expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

i like.

"Jerry Jones is fairly transparent. He doesn’t want to screw around with some haphazard LA venture -- involving the useless Raiders, no less -- this time around. ...the Rams are going to be one (one of the teams in LA), and if so, Carson is dead, mired in its toxic waste dump. The Chargers can’t go it alone. And if they were to get in bed with Kroenke, they would send “hypocritical” to new heights... a) dealing with tight-fisted landlord Kroenke won’t be a day at Universal Studios, and b) they eternally will play second fiddle in Stan’s orchestra."

Jerry Jones likes Inglewood; Carson in trouble

DailyNewsVinny: "Do you want the Rams back in the city they called home for 49 years, the team that gave us Merlin Olsen and Deacon Jones and Eric Dickerson and a Super Bowl appearance in 1979?"
Vinny Bonsignore: Rams and Raider do battle on the field, not the meeting room

And the crowds should be bolstered by the appearance of West Coast Rams fans excited for the potential return of the team to Los Angeles in 2016 should Kroenke get his way on relocation. “There’s a lot of fans on the West Coast because the team has been in LA,” Foles said. “They’re still Rams fans. They follow the team in St. Louis, and they love the Rams. “We could see it out there (in Oakland) — it was fun seeing all the Rams fans out there. And I’m sure that when we’re in Oxnard, they’ll be there as well."
Rams' practice in California: Preview or coincidence? : Sports

30 minutes before the team takes the field and the stands in Oxnard are filled with L.A. Rams fans!!!— withDavin C. Arkangel.
Mobile Uploads - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams' Tom Bateman: "This was a call to arms. We had fans coming all the way from El Paso, ...northern California, ...from Arizona and Nevada. It’s a pretty amazing gathering. Stan Kroenke made his case to the NFL. Now it’s our turn to make our case to show that the fan support here for the Rams is still very strong."
LA fans flock to see Rams practice : Sports

Timeline Photos - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

People say this isn't a relocation, it's a restoration. The Rams deserve to be in L.A. If St. Louis gets a team, great, fantastic. But the Rams belong in L.A."
Rams' presence in Southland a moving experience for L.A.'s NFL fans

The Rams want to move back to Los Angeles. They feel justified to do so. And they believe the combination of their strong heritage in Los Angeles and the stadium plan that owner Stan Kroenke has laid out for the 292 acres he controls in Inglewood offers the NFL the best chance to create a successful return to Los Angeles."
SoCal Rams fans show their enthusiasm as team trains in Oxnard
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VIDEO: Rams looking forward to seeing L.A. fans in Oxnard

he St. Louis Rams are coming back to Los Angeles. Actually, about 30 miles west of L.A. The Rams will be taking part in practices and scrimmages with the Dallas Cowboys at their training camp facility this Monday thru Wednesday, August 17-19.

The Beast 980 will be live from Cowboys Camp in Oxnard Monday and Tuesday from noon to seven p.m. with The Fred Roggin Show from noon to three and The Drive with Brett Winterble and George Wrightster from three to seven.
amen to that.:banana:

DailyNewsVinny: "among the many ancillary benefits to the St. Louis Rams spending the last three days practicing with the Dallas Cowboys in Oxnard — some that were cleverly designed in pursuit of an ambitious objective — it gave Rams head coach and San Fernando Valley native Jeff Fisher the chance to hit up mom for the kind of dinner only a mother can deliver her son."

Bryan Stewart - Bryan Stewart's Photos | Facebook
Loved allthe comments from roggins radio show,kroneke will have no problem getting 24 of the 32 votes from the owners.chargers not wanted there.they dont think the owners want the raiders.cant build a fanbase of charger fans in LA when the fanbase is alreayd built with millions of ram fans,.i dont think teh league wants carson.the 49ers lost their swagger when they went to santa clara.st louis rams are not my team.they will be next year when they are the LA rams.dont confuse powder blue charger jerseys with dark blue ram jerseys.

most importantly,out of all the four teams the NFL has talked to about using their facility next year,dodgers,angels,stub hub,UCLA and USC only USC has said they can use their facility and they will only let one team use it and it wont be the raiders.
After the NFL owners meeting on Aug 11 , it seems that the NFL now has a better , more rational understanding of the Rams return to Los Angeles .

While Ram fans in Los Angeles pretty well knew this from the beginning , it took a little time for the NFL to admit to the Ram fans in St Louis that Rams owner Stan Kreonke has the only practicable , or ' viable ' stadium proposal on the table .

