expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Lawmaker opposition casts doubt on new St. Louis stadium

Lawmaker Who Opposes State Money for St. Louis Stadium Chats with The Morning After > insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports, Music, Entertainment and Nightlife > STL Rams

jones likes inglewood,carson in trouble.hee hee

Ernie Ulloa - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

I was told the chargers game was completely full so in turn the owner won't want to move his team that has a good fan base!

Ram fans I have a question if San Diego signed Philip Rivers to a four year extension does that mean San Diego is staying in San Diego because Philip Rivers said he would not go to Los Angeles. Let me hear your opinion.

  • i would love for him to stay firm because without him the chargers are irrelavent as much look at the Qbs before him since Dan Fouts except for Drew Brees there hasnt been much..... phillip rivers is not the type in my eyes to just agree to a huge contratct like this on the verge of a possible relocation he has the upper hand as a player he can walk and the chargers will have nothing unless they trade him
    August 16 at 5:22pm
  • 11870819_10207278153495065_1538729135852384278_n.jpg

    Paul EldoradoRivers is a family man and would not want to uproot his family. He married his middle school sweetheart and has like 20 kids. That being said, we can't know for sure.

according to elevater conversations with the players,Rams are moving to LA.
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some in st louis have come around.lol

Tipsheet: Rams-Chargers deal makes most sense for NFL : Sports

In a surprising development, Carson mayor Albert Robles did not attend the Chargers/Raiders meeting with LA city officials. Instead, he was with his son in Oxnard!!!! Helloooooo
Albert brought his own sign with him.

VIDEO: "L.A. Rams" fans invade Cowboys Camp in Oxnard, CA

Rams' presence in Southland a moving experience for L.A.'s NFL fans

This post is directed to the BBTLAR administration. Being a die hard Ram's fan for over 40 years, it really bothered me that the Rams left California. To be perfectly honest, there was a little selfish side of me hoping that they were going to move to Baltimore if they were going to move. That way this NJ guy would have bought season tickets and make the 6 hour round trip drive for the 8 home games and hopefully playoffs. But when St. Louis was their choice, I must say, I gave them my 100% support. Going to several games in the 1st 5 years. But there was something that stood out that was pretty obvious early on. At 1st I thought this town was without football for so long they forgot when to get loud and when to be quiet. When the Rams had the ball trying to do an audible, they often had to call a time out. And when their opponent had the ball you could hear a pin drop. Then I started to scan the crowd and it occurred to me... there were more opposing fans in the dome than there were Ram fans. It made me ill! This was really brought to light when the Bears played them on a Monday night game. There were over 80% Bear fans in the dome. I also noticed there were many fans

There were over 80% Bear fans in the dome. I also noticed there were many fans from St. Louis not even wearing Ram's jerseys. They were wearing the baseball Cardinals shirts. It was pretty obvious that this town wasn't all that interested in their team. If the Rams didn't win the Lombardi, you could guarantee the team would be lame duck by now. After many discussions with there so called fans in the forums, I realized that they don't even understand the game of football. Not nearly to the level of their baseball knowledge. But just like the kid that doesn't want to play with their toy anymore, as soon as another shows interest, suddenly they don't want to let them go. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I take my hat off to you and the administration of BBTLAR and their staff. And all of the LA based fans showing the very strong support for their team. It has been not only noticed by the players and coaching staff, but by yhe league as well! This is huge, because it shows the league who the local fans want and support. Kudos to you and your loyal followers. If I was in Cali, I would most definitely be there too. Good luck! LGLAR!!!!
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Stadium hearing digs into state funding issues : News


Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams - Calvin Kunishige | Facebook

Guide book for KTRISTL users to Keep the Rams. #1: Piss off the owner, talk bad about him and say he should sell the team. You have passed phase #1 time to move on. #2: Start attacking the Ram players themselves. You have passed phase #2 time to move on. #3: Start attacking each other in your own group. Well done KTRISTL!

Even Chris Long knows what unethical dipshits DW and Shane Gray are. Yes. Shane Gray is an admin of KTRISL.

Carlos Mariscal - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

carson is dead alright.

Adam Pendleton - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook
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St. Louis Rams Threaten To Leave Town Unless Taxpayers Personally Build Stadium With Bare Hands

Video touts seven mind-blowing features of new Los Angeles stadium - CBSSports.com


Patrick Robles - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

yeah baby.

I like how Carson is now on its second stadium design, the first being a 80% replica of Soldier's Field. The high video boards in current design copied the Inglewood stadium. Rumors of Inglewood building a NFL Network Studios & Hall of Fame wings, now Carson with its own version of NFL Network designs. What will they copy next?

