expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

still more debunking news on adam scheffers unsubstaniated RUMOR that the rams wont be moving.:biggrin:

The “task,” as described by Nixon, is to build a new stadium without any “new” public support. However, the tax dollars still devoted to the Edward Jones Dome would have to be directed to the new project. Good luck selling that to state legislators and St. Louis residents.:biggrin::clap2: not my words.:biggrin:

Armed with that news, the Chargers and Raiders temporarily soothed the angst of respective fan bases by confirming that there would be no move in 2015. But not the Rams. Kroenke has not announced his intentions for 2015 and has not commented on the developing proposal for a new St. Louis stadium.

In January 2014, the story broke that Kroenke had purchased 60 acres of land in Inglewood, California, adjacent to the closed Hollywood Park thoroughbred horse racing track. According to at least one report, Kroenke is also trying to buy the former Hollywood Park acreage. This huge tract could easily hold a new stadium.

La Canfora has been a frequent guest with Tim McKernan on The Morning After on 920 AM, and he told the host earlier this year, “I don’t see a situation where the Rams stay in St. Louis” for another two years."

St. Louis Rams Owner Stan Kroenke Remains Silent as Disappointing Season Nears Its End - St. Louis Magazine

sorry but jason La Canfora is a FAR better source than idiot adam scheffer is.:lmao:
notice how he is saying the same thing i been saying all along? that the chargers and raiders have said they will be in their cities next year but not one word from stan after the adam scheffer ESPN report came out?:lmao::lmao:
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When asked after a recent city council meeting if he had met with Kroenke or Rams officials, Butts wouldn't even speak. Instead he put his forefinger up to his lips as if to say "quiet" and then walked out a back exit not available to the public.
Inglewood officials also denied a request to interview the city's planning director about possible discussions between the city and the Rams and Kroenke's possible plans for the site." ....Interesting.

  • 2 days ago
    Goodell has not said anything officially. Neither has Kroenke or the Rams. Nobodys reviewed any kind of proposal from St Louis and the league has not told the Rams they cannot move in 2015. Lets wait until someone from the league or the Rams state something either way before we jump to conclusions.

amen brother.:clap2: thats what i been saying the whole time here,where is the OFFICIAL announcement from the Rams or Goddel? just like I thought.NONE.:lmao:

Stadium Deals Mean No Move to L.A. for NFL in 2015 - Athletic Business
It's good to see that 9/11 inside nutjob is just as crazy in the sports forum as he is in the conspiracy forum.

its great to see you play dodgeball here in the sports section the same way you do in the conspiracy section as well.its also great to see you are as much of a chickenshit coward to try and address FACTS that i debunk,just as you always do in the conspiracy section.
Pretty soon, 9/11 inside nutjob will be telling me to watch these 300 Youtube videos on why the Rams are moving to LA next year.

nope.as we BOTH know,you are closed minded and afraid of the truth about government corruption so you only see what you WANT to see so I learned years ago to stop wasting my time with you trying to get you to listen to pesky little FACTS you dont want to hear since as we both know,you enter debates covering your ears and closing your eyes seeing only what is convienet for you that you want to see.:lmao::lmao:

btw,you were HALF right here,you were the crazy one in the conspiracy section,you swallow bullshit lies hook,line and sinker by the CIA controlled media what they tell you no matter how absurd and ludicrous they are.thats why you wont look at those videos.:rolleyes-41:

the ONLY time matter of fact you were EVER sane in our discussions was the fact you showed you dont believe in magic bullets like agent troll rightwinger likes to get people to believe in which is the only way oswald could have killed JFK and been the lone asssassin the fact there were too many bullets,too many guns.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

unlike many sheople here in denial,i could not believe YOU were actually open minded on THAT one,that you can actually accept a conspiracy took place saying you believe it was the mob.