It would had taken both the Chargers and the Raiders to make a Carson stadium proposal realizable . Financing by Goldman-Sachs for the Carson stadium proposal would only occur for a two team stadium .

Chargers owner Dean Spanos has pushed the ' Leverage ' game to the breaking point and will most likely take the San Diego offer for a new stadium in Mission Valley . This will sit well with some Chargers fans , but other Charger fans will condemn Spanos for considering relocating , so Spanos will use his scapegoat in Special Counsel Mark Fabiani and Fire him , hoping that his true desires to move to L.A. will be forgotten .

Raiders owner Mark Davis is just plain broke with some saying that Davis couldn't even afford a relocation fee to Carson if it happened , which it never had a chance to begin with . While Davis wants to continue the Raider heritage in Oakland , Davis knows that the Raiders are sinking further into debt every NFL season and will most likely sell the Raiders franchise and hope that the Raiders will remain in Oakland . While San Antonio is mentioned in this article as a possible relocation site for the Raiders , I would think that Mark Davis would wish that the Raiders name and logo would be retired and remain in Oakland .

The Carson stadium proposal was simply a leverage tool used by Spanos and Davis for new stadium proposals , a maneuver that is as old as the NFL itself . I believe the city of Carson and it's politicians knew this and decided to exploit the situation by going along with the NFL in Carson ruse to aquire the 157 acre toxic landfill and mislead the city taxpayers of Carson to approve a $50 million bond for final(?) clean-up . Carson has always wanted a Mega-shopping center proposal previously approved on the land and it looks like they will get it , if they want to pay for the cleanup or not .

As for only The Los Angeles Rams in 2016 . I never had a doubt . I've been told I went off too many times on articles contradicting otherwise but as the days , weeks and months fly by to mid-December when the $1.86 billion , 80,000 seat Inglewood stadium begins construction , there still will be those out there denying the truth that the Rams are finally coming home , and those same idiots will then state they never had a doubt when the new Inglewood stadium opens for business in Sep 2018 .

All of the talk about how Los Angeles refuses to support a NFL team went out the window during the first day of practice. It is clear the passion for the Rams is real, which is why St. Louis is the only team that should realistically consider the relocation. At this point, it is hard to imagine the Rams stay put, especially with a large fan presence.

St. Louis Rams Fans Prove the Team’s Move to Los Angeles is a Must

just listening to
Fox sports and heard the best explanation of why the Rams are moving to LA. Matt money said " St. Louis has less people than long beach ca, they don't have the draw or the corporations to buy luxury suites"
the people would rather support the birds and don't have the money to support two teams. The insiders he spoke to said it doesn't make financial sense"next year the Rams will be here.

2015 Return of the Rams - Oxnard... - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

For the first time in two decades, the Rams returned to Southern California and thousands of Los Angeles Rams fans were there to cheer them on sending an undeniable message to the rest of the football world!!! GO RAMS!!!

David you dont know the bay area very well! Raiders are only team that has stated they want to stay in Oakland! Plus, the football stadium will be used for many events not just 8 football games! The problem with siding with A's is owner wants San Joseand he will move if he can! He shouldve stuck with Fremont thats best place for A's to stay in the bay! The reason Im confident Raiders will get stadium,I know people who know the politicians and Raider officials! Raiders and Oakland are working with each other and thats a very good sign! They are sitting with each other going over designs of a stadium! If finance plan is decent, Raiders will stay because if he really wanted LA he wouldve moved already! Once a stadium is built in Oakland, value of team will skyrocket because bay area is 5th largest market! Media does a terrible job reporting whats going on! You rely on links that tell only part of story! Thats not your fault you dont live in area!

I never want the Raiders to leave Cali people here saw what it did to the Rams when they moved a million miles away. When it's all said and done I don't think the league wants to stir up more than 1 fan base or strip it from a Market. Once the Rams areback home I believe the Chargers and Raiders get it done with some financing help in their markets(Maybe not the Raiders). Best thing for the Raiders IMO is for Mark Davis to sell the team to someone who has the money and financial backing to get a stadium done. I get it that Mark Davis is family but he never wanted anything to do with the Raiders and Al treated him poorly from what I've heard. Basically that's what it's going to take and I think the NFL want's a new ownership for the Raiders. By backing Mark Davis in a corner he will have to pull the trigger eventually on either playing in an inadequated stadium or selling to a rich investor.

michale there are very rich people in bay area! He sells team, there will be a buyer!