When will the third design come out?

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The Oakland Raiders moved to Los Angeles...and then back to Oakland..no one in LA seemed to notice."

It was reported that there were nearly 8000 fans in attendance and they were turning away cars for lack of parking and space. Nearly 3/4 of those were Rams' fans. They gave the Rams fan the LARGE grandstand section, and there were still some on the Cowboys side, beer garden, etc.


Keep The Rams Out Of California
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support for chargers to LA has eroded among owners.
good info before everyone else.bradford/foles trade.connected.

Source indicates Chargers to LA support has eroded among owners, likely not happening. Rams considered "a virtual lock" to move though." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

"Based on conversations I’ve had with these sources. These are first-hand accounts of what's going on with the plans here, what they want to do with the NFL and this franchise, the markets they want to tap into and how they want to do it. It looks likeif I was a wagering man, I would say the St. Louis Rams will be the LA Rams playing in a new LA stadium in 2017. I don't think their permanent stadium would be built until that time based on what I know.” -@AllbrightNFL

“Based on what I’m hearing now…I think the Rams will be the only team in LA when this all shakes out. . . The Chargers plan...has not been as detailed and thorough as the plans Kroenke has presented. The (Dean Spanos family) initially had most of the support. And now they're down to about nine owners." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)


amen to that.:beer:

vinnie is such a liar.

http://www.insidestlaudio.com/ITD_Audio/081915-Vinny B.mp3

The reality is that the Raiders do not have the corporate support they would need in Los Angeles. It just isn't there...that's why the Raiders will stay in OAK. 2). Who knows whether or not the nfl agreed to pay the Rams for attendance $$$ lost this season since they agreed not to move for 2015? Seems very sensible to me that the nfl would have done that.

The Raiders cannot move out of Oakland. But,Adamwas alluding to that nugget.

The comparison can't be made the NFL switched from actual attendance to tickets sold in the mid 1990's so the numbers can't be compared. Tickets sold also includes ticket guarantees, tickets from sponsors and team purchases none of which was includedin the attendance pre 1995. You need to look at how the team compares vs the NFL and the revenues that are generated. The Rams were at or above the NFL average for most of that time and in the top quartile for revenues. The Rams in St Louis are at the bottom for both over an extended period of time which was the same for the Cardinals when they were in St Louis.
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Lawmakers vow to block St. Louis stadium project

St. Louis fans like to point out that Kroenke was involved with stealing the Rams from Los Angeles. How many of them are aware that Georgia Frontiere is the reason the Rams even have the option to come back to Los Angeles today?

The original stadium lease said the dome must be kept as a top-tier venue, but did not lay out a process to determine top-tier or what options the team could take if the dome failed that assessment. In 2005, during the first top-tier determination,Georgia Frontiere agreed to waive the assessment but added language to the lease to spell out how the top-tier status would be evaluated for 2015, and that if it failed that process the team could opt out of the lease.

"The lease agreement was amended to provide a road map for how the second-round process would work."


Georgia Frontier had the lease amended with the process that allowed the Rams to opt out of the lease.

So this is ironic. They point out that Stan is both hero and villain. Well, Georgia is also hero and villain. She is their hero for stealing the Rams from LA, but she is also their villain because she created the very mechanism that is allowing Kroenke to move the Rams today.

Had Georgia not amended the lease back in 2007, Stan would not have had the ability to exit the lease earlier this year.
thank you georgia.
Andy Dolich: "Kroenke has the money, a plan and the infrastructure to pull it off in Inglewood. The Carson project doesn’t have any of those three things... Stan is at the head of the pack."

St Louis doesn't have the capital to keep the Rams.

@neildemause @fieldofschemes: "There’s clearly some opposition to spending public money on a new Rams stadium before the old one is paid off, but if the line in the sand is just “let us vote on it,” then there’s a clear path for Nixon to compromise. Or would be, if he weren’t dead set on belittling the legislators he needs in order to get this thing approved."

Missouri senators say they’ll withhold Rams stadium cash; Gov. Nixon: I don’t need their stinking votes


Announced Attendance for the game tonight in St. Louis

Let us repeat that, 37,460.

San Diego: 58,507
Oakland: 50,801

According to Jim Thomas the 37,460 represents the "Tickets Distributed" not actual fannies in seats.

Correct Chris Baskerville the actual fan attendance was estimated at around 18,000 - 20,000

It's just like they say they're averaging 55K the last few years, when in actuality the physical attendance is much, much lower. Jim T estimated about 25K tonight.

