expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Can't you,just keep your Rams shit in the two threads you devoted to this shit? My God taking it to other threads is classless. Anyone who cares about the Rams knows to come here.
this picture here is disinfo agent rightwinger,now we know what rightwinger looks like in real life.:lmao:

Andre Jeanbart - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams Facebook

Nothing like running your mouth about Inglewood while THREE BULLDOZERS are working behind you. Thanks for the update son, we see the crew is definitely working for their Kroenke paycheck!
PS: Crayons are for kids, use a Sharpie Marker next time. The homeless man at the freeway exit got better quality graphics!!!

exactly.:beer: thats what agent rightwinger needs to learn.:biggrin:
I read and thought it was hilarious
"In this high-powered game of musical thrones, that means one team could lose out by not submitting a timely application. Losing out in this case means being blocked out of Los Angeles and forced to remain in your current market with no new stadium and little leverage to get one."


One of the main premises of this article is wrong.

"The owners of the Chargers, Raiders and Rams are unhappy in their stadiums..."

The Chargers and Raiders are unhappy with their stadiums. The Rams are unhappy with their market. Take note... both Spanos and Davis have said they want to stay in their current home towns. If Davis could get a new stadium in Oakland, he'd stay. If the Spanos could get a new stadium in San Diego, he'd stay (some may doubt that, but he said it). Kroenke on the other hand, doesn't want a new stadium in St. Louis. He wants a new market because the St. Louis market has failed. You can fix a bad stadium... just build a new one. You can't fix a bad market.

The best solution to this puzzle is for the league to give every owner what he wants. Figure out how to get Dean a new stadium in San Diego, get Marc a new stadium in Oakland, and let Stan move the Rams to Los Angeles.

Everybody wins.

Exactly what I've been saying all along Darren. Kroenke is building his OWN stadium without the NFL's or taxpayers help, he's obviously wants to increase the value of his franchise in the 2nd largest market. He's a business man and will ultimately getwhat he wants. Money talks and bullshit walks. This will give SD and OAK more time for a new stadium in their current city or LA or another city. It gives STL more time to complete the funding for its stadium because Kroenke has no intention of paying for a stadium there.

Tom, that was just one example. St. Louis doesn't have financing or the land until it is legally definitive. It isn't.

NFL's best option is to award the Inglewood project to Kroenke which will be built for two teams. The Rams move first which allows SD and Oak to have more time to get a local deal done with the threat of Inglewood as leverage. This also allows the NFL to back a local project in either Oakland or SD. St Louis can take the Jags.

Inglewood has been digging. Kroenke will not stop. I believe there will be negotiations with NFL, Kroenke and Spanos. Inglewood will happen. They will force a Kroenke to take on Spanos as tenant if nothing in San Diego happens. Oakland will be taken care of nicely since Davis wants to stay in Oak.

They never bring up the fact that st Louis broke the lease and that to build the stadium there they have to extort stan Kroenke.

In this article it states: "Even if a vote in January wins, the team fears lawsuits that could kill the stadium project later because of a rushed process and inadequate environmental impact report, among other possible legal threats." Hang on a second.....what makes Spanos (and Mark Davis for that matter) not fear lawsuits for an inadequate rushed environmental impact report for their proposed project in Carson?? It's absolutely asinine!! So it's okay to rush an EIR on a toxic landfill in Carson, but it's not okay to rush one where a stadium currently resides in San Diego??? Someone please tell me how this makes any sense.

Well the scenario that will play out is the Rams move to LA,the Chargers stay in San Diego & the Raiders stay in Oakland lastly the Inglewood stadium get approved by the Nfl & Nfl owners Stan Kroenke has the money to move & Dean Spanos is a too cheap to pay the relocation fee

I still don't get it here . Rams owner Stan Kroenke's $1.86 billion , 80,000 seat Inglewood stadium project is moving along with the final clearing stages of the old Holly Park race track grandstand that was imploded last May 31 while Kroenke has alsoalready finalized general plans and labor agreements and construction is due to begin Dec 2015 .

I haven't heard anything recently out of Carson after the Carson City Council approved a $50 million bond for the final one year long toxic waste clean-up at the landfill .

While the NFL has said it only will support one new stadium in Los Angeles capable of housing two relocated teams , I find this stunt by the NFL to force Kroenke to house a second team in his own stadium as purely backmail if Kroenke is expected to get the 3/4 vote to relocate the Rams back to Los Angeles .

