valuable franchises in the NFL will be Dallas and whatever franchise is in Los Angeles.” That clearly is the potential for the Los Angeles franchise. Ironically, St. Louis sits at the bottom of the valuations at $930 million, and Oakland is not much higher at $970

NFL Franchise in Los Angeles is Overdue - Forbes
According to a memo obtained Tuesday by The Times, NFL Executive Vice President Eric Grubman has been assigned to “stadium development, the return of a team presence to the Los Angeles area, the league’s strategic investment fund, and other key strategic initiatives.”

That represents the first time in more than a decade that such a high-ranking league official has been assigned to the L.A. conundrum, one that began when the Raiders and Rams left the nation’s second-largest market after the 1994 season.

Management changes show the NFL apos s heightened interest in Los Angeles - LA Times
"let me welcome Bernie in advance and share with him some of our secrets and rituals.the password is....
McClellan gives Bernie the Chicken Little Club password News

You're starting to embarrass yourself Bernie. Silent Stan's whole life is a road map of "follow the money." Why would this transaction be any different? You've lost one writing source to Indianapolis. You think LA is less a suitor? Here is some free advice. Accept the Chicken Little Club invitation. You can pick up writing tips that will help with the ole resume as you prepare to follow the Rams to LA.

Bill, I usually enjoy reading your work, but this column is beneath you. What's happened to all of you writers at the P-D? It seems like ever since your newspaper was bought out by Lee Enterprises (and idiot deal if there ever was one) all of you "old timers" are just mailing in your work, and waiting around for retirement. SOMEBODY at your place of business needs to get an interview with Kroenke and start asking him the hard questions about why he refuses to speak directly to Rams fans, why he won't put the "Rams to LA!" hyperbolic stupidity to rest, and why he won't publicly commit to St. Louis after the city has supported his losing team for the past decade. I don't want to hear "Stan doesn't talk to the media" or "Stan's a smart businessman and he knows the longer he keeps his mouth shut the harder a bargain he can drive for his new stadium." IF Stan believes this, he needs to pull his head out of his fat wallet and realize the people in St. Louis are directly impacting his bottom line. The M.O. of business these days is all about adding value to the product, and building on-going relationships with the customer base. The P-D and Stan Kroenke would both benefit from learning this lesson.

Rita Kiry Ryan With all due respect, you're thinking with your heart.
The "causal relationship" is implicit. One must connect the dots: Kroenke's refusal to publicly commit to STL, his purchase of a potential stadium site in Inglewood, the recent sales of both the Dodgers and Clippers for $2B a piece, Forbes ranking of the Rams at the bottom of the league in team worth, the current stadium impasse along with declining attendance in STL, the built-in Rams fan base in LA, the NFL's positioning of a key executive to oversee the NFL's retun to LA.
If I were a Missourian, I'd be grasping for reasons to believe the team would stay in STL, but an objective observer can see the writing on the wall without the aid of rose-colored glasses.
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here is why they will be back in 2015.you got to remember where you got that source from,saint Louis.they are very biased in their reporting and not objective at all.they want to convince themselves as much as they possibly can,the Rams will be staying.
Notice they never said that there has been any announcement made by the Rams organization that they intend to stay?
the chargers a coupel days before the ESPN rumor came out,announced they would stay in san diego for at least one more year,then the raiders did a couple days later after that,but not one word from the rams organization on planning to stay in saint Louis on a yearly lease to lease basis as of yet.gee I wonder why.:biggrin:

they CLAIM the rams will be staying in saint Louis next year,yet did you notice they never said the rams have said they will stay? :biggrin:

all that headline says in that biased newspaper is chances improve they will stay.they do everything in the world to try and convince the folks in saint Louis they are staying.they are grasping at straws.

if they were staying,the rams would have come out and said they were by now same as the raiders and chargers have but they haven't so that's why you are seeing headlines like that from them trying to convince folks they are staying.lol.
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here is why they will be back next year.