  • I think the NFL has a tacit agreement with CBS and Fox that both eventually will gain access to Los Angeles -- perhaps not both at once, but no later than two years after the first team moves. The only question will be whether the Chargers or Raiders (but not both) share an Inglewood stadium with the Rams or play in their own one-team stadium in Carson. (If the Raiders end up moving, one condition will be that the team name and colors are changed to reboot the franchise's roughneck image.) For now, I see a Rams/Chargers Inglewood combo, although the Chargers may have to stay a year or two in San Diego (or elsewhere) before moving in.
    Yesterday at 12:55am
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      Michael MasonI don't have proof but I believe what you mentioned is actually a prerequisite from the networks before the next TV contracts are up. the Networks want the NFL back in the 2nd largest media market. There also will only be one stadium the NFL has said as much. Hopefully with the 2 team Inglewood stadium arrangement only the Rams become the main tenant of their own house and the NFL can still have their LA stadium threat.

  • Debra E. Callahan's Photos - Debra E. Callahan | Facebook
Rams owner Stan Kreonke IS NOT going to take in any other NFL franchise into his Inglewood stadium , This relocation issue is the NFL's problem , and NOT Kroenke's . Watch how fast the Anti-Trust Lawsuits will Fly if the NFL even tries such a plot !

The national media gets bits and pieces from "sources" ..they embellish to get readership nationally.. The NFL doesn't stop the processes for their "meeting's".. They continue to work on#nflla.. So far and I know this for a fact ..the Rams are the only team that has been approved by the finance committee.. The Chargers and Raiders need each other to get a stadium.. Rams sit patiently waiting in the driver seat.

From everything I've heard, the NFL does NOT want to lose San Diego as an NFL market. And they would also like San Diego to be back in the rotation to host Super Bowls, as well as the LA market. I'd look for the NFL to work out something with the Chargers in order to stay put. But what do I know?

How To Account For NFL Relocation To Los Angeles In Our Team Values
blah blah blah.

Regardless, it doesn't matter in the slightest. The Rams don't have to stay in STL, regardless of what STL might do. The EJD lease was broken, when the CVC refused to live up to the arbitrator's ruling on upgrades. The NFL can't force Kroenke to stay in STL, because that would violate federal Antitrust laws, and end up costing the NFL triple damages in court. And even if Kroenke decided to stay the remaining nine years on the original lease (after this season), he can do it year-to-year in the EJD, and not contribute a dime to building this new stadium.

In short, Kroenke and the Rams will be leaving, there's nothing the NFL nor STL can do to stop it. And if Kroenke chose to stay, he can't be compelled to help STL build a new stadium that he never asked for, especially after he won the arbitration to upgrade the EJD. And without Kroenke, or another NFL owner paying for $450 million of the stadium's cost, it won't be getting built.

So, that means the Rams will be in LA in 2016, and Missouri and STL will be waiting perhaps a decade or more to get another NFL team, if they ever do again.:beer:
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"Thousands of fans?" Your FaceBook link says 2000.

How many seats in the GoldmanSachs Banker stadium?

Even if they all buy season tickets that FAR from a sellout.
Twenty-six senators already voted against the stadium funding, and we passed HB 5, which had a provision saying that none of the Edward Jones Dome money could be used to fund bonds for a second St. Louis football stadium, unless it was voted on by the people,” he said. “It isn’t about the stadium, it’s about the power of the purse which the constitution gives exclusively to the legislature. Things should be one properly and for the governor to say he can put the state 2 to 3 billion dollars in debt without the vote of the people is just outrageous.”
Twenty-six senators already voted against the stadium funding, and we passed HB 5, which had a provision saying that none of the Edward Jones Dome money could be used to fund bonds for a second St. Louis football stadium, unless it was voted on by the people,” he said. “It isn’t about the stadium, it’s about the power of the purse which the constitution gives exclusively to the legislature. Things should be one properly and for the governor to say he can put the state 2 to 3 billion dollars in debt without the vote of the people is just outrageous.”

They’re not comfortable with taxpayer dollars for a team that may or may not be here,” he said. “There’s just too much unknowns right now.”

Sen. Pro Tem candidate Romine comes out against stadium funding - The Missouri Times

Difference between Georgia running off in 94 and Stan currently? LA wasn't given a chance to keep the Rams, that whore just took the team and left. St Louis has had 2 chances to get things done and keep the team,
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