expect Rams to be back in LA next year.


Wes Clemens and Dave Smith filled in for Fred Roggin today on L.A. radio station The BEAST 980.

They were Raider hating but also made some good points.

Bauceman also gave them a phone call to express how the Raiders are Oakland and the Rams are L.A.

-Autumn Wind Williams
"Civic leaders in St. Louis want the Rams to stay put and have been floating a proposal for a riverfront stadium there. But Kroenke has made it clear that he would prefer to return the team to L.A., which it left after the 1994 season."

Stan Kroenke to NFL St. Louis doesn t work as home for his Rams - Denver Business Journal

The new Oakland stadium proposal is crap .

Is Raiders owner Mark Davis willing to sell up to a 20 percent of his Raiders franchise for $200 million ( plus surrounding land around the new stadium) to a buyer connected to the Coliseum City financer Floyd Kephart of Kephart's New City Development LLC to get the new Oakland stadium and keep the Raiders in Oakland ?

It's the same disgusting deal that AEG was offering to two franchise's to relocate to their downtown Los Angeles Farmers Field stadium proposal since 2002 , and we all know how that turned out .

The new San Diego stadium proposal is feasible .

There's two things about Chargers owner Dean Spanos that I'm not to sure about . Does Spanos want to remain in San Diego or is he eyeing the value of the Chargers IF they move to the Los Angeles market , at least doubling the franchise's worth .

I believe that if it wasn't for the Special Counsel to San Diego Chargers Mark Fabiani , Dean Spanos and the Chargers would be working a little closer with the new stadium task force in San Diego . Fabiani has rejected anything and everything that the new stadium task force in San Diego has been offering , and Spanos is agreeing with it .

If , or better yet , When the Carson stadium proposal Fails for the many reasons why a stadium hasn't been built at that 'perfect' site for decades , Spanos will blame it all on Fabiani , fire him and keep some kind of face to the Chargers fans .

The new Inglewood stadium proposal is a No Brainer .

Rams owner Stan Kroenke's Inglewood stadium proposal is the Best option for the NFL , or better said , THE RAMS to return to the Los Angeles Market . We're Ready To Go ! Come this December , construction begins on one of the Greatest Venues in the country. It has the Land , It has the Financing and it has No worries of Lawsuits and Toxic Waste Clean-Up .

The new St Louis stadium proposal is probable .

Although Mr North , Mr Peacock , and Mr Blitz are rejoicing in Judge Frawley's decision , counter-suits may be pending and approval for the extorted funds of the St Louis taxpayers for a new stadum is not a done deal .

All in All , as expected in this special meeting of the NFL owners , nothing has been settled and one thing is for sure , The NFL is still dragging their feet and won't admit that the ( one team ) Inglewood stadium proposal is the Best on the table .
  • The Rams really want LA more than the other 2. The only thing the Raiders and Chargers could come up with is "it's just leverage". Somebody shut Goodell up and let the Rams back where they belongsmile emoticon
    40·12 hrs
  • 11666198_10205100252479981_3110217717229306828_n.jpg

    Joseph SimmonsThis is all smoke and mirrors. In the end, the NFL wants to put up a good show of considering all of the options, but in the end it will be the Rams coming back to LA next year. Apparently some NFL executives told San Diego officials that if they can get a public vote on a new stadium in January, that they would still have a chance to keep the Chargers, so here's how I see this playing out:

    1) The Rams will be approved to move to LA next season.

    2) The Carson project will be deemed in need of "further consideration", leaving both the Chargers and Raiders in their respective cities for at least another year.

    3) The threat of a second tenant in Inglewood will be used to maintain pressure on SD and Oakland to build new stadiums.

    4) If a stadium in SD is approved by public vote, the Chargers will stay in SD. If not, they will move to LA when the Inglewood project is done.

    5) If Oakland can get a stadium deal made with the Raiders, they will stay put. If not, the NFL will try to place them in Santa Clara or San Antonio.
City residents appeal judge s ruling on stadium financing - St. Louis Business Journal

"Many owners believe that Kroenke has the better location and stadium plan, and that could ultimately tip the scales in his favor, even if he's less popular among his peers than Spanos."