1.it was an unsubstaniated RUMOR that was made by ESPN's adam scheffer that everybody jumped on.scheffer is the same guy who also said that it was a done deal that jeff fisher was going to be the new dolphins coach.last time i chcked he has been the rams coach the last three years and never was the coach for the dolphins.
when it turns out they will be back in LA next year,scheffer should be fired.
2.even if the rumor WAS true,then goddel is powerless to stop the move,he works for the owners,not the other way around.stan only needs the approval of the majority of them to move.thats all that ammters,they want an NFL team there,the raiders will never come back like a lot of people want them to cause neither the city or the owners want them there.the city dont want them there cause raider fans dont know how to behave,most anyways.the owners dont cause they are sore at that jerk traiter al for suing them to move.
3.stan is in his legal right to move the team if he wants to.its well known in NFL circles he does want to move them,he has ahome in malibu. goddel is he tries to block the move,will stand to be sued several millions because it is stans legal right.he canont afford an anti trust lawsuit against him.The NFL unforunately does not welcome ANTI-trust lawsuits in relocation movies like MLB does.
4.i know you are rasonable so you wont ignore this like the trolls do that i mentioned.the reason there is no construction of an NFL stadium for a team, there in the future is they have to wait for a team to annouance their intentions to move there before they cant start,hense WHY there has been no constuction started in a new stadium yet.stand has to wait till betwen feb15th and march first before he can announace his intentions to move to LA.they already have a construction team that is getting set to build a stadium out there this year my LA contacts tell me.
5.what it interesting is the chargers announced officially over the weekend they will paly in san dieog for at least one more year next year,then after the espn report came out over the weekend,the raiders then said THEY will play in oakland for at least one more year.the rams have yet to officially annouce they will stay in play on a lease to lease basis like they would have done by now.hee hee
6.spanos has said he wants to stay in san diego,his actions show he is telling the truth,davis has said he is committed to staying in oakland,he cant move to LA even if he wanted to and oakland is the only place he can go.nobody else wants the raiders.lol
kroneke it is known in NFL circles,has said he wants to be in LA.why stay in saint louis when he stands to be come 3 times richer because gthe value of the franchise triples if he moves to LA? There is a REASON why he is a billionarie.

the rams will play in the rose bowl for three years while waiting for a stadium.LA RAMS 2015.

oh and as i said before,,NFL commissioner pete rozelle told baltimore blatimore colts owner robert irsey he could not move to team for the 1984 season.goddel if the rumopr is true which is a FAT chance,is powerless to stop the move just as rozell was and that is because again,The NFL does not welcome anti trust lawsuits aginst them like MLB does unfortantaley.
LA Business reporter Lyle Fitzsimmons spoke with public works people in Inglewood.

Public works people in Inglewood, CA: it's "95 percent done" that the StL Rams will be moving to a plot of land alongside Hollywood Park

What I know is true is that those are the words the PW people in Inglewood used.

could not copy and paste rest of quotes by him so here are the rest copied down.

you can believe whomever you like.I'm just relaying comments from an interview that I did with the PW department.

and yes,I'd certainly think PW people might have more infrastructure insight about a site than any media guy ever would.

Did I ever say it was an anonymous quote? No.I was interviewing a room full of people.

I was doing an interview for a PW story with Inglewood people.asked about priorities/projects.

That's what I was told "Is the Rams thing a done deal or just a hope? was told 95% done.
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Other than moving to Los Angeles (which is a given),:banana::dance:

what else do the Rams need to do in order to become one of the elite teams in the NFL?
so much for the myth that LA did not support their teams,that they had blackouts.the worst thing they ever did was to move out of the LA coliseum from a 100,000 seat capacity to half that size of 53,000. as you can see from this video,they packed that place all the time in the LA coliseum and it was against the cardinals,a team with long history of failure.

And with the Raiders seemingly off the market, the chances of the Rams relocating has by all appearances gone up.

Raiders Reportedly Close to New Stadium Deal in Oakland insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports Music Entertainment and Nightlife STL Rams

  • love how all of the St. Louis beat writers say "Relocate" to Los Angeles. Return would be more applicable.
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articles like this are becoming more and more commonplaced and are being written more often.#7 is an example.

The St. Louis Rams finally move to Los Angeles.
This has been one of the longest rumors in the history of the NFL. One of these days it will finally come true. The Rams are not happy with there stadium in St. Loius. Moving from St. Louis a smaller market to a huge market like los Angeles will only help the Rams.

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