expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

What I want to know is why does 9/11 inside nutjob care so much?

He probably has 700+ of the 780 posts in this thread, making post after post with no response from anyone, some of them hugely involved that no one else reads.

That's pretty odd.
What I want to know is why does 9/11 inside nutjob care so much?

He probably has 700+ of the 780 posts in this thread, making post after post with no response from anyone, some of them hugely involved that no one else reads.

That's pretty odd.

It's like he is trying to convince himself, many of his articles are the same article, with the same info, I don't read the links anymore, his conversations with himself are amusing. I hope the Rams move and they can close the thread.

The lack of response in this thread, has him spilling this crap in other threads. I offered him a bet because said its a done deal, however he is not that confident to make a bet. He is trying to back off the moving this year thing, however it just boxes the guy in.

here is why they will be back in 2015.you got to remember where you got that source from,saint Louis.they are very biased in their reporting and not objective at all.they want to convince themselves as much as they possibly can,the Rams will be staying.
Notice they never said that there has been any announcement made by the Rams organization that they intend to stay?
the chargers a coupel days before the ESPN rumor came out,announced they would stay in san diego for at least one more year,then the raiders did a couple days later after that,but not one word from the rams organization on planning to stay in saint Louis on a yearly lease to lease basis as of yet.gee I wonder why.:biggrin:

they CLAIM the rams will be staying in saint Louis next year,yet did you notice they never said the rams have said they will stay? :biggrin:

all that headline says in that biased newspaper is chances improve they will stay.they do everything in the world to try and convince the folks in saint Louis they are staying.they are grasping at straws.

if they were staying,the rams would have come out and said they were by now same as the raiders and chargers have but they haven't so that's why you are seeing headlines like that from them trying to convince folks they are staying.lol.

Will the Rams be returning to L.A. in 2015? :hellno:

Here's why they won't be back in 2015. "THERE WILL BE NO TEAM IN LA IN 2015", that is something that Roger Goodell made very clear to the Rams, Raiders, and Chargers.

No L.A. team in 15 Raiders to extend Oakland lease - NFL.com

You have been believing the hype that the Rams are returning to L.A. in 2015. They're not.

sigh,here we go again.:rolleyes-41: this will fall on deaf ears and you wont read it Im sure but here it goes anyways. sure amazes me how strange it is that when it comes to government corruption, you don't believe in what the LAMESTREAM media reports and you research the facts,but when it comes to this topic,like so many others around here,you believe in the biased saint Louis media in what they say and don't look at the facts.:rolleyes-41:


Not saying that goddel never said that,but its odd that we have not heard it from his mouth with no public announcement made from him on this to confirm it or any announcement made from the rams organization that they will go on a lease to lease basis like we have with the chargers and raiders.

that's an unsubstainiated source yet you think its the absolute truth.

oh and for the 100the millionth time,goodel does not have the power that our facist dictater Obama does to tell the NFL owners what to do.goodel works for the owners,not the other way around,what goodel says don't mean squat with the owners.,He is powerless to stop the move.stan kroneke ONLY NEEDS THE APPPROVAL OF THE MAJORITY OF THE OWNERS TO MOVE,thats all that matters,kroneke can legally move the team if he wants to and its well known in NFL circles he wants to.what part of this paragraph do you saint Louis apologists not understand or comprehend? I have tried to spell it out for everybody here as best as I know how but it just goes through one ear and out the other with the majority around here.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo:

only a couple or so have grasped what I have said on this and understand any of this.

why is it that the saint Louis post sportswriter bill mcclelean even said his radio show Thursday then way after that alleged statement by Goddel? Even HE doesn't believe the rams are staying after this alleged unsubstantiated announcement from goddel.:rofl:

read post number 273 of mine where its coming from a SAINT LOUIS POST WRITER himself saying he believes the rams will be in LA next year.his words,NOT mine.im not going to repeat myself on that.you can read it or ignore it,its your choice.