L.A. relocation could set up clash of titans among NFL owners - LA Times

Al Michaels remembers Frank Gifford makes prediction about L.A. return ProFootballTalk

Twenty regular seasons have come and gone since the NFL played in Al’s adopted hometown of Los Angeles. And he offered up a preliminary, non-binding prediction on how it will turn out: Rams and Chargers at Hollywood Park in Inglewood.

We all can’t wait for the San Diego to Los Angeles prediction to be wrong.:beer:
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Excerpts from the Business Journal.

"Sports magnate Stan Kroenke made a pitch Tuesday to National Football league owners for his proposed Los Angeles area stadium. Kroenke has made it clear that he would prefer to return the team to L.A., which it left after the 1994 season. A source said (Kroenke) and the Rams contingent spent some of their time on why St. Louis did not work for the club."


Stan Kroenke to NFL St. Louis doesn t work as home for his Rams - Denver Business Journal

NBC San Diego’s Jim Laslavic on Monday night laid into the point man for the joint Chargers-Raiders stadium project in Carson, calling Carmen Policy “you jerk!”

You Jerk Jeers NBC s Jim Laslavic Plowing Into Carmen Policy - Times of San Diego
Fans here in San Diego are starting to get to the point of saying "Go already!" to the Chargers.....
thats because of those two assholes dean spanos and Mark FIBiani refusing to negotiate with the city of san diego for a new stadium.what I hope happens is the same thing that happened with Cleveland where that asshole owner of the Browns left the city but he was forced to leave to leave the team name there.

the NFL just may tell the chargers they cant move because they are violating league bylaws not trying to negotiate with the city.
Fans here in San Diego are starting to get to the point of saying "Go already!" to the Chargers.....
thats because of those two assholes dean spanos and Mark FIBiani refusing to negotiate with the city of san diego for a new stadium.what I hope happens is the same thing that happened with Cleveland where that asshole owner of the Browns left the city but he was forced to leave to leave the team name there.

the NFL just may tell the chargers they cant move because they are violating league bylaws not trying to negotiate with the city.
Yeah...I heard that "Mark Fibiani" too....what do you think of the possible Chargers argument that there's one SoCal market instead of two markets, LA and SD? Interesting idea if the NFL buys it...it would mean that the Chargers moving north to LA is still within market.
Fans here in San Diego are starting to get to the point of saying "Go already!" to the Chargers.....
thats because of those two assholes dean spanos and Mark FIBiani refusing to negotiate with the city of san diego for a new stadium.what I hope happens is the same thing that happened with Cleveland where that asshole owner of the Browns left the city but he was forced to leave to leave the team name there.

the NFL just may tell the chargers they cant move because they are violating league bylaws not trying to negotiate with the city.
Yeah...I heard that "Mark Fibiani" too....what do you think of the possible Chargers argument that there's one SoCal market instead of two markets, LA and SD? Interesting idea if the NFL buys it...it would mean that the Chargers moving north to LA is still within market.

the good thing is that for the chargers to move to LA,they would need 24 of the neccessary 32 votes by the owners to get approval to move.If just nine owners vote against the move,then the Chargers wont be able to make the move.

Thats the difference between the Rams,the Chargers and Raiders is that the Rams honored their lease agreement with the city of st louis in the terms of the lease agreement signed 20 years ago when they moved there that the city of saint louis had to keep the stadium in the top third tier of all NFL stadiums.

The city did not honor the terms of the agreement so stan kroneke of the Rams can legally move the team if he wants to and its well known he wants to move them there.thats why he is building his own NFL stadium with his own money.

He was expected to make the move this year but word around town is he is delaying it for one more year so the cities of san diego and oakland have time to get something done in their own cities for a new stadium.thats how these NFL owners operate,they scratch each others backs.

The Chargers on the other hand,they are locked into a lease agreement with their city so they cant just up and leave like the Rams can.

See the NFL owners want an owner with deep pockets in LA.Kroneke fits the bill.He is the second richest owner in the league behind the seahawks owner.

If Kroneke doesnt get the neccessary votes from the owners to move,then he has the money to sue them and will win in a court of law with an anti trust lawsuit which is the last thing the NFL wants.

Dean Spanos and Mark Davis dont have deep pockets so they cannot afford to sue the NFL to move if they dont get the neccessary votes from the owners.