No surprise really though,the truth scares you that it was the CIA that killed JFK but since you know it was a conspiracy with too many bullets found for one rifle,you fool yourself into thinking it was the mob alone since thats what comforts you into the lie they tell you that we live in a free country instead of a banana republic.

funny how you did not ignore the laws of physics that were violated that day if you accept the warren report but you ignore them when it comes to 9/11.:rolleyes-41: no suprise really,the truth scares you that it was the CIA so you telll yourself it was the mob and 9/11 is way too scary a thought for you to admit was an inside job

which unlike with JFK,explains why you ignore the laws of physics in 9/11 since if you dont ignore them,you have to acknowledge the government did it and as we both know,that scares you to have to face.:rolleyes-41:

the part you WERE right on though,is it is kinda crazy to make so many posts on this thread but i wont deny i am obsessed with it,you would to if a team that was near and dear to you and was a part of your life for so many years left you and that it was the darkest, most depressing moment in your life and you had been dreaming the past 20 years they would come back next year to realise your dream was coming true because the facts out there prove it.

its like having a wife of yours that you gave your life to who you were loyal and faithful to your entire life up and leaving you for another man,same thing,you feel hurt and betrayed she left you for someone else.so hurt you root for the other team that plays them to win the whole time.
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matter of fact frady cat toto,you prove you are way too easy for these paid trolls of the government like agents kiss my and rightwinger can easily brainwash you with lies just like the media does since as we both know,the truth scares you.

you automatically believed the lies that agent rat in the ass said when i mentioned how i cant get trolls like you to watch the videos and talk about them.

He CLAIMED he watched one and then said the witnesses said things in those videos that they NEVER said.

He outright lied since he knew he could not counter the facts in them and as you always do,you bought his lies like the willing sheople you are ASSUMING he was telling the truth.

Now what kind of idiot listens to an idiot LYING troll like disinfo agent rat in the ass who made outright LIES that day?:cuckoo:

speaking of him,i wonder what happened to that lying paid troll who used to go and whine to the mods all the time.a common trait with all these paid trolls like rat in the ass.hopefully he died.the world would be better off without one less liar in the world to spread lies all the time for the government like he always did.
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Pretty soon, 9/11 inside nutjob will be telling me to watch these 300 Youtube videos on why the Rams are moving to LA next year.


You notice he won't take the bet. He said February 15th the announcement will be made, however the nutter won't back up what he claims, it's because he knows he is wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
9/11 inside nutjob might be right, I don't know.

I just like how he says there are all these conspiracies out there, and HE knows the "truth."


Yeah, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I like how he quotes himself as the authority. That is where I think he is best. Lol
9/11 inside nutjob might be right, I don't know.

I just like how he says there are all these conspiracies out there, and HE knows the "truth."

i love how YOU always prove what a chickenshit coward YOU are who cowardly runs off with your tail between your legs when confronted with facts you cant disprove.:biggrin:
im glad you arent MY lawyer,you would be laughed out of courtroom as we BOTH know in a hearbeat.:rolleyes-41:

you never took a debating class in your entire life. you have to try and refute the facts your opponent presents which you have NEVER even attempted since day one you came here and trolled..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rolleyes-41:
I don't feel like reading 4,000 word posts on the subject.

When LA breaks ground on a beautiful new stadium, they will likely attract a team. A team won't move there on the promise of a new stadium, and play in a dump for two years while it's being built. It's the other way around. Start construction, and the team will come.
I don't feel like reading 4,000 word posts on the subject.

When LA breaks ground on a beautiful new stadium, they will likely attract a team. A team won't move there on the promise of a new stadium, and play in a dump for two years while it's being built. It's the other way around. Start construction, and the team will come.
understandable not reading through it,you dont have the passion for the rams coming back like i do so I'll explain it to you in short how they will be back next year.you are not a troll like pooper,toto,kiss my and rightwinger so you wont ignore this and it wont be wasted.

here is why they will be back next year.just so you know.

1.it was an unsubstaniated RUMOR that was made by ESPN's adam scheffer that everybody jumped on.scheffer is the same guy who also said that it was a done deal that jeff fisher was going to be the new dolphins coach.last time i chcked he has been the rams coach the last three years and never was the coach for the dolphins.
when it turns out they will be back in LA next year,scheffer should be fired.
2.even if the rumor WAS true,then goddel is powerless to stop the move,he works for the owners,not the other way around.stan only needs the approval of the majority of them to move.thats all that ammters,they want an NFL team there,the raiders will never come back like a lot of people want them to cause neither the city or the owners want them there.the city dont want them there cause raider fans dont know how to behave,most anyways.the owners dont cause they are sore at that jerk traiter al for suing them to move.
3.stan is in his legal right to move the team if he wants to.its well known in NFL circles he does want to move them,he has ahome in malibu. goddel is he tries to block the move,will stand to be sued several millions because it is stans legal right.he canont afford an anti trust lawsuit against him.The NFL unforunately does not welcome ANTI-trust lawsuits in relocation movies like MLB does.
4.i know you are rasonable so you wont ignore this like the trolls do that i mentioned.the reason there is no construction of an NFL stadium for a team, there in the future is they have to wait for a team to annouance their intentions to move there before they cant start,hense WHY there has been no constuction started in a new stadium yet.stand has to wait till betwen feb15th and march first before he can announace his intentions to move to LA.they already have a construction team that is getting set to build a stadium out there this year my LA contacts tell me.
5.what it interesting is the chargers announced officially over the weekend they will paly in san dieog for at least one more year next year,then after the espn report came out over the weekend,the raiders then said THEY will play in oakland for at least one more year.the rams have yet to officially annouce they will stay in play on a lease to lease basis like they would have done by now.hee hee
6.spanos has said he wants to stay in san diego,his actions show he is telling the truth,davis has said he is committed to staying in oakland,he cant move to LA even if he wanted to and oakland is the only place he can go.nobody else wants the raiders.lol
kroneke it is known in NFL circles,has said he wants to be in LA.why stay in saint louis when he stands to be come 3 times richer because gthe value of the franchise triples if he moves to LA? There is a REASON why he is a billionarie.