“The way this is going, at some point we’re going to wake up and there are going to be moving vans outside Rams Park.”

Strauss: For Joe Buck, keeping the NFL in St. Louis is personal : Sports

Lawmakers vow to block St. Louis stadium project

RAM RULES youtube video.
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I will say this for the last time. The Los Angeles Rams ceased to exist in 1995. What the St. Louis Rams have done means NOTHING. They can toss their Super Bowl rings in the Mississippi River. When the Los Angeles Rams are back in action then, and only then, will I be a fan. The rest of you rode the bandwagon out of town. I stayed true to my city. The Rams represented Los Angeles, when they stopped doing so they stopped representing me.:beer::clap2:

I've seen discussion as to whether Kroenke has enough votes to move. And also, if Spanos has enough votes to move. The discussions are about how popular Dean is with other owners, or how impressed they are with Kroenke. But we're missing a discussion on someone else...

Does Mark Davis have enough votes to move?

Unlike Spanos or Kroenke, I don't think that Davis is well liked or respected among the owners. It would seem to me that it would be very, very easy to come up with 9votes to prevent him from moving. And correct me if I'm wrong, but if Davis doesn't have the necessary 24 votes... that kills Carson because that stadium proposal requires both Dean and Mark to succeed.

Does anyone have info on whether Davis is anywhere near 24 votes?

This is a showdown between Kroenke and Spanos. The Rams are rushing headlong to Los Angeles, and the Chargers are trying to head them off. Spanos can't swing a stadium deal himself, that's why he's enlisted Davis to help him. But Mark Davis is the NFL's poorest owner, and inherited his way into the billionaire boys club. He doesn't have a whole lot of pull in the club. Spanos does have grievances re: stadium, but San Diego has been a successful market for 54 years, and has hosted three Super Bowls.

can davis afford the relocation fee?

NFL: The Teams Vegas Thinks Are Most Likely to Move to L.A.

The Chargers are the favorites in Las Vegas to be the team that ends up in Los Angeles. The franchise and the city of San Diego are pretty far apart in their negotiations for a new stadium that would satisfy the team’s dire need for a new venue. As we previously mentioned, the Chargers have teamed with the Raiders on a proposal for a shared stadium in Carson, California, and both teams are willing to change divisions to get a deal done. On top of that, San Diego is just a two-hour drive Los Angeles. At this point, the burning question seems to be whether or not the Chargers will keep their name, logo, and colors when they are playing in Los Angeles.

Read more:NFL: The Teams Vegas Thinks Are Most Likely to Move to L.A.

and the hits just keep on coming in st louis.

Moody's downgrades St. Louis city's credit rating : News
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rams win as always baby.

NFL: Vote Now! Which Football Team Should Move to Los Angeles?

for the la ram fans youtube video.

Many of the original LA Raider fans were fans who were pissed off the Rams moved to Anaheim. They were long time Rams fans prior to that. I attended the Rams vs Raiders game at the Coliseum in 1989 and sat amongst nothing but Raider fans and they were all good guys and many of them told me they still rooted for the Rams. So I'm not surprised they would become Rams fans again. The more militant LA Raider fans are guys who were not even here when both teams were.

I've spoken to Raiders fans who said they would adopt the LA Rams as their home team because of their rich LA History. The Bandwagon is open to all LA residents.

Dead City Walking: Why St. Louis Has Not Recovered
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All of this talk is irrelevant. StL lost the Rams in 2013 when they lost the arbitration. They had years to do something about EJD and did nothing. They breeched their contract and it was adjudicated. The Rams are free agents. Period! All this StL stadium machination is completely irrelevant to the Rams. It is over. The StL exile and rental of our team is done. The Los Angeles Rams will be home next year. It's happening!!!

This exactly what Stan wants. Then in October he can show the other owners that St. Louis gives not a crap about his team and get the okay to move. And with the Cardinals in a pennant race it will mean even less fans going to the Rams games. LA Rams 2016!

support for chargers to LA has eroded among owners.
good info before everyone else.bradford/foles trade.connected.