I tip my hat to Bill Mcclellen of the saint Louis media.he is the one exception in the media in saint louie,who reports the facts and is objective.even HE finds the ESPN report by scheffer to be unsubstantiated.:biggrin:

Is SAINT LOUIS SPORTSWRITER bill mcclellen all of a sudden not researching the facts as well?:cuckoo::rolleyes-41::rofl::biggrin:

Between February 15th and march first when the relocation deadline comes,you and many others will be asking me where the nearest grocery store near you is to shop to look to buy some crow your going to be eating a lot of.:biggrin::laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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What I want to know is why does 9/11 inside nutjob care so much?

He probably has 700+ of the 780 posts in this thread, making post after post with no response from anyone, some of them hugely involved that no one else reads.

That's pretty odd.
sure they are not PUBLICLY replying to my posts but I do know for a fact a few at least DO read it having sent me pm's thanking me for posting the stuff I do and they find my articles very interesting.not many read it around here, but a few do.

plus I am really not doing it for the benefit of others,i am just keeping the thread alive till the relocation deadline to prove to the people around here who wont listen and ignore facts ,that they don't know how to debate only seeing what they WANT to see and saying its not true simply because they THINK it to be true.:cuckoo:

the people who think its not going to happen are the same people that had the warped fucked up logic that kept telling huggy last year that because seattle has never had a championship before since 1978 till last year,that they were automatically not going to win the superbowl last year because of that because of their HISTORY of failure.:cuckoo:

they had too much arrogance and pride to apologize to huggy for not listening to a word he said back then refusing to admit they were idiots for having that logic,same will happen come march 1st when everybody here finds out the rams will be back in LA this year feeling like first prized idiots for not reading an opposing view different than their own warped fucked up logic.:wtf:

same thing that huggy went through last year I am going through,people have the same logic because LA has a HISTORY of not getting a team to LA,that they wont get one this year because of their HISTORY.:uhoh3: trusting an unsubstantiated ESPN rumor and a biased newspaper even though one of their OWN reporters from saint Louis,even just said a couple days ago said HE doesn't think they will stay.:uhoh3::cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Dear Stan Kroneke.Please do the football fans of St Louis a favor and take your so called team out of here.move where people will enjoy watching this kind of entertainment.All I can say is goodbye,good riddance,and good luck.

that folks is how the MAJORITY of the NFL football fans in saint Louis feel.one of them even came on this thread earlier who is a regular poster that lives in saint Louis saying he hopes I get my Rams back to LA.that is VERY common with saint Louis football fans.:lmao: which of course is why Kroneke is anxious to get the hell out of dodge and thankfully goddel has no say in the matter at all.:lmao:

Letters Re-inroducing the LA Rams Sports
Interesting how even Kurt Warner thinks the Rams should be back in LA since he never played for the "LA" Rams. i was glad the bitch evil owner decided to take away these LA colors from them and gave them those ugly looking rags they where now,

saint Louis is not worthy of the LA colors.when they come back this year,leave those ugly looking rags in Saint Louis,every LA ram fan i know feels the same way so i cannot imagine them not bringing them back.the coolest looking unis in the world bar none.

Kurt Warner - ESPN Los Angeles

at the 21:08 mark,you hear him say -Rams are a "natutural fit" in LA because of an existing fan base.

very surprising to hear him say that since his playing time had no ties to L.A. all good!!
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its time to get the melon patch rolling again. so much for the fairy tales people have come on here saying that LA is not a football town.another video that shoots down the fairy tales people have come on here saying that LA is not a football town.I saw a sold out packed house in that game and that wasn't even against a division rival or a playoff game either.:lmao: meanwhile in saint Louis,they finish the second season in a row with an attendance that ranks 31st out of all 32 teams only behind Jacksonville again.:lmao: stan is going to be anxios to get the hell out of dodge for sure,or more accurately,out of that dump in saint Louis.:lmao:

Your instincts are right saint Louis rams fan jonathan shank,Kroneke is not bluffing.amazing how even the saint Louis rams fans in saint Louis as well as saint Louis sportswriter bill mcclellen have come to grips with it that the rams are leaving,yet here in the sports section at USMB,i have to try and reason with the most arrogant and closed minded people on the planet.:rolleyes-41:
anything can happen but it's getting harder to ignore the likelihood of the Rams going back to Los Angeles.

