expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

One of the vibes, talking to people in the hallways at the hotel in Chicago. The Rams are very confident they're going to pull this off. I've heard they're making plans for where their practice facility is going to be. I've heard Thousands Oaks rumored. They seem confident this is going to happen."

Is there any doubt Stan Kroenke wants to move the Rams to Los Angeles?

"I think the whole circumstances of what happened yesterday...when you have Carmen Policy coming out. He's a good salesman. He goes out and talks about...why Carson is the better site. But (the Chargers and Raiders) are not having their owners up there. Contrast that to the Rams (and Inglewood)...Stan Kroenke was the lead-off man for their presentation. If it's not obvious what's going on here...people aren't paying attention.":banana:

Thomas: Rams Confident They'll Pull Off Los Angeles Move > insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports, Music, Entertainment and Nightlife > STL Rams

Adam Pendleton - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook


However, St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke could knock the air out of the Carson pro posal by moving into a new stadium he plans to develop in nearby Inglewood, California.
The Rams may have a deeper bond with Los Angeles and a better shot at success in the market. Earlier this year, the Los Angeles Times published a poll asking readers which team they would like to see come to the City of Angels. Nearly two thirds of the respondents, 62 percent, picked the Rams.

I like clayton, but I don't understand why he is being so stubborn on this. this guy from st louis says the st louis stadium could throw a monkey wrench into the best plan for a stadium in LA since it's the most ahead, except for the fact that the ramsDON"T want to be in st louis and the whole stadium plan there depends on kronke kicking in 250 million to build a stadium he doesn't want in a city he doesn't want to be in. just a tiny little detail there. Plus, if the rams are forced by the nfl to stay, who in the hell in st louis is going to support a team owned by kronke? all is forgiven? I think not. he would then have to sell the team and I don't think he wants to sell the team.

Fran Tarkentin is on the beast. Best fit for L.A. the Rams. Both chargers and Raiders have bad owners.
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seems that Gov Nixon has resigned himself to the fact that the Rams are headed back home where they belong.

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. -- St. Louis will remain an “NFL-ready” city should the Rams relocate, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon said Wednesday following a Kansas City Chiefs practice.

Missouri governor: St. Louis is 'NFL ready' if Rams leave for Los Angeles

Missouri leaders hope to have their St. Louis stadium plan finalized by the next time the owners meet in October. The NFL is eager to find out what that deal officially looks like. As for the Rams, it appears their heart is set on moving.

How the Raiders, Chargers, Rams fared pitching their L.A. stadium plans
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You know when Tuesdays morning came I didn't think anything special will come out from the Chicago owner's meeting other than the generic "we have two good proposals" "local markets are moving forward" "owners were updated"......etc. I figured come Wednesday morning we will get a surge of new articles pretty much of what we already know with a different flavor for both sides. That was not the case. Starting late Tuesday and into today, an overall positive vibe took over the media with a significant shift to the Rams moving to LA. First, now there is no doubt of their true intentions for relocation (good by leverage StL) and the failure of StL market from the horse's mouth, Stan Kroenke "StL does not work for my club" Second, he put to bed his cross ownership issue with Goodell. Normally, Kevin Demoff presents for the Rams, but this time Stan tapped him on the shoulder "my turn, Kevin" and with that silent Stan finally broke his silence, in what many described as an assertive and confident presentation in detail of his Inglewood Stadium. This is the wow factor that gave birth to this immediate media surge to his will and resolve to bring the Rams home. Something extraordinary took place yesterday behind closed doors. Get ready, Stan Kroenke finally flexed his financial and developer's might to his colleagues and he intends to bench press the Rams to LA. Period.......................Period!!!:beer:
As NFL owners meet in Chicago, San Antonio waits on Oakland Raiders to make a move - San Antonio Business Journal

However,St. Louis RamsownerStan Kroenkecould knock the air out of the Carson proposal by moving into a new stadium he plans to develop in nearby Inglewood, California.

The Rams may have a deeper bond with Los Angeles and a better shot at success in the market. Earlier this year, the Los Angeles Times published a poll asking readers which team they would like to see come to the City of Angels. Nearly two thirds of the respondents, 62 percent, picked the Rams.

He cant.
he is too rich and powerful! nobody can touch kroenke.

He can't t. No one can tell you where to locate your business. Also Kroenke isn't in any legal binding contracts or leases, so he's not violating any NFL rules.

In reality HE CAN'T. Anti trust laws are the ultimate say. If Stan threatened to go rogue and sue, the league would fold like a cheap suit. Stan is playing nice with the league, hoping they will "work with him" to facilitate a relocation back to Los Angeles.
St. Louis Board of Aldermen: St. Louis deserves a stadium funding vote. It's our money, plain and simple.