It wont come down to that though because the owners badly want NFL back in LA and they like Kronekes inglewood project.

Also the owners did not want the Rams to leave LA back then.They voted against the move back then initially and only changed their votes and gave the required votes by the owners for then owner Georgia Frontiere to move the Rams to st louis,her hometown after she threatened to sue the NFL if they tried to stop her.

Kroneke is doing the same thing in st louis that spanos is in san diego.He is not even talking to st louis officials and wont return phone calls from the governor but unlike Spanos, Kroneke is not obligated to do so because the city of st louis violated the terms of the lease agreement with the Rams.The Chargers however have not worked with their city to try and get something done so that will probably work against them being allowed to move is my guess.well see.
I love it.:biggrin:

Rams Stand Their Ground Ban Signs from Training Camp

The Rams have banned keep the rams in st louis signs at their training camp in missouri however yesterday when they scrimmaged against the cowboys in oxnard,they ALLOWED the Rams to post BRING THE RAMS BACK TO LA signs.:biggrin:

shades of 1995 when then owner georgia frontiere did not allow LA ram fans to bring signs to training camp to protest the move to st louis.oh my how karma is a bitch with the shoe now on the other foot.:biggrin:
carson not looking good.lol

Report: Jerry Jones prefers Inglewood bid to Carson in race to L.A.

Of all the talk of teams that could move, the Rams are the only one that really makes sense from a historical prospective. The Raiders really are more synonymous with Oakland than LA, the Chargers were in LA for a very short time and all their major accomplishments have been in San Diego, and the Rams were in LA a long time and made a Super Bowl there. It also makes the most sense geographically, as it would put all 4 NFC West teams in the Pacific Time Zone. It would also reduce the number of cities the NFL can use to blackmail NFL cities into firing their police forces and teachers so the billionaire owner can have a new, free stadium.

It would be a fitting irony if after 15 years of the Chargers flipping the bird at every San Diego civic effort to build them a new stadium if the other NFL owners denied the Chargers the chance to move to LA forcing Spanos to go hat-in-hand to San Diego.

I cam see it now. SD Mayor: “The $400M in taxpayer funds? That deal expired last month. We’re expanding the Convention Center with it instead. Why don’t you jettison Fabiani and show up to a meeting in person then maybe we can talk.”

amen to that.lol

Why did they rebuild the practice facility for the raiders if they might end up moving to la dont get or maybe a sign of negotiations for a new stadium theyre just keeping it on a D.L. OAKLAND-4-EVER.

and Kroenke of Rams is looking at practice facility sites in LA not St Louis!
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VIDEO: "L.A. Rams" fans invade Cowboys Camp in Oxnard, CA

VIDEO: “L.A. Rams” fans invade Cowboys Camp in Oxnard, CA

August 17, 2015 11:00 PM
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Dallas Cowboys,Inglewood California,Jared Cook,Jeff Fisher,Jerry Jones,Mayor James Butts,NFL Training Camp,Nick Foles,Oxnard California,St. Louis Rams,Stan Kroenke

A crowd of more than 8,000 football fans – at least half of them, if not more, were Rams fans from Los Angeles – invaded the Dallas Cowboys Training Complex in Oxnard Monday for the first of two practices and scrimmages between the St. Louis Rams and the Cowboys.

The Rams are one of three teams who could relocate back to Los Angeles 20 years after departing for the Midwest. Chants of “L.A. Rams! L.A. Rams! L.A. Rams!” greeted the Rams players as they exited their team buses and made their way to the practice fields.
For those persons who have become increasingly frustrated with the progression of a proposal to keep the sports teams in Oakland reading the following link is strongly suggested. Keep in mind this link is from Wikipedia which is not fully considered a reputable source for accurate data and information.
However, it does give insight how other cities entail roadblocks while making a new complex a reality. This link is for U.S. Bank Bank Stadium in Minneapolis. This is the most recent approved complex for the NFL. See what the City of Minneapolis did to make this Stadium a reality. The City of Oakland may be well served to take some of their experience and put it forward into their project.

U.S. Bank Stadium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benjamin AllbrightNFL.

sources indicate Chargers to LA support has eroded among owners,likely not happening.Rams considered a virtual lock to move though.
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