Reports from a variety of local sources are sounding increasingly pessimistic about the teams chances of staying in st Louis.

The Rams hit their out clause in their lease on the dome in march.

St Louis Rams fans I've come to know believe it's a forgone conclusion that the team is as good as gone.

It hit home for Rams fans on sept 21 when Jason Lacanfora said this-"there are numerous people around the league more or less waiting for the Rams whose lease in st Louis also is up after the season,to announce an intent to move by the march deadline to do so.

people that are in the know,multiple people,are telling me that the decision has already been made and that the team is moving.

Are the Rams moving or what - Turf Show Times
anything can happen but it's getting harder to ignore the likelihood of the Rams going back to Los Angeles.

Reports from a variety of local sources are sounding increasingly pessimistic about the teams chances of staying in st Louis.

The Rams hit their out clause in their lease on the dome in march.

St Louis Rams fans I've come to know believe it's a forgone conclusion that the team is as good as gone.

It hit home for Rams fans on sept 21 when Jason Lacanfora said this-"there are numerous people around the league more or less waiting for the Rams whose lease in st Louis also is up after the season,to announce an intent to move by the march deadline to do so.

people that are in the know,multiple people,are telling me that the decision has already been made and that the team is moving.

Are the Rams moving or what - Turf Show Times
You mean they will move in 2015, right? Because that is what you are saying or are you now backing off of that claim?

here is why they will be back in 2015.you got to remember where you got that source from,saint Louis.they are very biased in their reporting and not objective at all.they want to convince themselves as much as they possibly can,the Rams will be staying.
Notice they never said that there has been any announcement made by the Rams organization that they intend to stay?
the chargers a coupel days before the ESPN rumor came out,announced they would stay in san diego for at least one more year,then the raiders did a couple days later after that,but not one word from the rams organization on planning to stay in saint Louis on a yearly lease to lease basis as of yet.gee I wonder why.:biggrin:

they CLAIM the rams will be staying in saint Louis next year,yet did you notice they never said the rams have said they will stay? :biggrin:

all that headline says in that biased newspaper is chances improve they will stay.they do everything in the world to try and convince the folks in saint Louis they are staying.they are grasping at straws.

if they were staying,the rams would have come out and said they were by now same as the raiders and chargers have but they haven't so that's why you are seeing headlines like that from them trying to convince folks they are staying.lol.

Will the Rams be returning to L.A. in 2015? :hellno:

Here's why they won't be back in 2015. "THERE WILL BE NO TEAM IN LA IN 2015", that is something that Roger Goodell made very clear to the Rams, Raiders, and Chargers.

No L.A. team in 15 Raiders to extend Oakland lease - NFL.com

You have been believing the hype that the Rams are returning to L.A. in 2015. They're not.
this post is as laughable as this article here that you posted is.

its funny as hell you THINK The rams will stay in that dump in saint Louis,the NFL city with the second worst fan support in the country behind Jacksonville when Kroneke can legally move the team if he wants to.

He only needs the approval of the majority of the NFL owners which he will have no problem getting,not the approval of Goddel.Goddel is powerless in this and has no say whatsoever.:biggrin:

NEWSFLASH--true story.NFL commissioner pete rozell told Baltimore colts owner Robert Irsey there would be no NFL team in Indianapolis in 1984.Goddel is just as powerless to stop kroneke from moving if this unsubstantiated rumor is true same as Rozell was powerless to stop irsey from moving the colts.history is repeating itself here.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::cuckoo:
along with my last post I just made,this is also something else the saint Louis apologists around here should think about before declaring the rams wont be back in LA this year.