Jerry Jones: I'm going to bring the NFL to LA

the problem with the Carson site it got smoked behind closed doors! New reports are coming in that many owners came in thinking Carson, but the detail and over the top above and beyond presentation by Stan Kroenke blew the top off. According to Eric Grubman interview with Fred Roggin yesterday "many owners went in thinking one way and left thinking another way" he of course did not specify. Chargers had a 30 min presentation, Kroenke took an hour, do the math! Carson is so far behind of Inglewood, it is not even a race. Chargers have two options, go back to San Diego or share Inglewood with the Rams. Raiders most likely will be heading to San Antonio or stay with help financially form relocation fee from both the Chargers and Rams.

Well Ed, you figure if St. Louis falls by the way side, more pressure will be put on the Chargers to stay in SD since their city will be in the forefront of the home cities. The same "the NFL won't walk away from public money" argument St. Louis fans use (but fail to acknowledge for San Diego) will be pointed towards Spanos instead of Kroenke. And realistically, it would likely clear the path for Kroenke to go to Inglewood without much fight. What are your thoughts on that, as well as the appeal that was filed yesterday against the judge's ruling from last week?
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Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

ShaneGmoSTLRams: "In spite of the rhetoric of some and the narratives of many, the Task Force is unquestionably closer to retaining the Rams today than they were a month ago, than they were three months ago or they were in January when they made their initial presentation. Boxes continue to get checked and they continue to impress league decision makers with their steady progress."

Task Force Gaining Ground in Quest to Keep Rams > insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports, Music, Entertainment and Nightlife > STL Rams

Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams's Photos - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

exactly.koolaide indeed.
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BS from a hole carmen policy.

Kroenke addresses NFL relocation committee

has complied with cross ownership rules.kroneke.

cannot apply to relocate till jan 2016,possibly moving it up to october.

According to Fred Roggin back in June (possibly May), Kroenke and Spanos were working on Inglewood together last year. They were planning on building the stadium together, but around June 2014 Stan decided to move forward on his own and develop Inglewood the way he wanted (as well as be involved in the development around the stadium). No reason was given as to why Kroenke broke up the partnership and continued on by himself, but that's where the supposed "bad blood" between Kroenke and Spanos comes from. What does that tell you though? Spanos knows Inglewood is the place to be, that Carson likely is just a sham and leverage to get back on an equal partnership with Kroenke. In the end, I think the NFL really does force these two to come up with a partnership that works for both, rather than have an ugly mess of a fight for LA on their hands.

I think we have all been missing the point...if Spanos wants the Chargers to return to LA SO badly, why didn't he partner with Kroenke, and instead chose the ultimate rivalry team to partner with? It makes absolutely no sense. On the surface. There can be only two possible logical answers:

1. he never intended to come to LA. He intended to use the NFL to extort as much relocation fees as possible from the Rams, to help fund his own stadium. (because he ain't got Jack Shit to do it on his own.)

2. he just wants to make it as difficult as possible, if not outright IMPOSSIBLE, for the Rams to return to LA and pull a single fan from him. What he fails to appreciate, in all his entitled millionaire status, is that the ONLY reason he 'got' any LA Rams as Chargers fans at ALL, is because we were pissed off at Georgia and he became the only team around. It was by default. He didn't go out and EARN us. He just got lucky he was logistically close enough for us to drive to watch SOME NFL.

I sure hope the NFL wakes up to this.

Spanos, if you really wanted to be part of the LA NFL, all you have to do is suck it up, call Stan, and make nice. Slam dunk. Anything else is tainted hyperbole.
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Does the league agree with Stan Kroenke's argument the Rams have the right to move because St. Louis breached the lease because the Dome didn't reach first-tier status?

"I think it's pretty clear. It went through an arbitration procedure. The lease was clear for both sides as to what the rights and remedies were. There was a dispute over what the definition of a first-class stadium was. The resolution...called for an arbitration process, which the Rams won. It's pretty clear...the Rams won that argument."

Do you envision a scenario in which St. Louis has all their stadium ducks in a row, like financing and land acquisition, and the NFL still allows the Rams to leave town?

"That's a great question. To answer it honestly in one word, I'd have to say yes, I could see a scenario. Because the relocation guidelines are subjective. It's not you go through these steps and you've either met them or you don't meet them. Some of the things are to test the market potential. That is a very subjective judgement. The kinds of things that are looked at, some of them are easy to check the box, they've either been done or not done. Others are subjective judgements, so there's a lot of those. It's very hard for me to rule something in or out at this stage.

"These judgements are going to rest on three foundation pillars. One is, is there a specific plan? Second, the club has to like it. Third, it has to be financed and it has have the enabling legislation. I call that third one 'actionable.' If those three things are in place, I think it would be unlikely a club would move. If one of those things aren't in place, I think it opens the door. If none of those three things are in place and a club has an alternative, then I think it's probable a club gets the votes."