It seems that the NFL is trying to remedy Their three team relocation circus problem by putting half of the burden on Stan Kreonke's lap . The NFL seems to want either the Rams and the Chargers in Inglewood , or the Rams and Raiders in Inglewood with the other half of the remedy , the loser of Inglewood possibly going to St Louis , which is possibly why the NFL has always favored the new St Louis North Riverfront stadium proposal .

Although the NFL knows that they can't stop Kroenke and the Rams relocation to Los Angeles , the NFL can't be embarrassed again by being sued for Anti-Trust law violations by Kroenke so if the NFL can offer either the Chargers or the Raiders to St Louis as compensation , this may cure the wound in St Louis but it will inflame the wounds in San Diego and/or Oakland . And whose to say that Kroenke will even agree in a second team into his ' House ' ?

With the temporary venues options in Los Angeles also running out , that being the Rose Bowl , Angels stadium and the StubHub rejecting the NFL as temporary venues for two teams , it seems that the NFL may be forced by this revelation and decide to vote One team to Los Angeles in 2016 while alloting more time for the cities of San Diego and Oakland to find financing for their new stadium proposals .

This will again leave St Louis in the dark but isn't this the way it all began before San Diego and Oakland jumped onto the Los Angeles relocation bandwagon .

Spanos doesn't want to leave SD, he is just playing hardball with the city, in the hope that he will get the best possible deal on a new stadium there. Davis won't leave Oakland/NoCal, he's just hoping a third party comes in and finances a new stadium,since neither he nor the city can afford it. That just leaves Stan Kroenke.

I have no doubt that the NFL will either arrange for investors to build a new stadium in Oakland for the Raiders, or help renovate Levi Stadium, so it isn't so 49ers-centric, and would be a good home for the Raiders. Meanwhile, Stan will build a stadium in Inglewood capable of housing two teams, to maintain pressure on SD to give the Chargers a sweetheart deal on a stadium there.

In the end, everyone wins, especially the Rams, who should get to be the only NFL team in LA for years to come.

Your idea makes most sense!

indeed it does.well said.:beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:
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Keep the Rams in St. Louis Facebook

Lol...hello 1994. Georgia also told security not to allow anything negative regarding ownership or relocation. Right out of the 1994 Relocation playbook. Look forward to Oxnard being a soft Welcome Back L.A. Rams Party!

NFL may sell 2016 Los Angeles tickets before a team even moves FOX Sports

And Stan ISN'T going to allow a second NFL franchise in his stadium , even if it means that he will have to challenge the NFL owners decision . It's the sports media and the NFL that are conjuring this idea because they both know that the Carson proposal is a joke .
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SI Writer Says St. Louis Has an Uphill Battle to Keep Rams CBS St. Louis

Mark Fabiani is a public relations antichrist. He has stated in several interviews that the Chargers and Raiders would have never joined forces in Carson if Kroenke had not made his move in Inglewood. In a recent radio interview he gleefully stated that the Chargers' negotiations with the Coliseum were an effort to block Kroenke.

In other words, he is willing to alienate three large, long-standing, and faithful fan bases -- Chargers fans in San Diego, Raiders fans in Oakland, and Rams fans in Los Angeles -- in order to pursue the phantom of a "Los Angeles opportunity."

One can only hope that the commissioner and league owners put him and Spanos in their place and end this charade.
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One thing that no one ever seems to mention. The owners will be cutting their own throats by forcing the Rams to stay. If they do that, no city would have to abide by their lease because the precedent will have been set. Not to mention all of these owners were strong armed with the threat of anti-trust lawsuits by Nixon 20 years ago. I think those same owners remember that and are taking old Jay and Stl for a ride! If the NFL can get by without LA for 20 years, it can get by without Stl for an eternity!:clap:
San Diego will keep its team. The proposed stadium looks great. The NFL will not want to vacate the 8th largest city in the US. St. Louis' stadium really isn't that unique. The city is shrinking. It has as many people as the cities of Santa Ana or Anaheim. Kroenke is gone. He has the best proposal for LA and for the league. Right owner, right plan, right team.

sounds good.
Transfer fee could be a big factor in the chase for L.A. ProFootballTalk

There were rumors years ago that the league wanted a billion $ transfer fee for LA rights. Kronke is the only one of the three who even has a billion in spare cash.

If Spanos or Mark Davis find a billion laying around, my first question would be why they do not build their own stadiums in SD/Oakland.

Stan Kroenke can simply move into his new stadium and tell Goodell and the other owners that he will refuse to pay any fees.
And there isnt a darn thing the league can do about it.
Stan OWNS Roger

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