Don't know for sure if the Rams are going anywhere, but I do know this: Everything going on in STL right now is the EXACT same thing that went on in LA before they left. The only difference is Stan Kroenke isn't the lunatic that Georgia was. Here's a little tidbit I'm guessing some of you didn't know: The last game in LA, John Shaw promised Radio Host, Joe McDonnell, an interview tha would "ease everyones mind about the Rams leaving LA". Do you know, and this is fact, that John Shaw actually RAN from Joe McDonnell down a hallway, and jumped into an elevator, so he didn't have to do the interview! He lied to the LA Media just before that final game. Something to think about.....

Shaw,who also agreed to meet with Leigh Steinberg,the agent leading the Save the Rams movement and ran away from him when he approached him after one of the last games at Anaheim Stadium in '94.

hate these people [the organization and its owner] for what they did, taking the Rams logo with them when they moved to St. Louis. That logo belonged to Southern California." -- Fred Dryer

amen Fred Dryer.

It's about money,which LA has an abundance of, the value of the franchise instantly goes up to at least $3 b

that's why stan wont let the ALLEGED words of goddel stop him from moving this year.

It's about money,which LA has an abundance of, the value of the franchise instantly goes up to at least $3 b
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A case of too little too late. What deal? There is nothing, no facts behind what Burwell is saying. A tweet from the mayor? Is that any way to conduct official business? Are they going to offer another 100+ mil on plush seating upgrades? Only to be rejected, again. Then, a public vote... everyone knows StL is already in the hole deep with the dome. We all know what little funding StL has needs to go towards education, public services, etc.

I completely agree Francis. The fact that they are stuck with the bill on that dome and are being asked to vote to pay for a new stadium is just plain crazy. If I were a citizen of STL, I would want that money to go to schools, road construction, housing, etc.... St louis is a very small city and to tax people on a new venue while still taxing them on the old venue is not going to logically pass a vote.

Stan bought the Hollywood Park property where the NFL wants the stadium and can pay for it out of his pocket,the value of the team goes up from $900 million to $2.5 billion in LA,the league hired someone to oversee a move to LA by an NFL franchise...the wheels are moving for the Rams return to LA LA Land,

Don, it sounded like a Cowboy home game on TV yesterday when they came back to win! There is very little support left in ST. Louis for the Rams, I am a lifetime fan, I don't blame the fans there for these last 10 yrs. It's hard enough watching it on Directv! Justin, Al Davis sued the NFL, in a California court, and won, over them blocking the Raiders move to LA. The NFL can not stop Stan from moving, the lease is up in 6 more games, this has been in the works since Stan got majority control of the Rams. It has be hard on the players to feel like they are on the road every week, they have some talent on this team, it's hard to judge how good or bad the team is without home field support.

Wait until 49er fans turn the Eddie Dome red,and Justin,have there been any talks between Silent Stan and the governor and the stadium authority that nobody is aware of? I would think if Stan really wants to keep the team in St. Louis beyond this season he would have had several meetings with them by now with the lease expiring after this season and Inglewood mayor James Butts has hinted that there will be a stadium going up next to the Forum as part of an entertainment area.

Yup and I heard it yesterday myself Rhonda. This is a team who is on its way out of town. It is not even logical that local officials could put a vote together to see who wants to keep them. Sure as hell to me sounds like nobody wants to keep them just from the crowd at these games. And on top of that, if you have no fan support, why/how in the world would you put a 2 billion dollar stadium together if no one is going to show up to the games. I agree too Rhonda that this is a team playing all 16 games on the road and has been for quite some time. Stan is weighing his options. Go to L.A, pay a hefty relocation fee, but make it back in TV revenue plus a higher franchise valuation (possibley 2x what they are currently worth), or stay in STL and suffer in one of the smallest markets. I think his decision is pretty clear when he bought the land in Inglewood. On top of all that, isn't it just a tad irresponsible of the mayor to release a tweet without having any evidence to back it up? Sounds to me like the mayor is getting very desperate. Burwell is right about 2 things, its in Kroenke's hands now, and its probably too little too late to do anything about it anyways.....
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