the rams will play in the rose bowl for three years while waiting for a stadium.LA RAMS 2015.

oh and as i said before,,NFL commissioner pete rozelle told baltimore blatimore colts owner robert irsey he could not move to team for the 1984 season.goddel if the rumopr is true which is a FAT chance,is powerless to stop the move just as rozell was and that is because again,The NFL does not welcome anti trust lawsuits aginst them like MLB does unfortantaley.
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9/11 inside nutjob might be right, I don't know.

I just like how he says there are all these conspiracies out there, and HE knows the "truth."

i love how YOU always prove what a chickenshit coward YOU are who cowardly runs off with your tail between your legs when confronted with facts you cant disprove.:biggrin:
im glad you arent MY lawyer,you would be laughed out of courtroom as we BOTH know in a hearbeat.:rolleyes-41:

you never took a debating class in your entire life. you have to try and refute the facts your opponent presents which you have NEVER even attempted since day one you came here and trolled..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rolleyes-41:

I'm not a lawyer.

But if I were, I wouldn't take you as a client. You're too erratic and crazy.
I don't feel like reading 4,000 word posts on the subject.

When LA breaks ground on a beautiful new stadium, they will likely attract a team. A team won't move there on the promise of a new stadium, and play in a dump for two years while it's being built. It's the other way around. Start construction, and the team will come.

Now that he has explained it to you, now ask him to back up his rhetoric, I offered, if the Rams don't announce a move to Los Angeles by February 15th, like he has been saying all along, then he will abandon this thread and he will also never start a thread again claiming the Rams will be moving to Los Angeles.

He won't.
putting it in even shorter terms WHY kroneke who will have legal right to move the team next year and why he will is because of 2 very important facts.

okay now that it has been established that they can move back to LA next year here are the two major important facts.
1. The Rams have the second worst fan support in the NFL.of all the 32 teams out there,only jacksonville has worse.saint louis is not a football town.they dont support football like they do hockey and baseball,hense why the cardinals left and why the rams will be leaving. you can tell by watching the games there the majority of the fans that attend those games are always from the opposing teams.hee hee
For fans in saint louis,to them it always feels like a road game.hee hee
2.this one is the most important fact of them all why he will move even more so.
sadly,NFL owners dont care about the fans.only whats in it for them.the value of the franchise will triple if he moves to LA the second largest media market in the country. He stands to be far richer with the team in LA with a population of something like 18 million where that dump in saint louis has a mere 3 million or so.the other owners want the move as well because it benefits them also and the NFL being in the second largest media market in the nation stands to benefit as well. which is why until we hear soemthing official from the rams organization itself like we have with the raiders and chargers,that ESPN report by scheffer,si all heresay rumors.

as i said before,when the rams move back to LA next year,this will be the second time ESPN'S scheffer has been shown to be an unreliable source who should be fired..
speaking of point one on kroneke having the second worse fan support in the NFL,more proof on that.hee hee,no wonder he is anxious to get the hell out of dodge.lol as i have said before on this thread,even the viewship for road games is horrendous there.they dont care about that team one bit.lol

  • St. Louis is aghast...the local TV station in Springfield, MO is opt...ing out of showing the Rams game. Not a lot of support by the local media for keeping the Rams, eh? I'm sure Kroenke is taking note of this, as well...

they dont care about that team,their REAL team is in arizona,they care more about THAT team and follow them more so than they do the rams.lol.

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