NFL VP Grubman Sees Scenario Where Rams Move With St. Louis Stadium Financing in Place > insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports, Music, Entertainment and Nightlife > CBS Sports 920 Feature Interviews
I wear my Todd Gurley LA Rams color jersey all over LA County/Orange County and Disneyland weekly, and everywhere I go someone says, "The Rams are coming back!" or "Go Rams!" Makes me that more hyped for their return!

Loved how they said Qualcomm was filled for a preseason game
Aren't we all waiting for the NFL to finally anoint the Rams and Inglewood the next LA team? Once the Rams are official NFL LA team then the Chargers will be forced to come back to the San Diego negotiating table.:banana:

The Spanos family has spent a lot of money on several great stadium designs. I would hope that the City of San Diego would consider the latest Cason design for Mission Valley. It’s an advanced design perfect for SoCal. Here’s the new video narrated by Kiefer SutherlandI would love to see the 'Q' demolished and have this master piece dropped right into the existing stadium location.
carson in trouble.hee hee

Jerry Jones likes Inglewood; Carson in trouble

It’s going to take a lot of money to move to Los Angeles, even more when you throw in relocation fees, which could be mammoth. And Kroenke swims in Money Lake. Jones is fairly transparent. He doesn’t want to screw around with some haphazard L.A. venture -- involving the useless Raiders, no less -- this time around.

I’m gathering one thing from this meeting near Chicago. The Carson project is on life support, if not dead, despite what Chargers hired L.A. gun/blowhard Carmen Policy says. Kroenke already has spent many millions on his Hollywood Park site, and stadium construction already may have begun.

It’s laughable 24 of the 32 owners must approve franchise shifts. If Kroenke wants to move, he will move, and he’s going to, despite the noble efforts in St. Louis to build him a new facility.
Or, as the Rams suggest, is L.A. the sensible home for a franchise that spent 49 years there and is now legally free to begin its journey back?

NFL owners get up to full speed on Raiders’, Rams’ and Chargers’ L.A. projects

I like how STL fans come up with all types of scenarios to justify why Stan and his Rams wouldn't (or can't) leave for Los Angeles.

For instance... STL says he won't re-locate because of the relocation fee, yet Stan says its not a problem.

STL says he's violating cross ownership, yet Stan is getting it approved.

STL thinks inglewood is all leverage, yet Stan converts to a year-to-year lease, and gives an impressive presentation for about an hour on it and why STL is not a good place for his Rams. (worth noting he talks about the MARKET, not the new stadium... hitting STL where it hurts).

STL says he won't have the votes to move, yet only the chargers and raiders are really contending and speaking out against inglewood.

STL says there is NO WAY he can leave if they have their own stadium plan, yet multiple sources indicate he can move anyways if he wants.

STL says it will be difficult for Stan to leave if they have a plan, yet Stan has not returned a single call, attended a meeting, or showed interest in the riverfront stadium.

In the end, STL calls him greedy, yet it's a smart business decision.

STL says he is backstabbing the fans, yet they refuse to acknowledge that Georgia did that to LA.

STL says LA doesn't have a "superbowl," yet the Rams of old have a championship, long before it was called a superbowl instead.

So STL fans.. where does all this leave you? What is your next reason

amen to that.:banana:
did they call the Rams Los Angeles? that they did.

Oakland Raider fans kick off preseason amid stadium uncertainty

"Regarding the NFL’s future in Los Angeles, one of the things several owners are very bullish on is how Rams owner Kroenke is throwing the league a low-cost life preserver for NFL Network,NFL.comand related NFL digital properties. There's an expansive plan for a new facility and multipurpose theater at the stadium complex in Inglewood that Kroenke is planning. NFL Network is currently crammed into its facility in nearby Culver City, and I talked to one owner who believes Kroenke’s multimillion-dollar savior plan for the network and the league’s digital enterprise will be a big factor in what the league decides to do with the Los Angeles market." -mmqb/si

Source indicates Chargers to LA support has eroded among owners, likely not happening. Rams considered "a virtual lock" to move though." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

“Based on what I’m hearing now…I think the Rams will be the only team in LA when this all shakes out. . . The Chargers plan...has not been as detailed and thorough as the plans Kroenke has presented. The (Dean Spanos family) initially had most of the support. And now they're down to about nine owners." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

Paul Rivera - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

  • i would love for him to stay firm because without him the chargers are irrelavent as much look at the Qbs before him since Dan Fouts except for Drew Brees there hasnt been much..... phillip rivers is not the type in my eyes to just agree to a huge contratct like this on the verge of a possible relocation he has the upper hand as a player he can walk and the chargers will have nothing unless they trade him
    August 16 at 5:22pm
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    Paul EldoradoRivers is a family man and would not want to uproot his family. He married his middle school sweetheart and has like 20 kids. That being said, we can't know for sure.
    August 16 at 5:03pm
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