expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

9/11 inside nutjob might be right, I don't know.

I just like how he says there are all these conspiracies out there, and HE knows the "truth."


If the Rams actually move back to LA next year..... maybe I'll have to go back and look at that WTC 7 footage again... :rofl:
seems like this thread attracts only the trolls that cover their ears and close their eyes to facts about 9/11 cause the truth scares them.:cuckoo:.

was glad to see treesheapard come on here,someone who isnt a troll and at least had something constructive to contribute to the thread and the discussion.very few like him have come on here sadly.
old school you should change your user name to old school beliefs.Like many sheople in american,you cant fathom that our government is evil and we live in a banana republic since you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system into thinking this is a free country.you are old school and closed minded to a belief like that.
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okay now that i have debunked that ESPN report of scheffers,time to get back to the thread and where i was before.

funny that the Rams as as of yet,have not officially announced that they have plans to do this,interesting it has taken so long.hee hee.
rams spokesman-

Kevin Demoff: "Obviously, we have a deadline that’s been reported of February 15th, where we have to notify the city of going year-to-year on the (Edward Jones Dome) lease. I think it’s pretty much a given that we’ll go year-to-year on the lease.”
this is what i been saying all along,that its not what goddel wants,it is what the OWNERS want that matters and THEY want the rams back in LA.

done deal.Rams in LA.2015.

Some people may think that just because the NFL relocation rule states that a team must exhaust all options to stay in their current community that the Rams wouldn’t be able to make a move. Well make no mistake about it, while this is written down, this is still the NFL. And the NFL does what the NFL wants. If they decide that having the Rams in LA would be the best thing for them, then the Rams are moving to LA."
this guy nailed it here.

  • Exactly, nothing stopping a team from filing then pulling a Davis and suing the league if the move is rejected. Regardless of what Czar Goodell thinks the NFL can't stop moves due to the case Rozelle lost to Al Davis in the early 1980's. They have agreements in place about L.A. but like the antitrust case back then they wouldn't hold water in court and the NFL would face tripled damages if found guilty. Which with the national hatred of Goodell is a better than 50/50 chance.
thats what i been saying all along below.

  • Well, duh. Goodell is hired by the owners and serves at the pleasure of the owners. The team owners, collective, are his bosses and determine if he remains employed or not. As a result, he does what he believes the owners want, just like you do what your boss wants if you wish to remain employed
  • :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
its too bad trolls like toto,old school,pooper,kissmy and right winger cant comprehend things like this smart guy here below can.

he is using logic and common sense

  • We should believe this why? It's not like Goodell hasn't told a few lies lately.
  • Oh yah this Adam Schefter who guaranteed that Fisher was going to the Dolphins in 2012.
thats what i been saying the entire last several pages.:banana:

also well said.
  • am really surprised Goodell made this move. And those of you who say the NFL does not need a team in LA are dead wrong. There is a ton of $ hanging around in LA just waiting to be picked up. And that is the name of the game and why Goodell is still at the helm. Raiders all ready had there opportunity, the Chargers simply do not belong in LA. Most people my age remember the Rams of the 70's under Chuck Knox. LA Rams.......yup that has the right ring to it !

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that says it all right there and what i been saying the whole thread.so much for no team being in LA next year.:biggrin:

  • Goodell can issue any "ruling" he wants. But if a team wants to move, he HAS to let them, and would get crushed in court I wish Al Davis was still alive LOL
several key statements from NFL commissioner roger goodel and patriots owner robert kraft indicate the NFL is serious on bringing an NFL team to LA soon.
th o' co coliseum is the most dilapidated facility in the NFL and it needs to be demolished to make way for new-http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/11195647/oakland-raiders-reportedly-talks-demolish-oakland-coliseum-build-new-stadium

speaking of the raiders,this is all going to plan on the latest announcement of them to stay in oakland another year,this is all falling into place on what i said a few months ago that davis would play in oakland again next year despite saying he would not play in the coliseum again because he wants a new stadium.like i said back then,davis signed to stay on and play there another season,cause he has nowhere else to go cause nobody wants him.not LA,nobody.lol he has no choice but to stay in oakland.lol

Oakland Raiders reportedly in talks to demolish Oakland Coliseum build new stadium - ESPN

we believe a new stadium for the raiders is apprpriate,they have to make that determination whether they are staying in oakland---