Source indicates Chargers to LA support has eroded among owners, likely not happening. Rams considered "a virtual lock" to move though." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

"Based on conversations I’ve had with these sources. These are first-hand accounts of what's going on with the plans here, what they want to do with the NFL and this franchise, the markets they want to tap into and how they want to do it. It looks likeif I was a wagering man, I would say the St. Louis Rams will be the LA Rams playing in a new LA stadium in 2017. I don't think their permanent stadium would be built until that time based on what I know.” -@AllbrightNFL

“Based on what I’m hearing now…I think the Rams will be the only team in LA when this all shakes out. . . The Chargers plan...has not been as detailed and thorough as the plans Kroenke has presented. The (Dean Spanos family) initially had most of the support. And now they're down to about nine owners." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)


I love it.

Allbright: '99.999 Percent Chance' Rams Leave St. Louis > insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports, Music, Entertainment and Nightlife > STL Rams

amen to that.:beer:

vinnie is such a liar.

http://www.insidestlaudio.com/ITD_Audio/081915-Vinny B.mp3

The reality is that the Raiders do not have the corporate support they would need in Los Angeles. It just isn't there...that's why the Raiders will stay in OAK. 2). Who knows whether or not the nfl agreed to pay the Rams for attendance $$$ lost this season since they agreed not to move for 2015? Seems very sensible to me that the nfl would have done that.

The Raiders cannot move out of Oakland. But,Adamwas alluding to that nugget.

The comparison can't be made the NFL switched from actual attendance to tickets sold in the mid 1990's so the numbers can't be compared. Tickets sold also includes ticket guarantees, tickets from sponsors and team purchases none of which was includedin the attendance pre 1995. You need to look at how the team compares vs the NFL and the revenues that are generated. The Rams were at or above the NFL average for most of that time and in the top quartile for revenues. The Rams in St Louis are at the bottom for both over an extended period of time which was the same for the Cardinals when they were in St Louis.

support for chargers to LA has eroded among owners.
good info before everyone else.bradford/foles trade.connected.

Source indicates Chargers to LA support has eroded among owners, likely not happening. Rams considered "a virtual lock" to move though." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

"Based on conversations I’ve had with these sources. These are first-hand accounts of what's going on with the plans here, what they want to do with the NFL and this franchise, the markets they want to tap into and how they want to do it. It looks likeif I was a wagering man, I would say the St. Louis Rams will be the LA Rams playing in a new LA stadium in 2017. I don't think their permanent stadium would be built until that time based on what I know.” -@AllbrightNFL

“Based on what I’m hearing now…I think the Rams will be the only team in LA when this all shakes out. . . The Chargers plan...has not been as detailed and thorough as the plans Kroenke has presented. The (Dean Spanos family) initially had most of the support. And now they're down to about nine owners." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)


I love it.

Allbright: '99.999 Percent Chance' Rams Leave St. Louis > insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports, Music, Entertainment and Nightlife > STL Rams

amen to that.:beer:

vinnie is such a liar.

http://www.insidestlaudio.com/ITD_Audio/081915-Vinny B.mp3

The reality is that the Raiders do not have the corporate support they would need in Los Angeles. It just isn't there...that's why the Raiders will stay in OAK. 2). Who knows whether or not the nfl agreed to pay the Rams for attendance $$$ lost this season since they agreed not to move for 2015? Seems very sensible to me that the nfl would have done that.

The Raiders cannot move out of Oakland. But,Adamwas alluding to that nugget.

The comparison can't be made the NFL switched from actual attendance to tickets sold in the mid 1990's so the numbers can't be compared. Tickets sold also includes ticket guarantees, tickets from sponsors and team purchases none of which was includedin the attendance pre 1995. You need to look at how the team compares vs the NFL and the revenues that are generated. The Rams were at or above the NFL average for most of that time and in the top quartile for revenues. The Rams in St Louis are at the bottom for both over an extended period of time which was the same for the Cardinals when they were in St Louis.

i love it.

Allbright: '99.999 Percent Chance' Rams Leave St. Louis > insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports, Music, Entertainment and Nightlife > STL Rams

"Source indicates Chargers to LA support has eroded among owners, likely not happening. Rams considered "a virtual lock" to move though." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

"Based on conversations I’ve had with these sources. These are first-hand accounts of what's going on with the plans here, what they want to do with the NFL and this franchise, the markets they want to tap into and how they want to do it. It looks likeif I was a wagering man, I would say the St. Louis Rams will be the LA Rams playing in a new LA stadium in 2017. I don't think their permanent stadium would be built until that time based on what I know.” -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

“Based on what I’m hearing now…I think the Rams will be the only team in LA when this all shakes out. . . The Chargers plan...has not been as detailed and thorough as the plans Kroenke has presented. The (Dean Spanos family) initially had most of the support. And now they're down to about nine owners." -@AllbrightNFL (twitter)

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