Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

Donald Trump has been amazingly successful in uniting Latino voters against him, according to recent polling by Latino Decisions, Gallup, and USC/LATimes/GQR, and he’s dragging the rest of the GOP along with him for the ride.

.....and please do NOT forget that there are 24 GOP senate seats to ALSO be "dragged"........Love it.
Great, so if Trump wins, he can pull the same shit Obama did with executive orders. Yes, I'm liking this a whole lot. Will be poetic justice if it happens.
Great, so if Trump wins, he can pull the same shit Obama did with executive orders. Yes, I'm liking this a whole lot. Will be poetic justice if it happens.

Just for fun....tally up the executive orders by GWB versus Obama's....Go on, it'll be enlightening. ...LOL
Great, so if Trump wins, he can pull the same shit Obama did with executive orders. Yes, I'm liking this a whole lot. Will be poetic justice if it happens.

Just for fun....tally up the executive orders by GWB versus Obama's....Go on, it'll be enlightening. ...LOL
Quality, not quantity. Can't seem to get that through your thick head, can you?

There's one who can't explain how he could do it.

Big surprise.

I didn't think he could do it, but now that he has I'll support him....going to post and boast your IQ again, Dumb Deer? LOL
Face it sassy ,,you'd vote for cow manure if it was republican

Only because it could do better than Obama.

Go Bernie !!!
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???

This is going to be a negative election. Most people will be voting on who they DON'T WANT to see in the White House. Trump could win because people don't want Hillary there.
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???

This is going to be a negative election. Most people will be voting on who they DON'T WANT to see in the White House. Trump could win because people don't want Hillary there.
I dontb want Trump or Clinton in the wh!!

So its Green party or Libertarian for me. At least they look professional
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Trump Tards don't have time for those pesky facts.

It sort of goes both ways for the Clinton tards also...damn pesky facts, eh? That and Trump isn't facing a possible indictment, I mean really

Poll: Trump, Clinton score historic unfavorable ratings - CNNPolitics.com

Neither is Clinton. The indictment is all in your imagination

Missed the "possible" eh? You're always sniffin and always getting smacked down
Great, so if Trump wins, he can pull the same shit Obama did with executive orders. Yes, I'm liking this a whole lot. Will be poetic justice if it happens.

Just for fun....tally up the executive orders by GWB versus Obama's....Go on, it'll be enlightening. ...LOL
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???
Trump will not win. He didn't get independent and moderates to vote for him he got Republican voters who normally don't vote in primaries to vote in the primaries. Bfd. Any Republican nominee would get those votes in November. Trumps got 70% negative with women and Hispanics.

Trumps will get high voter turnout. Some for and some against. This high voter turnout is not good for the GOP. Never is

I am a registered independent. (unaffiliated). And Trump is the only person I saw which I would vote.
I've always known you as a righty so not surprised
"Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH"

No one can.

High voter turnout typical of GEs is against him.

EC math is against him.

And his own many negatives are against him.
Not only that but 11 months ago there was no "book" on how to deal with trump...now there is a book on how to be effective against him ...the biggest advantage though is that there is a different population in the general election than in the primary....Trump will be hit like he has never been hit before ...personal and dirty...

Hillary Clinton ‎@HillaryClinton

"President Trump" is a dangerous proposition.

Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio agree.

2:46 PM - 4 May 2016
Every Republican who supports trump is just exposing themselves as the flip flopping hypocritical liars they are.

How can we believe someone who one day warns us about someone then endorses them the next? We know they will say anything.

Lyin Ted cruz

And the option is the flip-flopping Mrs. Tuzla Clinton? Sorry I don't think we should reward folks like her for the behavior she has demonstrated.
A con man has you duped. And a con man who behaves very badly.

But if he wins, which he won't, but if he does, that's better than Cruz kasich rubio etc.

I can't lose. I've already won. Out of all the GOP I would have picked trump too. The others were just horrible
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
And they would have a candidate running for president instead of a reality star real estate mogel.

You can't govern if you don't believe in government.
Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump
Source: Texas Tribune

For the first time since his own presidency, George H.W. Bush is planning to stay silent in the race for the Oval Office — and the younger former president Bush plans to stay silent as well.

Bush 41, who enthusiastically endorsed every Republican nominee for the past five election cycles, will stay out of the campaign process this time. He does not have plans to endorse presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, spokesman Jim McGrath told The Texas Tribune.

“At age 91, President Bush is retired from politics,” McGrath wrote in an email Wednesday. “He came out of retirement to do a few things for Jeb, but those were the exceptions that proved the rule.” His son Jeb Bush dropped out of the GOP presidential race in February.

Bush 43, meanwhile, "does not plan to participate in or comment on the presidential campaign," according to his personal aide, Freddy Ford.

Read more: Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump

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