Roger Goodell floats San Francisco 49ers Levi s Stadium as Oakland Raiders option - ESPN
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  1. The fact is there’s a bunch of people in LA who have been die hard Rams fans for 30-60+ years. Many of these people are the some of realest Rams fans on Earth, in the Milky Way, and beyond. They will smile out of pure glee if their beloved team returns. If the business transaction gives these souls some more unexpected days under the sun with their team, I say that’s not a bad thing at all. I’m sure a few in St Louis caught feelings during their fling, and to those I hope you stay part of the fan base if the Rams return to the Coast.
  • I was a Rams fan for 30 years before they move in 1995. I have remained a Rams fan and there are many just like me. The fact that BBTLAR exists is proof of that. The article was very entertaining and funny. There are stadiums available for the Rams to play in, in LA while Stan builds is football palace in Inglewood. The Rose Bowl was fully renovated and is ready to host a team. The Coliseum hosts USC football on Saturdays and their crowds average close to 80,000 fans. So there are venues. There are no such venues in St Louis and there is no reason for Stan to stay there. Also the NFL will soon announce the NFL draft will now be hosted in LA. It would look bad for the league for a team not to be in place. The Rams soon will be back home.
    • I was raised in the LA area and I am now in the Pacific Northwest. I was sad when they left, but realized I rooted for the players and the colors and the emblem. I did not root for the owners. I was upset, but as soon as I saw them in a game my loyalty came rushing back. If you had another team there, then it is easy not to root for the Rams. But if you are a fan, you will still root for them
      • My father became a Rams season ticket holder in 1958, and as a child, I spent eight Sundays a year on the 50-yard line just below the press box, watching Roman Gabriel, Jack Snow, Tom Mack, Deacon Jones, Merlin Olsen, Charlie Cowan, Joe Scibelli, Marlin McKeever, Coy Bacon, Larry Smith, Willie Ellison, etc.

        We were loyal seat-holders until the very end, when that awful woman stole our team, without so much as a “thank you” for our loyalty. Nolan Cromwell, Fred Dryer and Vince Ferragamo, among others, are on record saying they believe the Rams belong back in Los Angeles.

        Jeff Fisher is an L.A. guy. Hey, I also wish the Cards were still in St. Louis, and for that matter, the Colts in Baltimore, but like the Raiders returning to Oakland, this is a step in the right direction. Let’s do this already, Stan.
  1. What St Louis fans are going through, we been down that route. It does suck, but at the end of the day its business. Its the best move for Stan. Just like when the Rams left that evil woman Georgia had a hell of a deal to fatten her pockets and she did. The Rams should have never left there home. The writer keeps mentioning, he’s named after St. Louis players, sorry pal. They are baseball names. Nothin to do with football. Todays times in sports is about free agency. Its exactly whats happening. Just bring back our LA RAMS.
    1. was born in LA I have been a Rams fan since 1958 and I still am a Rams fan even when they left LA I was very disappointed when they leftit would be a godsend if they came back to LA go Los Angeles Rams
      1. It’s a sad thing when franchises move to leave their fan bases to dread the day they started following that particular team. To Brandon Foster’s point above, yes there are definitely fans from Los Angeles that still follow the Rams. The last 10 years have been particularly difficult. It seems as the will of the team to win is not there. This is the longest dry spell in memory.

        Yes, I am one of those who long for the Rams to return to Los Angeles. I can remember just like yesterday my father taking me to my first football game at the Los Angeles Coliseum on Oct 31st, 1971. The Rams lost to the Miami Dolphins 20-14. The rosters contained great football players on both sides of the ball. Yet, even in loss, I’ll never forget the grit and determination of that Los Angeles team. I caught the bug of being a Rams football fan that I’ll never let go.

        I can guarantee you that any St Louis Rams fan would be welcomed to cheer along with us in a Los Angeles stadium.
      1. Growing up in LA in the 60’s down the hill from Dodger Stadium, every year we would go to the LA Rams preseason games and at least one regular season game and sit in the End Zone. My family moved to Orange County in the early 70’s and I would beg my Dad to drive me to the Coliseum. Then they moved to Orange County and I was in heaven. 20 some odd years old and bought season tickets with my last dime. But with the move came the freakin biaatch, “Georgia Front and Rearey” the most hated women in all of SO. CAL. Her idea of running a football team was banging every quarterback she brought to the team. Anybody remember Bert Jones? In my mind she had her husband killed. In my mind from day one she had planned on moving my beloved LA RAMS to that other place. From that day forward I swore the LA Rams off until the day that poor excuse of a woman CROAKED. That day came and it was one of the happiest days of my life, Why?

        Because I became an LA RAMS FAN again.


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